
Annotated Catalog of Digger Archives

Including Ephemera, Broadsides, Posters, Street Sheets, Collections, etc. for the San Francisco Diggers, Communication Company, Free City Collective, Kaliflower Intercommunal Network, Free Print Shop, Planetedge Manifestation, Earth/Life Defense Commune, &c.

Gentle reader, note: there are several thousand individual items in the collection that makes up the Digger Archives. Currently, I have only annotated a few hundred as they appear in this database. Time marches on!
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Cat. No.

Title / BibCit / Abstract
C/N: CC-001Title/First Line: The Communication Company, Haight/Ashbury, our policy.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-001
BibCit: By Claude and Chester. Broadside. Letter size. CC h/a. 46LT\bl/wh. SOLA-o(DW)|o-SS(L)|o-BL/CA.
Abstract: Announces the aims of Communication Company. "OUR POLICY| Love is communication.| OUR PLANS & HOPES| to provide quick & inexpensive printing service for the| hip community.| to print anything the Diggers want printed.|.| to be outrageous pamphleteers.|.." "OUR MAGNIFICENT MACHINES .. WITH WHICH WE CAN .. WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET! .. WE NEED .. " Signed "claude & chester | 626-2926 | we deliver".

C/N: CC-002Title/First Line: Remember the Love Circus?
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Cat. No.: CC-002
BibCit: N.d., ca. 5/17/1967. Broadside. Letter size. d./commucomp(UPS). 1/cGR. SOLA-o(x-SS)|o-SS(L).
Abstract: Photocopy reprint of Charles McCabe's May 17,1967 SF Chron column ("Love and The Buck") decrying the 'merchants of love'. Also a digger commentary on the Love Circus. "..Revolution for $3.50 is an impossibility. Revolution is free because it's yours."

C/N: CC-003Title/First Line: Draft draft draft draft draft conscription | [...].
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Cat. No.: CC-003
BibCit: By X, the masked marauder. Broadside. Letter size. CC. 1/cPU. x-SOLA(SS)|o-SS(L).
Abstract: "army..WoRlD'sCoPs..war..ViEtNaM..kill..WaRcRiMeS..don't get caught...resist the Selective Slavery System." Proposes hassled hippie men "get together & help each other..keep out of the draft." For info on becoming a CO, etc.: the Free Store (Cole & Carl)

C/N: CC-004Title/First Line: Survival School | how to stay alive on Haight Street [...].
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Cat. No.: CC-004
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. CC/HA. SOLA-o(DW)|o-SS(L).
Abstract: "..a series of three classes designed to save you from becoming a psychedelic casualty--six months' worth of knowledge in a mere three days, & all free ..-at- THE TRIP WITHOUT A TICKET 901 Cole Street"(Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays at 8 pm). Topics: Sex Lore, Street Wisdom, Health & Hygiene, The Scene, Drug Lore, Policemanship, Haight Street Seminar ("experienced hippies & others rapping, answering questions, ..telling it like it is, so you needn't be a helpless newcomer very long").

C/N: CC-005ATitle/First Line: To the people of the Oracle:.
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Cat. No.: CC-005A
BibCit: N.D., ca. 5/31/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. P.B/Comm/Comp. SOLA-oPR|SS-oL.
Abstract: A letter from Tammy in Monterey who asks, "Can any information be obtained about the Diggers (history or anything)? other than thru word of mouth .." She knows local Diggers-type group who will put people up during upcoming Monterey music festival.

C/N: CC-005BTitle/First Line: There is only 1 digger.
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Cat. No.: CC-005B
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size.
Abstract: Title is all this side. Reverse side: "To The people of the Oracle:".

C/N: CC-006Title/First Line: Hippies in free!!!!!! A free movie.
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Cat. No.: CC-006
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. cc.ups.hps.aid.dds. SOLA-xSS|SS-oL.
Abstract: 'Psychedelic Sexualis' showing at The Movie, 1034 Kearny every 90 minutes. ".. just say, 'Ramparts sent me.' and you'll get in free!!!!!!!! the management requests that you refrain from hissing and booing while the show is in progress."

C/N: CC-007Title/First Line: Prepare now for the potlatch | Summer Solstice potlatch.
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Cat. No.: CC-007
BibCit: N.D., ca. 6/21/1967. Broadside. Letter size. CC. 1/c, black ink on GrPa. SOLA-xSS/SS-oL.
Abstract: Title continues: ".. JUNE 21 POTLATCH|.| WHEN SAN FRANCISCO| WILL OPEN ITS| GOLDEN GATE" Ilustration at bottom depicts human figure carrying a load of possessions on the head. In bold letters: "POTLATCH"

C/N: CC-008Title/First Line: When you come to San Francisco | Wear a flower in your hair [...].
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Cat. No.: CC-008
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. CC. PiPa. SOLA-xSS|SS-oL.
Abstract: Lyrics with a twist. "..Wear a smile on your face, For the whole human race, Rioting in the ghettos, Won't effect you if you wear a flower in your hair, ..And if San Francisco doesn't work out, We can always do it in London, Sings John Philips."

C/N: CC-009Title/First Line: All in all, dear friends, this promises to be an interesting summer..
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Cat. No.: CC-009
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. cc.u.p.s. SOLA-xSS|SS-oL.
Abstract: Photo reprint of news clip, "FBI's List of 'Radical Subversives'" tells of plans to round up radicals during a national disaster. ComCo editorial elaborates the implications for "all of us who smoke a little pot & dig a little peace". I Ching reading. "Because dope is political, & don't you forget it. Anything that criticizes the Establishment & its asinine war & power games is political -- subversive! -- and taking dope is an act of criticism."

C/N: CC-010Title/First Line: What do you care?
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Cat. No.: CC-010
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. cC(ups). SOLA-oDW|SS-oL.
Abstract: Reprint of EVO article (East Village Other) on the S.F. Mime Troupe bust in Calgary. Style of writing reveals intimate connection with the Troupe's politics & history. In ComCo handwriting: "The dirty bastards busted the Mime Troupe what do you care" "The Troupe, formed in 1959 by Davis, has always been poor, but always on top of the changing times: The first Dance-Concerts and Light shows..were put on by the Troupe.. They spawned the Diggers, who set up an alternative to competitive game playing;.."

C/N: CC-011Title/First Line: I live.
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Cat. No.: CC-011
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. cc.ups.hps. SOLA-oDW|SS-oL.
Abstract: ".. I LIVE is the motto of the American Indian tribe of Hippies of San Francisco who are now learning to communicate with each other without words.. A free booklet explaining the full meaning of I LIVE will be available soon.." at the Psychedelic Shop.

C/N: CC-012ATitle/First Line: The Wail presented by Daniel Roberts Memorial Band.
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Cat. No.: CC-012A
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. cc. 2/cReBl. SOLA-oDW|SS-oL.
Abstract: "..Sunrise..At..San Quentin..Death Dance| Free| bring meat| for| flesh| pyre!". At Daniel Roberts' execution. Transportation leaving Tuesday 4:30AM from Masonic & Oak. For info: Diggers Office 626-9600. Variant (C|SS) is Broadside. See CC-018.

C/N: CC-012BTitle/First Line: Kill for peace.
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Cat. No.: CC-012B
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size.
Abstract: Digger-style poem on the occasion of the execution of Daniel Roberts. "12 minutes of agony gas death burning central nervous system KILL .. RONALD REAGAN IS KILLING daniel roberts| so what| do your thing| come dance be. WAIL| .." See CC012a & CC018.

C/N: CC-013Title/First Line: ZXQ__9837466 Lino Block Flyermmmmmm(500).
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Cat. No.: CC-013
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. cc.ups. SOLA-oDW|SS-oL.
Abstract: Urgent request by Diggers for linoleum block printing supplies "To be used for| Linoleum fabric and block prints (LFBP)|.| To be taken to Trip Without a Ticket 901 COLE SF CALIF USA EARTH XXXX| (TWOAT)". Flyer done in teletype style layout.

C/N: CC-014Title/First Line: KKKS KKKKKKKKKKK.
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Cat. No.: CC-014
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. cc ups. SOLA-xSS|SS-oL.
Abstract: Tells about KSOL not announcing the Free Store at 1099 McAllister. [Black Man's Free Store] "across the street from a store that sells the same things for ridiculous prices that belong to them NOW YOU KNOW...DO SOMETHING | a free man"

C/N: CC-015Title/First Line: Clap is a bringdown.
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Cat. No.: CC-015
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. CC (member UPS). SOLA-xSS|SS-oL.
Abstract: "As many of you are no doubt aware, there has been an alarming increase of late in the incidence of Venereal Disease in our loving community." Gives address of S.F. City V.D. Clinic. "We've cleaned up our streets, stores and homes - let's clean up ourselves. Bring down clap!"

C/N: CC-016aTitle/First Line: What part of the day do you spend running?
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Cat. No.: CC-016a
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. cc a member of Ups. SOLA-xSS|SS-oL.
Abstract: "Bright after your breakfast o. j.? for Tea? or maybe guests for cocktails? Do you run for the mountain's, head from, for, taxes, taxis, the draft the Heat the smog, the Valley? .. Which part of the day do you spend running to the mirror.." R.s.: "MANIFESTO" (originally issued Aug. 10, 1964 in Resurgence no.1, reprinted by Resurgence Youth Movement of California, March 1967). "Enemies of the State Unite! Mutiny Against Government! The Axe to the Root!"

C/N: CC-017Title/First Line: Got It Anyway Who Wants Haight Street This Summer Any Way Got It? ...
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Cat. No.: CC-017
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. cc [u.p.s.]. 1c/Gr. SOLA-oDW|SS-oL.
Abstract: "Health Department wants it sterilized - underarm control. Juvenile Department wants it turned in - parent control. Parks Department wants it walked allnight - sleep control. Police Department wants it surrounded - riot control. .." "Did you come to buy something? Did you come to sell something?..who's media-money looney trap is this? (& this summer thousands of un-white un-suburban boppers are going to want to know why you've given up what they can't get & how you get away with it"

C/N: CC-018Title/First Line: Free Sunrise Colours | People | Acid.
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Cat. No.: CC-018
BibCit: By diggers, the. Broadside. Letter size. CC(UPS). SOLA-oDW|SS-oL.
Abstract: Announces a demonstration at San Quentin prison. "..the gratefull dead will jam outside the walls of san quentin" .. "trucks, cars, buses will leave from MASONIC & OAK at 4:15 A.M. tuesday morning .. bring raw meat bells flowers your thing" Rides coordinated at 901 Cole St. Signed "the diggers | (ain't that RIGHT mr. REAGAN)"

C/N: CC-019ATitle/First Line: The Electrical Orofic Garden Of Edens (volume I Page 3).
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Cat. No.: CC-019A
BibCit: By The Electric Budda. Broadsheet. Letter size. COM/CO UPS. 1/c, green stock.. SOLA-xSS|SS-oT.
Abstract: This side consists of editorial comments. "LOVE" "Where the hell are the real people of Haight-Ashbury? You run around and you scream 'Love!' But do you practise it?" .."Meanwhile the New Grogan tells it as it is to the Half-Men of the Source."

C/N: CC-019BTitle/First Line: Orifice/ups (volume I Page 5).
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Cat. No.: CC-019B
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. COM/CO UPS.
Abstract: This side contains ads ("All ads FREE"). "Laguna Beach will welcome hippies this summer. Food, clothes, shelter. Contact Philip Hackett and/or Gary Paris at the 'Icarus Is', or somewhere at the beach...Good luck."

C/N: CC-020Title/First Line: Things Are Getting | A Bit Out Of Control.
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Cat. No.: CC-020
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. CC(UPS). o-en($);SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: Collage of newspaper clippings: A Congressional Call to 'Forget U.S. Constitution, Bombs Directed at Civilians, Police Chief Alarmed by Panthers. Cartoon shows cop chasing demonstrators chasing a Black Panther, with two straights looking on.

C/N: CC-021Title/First Line: Lord, Make Me An Instrument Of Thy Peace:.
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Cat. No.: CC-021
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. CC(ups). SOLA-oDW:SS-oT.
Abstract: Hand-lettered prayer of Saint Francis, with line drawing in lower left corner depicting Jesus, St. Francis, and a swan.

C/N: CC-022aTitle/First Line: The Psychedelic Celebration & The Night Of Consciousness At |.
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Cat. No.: CC-022a
BibCit: Leaflet. Letter size. 2 sht./4 pp.. cc. SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: Interpretation of an I Ching reading on the subject of changing the [Psychedelic] Shop into a calm center. "Change is in order. What to do? How do we interact with the system & yet stay high?"

C/N: CC-023Title/First Line: War Is Decor In My Cavern Cave..
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Cat. No.: CC-023
BibCit: By McClure, Michael. Broadside. Letter size. CC. SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: Poem, handlettered (19 lines). "The wind whirs outside. I RAVE within my bone plate tedium. The wall flicks pictures of wounded meat"

C/N: CC-024Title/First Line: All Watched Over By | Machines Of Loving Grace.
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Cat. No.: CC-024
BibCit: By Brautigan, Richard. Broadside. Letter size. CC. SOLA-o?:SS-oMB.
Abstract: Poem. "I like to think, (it has to be!), of a cybernetic ecology, where we are free of our labors, and joined back to nature, returned to our mammal, brothers and sisters, and all watched over, by machines of loving grace."

C/N: CC-025aTitle/First Line: Nothing Ever Happens In Buena Vista Park. | Faggots & Dogs. |.
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Cat. No.: CC-025a
BibCit: By Anderson, Chester. 2/8/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. cc(u.p.s.). SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: Poem. "...But Buena Vista Park is Middle Earth. Slow paths climb through endless glades & groves & elven meadows up with the glowing city like a mandala before you..." Describes actual and possible activities in the park. "a poem for John Fahey".

C/N: CC-026Title/First Line: A Moving Target Is Hard To Hit.
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Cat. No.: CC-026
BibCit: By Welch, Lew. 3/27/1967. Broadside. Letter size. CC(UPS). 2/c:Bl/Re. Text is printed in black; two illus in red.. SOLA-xSS:SS-oL.
Abstract: "When 200,000 folks...suddenly descend, as they will, on the haight-ashbury, the scene will be burnt down. .. Disperse. Gather into smaller tribes. .. The haight-ashbury is not where it's at--it's in your head and hands. Take it anywhere."

C/N: CC-027Title/First Line: Free Acid! | Saturday/Sunday |.
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Cat. No.: CC-027
BibCit: 4/8/1967. Broadside. Letter size. the communication company (ups). YePa. SOLA-xSS:SS-oL.
Abstract: "M.G.M. cameramen, here to film RIOT ON HAIGHT STREET, reputed to be PASSING OUT FREE ACID to make the action more 'Authentic.' It's a bribe, but I'm an easy lay for free acid." "this rumor gestetnered for what it's worth by the communication company.."

C/N: CC-028Title/First Line: Carte De Venue | & | Street Menu.
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Cat. No.: CC-028
BibCit: By diggers, the. 4/9/1967. Broadside. Letter size. cc (ups). 1/c. Orange pa.. SOLA-o-BB0422:xSS:SS-oL.
Abstract: Schedule of afternoon activities at Haight Street digger event, beginning with "1 P.M. Dance of the Sorcerer's Apprentices (brooms provided) Haight & Ashbury $0.00 2 P.M. Street Dance Music by The Dead Haight/Ashbury $0.00" At bottom of sheet: "Note: Confrontations with the police don't seem to work out any better than meetings with the proper authorities. ..If The Man blows his cool again, why not add to his embarrassment by splitting?" Signed "C.A." As a model of Digger events, this sheet embodies "create the condition you describe" and the condition is: AUTONOMY.

C/N: CC-029Title/First Line: Returning Returning Returning.
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Cat. No.: CC-029
BibCit: 4/16/1967. Broadside. Letter size. cc (u.p.s.). SOLA-xSS:SS-oL.
Abstract: "Your Brothers and Sisters are returning, Tribes of Love and Peace returning to nature for a, Human Be-In beginning on April 22, in the Malakoff Diggings State Park.. Free, flower ladies sacraments love, pine trees lakes children flowers.." "Donate help and material at the Diggers office 1350 Waller St. S.F."

C/N: CC-030aTitle/First Line: Uncle Tim'$ | Children.
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Cat. No.: CC-030a
BibCit: By Anderson, Chester. 4/16/1967. Leaflet. Letter size. 2 sht./4 pp.. cc (u.p.s.). SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: Four-page editorial takes a jaundiced look at the state of the Haight. "The hucksters will find it easier to denounce me than to correct themselves, & that, oh my brothers, is exactly what they'll do." "printed possibly too late by the communication company"

C/N: CC-031Title/First Line: Gurus | Wizards | Teachers.
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Cat. No.: CC-031
BibCit: 4/17/1967. Broadside. Letter size. the communication company (u.p.s.). SOLA-oDW:SS-oL.
Abstract: "The kids are coming. The kids are here. MAKE YOURSELVES AVAILABLE TO THE KIDS. Seek them out. Talk to them. Go where they are and teach/love. Now - these thousands of kids - is your chance to create the world as you know it should be." "The kids are on the streets, in the coffehouses, at The Trip Without a Ticket, The Psychedelic Shop, The Print Mint, Tracey's, The digger office, Haight/Ashbury everywhere. If you wait to get organized, they'll be gone. ..The future is now. Do it now."

C/N: CC-032ATitle/First Line: About Time We Started Doin' Our Own Livin' And Dyin' ..
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Cat. No.: CC-032A
BibCit: By X. 4/20/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. cc (ups). SOLA-oDW:SS-oT.
Abstract: "And so, six months ago you watched two guys bring a milk can full of turkey stew into the panhalde [sic] and start the diggers. two weeks later free food in the panhandle at four o'clock was advertised in the berkeley barb and it never missed a day. "somebody asked: Why free food? and anyone answered: free clothes. ..we put down the merchants, the bullshitters, the hustlers and we sit around and it's all the same and there's nothing new under the sun and free food seems a long time gone.."

C/N: CC-032BTitle/First Line: Who Are These | Men?
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Cat. No.: CC-032B
BibCit: By X. 4/20/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. cc (ups). SOLA-oDW:SS-oT.
Abstract: The title is the caption for a photo of demonstrators on City Hall steps (Black Panther Party?) Two arrows pointing to two individuals in the photograph presumably are the focus for the question.

C/N: CC-033Title/First Line: The News Before It Happens | A C.c. Flash | 5/6/67.
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Cat. No.: CC-033
BibCit: By Anderson, Chester. 5/6/1967. Broadside. Letter size. cc (ups). SOLA-oDW:SS-L.
Abstract: "Last January I asked the I Ching to comment on the subject: 'This summer & the revolution.' Five minutes ago, without knowing what I'd done .. Claude did exactly the same thing. .. Both times .. the Oracle gave the same reading." Notes on the I Ching hexagrams received - #64 (Before Completion) leading to #1 (The Creative). "This is the reading that, last January, underlay the forming of the communication company.. Be advised."

C/N: CC-034Title/First Line: The Ministry Of Love (i, 8/5/67).
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Cat. No.: CC-034
BibCit: 5/8/1967. Broadside. Letter size. cc (u.p.s.). SOLA-xSS:SS-oL.
Abstract: Science-fiction like teletype instructions: "A.) All centers. Initiate condition aleph. Foreplay operations in effect, blue zones, cycling. Projective techniques authorized, discouraged. Street consolidation in progress. .." "retyped and printed 5/8/67 by the communication company (u.p.s.) we're out of vynltronic stencils. be advised. having to retype all this nonsense is a drag."

C/N: CC-035Title/First Line: The Conquerors.
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Cat. No.: CC-035
BibCit: By Bryant, Melvin D.. 5/9/1967. Broadside. Letter size. CC (UPS). 1/c black ink on green paper. SOLA-oDW:SS-oL.
Abstract: Poem. "Through my fingers run sand belonging to, the land -- through which I'm a marching. .. Before us our friends will tell of cities that have fell, without the use of gun or harming anyone, for love is our lord and master - we are growing strong.." "A song by one of the more than 10,000 brothers now in U.S. prisons because of the drug laws---"

C/N: CC-036aTitle/First Line: Saturday -- April 29 -- Santa Fe, N. Mexico.
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Cat. No.: CC-036a
BibCit: 5/9/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. cc (ups). O-EN($):SOLA-xSS:SS-oL.
Abstract: Report of a meeting between various hippie leaders and the Hopis to discuss a Be-In at the Grand Canyon. Eloquent statement of opposition to the idea proposed by Dick Alpert, et al. Emmett Grogan the presumed author of this report. "Grogan talked from his youth and sought awareness -- He questioned the motives for a Be-In at Hopi Land. No, we have a community. We have many communities. ..-- Now we must follow the organic steps toward our own development as a tribe."

C/N: CC-037Title/First Line: I Know It Looks Like My Mind's Gone -- Rite? But No -- Still, |.
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Cat. No.: CC-037
BibCit: 5/9/1967. Broadside. Letter size. ComCo (ups). SOLA-oDW:SS-oL.

C/N: CC-038aTitle/First Line: Street News For | The Tenth Of May.
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Cat. No.: CC-038a
BibCit: 5/10/1967. Leaflet. Letter size. 2 sht./2 pp.. cc (ups). SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: Editorial on the merchants, the Thelins, Council for a Summer of Love, response to "Uncle Tim'$ Children", the diggers, money and greed. Subtitle: "Public Acts Are Public Knowledge | Love Is What You Do Not what you say." "Money is energy. Energy must flow. If you hold on to it you get burned. .. Moneylust is sickness. It kills perception. Everyone is entitled to make a living, a good living, but everything more than a living is dying."

C/N: CC-039aTitle/First Line: Nation Scheduling Cover On The Hippies...
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Cat. No.: CC-039a
BibCit: N.d., ca. 6/3/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. CC. SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: Cable heading (at top of page): "From "Time Magazine Hq, New York .. Jun 3,67 .. to San Francisco Bureau". Instructions on gathering material for "an in-depth analysis of this controversial, cloud-cuckooland miniculture." "Will need substantial paragraph or two in cover tracing the history of the phenomenon.. Will want to talk about the hippie businessman, the people who feed off the hippies.. How much do they make -- any fortunes yet?"

C/N: CC-040Title/First Line: Kiva | Storytales Street Supernatural People Fables Speaking.
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Cat. No.: CC-040
BibCit: N.d., ca. 7/17/1967. Broadside. Letter size. CC. SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: Announces storytelling event: "Hole in a fence to a vacant lot across from the Blue Unicorn" with "razor doug .. brautigan .. peter's sam .. kirby .. coyote". "Monday, July 17, 5 p.m. and it goes on and on and on voice mirror"

C/N: CC-041aTitle/First Line: Jail Is A Drag. Getting Busted When You're High Is A Drag. .. |.
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Cat. No.: CC-041a
BibCit: 7/28/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. cc (ups). SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: Advice on street behavior, police brutality, possibility of race riots. "Please: if anything starts to happen, cut out. .. Please maintain your cool. Don't panic. Just split. .. be advised". R.s., in psychedelic lettering: "So what | ain't your blood | hobbit junkie | flower fucker | your safe no one hates a balless acid head"

C/N: CC-042Title/First Line: Ode To John Garfield.
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Cat. No.: CC-042
BibCit: By Doyle, Kirby. Broadside. 8"x10 1/2". cc--member of UPS. SOLA-xxSS:SS-xB.
Abstract: "John Garfield is strong brother, John Garfield snarls tough like a tiger, ..never wore no necktie, ..built my first 12 years, ..bid me weep in the trees of my 1930's, ..sneers and punches Assholes around, .." Poem by: "Kirby Doyle for the DIGGERS".

C/N: CC-043Title/First Line: State Of The Soul Prepared For War.
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Cat. No.: CC-043
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. c comp. DA-o($);SOLA-xSS:SS-xB.
Abstract: "a document using the word LOVE=LIFE not using the word hate: but by implication incorporating negative energy as incisive scalpel wielded by brains hands hearts of loving brothers A FREE MANTRA". "DO YOUR THING - TURN ON TO YOURSELF - THERE IS NOTHING TO WANT - YOU ARE THE LEADER - TURN ON TO YOURSELF - DO YOUR THING - THERE IS NOTHING TO WANT - YOU ARE THE LEADER - choose your weapons: flowers or guns-stand by them.."

C/N: CC-044Title/First Line: State Of The Soul Prepared For War.
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Cat. No.: CC-044
BibCit: 6/19/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Comm's co./ N.Y.. SOLA-xxSS:SS-xB.
Abstract: Reprint with minor variations of CC-043. Signed "(Love) The Diggers". [Internal and historical evidence suggests this is a reprint.]

C/N: CC-045Title/First Line: To Fuck With Love Phase I.
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Cat. No.: CC-045
BibCit: By Kandel, Lenore. Broadside. Letter size. CC (UPS). 1/c. SOLA-xxSS:SS-xB.
Abstract: "to fuck with love to change the temper of the air passing two strangers into one osmotic angel beyond the skin (grows in my hands like a tree)". Excerpt from _The Love Book_.

C/N: CC-046Title/First Line: This Is All Bullshit | Boring Bullshit.
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Cat. No.: CC-046
BibCit: 3/31/1967. Broadside. Letter size. CC (UPS). SOLA-oDW:SS-xB.

C/N: CC-047Title/First Line: Friday - 8:pm - 1702 Haight Street.
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Cat. No.: CC-047
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. cc of course ups. SOLA-xxSS:SS-xB.
Abstract: "COME Brothers who have been busted on 370's - (Public Nuisance), and confer with ACLU about a giant suit COME To create clothes for the Digger Free Store - THE TRIP WITHOUT A TICKET COME To talk with Gary Snyder about the Digger role in the community" "THE TRIP WITHOUT A TICKET everything is free do your own thing don't make us pay for your trip we have escaped from money & power trainers we are running in the streets & parks .. ALL OBJECTS PASS BETWEEN ALL OF US OUTSIDE THE CAGE"

C/N: CC-048Title/First Line: A Salesman Is An It That Stinks Excuse.
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Cat. No.: CC-048
BibCit: By Cummings, E. E.. 5/8/1967. Broadside. Letter size. cc (u.p.s.). SOLA-oDW:SS-xB.
Abstract: Two poems by E. E. Cummings, and a poem about the upcoming summer solstice celebration: ".. merging of the tribes hear the solstice moving through the year miracles are coming with the moon be aware".

C/N: CC-049Title/First Line: The Only Things God Gave Us For Our Very Own To Play With |.
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Cat. No.: CC-049
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. cc,member..u..p..s... SOLA-xxSS:SS-xB.
Abstract: ".. are our minds & our metabolisms. (The mind includes the senses, the body & its life are a function of the metabolism.) These are ours. We have a basic right to do what we will with them. Whoever tries to restrain us .. is a tyrant.." "The System encourages us to dull our senses. It teaches us to smoke, that we may forget how to smell. It feeds us soft drinks & processed foods that rob us of taste. ..Therefore the wise man consciously & unconsciously exercises his senses.."

C/N: CC-050Title/First Line: Your Houses They Pull | Down, Stand Up Now, Stand | Up Now, |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-050
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. CC. SOLA-xxSS:SS-xB.

C/N: CC-051aTitle/First Line: Unite Or Die....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-051a
BibCit: By G., Allen. 4/16/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. cc (u.p.s.). SOLA-oDW:SS-xB.
Abstract: A rose-tinted plea from "Allen G. (Age 17 years)" for activities, jobs, opportunitites to be provided for "the kids" coming to the Haight. "Can the HIP Merchants be persuaded to employ kids in every manner of work? The kids would respond to this. How do you go about persuading money-heads?..Get the Merchants to house, clothe & feed kids. ..The kids will dress like clean hippies. .."

C/N: CC-052Title/First Line: To Say If You Are Hungry We Will Feed You And That If You |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-052
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. cc (ups). SOLA-xxSS:SS-xB.
Abstract: Philosophical basis of Digger Free.

C/N: CC-053aTitle/First Line: More Words On Other Side.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-053a
BibCit: By Diggers, The. Broadsheet. Letter size. CC (U.P.S.). SOLA-xxSS:SS-xB.
Abstract: "Ramparts Magazine-75 cents-March '67-on Hippies by Warren Hinkle-editor is FANTASY PROFIT SHIT-EATING BASTARD The article on Hippies is filled with LIES .. Kesey will tell you to be free. Now! If you need a leader to tell you how, that's your hang-up." R.s.: same title. "The 'INVISIBLE CIRCUS' was visibly stopped by the Glide Church people, not the police. They were put up-tight by: 1. Too many people 2. Pornography films in the dining room 3. Burns and candle wax on the red rug.. 4. Beings being nude"

C/N: CC-054Title/First Line: Flowers For Those | You Love.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-054
BibCit: By Brautigan, Richard. Broadside. Letter size. CC UPS. 1/c. Graphic depicting a stem of roses (?) printed in the lower right corner.. SOLA-o($BK);SOLA-xxSS:SS-xB.
Abstract: Poem by Richard Brautigan (signed).

C/N: CC-055aTitle/First Line: On The Street.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-055a
BibCit: By Diggers, Some Disillusioned. Leaflet. Letter size. 2 sht./2 pp.. none. SOLA-xSS:SS-oL.
Abstract: "Let's face it up front: someone is trying to use us. Someone is trying to turn the massive, undirected energy on Haight Street into ugly scenes of violence, appealing to the spectator in all of us, an the aggressor in many of us." Accuses the Diggers of manipulating people into violent demonstrations and hatred. "They don't want this to be a LOVE generation. They are afraid of a non-political development of the human soul, because it takes people away from "moral crusades".."

C/N: CC-056Title/First Line: Meeting To Get Off Theyear Sixty-nine |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-056
BibCit: N.d., ca. 1968-69. Broadside. Letter size. comm..s company. SOLA-xSS:SS-oM.
Abstract: ".. san francisco diggers--native americans have gathered heartland us kansas city proclaimed intention to wreck time-life inc .. proclaimed 69 theyear time-life inc goes bust ..". Also discredits prediction of big Calif. earthquake.

C/N: CC-057Title/First Line: To The Erstwhile Underground Press, Greeting: |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-057
BibCit: By Anderson, Chester and Claude Hayward. N.d., ca. 4/24/1967. Broadside. Letter size. the com co a member of the Underground Press Syndicate. SOLA-xSS:SS-oL.
Abstract: Blasts the underground press for not covering the story of the manager of the Committee being set up for a pot bust by two members of the Lovin' Spoonful. "Either the Underground Press Syndicate means something, in which case we expect to see full coverage of this hypocrisy, or else [it] is nothing more than the same old America shit in a bright new polyethylene extruded psychedelic wrapper."

C/N: CC-058Title/First Line: With Brain Shit On By Donkeys, Eagles, Panthers, |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-058
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. Comm..s Company. SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: ".. elephants and dollar bills with feeling frozen by still cracked freedom bells watching the t.v. movies eating the popcorn he sits there inside he won't move outside..". Poem by "A family of diggers".

C/N: CC-059aTitle/First Line: Diggers.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-059a
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. cc (ups). SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: List of local charitable agencies that provide food, and housing, including: Harbor Light, Life Line Mission, Old St. Mary Church, St. Anthony's Dining Room, St. Boniface Church, St. Vincent de Paul, Travelers Aid Society, Volunteers of America, et. al. "Lodgings are usually restricted to stable and rehabilitable men"

C/N: CC-060Title/First Line: Do You | Need It Now?
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-060
BibCit: Broadside. Legal size. CC. SOLA-xSS:SS-oT.
Abstract: "Don't hesitate. Call us up and we'll begin printing 1,ooo or more copies of your message. In 45 minutes, we will bring you instant printed propaganda, news, advertising or whatever. Call us now, or whenever it's happening. ..626-2926".

C/N: CC-061Title/First Line: Brothers | The Diggers Have A Hotel | Three Floors |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-061
BibCit: By Diggers, The. Broadside. Letter size. "com/co.". SOLA-xxSS:SS-xLL.
Abstract: "..TO HOUSE OUR PEOPLE THE BUILDING MUST BE BROUGHT UP TO CODE. LOTS OF WORK. CLEANING SUPPLIES, ETC. WE HAVE TAKEN CARE OF A LOT. BIGGEST NEED NOW IS MANPOWER. PLEASE HELP." Address of free hotel: 252 Sixth Street. Mentions a 2-year lease. "..Plan to have all night center, sack out places for singles & couples, free movies, theater, acid rescue, dream life for street orphans, everything we have is yours. Make your thing come true. Show up, help us. All will be free. .."

C/N: CC-062Title/First Line: Your | Scene | Is | Being | Sold!!! | Back To You!.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-062
BibCit: By Diggers, The. Broadside. Letter size. CC. SOLA-xxSS:SS-xLL.
Abstract: Reprint of ad for _The Love-Ins_ (a Hollywood movie about the hippies). KFRC refused to do publicity for the film but offered to set up a debate between the diggers and the producer, Sam Katzman. The diggers wanted first to see the film. "..after seeing the film, we've decided not to even go. THERE IS NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. ..THE DIGGER FEED LOOKED LIKE A CATERED BARMITZVAH. ..AN ACID TRIP WAS PORTRAYED LIKE A CHILDREN'S BALLET ON ED SULLIVAN. MIND DEATH FROM BEGINNING TO END."

C/N: CC-063aTitle/First Line: Press Release | 1/24/67.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-063a
BibCit: 1/24/1967. Broadsheet. Legal size. CC. SOLA-oT:SS-oT.
Abstract: "The Haight-Ashbury community is only one active manifestation of a world-wide youth revolution that has been infused with a revelation of the spiritual unity of all men and women of all races here and everywhere.." Statement by a "delegation from H.I.P." to Chief of Police Cahill suggesting "possible approaches for improved relations between the youthful new community and the older one." Lists achievements of the community. Threatens a lawsuit over harassment.

C/N: CC-064aTitle/First Line: Orifice | Vol. 1, Pg. 6.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-064a
BibCit: Broadsheet. Legal size. SOLA-xSS:SS-oL.
Abstract: Ads with Com/Co comment on the predicted black riots for June.

C/N: CC-064bTitle/First Line: Orifice | Vol. 1, page 7.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-064b
BibCit: Broadsheet. Legal size.

C/N: CC-065aTitle/First Line: Orifice/Vol. 1, Pg. 8.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-065a
BibCit: Broadsheet. Legal size. O-SS(L);X-EN(SS).
Abstract: Ads and announcements. R.S.:"The Electric Garden of Eden's Orifice"

C/N: CC-066aTitle/First Line: Haight/Ashbury Survival School | Dope Sheet | incomplete & inadequate | but a good beginning.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-066a
BibCit: By Anderson, Chester. N.D., Ca. 4/17/1967. Leaflet. Legal size. your friendly neighborhood communication company (u.p.s.). 2sht/4pp. X-SS(B);XX-EN(SS).
Abstract: By "c.a.", advice on drugs.

C/N: CC-067aTitle/First Line: Summer Solstice.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-067a
BibCit: 5/24/1967. Broadsheet. Legal size. O-SS(T);X-EN(SS).
Abstract: In the main, a reprint of a letter from Sybil Leek

C/N: CC-068ATitle/First Line: Some time this summer.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-068A
BibCit: By Tyler, Steve. 6/7/1967. Broadside. Legal size. O-SS(T);X-EN(SS).
Abstract: A poem by Steve Tyler about a fantasy interracial riot that burns down Haight Street.

C/N: CC-068BTitle/First Line: A curse on the men in Washington, Pentagon.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-068B
BibCit: By Snyder, Gary. 6/7/1967. Broadside. Legal size. O-SS(T);X-EN(SS)o-EN(variant, letter size, 2 cop).
Abstract: An incantation, war cry. Mentions the Ghost Dance. Signed "[Pisces-like symbol] SNYDER".

C/N: CC-069Title/First Line: I was in my car driving along the | ... [illus of Malcolm X].
Full recordCat. No.: CC-069
BibCit: Broadside. 9-1/4"x15-1/2". O-SS(T).
Abstract: Excerpts from _Autobiography of Malcolm X_.

C/N: CC-070Title/First Line: All watched over by machines by loving grace.
Full recordCat. No.: CC-070
BibCit: By Brautigan, Richard. Pamphlet. 7-1/8"x8-5/8". 10 sht., 18 pp., incl. cover. Stapled. Cover with illustration on yellow paper.. O-SS(?).
Abstract: Book of poems.

C/N: CC-071Title/First Line: The life and loves of Cleopatra.
Full recordCat. No.: CC-071
BibCit: June 1967.. Booklet. 14"x8-1/2". O-SS(LL).
Abstract: Illustrated porno story.

C/N: CC-072Title/First Line: Freak-Out Behind/the Print Mint.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-072
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. X-SS(M);XX-EN(SS).
Abstract: Announces a benefit for the H.I.P. Job Co-op.

C/N: CC-073Title/First Line: The time has come to be free..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-073
BibCit: N.d., ca. 1/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. the communication company. Text is centered, vertically and horizontally (roughly.). X-SS(M);XX-EN(SS);o-BL/CA.
Abstract: Poem, nine lines. Earliest publication of phrase "Do your thing."

C/N: CC-074Title/First Line: for Col. Edward White II/in memorium/DO IT NOW/(remember the spacewalk).
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-074
BibCit: By [Anderson, Chester]. N.d., ca. 1/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. communication company. Typewriter text; BlTy/WhPa.. X-SS(M);XX-EN(SS);o-BL/CA.
Abstract: A poem in memory of Col. Edward White II, one of Chester Anderson's "very few personal heroes."

C/N: CC-075Title/First Line: Tonite (March 9)/H.A.N.C. Neighborhood Meeting.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-075
BibCit: 3/9/1967. Broadside. Letter size. communication company, ups. x-ss(m):xx-en(ss).
Abstract: Announcement of community meeting.

C/N: CC-076Title/First Line: Documented/Facts/About/Marijuana/the Killer/weed.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-076
BibCit: February 1967. Broadside. Letter size. Communication Company Member U.P.S.. X-SS(M);XX-EN(SS).

C/N: CC-077Title/First Line: Haight Ashbury Hosing [sic] Committee/February 7, 1967/Dear Friends:....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-077
BibCit: 2/7/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Communication Company (UPS). X-SS(M);XX-EN(SS).
Abstract: A letter to the people serving on that committee about ideas to improve the neighborhood.

C/N: CC-078Title/First Line: Invitation/to/.../a/Be-In.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-078
BibCit: 2/16/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Communication Company. Title is hand-lettered. Two I Ching hexagrams at bottom of page.. X-SS(M);XX-EN(SS).
Abstract: A news "flash" about the U.S. preparing concentration camps for "dangerous elements of the population."

C/N: CC-079Title/First Line: Organized Crime/Is/Infiltrating The Hip Community.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-079
BibCit: 3/2-3/67 3/2/1967. Broadside. Letter size. communication company member of the .... X-SS(M);XX-EN(SS).
Abstract: A "flash" about the upcoming First Annual Love Circus which the diggers are threatening to picket.

C/N: CC-080Title/First Line: First Annual Love Circus.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-080
BibCit: Broadside. 5-1/2"x8-5/8". 2/c:Re,Bl. O-SS(AB);X-EN(SS).
Abstract: Handbill announcing The First Annual Love Circus on March 3 at Winterland ($3.50) presented by the Love Conspiracy Commune.

C/N: CC-081Title/First Line: Winterland Arena//San Francisco//Thursday 3/2/67//To The Diggers' Underground Press:.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-081
BibCit: ca. 3.2.67. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(m):xx-en(ss).
Abstract: A reply from Love Conspiracy Commune, with two appended hexgrams.

C/N: CC-082Title/First Line: Let's not pay for love ... //Circuses are for free ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-082
BibCit: By The (Diggers)². nd. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(m):xx-en(ss).
Abstract: Announces a picket of Love Circus.

C/N: CC-083Title/First Line: Free | theatre | is coming!!!.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-083
BibCit: 3/24/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(m):xx-en(ss):o-en(dw).
Abstract: Announcing an event.

C/N: CC-084Title/First Line: Anti-Rat | Demonstration.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-084
BibCit: nd, ca 4/1/67. Broadside. Letter size. ComCo (UPS). x-ss(m):xx-en(ss):o-en(dw).
Abstract: To demonstrate against the city governement on April 1, 1967.

C/N: CC-085aTitle/First Line: Policemanship: a guide.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-085a
BibCit: By Doc Stanley. 3/24/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(m):xx-en(ss).
Abstract: Reprint of article from Los Angeles Free Press, 2/18/66. Tells how to deal with cops. R.s: cont.

C/N: CC-086Title/First Line: Today!!/Now!!!!/100 cases of/lettuce/free.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-086
BibCit: n.d.. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(m):o-en(dw).
Abstract: Free food in the Panhandle 4pm. Signed "Love & Food The Diggers".

C/N: CC-087Title/First Line: if you Really believe it/do it.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-087
BibCit: N.d., ca. 1/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. the communication company. x-ss(m):xx-en(ss);o-BL/CA.
Abstract: Title is complete text.

C/N: CC-088aTitle/First Line: The rules/of the game .../when you're busted:/.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-088a
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(m):o-en(dw).
Abstract: Rs:cont.

C/N: CC-089aTitle/First Line: The rules of the game, sheet 2.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-089a
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(m):o-en(dw).
Abstract: R.s.:cont.

C/N: CC-090Title/First Line: National Safety Council Reminds You.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-090
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(m):o-en(dw).
Abstract: "National Safety Council Reminds You/April 1-30/has been designated the time to be /Extra Careful/with Wet Roaches/ ...". "Anti-Roach Choke Month".

C/N: CC-091Title/First Line: Invitation to the psychedelic community/put up/or shut up.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-091
BibCit: N.d., ca. 1/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. the communication company. x-ss(m):xx-en(ss);o-BL/CA.
Abstract: Title is complete text.

C/N: CC-092aTitle/First Line: Families: come together.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-092a
BibCit: 4/8/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(m):xx-en(ss).
Abstract: R.s.: "passive emotions/ ...". Prose/poetry statement.

C/N: CC-093aTitle/First Line: Black man stay home!.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-093a
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(m):xx-en(ss):o-en(dw).
Abstract: Telling why black men shouldn't participate in the Vietnam war. R.s.:cont.

C/N: CC-094Title/First Line: I am a public nuisance.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-094
BibCit: n.d.. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(m):xx-en(ss).
Abstract: A statement.

C/N: cc-095aTitle/First Line: MEMO/To: Warren/From: Claude/Haight[/]Ashbury Memo # 1 May 23, 67.
Full record
Cat. No.: cc-095a
BibCit: By Hayward, Claude. 5/23/1967. Ms. Lg. Tpw, xerox has 3 sheets, 3pp (incomplete). x-ss(m):xx-en(ss).

C/N: cc-096Title/First Line: Free digger/party ... famous/folk heros ....
Full record
Cat. No.: cc-096
BibCit: n.d. ca 2/24/67. Broadside. Lt. x-ss(bl):xx-en(ss).
Abstract: Announcement for the Invisible Circus event.

C/N: cc-097Title/First Line: diggersareniggers.
Full record
Cat. No.: cc-097
BibCit: n.d.. Broadside. Lt. x-ss(m):xx-en(ss).
Abstract: Title is complete text.

C/N: cc-098aTitle/First Line: Cherokia Sutra.
Full record
Cat. No.: cc-098a
BibCit: 2/7/1967. Broadsheet. Lt. x-ss(m):o-en(dw).
Abstract: A poem. R.s.:cont.

C/N: cc-099aTitle/First Line: Busted Busted/Busted.
Full record
Cat. No.: cc-099a
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. 5"x11". Both sides illus.. x-ss(bl):xx-en(ss).
Abstract: Directions to take names of people who have been busted to the diggers office at All Saints.

C/N: cc-099bTitle/First Line: Diggers, a small group of extreme radicals founded/ ....
Full record
Cat. No.: cc-099b
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. 5"x11". Both sides illus.. x-ss(bl):xx-en(ss).
Abstract: Quotes about the original diggers.

C/N: CC-100Title/First Line: [illus. of marijuana plant & Com/Co's signature].
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-100
BibCit: n.d.. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(bl):xx-en(ss).
Abstract: Graphic is all on this sheet.

C/N: CC-101aTitle/First Line: DIGGERS WELCOME.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-101a
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. Letter size. Text is landscape oriented.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS);o-EN($).
Abstract: Title is all this side (broad letters lengthwise).

C/N: CC-101bTitle/First Line: Place this sign in your window.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-101b
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS);o-EN($).
Abstract: Instructions for the reverse side: "Place this sign in your window all through the summer whenever you have food clothing or shelter for any of the young seekers."

C/N: CC-102Title/First Line: RECALL | THE | MAYOR! | Petition to follow. ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-102
BibCit: n.d.. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS):o-en(DW).

C/N: CC-103Title/First Line: The diggers state simply.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-103
BibCit: N.d., ca. 1/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS);o-BL/CA.
Abstract: The diggers state simply: their intent as a group is to establish and operate...

C/N: CC-104aTitle/First Line: A communication company scoop flash ... | Mime Troupe busted.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-104a
BibCit: 3/23/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Printing is superimposed over CC-100.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).

C/N: CC-104bTitle/First Line: Additional stories in the news.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-104b
BibCit: 3/23/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Top of page has Mime Troupe logo. Illus w/ photo repros.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).

C/N: CC-105aTitle/First Line: Do you smoke pot?
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-105a
BibCit: By Anderson, Chester. n.d.. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS):o-en(DW)[side a only].
Abstract: A plan by Chester to put an ad in the Sunday Ramparts in support of marijuana with a form included on r.s. for signatures.

C/N: CC-105bTitle/First Line: [petition in support of marijuana].
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-105b
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS):o-en(DW)[side a only].

C/N: CC-106Title/First Line: Press release Press release | The Council for the Summer of Love.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-106
BibCit: n.d., ca. 4/5/1967. Broadside. Letter size. 2/c, Illus in purple of photo of a group of armed Indians. Text in black.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Announcing a press conference at 1757 Waller for April 5, 1967 to present "the unified, positive forces."

C/N: CC-107Title/First Line: DIA | Digger Intelligence Agency | ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-107
BibCit: By Van Hoy, Scot. 3/18/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus w/ two hexagrams.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Notice of the start of the digger early warning system (DEW) and warning of rumored busts-to-be at 848 Cole, a digger pad.

C/N: CC-108aTitle/First Line: Order out of chaos.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-108a
BibCit: 3/25/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Illus w/ illuminated letter "I" at top of page.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: A letter from the Church of One advising people to "clean up! clean up! clean up!" to avoid harassment from the Health Department. R.s.: cont'd.

C/N: CC-108bTitle/First Line: [cont'd from other side:] In 1959 the New York City Fire Department . . ..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-108b
BibCit: 3/25/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Continued from other side.

C/N: CC-109Title/First Line: Talking of Indians and Indians, while living in India, a |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-109
BibCit: 3/27/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus. w/ illuminated letter "I" at top of page.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Tells of a woman's vision that the Hippies are re-born Amerindians.

C/N: CC-110aTitle/First Line: Don't drop half out. | If you have to be cool, you're not free. |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-110a
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: A manifesto to "Drop Out. Be Free. No more psychedelic circle jerks." R.s.: cont'd.

C/N: CC-110bTitle/First Line: [cont'd from other side:] Don't drop half out....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-110b
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Continued from other side.

C/N: CC-111Title/First Line: Note: Anyone who tries to make you riot is The Man. If you riot, he | can bust you. What a drag. |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-111
BibCit: 3/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus. (see Notes).. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).

C/N: CC-112Title/First Line: A new type of newspaper for the Haight Ashbury free community |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-112
BibCit: n.d.. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(?):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: The newspaper will be "entirely composed of unexpensive advertisement." Gives rates, etc. Signed by Peter A. Roy, 1535 Haight Street.

C/N: CC-113Title/First Line: [illus (not legible in this copy from BL) and photo-repro].
Full recordCat. No.: CC-113
BibCit: n.d.. Broadside. 7"x10-1/4". x-ss(BL).

C/N: CC-114aTitle/First Line: The neighbors dig hippies.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-114a
BibCit: 3/26/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Reprint of Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council "statement of concern regarding events of Easter Week." R.s.: cont'd.

C/N: CC-114bTitle/First Line: [cont'd from other side:] The neighbors dig hippies.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-114b
BibCit: 3/26/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Illus w/ two hexagrams.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Cont'd from other side.

C/N: CC-115aTitle/First Line: Affidavit of non-violation of privacy |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-115a
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. 5-5/8"x3-5/8". x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: An affidavit for peole to sign, declaring they aren't cops. R.s.: "This ... helps guarantee your Constitutional right to privacy."

C/N: CC-115bTitle/First Line: This Affidavit of non-violation of privacy helps |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-115b
BibCit: n.d.. Broadsheet. 5-5/8"x3-5/8". x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Cont'd from other side.

C/N: CC-116aTitle/First Line: Correction | [photo-repro of a man] | Mana is cool!.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-116a
BibCit: 3/24/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Illus. w/ photo of a man below first line.. x-ss(BL):o-en(DW).
Abstract: See R.s.

C/N: CC-116bTitle/First Line: Mana Pardeahtan IS NOT THE MAN..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-116b
BibCit: 3/24/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(BL):o-en(DW).
Abstract: Cont'd from other side: "Mana Pardeahtan IS NOT THE MAN. He is a Roadman of the Native American Church ..." Apology by ComCo for printing that he was an informer.

C/N: CC-117Title/First Line: The digger office | is now open | 24 hours a day | at 1350 Waller |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-117
BibCit: n.d.. Broadside. 11"x5". Illus.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).

C/N: CC-118Title/First Line: Hippies, Infiltrate the F.B.I..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-118
BibCit: 3/19/1967. Broadside. 11"x5". x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS):o-en(DW).
Abstract: A "CC/DPS Flash" suggesting what the title says.

C/N: CC-119aTitle/First Line: Huge Invasion | Hippies | Warn S.F..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-119a
BibCit: 3/27/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Reprint of front page article from a SF newspaper. R.s.: cont'd.

C/N: CC-119bTitle/First Line: [cont'd from other side].
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-119b
BibCit: 3/27/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Reprint of newspaper article on expected invasion of hippies. With photos of Arthur Lisch, Father Harris, and Roy Ballard.

C/N: CC-120aTitle/First Line: Wednesday March 22, 1967 | Police Chief Warns | Hippies.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-120a
BibCit: n.d., ca. 3/22/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Layout is in landscape mode.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS):o-en(DW).
Abstract: Reprint of S.F. Examiner article about expected invasion of hippies. R.s.: cont'd.

C/N: CC-120bTitle/First Line: [cont'd from other side].
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-120b
BibCit: n.d., ca. 3/22/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Layout is in landscape mode.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS):o-en(DW).
Abstract: Cont'd from other side. Reprint of S.F. Examiner article on predicted invasion of hippies.

C/N: CC-121Title/First Line: I [illuminated letter].
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-121
BibCit: 3/27/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus. w/ illuminated letter.. x-ss(BL):xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Illuminated letter (and imprint) is all on the page.

C/N: CC-122Title/First Line: Beat the heat.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-122
BibCit: 3/24/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Rules to keep busts to a minimum.

C/N: CC-123aTitle/First Line: Sunday March 25 1967 |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-123a
BibCit: N.d., ca. 3/25/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Four announcements: "Recall the Mayor"; "The Cop Problem"; "War Crimes"; and one about Sunset Scavenger Assn. This sheet done by Lovable Ol' Doc Stanley. R.s.: cont'd.

C/N: CC-124aTitle/First Line: To the Free World.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-124a
BibCit: N.d., Easter Sunday, 1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. o-en($);x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: An appeal to resist the U.S. government.

C/N: CC-125Title/First Line: Dial-a-poem.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-125
BibCit: N.d., ca. 2/25/67.. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Gives phone number.

C/N: CC-126Title/First Line: Trip | Without | A | Ticket.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-126
BibCit: N.d.. Broadside. Letter size. Illus. of gorilla in middle of page. 1c:Re.. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Announcement for the Trip Without A Ticket free store.

C/N: CC-127aTitle/First Line: Like I Told You.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-127a
BibCit: N.d.. Broadsheet. Letter size. Illus with children's drawings.. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Six poems, three on a side, with children's drawings. One poem has the title given for this item.

C/N: CC-128Title/First Line: To the people.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-128
BibCit: 2/6/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus of totem pole at top of page.. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Exhorts people to be calm and gentle in the face of harassment. Signed the "Psychedelic Rangers".

C/N: CC-129Title/First Line: Storm | Warning.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-129
BibCit: N.d., ca. 2/8/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus. with one hexagram.. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Rumor of a bust to take place Feb. 8. Advice to get out of town and come back after seven days.

C/N: CC-130aTitle/First Line: Two page racial Rap |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-130a
BibCit: 2/9/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(?);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Essay by Chester Anderson. R.s.: cont'd.

C/N: CC-131Title/First Line: New | Digger | kitchen | friday 12 noon | 622 broadway.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-131
BibCit: N.d.. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(B);xx-en(SS).

C/N: CC-132Title/First Line: Bedrock One!.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-132
BibCit: N.d., ca. 3/5/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Illus. with 3 hexagrams.. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Announces a REAL rock dance directed by Chester Anderson at California Hall for 3/5/67, $2.50. R.s.: cont'd.

C/N: CC-133Title/First Line: Spaceeeee Outttttt!"#$%&'().
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-133
BibCit: 3/24/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Some questions like "The rest of all evil? | A necessity? | Basic need?"

C/N: CC-134Title/First Line: An open letter to the Haight Ashbury community.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-134
BibCit: 3/21/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Explains the reasons why the "doors to the open commune at 1775 Haight Street have been closed."

C/N: CC-135Title/First Line: Testimonial.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-135
BibCit: N.d.. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Reprint of letter from David Simpson, Director of Publicity of the Mime Troupe, sending $5 (and good wishes) for work performed, to the Communication Company.

C/N: CC-136Title/First Line: Spiritual names of the devotees.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-136
BibCit: N.d.. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: And prayers of the Hare Krishna group.

C/N: CC-137Title/First Line: Been worried lately? Been paranooiid?
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-137
BibCit: By Diggers. N.d.. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS);o-en(KP, PW, $, 3 cop).
Abstract: Diatribe against paying "three and a half bucks a head" for the Love Circus show at Winterland. "Whose trip are you paying for? How long will you tolerate people (straight or hip) transforming your trip into cash? Suckers buy what lovers get for free." Signed, The Diggers.

C/N: CC-138Title/First Line: The diggers do not sell. | The diggers do not buy..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-138
BibCit: 3/3/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: With phone numbers to call to help out.

C/N: CC-139Title/First Line: KDIG | DIG | DIG | etc..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-139
BibCit: By Van Hoy, Scot. N.d., ca. 4/10/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: "KDIG the new HIPPY radio station, will be in operation ... by April 10, 1967." Signed Scot Van Hoy, 1775 Haight Street.

C/N: CC-140aTitle/First Line: March 15th-31st at $2.00 | Previews.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-140a
BibCit: N.d., ca. 3/15/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Printed in landscape mode.. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Announces the Committee Theater's production of "The Fool's Play" and "Macbird".

C/N: CC-140bTitle/First Line: Committee | Theater.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-140b
BibCit: N.d., ca. 3/15/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Printed landscape.. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Cont'd. from other side.

C/N: CC-141Title/First Line: How did it happen?
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-141
BibCit: 3/25/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: With reprint of article by Doc Stanley, of same title, about Rock.

C/N: CC-142Title/First Line: WE MUST HELP EACH OTHER TO WANT THE TRUTH | Franz Von Gerlach.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-142
BibCit: N.d., ca. 2/9/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus with logo of S.F. Mime Troupe at top of page.. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS);o-en(SS).
Abstract: Announces the show "The Condemned" put on by Mime Troupe. Tickets $2 and $3. Starting Feb. 9.

C/N: CC-143Title/First Line: Karma repair kit: items 1-4.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-143
BibCit: By Brautigan, Richard. Broadside. Letter size. ComCo/UPS. o-EN($, 2);x-ss(B);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Poem by Richard Brautigan. "Karma repair kit: Items 1-4 / 1. Get enough food to eat, and eat it. 2. Find a place to sleep where it is quiet, and sleep there. 3. Reduce intellectual and emotional noise until you arrive at the silence of yourself, and listen to it. 4."

C/N: CC-144Title/First Line: To all hippie media.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-144
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: A letter from "Rog Baby" giving positive steps to deal with the influx of hippies.

C/N: CC-145Title/First Line: Appeal Party.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-145
BibCit: N.d., ca. 3/25/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus. of a woman dancing.. x-ss(BL);o-en(DW).
Abstract: Announces bail benefit for Mime Troupe on March 25, $2.50.

C/N: CC-146Title/First Line: Returning Returning Returning.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-146
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/22/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Announces a Human Be-In on April 22 at Malakoff Diggings State Park ... "donate help ... at the Diggers office 1350 Waller".

C/N: CC-147Title/First Line: Free Now Be Do Acid.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-147
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: A tract by the diggers advising people to ignore a student passing out census sheets for a sociology project.

C/N: CC-148Title/First Line: Well, the time has come to share.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-148
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: "Be responsible Take part in the | invisible government"

C/N: CC-149Title/First Line: To the Pigeon Underground -- March, 1967.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-149
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: A letter from a guy just out of jail. Signed Geri.

C/N: CC-150Title/First Line: The diggers have been to Sacramento.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-150
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: And have arranged for space to cook for 10,000 students. Asks for donations of food.

C/N: CC-151Title/First Line: Angry artists week April 8-15.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-151
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/15/1967. Broadside. Legal size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Reprint of leaflet by the Spring Mobilization Committee announcing the April 15 war protest.

C/N: CC-152Title/First Line: 848 needs help! | 848 Clayton street ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-152
BibCit: 4/10/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Needs people to help clean or bring cleaning or other supplies.

C/N: CC-153Title/First Line: If acid does what we know it does, why haven't we turned | everybody on?
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-153
BibCit: N.d., ca. 1/28/1967. Broadside. Legal size. the communication company. x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS);o-BL/A.
Abstract: All about turning people on.

C/N: CC-154Title/First Line: Shining silver badge with | Big black gun | Hits lovely purple head.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-154
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/11/1967. Broadside. Letter size. 3/C (Re Bl Be). Illus of face with helmet.. o-en($);o-ss(Tr);o-en(DW).
Abstract: Title is complete text.

C/N: CC-155Title/First Line: May 13 | 9pm ….
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-155
BibCit: N.d., ca. 5/13/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Printed in landscape mode. 2/C (Bl Be on Be Pa). Title in psychedelic lettering. Graphic of face collage depicting various objects and symbols.. o-ss(TR);o-en(?).
Abstract: Announces an Amerindian happening "Blanket Mask Feather" at John Adams School, sponsored by Haight-Ashbury Happening House.

C/N: CC-156Title/First Line: What is the diggers Is it just a house | ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-156
BibCit: By Apache. 3/21/1967. Broadside. 8-1/2"x13". x-ss(B);xx-en(SS).

C/N: CC-157Title/First Line: Two men expressing love.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-157
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. ComCo (S.F.). Printed in landscape mode. Illus. with drawing.. x-ss(B);o-en(DW);o-EN($, pink sheet var.).
Abstract: A drawing of two erect men embracing. The drawing fills the right half of the longwise sheet and the imprint is at the bottom of the left side of the sheet.

C/N: CC-158Title/First Line: Candle | Opera |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-158
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/15/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus. with drawing of a candle.. x-ss(B);xx-en(SS);o-EN($).
Abstract: Announces an event in the Panhandle as part of the Spring Mobilization. Signed Diggers.

C/N: CC-159Title/First Line: Kiva | tribal existence | ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-159
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/10/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(B);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Announces a meeting at All Saints Parish Hall, Mon. Apr. 10.

C/N: CC-160aTitle/First Line: The Mantras.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-160a
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. Illus. with musical notation.. x-ss(B);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Music for some Krishna mantras. Printed for the ISKCON, 518 Frederick. R.s.: "Kirtan."

C/N: CC-160bTitle/First Line: Kirtan.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-160b
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. x-ss(B);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Cont'd from other side. Words to Krishna chants.

C/N: CC-161Title/First Line: Dig! | If, during this or any future love feast, The Man chooses to | assert his balls ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-161
BibCit: 4/1/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Note: two variants also, both of which duplicate this side.. x-ss(B);o-en(DW).
Abstract: Ways to handle police violence.

C/N: CC-161(v.1)bTitle/First Line: Poem | Charles Plymell.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-161(v.1)b
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. This is R.s. of variant 1 of CC-161.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Poem?

C/N: CC-161(v.2)bTitle/First Line: hippis are a drag GOD.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-161(v.2)b
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. This is R.s. of variant 2 of CC-161. Illus with montage and title.. o-en(DW).

C/N: CC-162Title/First Line: Where? | Beach Comber's Haven | 576 Haight.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-162
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(B);o-en(DW).
Abstract: Advertisement for a Haight Street restaurant.

C/N: CC-163Title/First Line: An invitation to you. ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-163
BibCit: N.d., ca. 2/11/1967. Broadside. Letter size. o-ss(R);x-en(SS).
Abstract: Invitation to come to Los Angeles for a five-way simultaneous demonstration on 11 Feb 1967. Signed, "The Love Corps."

C/N: CC-164Title/First Line: What now, Rudi and Margot?
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-164
BibCit: N.d., ca. [can determine]. Broadside. Letter size. o-ss(BK);x-en(SS).
Abstract: A montage of newspaper headlines about the arrest of Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev at a hippie party. Also announces a happening at the Opera House for that night (Tuesday).

C/N: CC-165Title/First Line: Desiderata | Go placidly amid the noise and haste ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-165
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. 2/c (Re Bl). Illus. All in red except imprint in black.. o-ss(?);o-en(DW).
Abstract: Reprint of that famous tract.

C/N: CC-166Title/First Line: Chester Anderson ... we love you | Your head is in earnest but your knowledge is fragmented. |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-166
BibCit: By Hughes, Steve. Broadside. Letter size. 1/c (Re on Ye Pa). o-ss(L);x-en(SS).
Abstract: Criticizes Chester Anderson for focussing on divisions in the community. Signed "Steve Huges, digger, merchant, flower child, lover, ..." Note: No Com/Co imprint.

C/N: CC-167Title/First Line: Warning Warning ... | Warning | Be on the lookout for : false poets.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-167
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. o-ss(T);x-en(SS).
Abstract: This has been reprinted. Note: no Com/Co imprint.

C/N: CC-168Title/First Line: Spread your legs. | Smile. | Thanks a lot. |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-168
BibCit: By Anderson, Chester. 4/8/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. o-ss(L);o-en(DW);x-en(Blaine).
Abstract: Put down of Jerry Katzman and MGM in the Haight to film "Love Riots."

C/N: CC-169Title/First Line: Bedrock one.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-169
BibCit: N.d., ca. 3/5/1967. Broadside. 7"x9-7/8". x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Announces an event produced for the Communication Company to be held 5 Mar 1967 at California Hall. Tickets, $2.50. This is different from CC-132. Note: no Com/Co imprint.

C/N: CC-170Title/First Line: ucla | Experimental Arts Festival | ... | April 27-28 noon - 10 |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-170
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. 2/c (red illus and bl text). x-ss(BL);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Note: no Com/Co imprint.

C/N: CC-171Title/First Line: Dear God - | Please save us from ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-171
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(M);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Signed, "Mary Anne Johnson." Note: no Com/Co imprint.

C/N: CC-172Title/First Line: Poem | Charles Plymell.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-172
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(M);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Montage poetry. Note: no Com/Co imprint.

C/N: CC-173Title/First Line: Stop the whore machine ... installment one.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-173
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(M);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Fantasy prose, incomplete. Note: no Com/Co imprint.

C/N: CC-174Title/First Line: Robin Hood and the | Sheriff's men LOVE | Conspiracy Tax | Returns Associates.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-174
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-ss(M);xx-en(SS).
Abstract: Advertisement for a company. Note: no Com/Co imprint.

C/N: CC-175Title/First Line: Excerpt from a prayer wheel.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-175
BibCit: By Kandel, Lenore. Broadside. Letter size. Illus.. o-ss(BK);x-en(SS).
Abstract: Poem. Note: no Com/Co imprint.

C/N: CC-176aTitle/First Line: And now I live and now my life is done my life now and I live done.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-176a
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. o-ss(M)o?;x-en(SS).
Abstract: This side and R.s. are reprints of two early digger sheets.

C/N: CC-176bTitle/First Line: Time to Forget.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-176b
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. o-ss(M)o?;x-en(SS).
Abstract: This side and R.s. are reprints of two early digger sheets.

C/N: CC-177Title/First Line: TRIP | WITHOUT | A | TICKET | (Don't Pay for Your Copy).
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-177
BibCit: By Anon. [Peter Berg]. 6/28/1967. Pamphlet. 7"x8-1/2". Communication Company SF 2nd Edition. 2 sht. 8 pp.(each sheet Legal size printed lenthwise).. o-en(BC 1977);o-en(PB).

C/N: CC-178Title/First Line: Helen's Fable | FRIEND DONKEY.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-178
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. Pi Pa. o-en(DW).
Abstract: One-paragraph fable with appended I Ching judgments.

C/N: CC-179Title/First Line: The | Black | House | Presents | Brother | LeRoi Jones ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-179
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: A benefit to get the Black House out of jail, to be held 28 Apr 1967 at 1711 Broderick. $2 donation.

C/N: CC-180Title/First Line: The | Black House | presents | Two Black Poets.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-180
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/21/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: $1 donation, 21 Apr 1967, at 1711 Broderick.

C/N: CC-181Title/First Line: The Black House | For Immediate Release.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-181
BibCit: 4/10/1967. Broadside. Letter size. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Announces a reading by LeRoi Jones for 14 Apr 1967, 1711 Broderick. Admission: $2.

C/N: CC-182Title/First Line: FLASHFLASFLSAH... | The News Before It Happens..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-182
BibCit: 2/25/1967. Broadside. Letter size. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Invisible Circus I Ching reading and announcement of activities taking place in different parts of town. Note: no Com/Co imprint.

C/N: CC-183Title/First Line: Tonite Thurs. Apr. 13, 8p.m. | ?HAIGHT "MALL-IN"? |.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-183
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. o-en(DW).
Abstract: A meeting presented by the Community Design Center on ideas to close Haight Street.

C/N: CC-184Title/First Line: SFLSF SCHEDULE | for 2nd half of April.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-184
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/13/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus. with drawing of nude woman.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Various events, e.g. Work Circle, Open House, Communication Circle, listed for 165 18th Avenue.

Full record
Cat. No.: CC-185
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. Illus. with drawing of stylized eagle and peace symbol at top of page.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: A poem.

C/N: CC-186Title/First Line: [Illus of semi-nude belly dancer].
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-186
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. Illus. is a photo repro. Image size is 3"x3-1/4" in center of sheet.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Photo of belly dancer standing against a wall. Probably Invisible Circus.

C/N: CC-187Title/First Line: Fuck the keep off the grass signs.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-187
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. o-en(DW).
Abstract: A manifesto in psychedelic lettering.

C/N: CC-188Title/First Line: the | COMMITTEE | THEATER | LUNCH -- CHEF'S SPECIAL.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-188
BibCit: Broadside. 5-1/2"x8-1/2". Illus. with photo-repro of a nude figure.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: A menu printed over a nude figure.

C/N: CC-189Title/First Line: Since life is a trip, the most | important aspects are set and setting.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-189
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. Illus with repro of a woodblock print of two nude figures. Illus in gray.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: A one-paragraph statement in lower left corner. Signed, "Sarenna." Illus.

Full record
Cat. No.: CC-190
BibCit: By Anon. [Chester Anderson?]. Broadside. Letter size. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Editorial explaining the role of the hippies and discussing the city government's response.

Full record
Cat. No.: CC-191
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. Illus. with pen drawing.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Title of drawing showing two men embracing. This item different from CC-157.

C/N: CC-192Title/First Line: EASTER EGG HUNT.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-192
BibCit: N.d., ca. Easter, 1967.. Broadside. Letter size. Ye Pa. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Asks people to bring eggs to 1775 Haight Street before the Easter egg hunt (Sunday 1:00 in the Panhandle). Signed, "Sponsored by Love."

C/N: CC-193Title/First Line: FREEFISH... 400 pounds of fresh perch (fish) free in the | panhandle.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-193
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Announces free fish for "today at 4pm Oak and Ashbury." Signed, "diggers."

C/N: CC-194Title/First Line: the flick.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-194
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Ye Pa. Three-hole punch on left margin.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Program announcements for a 25-seat theater at 6112 Geary Boulevard, opening 28 Apr 1967.

C/N: CC-195Title/First Line: FREE FOOD | AT 4PM | WASHINGTON | SQUARE | Bring Your Own Bowl.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-195
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Title is complete text. Signed, "Diggers."

C/N: CC-196Title/First Line: FREE SPRING MOBILIZATION ... digger free poetry reading.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-196
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/6/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus. with drawing of nude figure.. o-en(DW, 2nd c. $, var. on GrPa).
Abstract: Announces "digger free poetry reading for the spring mobilization for peace" Thursday, 6 Apr 1967, 8pm at Glide Church, to include: Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Lenore Kandel, Lew Welch, Ed Bullins, Richard Brautigan, Andrew Hoyem, Pamels Millward, James Koller, Bill Fritsch, Jeff Sheppard, Patrick Gleason, and Ron Loewinson.

C/N: CC-197Title/First Line: free SUNRISE free | DEATH DANCE AT SAN QUENTIN.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-197
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Execution vigil/protest "leaving tuesday morning at 4:30 A.M." Signed, "the diggers."

Full record
Cat. No.: CC-198
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. Gr Pa.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Good news: "Human beings found on earth. Governor concerned."

C/N: CC-199Title/First Line: [cartoon of R. Cobb showing Draft Dodger being hung].
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-199
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. Gr Pa.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: "Reprinted without comment by Communication Company/member UPS."

C/N: CC-200Title/First Line: You are invited to attend the first meeting of the Straight Theater Orchestra.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-200
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/22/1967. Broadside. Letter size. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Invitation to musical meeting. Signed, "Oscar Criner."

C/N: CC-201Title/First Line: stream bed sibling.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-201
BibCit: Dated: "2/67". Broadside. Letter size. Ye Pa. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Poem by "Steve."

C/N: CC-202Title/First Line: Country Joe and the Fish | would dig to have beads ... to give | to kids.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-202
BibCit: N.d., ca. 5/31/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Lettering in psychedelic style. 1/c.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Soliciting donations of beads to give away on their upcoming tour. "Send before May 31." "Spread hippie culture. Show a kindness. Do it now before May 31st because that's when they split."

C/N: CC-203Title/First Line: Sopwith Camel.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-203
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/9/1967. Broadside. Letter size. 5/c: Bk, Re, Bl, Ye, Pu. Lettering in psychedelic style.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Announces a benefit for Angry Arts Week and the Spring Mobilization, April 9, at Longshoremen's Hall, $2.50.

C/N: CC-204Title/First Line: BEDROCK | ONE.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-204
BibCit: N.d, ca. 3/5/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus with cartoon by R. Crumb of boy and lightbulb head.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: "Sunday March 5 | ... | $2.50".

C/N: CC-205Title/First Line: PAR4-A FLUX - BY KEN - FRIEDMAN FLUX - c FLUXUS 1967.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-205
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. Illus. w/ photo montage of a surgeon and postage stamps with tiitle words on left margin. Landscape printing.. o-en(DW).

C/N: CC-206Title/First Line: PHOENIX.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-206
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. 6/c (multil colored drawing of bird, with black outline, and blact text) on wh pa.. o-en(DW).

C/N: CC-207Title/First Line: HEY! HI; | ! | high? | HIP | Pies,,, | give flowers | to | our | PEACE MARCHERS.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-207
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. Illus. w/ small drawing of Christ in center of page.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Mentions event for "Saturday 1:30 Panhandle." Caption: "Fuck For Peace."

C/N: CC-208Title/First Line: Morning | Clean-in | Sat, April 1.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-208
BibCit: 3/31/1967. Broadside. Letter size. 2/c: Bk, Bl. Illus w/ blue sunflower petals in center of page.. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Announces clean-in, with message about cleanliness. Signed, "Diggers."

C/N: CC-209Title/First Line: MAC BIRD | NOW | COMMITTEE | THEATER.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-209
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/3/1967. Broadside. Letter size. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Reprint of article from The Daily Californian, 4/3/67: "J. Edgar Hoover Criticizes 'Mac Bird,' Filthy Speech."

C/N: CC-210Title/First Line: 2 | NEWS ON THE RADIO STATION.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-210
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. o-en(DW).
Abstract: Talking about a free radio station.

C/N: CC-211Title/First Line: THE ONE THE ONLY | KING KONG.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-211
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/20/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Illus.. o-en (DW).
Abstract: Announcing "King Kong" at the movies, April 20, All Saints Church. Psychedelic lettering around a drawing of a gorilla in the center of the page.

Full record
Cat. No.: CC-212
BibCit: N.d.. Broadside. Letter size. o-en (DW).
Abstract: The proposed mall would close Haight Street to vehicles on Saturdays and Sundays. Twenty signature lines. "Completed petitions to 1535 Haight Street."

C/N: CC-213Title/First Line: Tuesday | four o'clock.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-213
BibCit: By Gleason, Patrick. Broadside. Letter size. o-en (DW).
Abstract: A poem with drawings of four cell structures.

C/N: CC-214Title/First Line: RAP | session.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-214
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/20/1967. Broadside. Letter size. o-en (DW).
Abstract: Purpose of meeting: "to share what we know and who we are with one another." To take place at the Hearth, Oak and Baker Streets, April 20, 8pm. The letters RAP are large, open, with smaller words written inside: Talk, Rap, Meet, Commune, etc.

C/N: CC-215Title/First Line: AFTER all This | and | the | Haight | Street | Virgin | Still | Is.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-215
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. o-en (DW).
Abstract: Peter Roy's name is vertically placed on the left margin. Center of page: photo of a nude woman's chest and stomach. Glide Church mentioned.

C/N: CC-216Title/First Line: DIGGER | FILMS | MIRACLE | IN MILAN.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-216
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/15/1967. Broadside. Letter size. o-en (DW).
Abstract: Announcement of films at All Saints Hall, April 15 and 16. Photo-repro of Laurel and Hardy's faces at bottom of page. "Glory Here, Diggers All."

Full record
Cat. No.: CC-217
BibCit: 5/1/1967. Broadside. Letter size. 1/c: Gr.. o-en (DW).
Abstract: Announcing a free dinner at 1010 Gough Street, 7pm, "tonight."

C/N: CC-218Title/First Line: BEDROCK ONE | a rockdance-environment happening.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-218
BibCit: N.d., ca. 3/15/1967. Broadsheet. 6-3/4"x10". Brn. pa.. o-en (DW).
Abstract: Announces a "benefit for the communication company in honor of the c.i.a." To take place March 5, 1967, $2.50. R.s.: photo repro of the chest and stomach of a nude woman, with ComCo's imprint.

C/N: CC-219Title/First Line: BLACK FRIDAY | April 7, 1967 | 8:30 p.m..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-219
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/7/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Orange pa, 3-hole punch left margin.. o-en (DW).
Abstract: Announces an event of poetry and drama reading, etc. at Bayview Community Center.

C/N: CC-220Title/First Line: TRIP | WITHOUT | A | TICKET | property | of the | possessed.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-220
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. o-en (DW).
Abstract: Title and address [of the Free Store]: COLE & CARL STREETS. Printed over a photo-repro of a man's face (Lenny Bruce?) Trans title is extent of text.

C/N: CC-221aTitle/First Line: The Pow-Wow.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-221a
BibCit: By [Anderson, Chester]. 1/15/1967. Broadsheet. Legal size. the communication company. Title and footer in hand letters.. SOLA-o(KP);o-BL/CA(variant).

C/N: CC-221bTitle/First Line: Debased War Money | Not Negotiable.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-221b
BibCit: 1/15/1967. Broadsheet. Legal size. the communication company. o-en(KP).

Full record
Cat. No.: CC-222
BibCit: By Grogan, Emmet (anon). 5/29/1967. Broadside. Letter size. comco(ups). Signature is hand-drawn graphic feathered swastika. o-en(KP).

C/N: CC-223Title/First Line: OBSTRUCTION.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-223
BibCit: By Family Dog; San Francisco Oracle. 3/27/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Com Co (UPS). Family Dog logo in upper left corner. Ye Pa.. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-224Title/First Line: Certain would-be prophets, | musicians, poets, writers ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-224
BibCit: By Planters, The. N.d.. Broadside. Letter size. com co (ups). x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-225Title/First Line: We oughtta have our | Heads | examined..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-225
BibCit: 4/9/1967. Broadside. Letter size. com co (u.p.s.). 1/c, wh pa.. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-226Title/First Line: Phone: 421-4185 Area Code 415 | Gestetner Corporation ... Gentlemen:.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-226
BibCit: N.d., ca. 5/11/1967. Broadside. Letter size. COM CO, UPS, HPS. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-227Title/First Line: Affidavit of Non-Violation of Privacy.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-227
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. com co-ups. Printing is lengthwise in 2 columns. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-228Title/First Line: January 15, 1967 Day Two | The Communication Co. | five cents.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-228
BibCit: Broadsheet. Legal size. Com Co.. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-229Title/First Line: A War Across the Road.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-229
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. Com Co UPS. Imprint is hand lettered.. x-en(CSL).

Full record
Cat. No.: CC-230
BibCit: By Doc Stanley. 5/14/1967. Broadside. Letter size. com co (u.p.s.) do love. Gr. ink.. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-231Title/First Line: A BAD TRIP.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-231
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-232Title/First Line: Paintings ... Etchings.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-232
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/8/1967. Broadside. ca. 4" x 5". Com Co. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-233Title/First Line: GENTLENESS | a play in infinite sets by the people.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-233
BibCit: N.d. ca. 4/2/1967. Broadside. Letter size. com co (ups). Gr. ink for bold letters, blue ink text.. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-234Title/First Line: The | Black | House | Presents | Two Black Poets.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-234
BibCit: N.d., ca. 5/5/1967. Broadside. Letter size. COM CO. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-235Title/First Line: Black Monday | ... A Benefit for Black Arts Alliance.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-235
BibCit: N.d., ca. 5/15/1967. Broadside. Letter size. COM CO. x-en(CSL).

Full record
Cat. No.: CC-236
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. x-en(CSL).

Full record
Cat. No.: CC-237
BibCit: N.d., ca. 3/13/1967. Broadside. Letter size. None. x-en(CSL).

Full record
Cat. No.: CC-238
BibCit: 3/27/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Com Co (UPS). x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-239Title/First Line: The | Black House | presents | Brother | LeRoi Jones.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-239
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/14/1967. Broadside. Letter size. com co (ups). x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-240Title/First Line: Documented Facts About | MARIJUANA.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-240
BibCit: Leaflet. Letter size. 7 pp.. COM CO U..P..S... x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-241Title/First Line: Well?
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-241
BibCit: By Anderson, Chester. 4/2/1967. Broadside. Letter size. comco (ups). x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-242Title/First Line: Smoke Pot | Make Love | Embody Peace.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-242
BibCit: 1/15/1967. Broadside. Legal size. Com Co. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-243Title/First Line: Right Wing invades Bohemia | a C.C. Flash 3/9/67.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-243
BibCit: 3/9/1967. Broadside. Letter size. C.C.. Title is in art type (gothic and modern); "a C.C. Flash" is hdw.. x-en(CSL);o-BL/CA.

C/N: CC-244Title/First Line: Digger Farm Needs.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-244
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. Bright ye pa. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-245Title/First Line: Free Room & Board.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-245
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. No CC. Type style and title hand lettering point to CC. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-246Title/First Line: Press Release Press Release Press Release | All Points:.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-246
BibCit: By Bain, Willard. N.d., ca. 9/5/1967. Broadside. Letter size. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-247Title/First Line: Trip Without A Ticket A Store For You.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-247
BibCit: Leaflet. Letter size. Com Co. Printed landscape, folded, 2 sht. 4pp.. x-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-248Title/First Line: San Francisco Police have again created a situation ....
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-248
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. No CC, presumably CC.. cc-en(CSL).

C/N: CC-249ATitle/First Line: War Crimes via UPS.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-249A
BibCit: By Lovable Ol' Doc Stanley. 3/25/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Com Co UPS. x-CSL.
Abstract: Four diatribes against war criminals, Sunset Scavenger Assn., the Mayor of San Francisco, and the Cops. "Printed as a Public Service in the interest of Better Law Enforcement and Improved Police-Community Relations . . ."

C/N: CC-249BTitle/First Line: Recall the Mayor;.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-249B
BibCit: By Stanley, Lovable Ol' Doc. 3/25/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Com Co UPS. x-CSL.
Abstract: Four diatribes against war criminals, Sunset Scavenger Assn., the Mayor of San Francisco, and the Cops. "Printed as a Public Service in the interest of Better Law Enforcement and Improved Police-Community Relations . . ."

C/N: CC-250Title/First Line: Sheep? Baa..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-250
BibCit: 4/6/1967. Broadside. Letter size. com/co (u.p.s.). 1/c (Blue text on ye pa).. SOLA-o($);x-SOLA(unk).

C/N: CC-251Title/First Line: Good Or Bad.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-251
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. None, presumably ComCo. x-SOLA(unk).
Abstract: Title appears below a drawing signed by the artist with a small rectangular box surrounding a heart shape. Drawing is by the same artist as CC-157. Design has several faces, in a quasi-Picasso style, with raindrops (possibly sperm) shooting through the sky.

C/N: CC-252Title/First Line: Passive Emotions.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-252
BibCit: 4/8/1967. Broadside. Letter size. commujication company (UPS). x-SOLA(unk).
Abstract: Nine-line poem.

C/N: CC-253Title/First Line: How To Make Your Own DMT.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-253
BibCit: 4/17/1967. Leaflet. Letter size. the communication company (u.p.s.) be advised. 4 pages (2 sheets?). x-SOLA(unk).
Abstract: Detailed chemistry instructions for making DMT. First page is a cover sheet with block letters "DMT" in various patterns. Drawing of left hand points to the title. Imprint at bottom of first page.

C/N: CC-254Title/First Line: Witnesses To The Bust On Haight St. On Sunday April 23.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-254
BibCit: Broadsheet. Letter size. Comm Comp. This page has landscape orientation.. x-SOLA(unk).
Abstract: Plea for witnesses to a bust on Haight Street on April 23, to "help your brothers beat the rap" and to stop police harassment. Witnesses are asked to clal Art Wells, an attorney, at 849-4010. "No More Paranoia." Lettering is hand drawn. Drawing of eyeball at top of page below title.

C/N: CC-255Title/First Line: Free Legal Services.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-255
BibCit: N.d., ca. 4/23/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. Comm Comp. This page has normal (letter) orientation.. x-SOLA(unk).
Abstract: Announces "Free Lawyers (your cases handled free)" with several phone numbers listed, both daytime and nights. Address listed: 901 Cole Street, Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. Imprint is lower right corner on this side of B.S. Lettering is hand drawn, with several reverse swastikas as background.

C/N: CC-256Title/First Line: Free Free Free Free | Young Digger Poetry Reading.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-256
BibCit: 4/27/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Communication Co.. x-SOLA(unk).
Abstract: Announcement for a Digger poetry reading featuring Lenore Kandel, Richard Brautigan, William Fritsch, at "Deno and Carlo, 728 Vallejo Street." "Young Digger Poets Bring Your Poems and read them." Imprint is lower right corner. All lettering is hand drawn, mostly in script. Drawing in middle of sheet appears to be similar to William Blake illustrations.

C/N: CC-257Title/First Line: Straight Theater School of Performing Arts Workshops and Rehearsals.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-257
BibCit: 5/1/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. COMMUNICATION COMPANY (hdw). x-SOLA(unk).
Abstract: Listing of activities at the Straight Theater's Drama Studio, Dance Studio, and Studio III for May to May 7, 1967. Lists names of workshop coordinators, including Kevin, Oscar Criner, Olaf Odegaard, Joe Gostanian, Ama, John Birrell, Caitlin Huggins, Peter Swain, Peggy Mundt, Molly Huggins, Jane Lapiner, and Pat Omirers. Imprint is hand lettered at bottom of first page. Address of Straight Theater: 1748 Haight Street, 387-5074.

C/N: CC-258Title/First Line: Today!! In the Panhandle - 4 P.M. May Day.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-258
BibCit: Broadside. Legal size. The Communication Company (UPS). x-SOLA(unk).
Abstract: Announces a free May Day concert in the Panhandle featuring the Steve Miller Blues Band.

C/N: CC-259Title/First Line: The Question: Is a portrayal of the Haight-Ashbury as a lurid, filthy, crime-infested slum good for business or anything except freeways and redevelopment?
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-259
BibCit: 5/4/1967. Broadside. Letter size. None, presumably ComCo. x-SOLA(unk).
Abstract: A letter from the owner of David L. Rothkop, of the I-Thou Coffe House, 1736 Haight Street, calling for a coming together of the diverse elements among the Haight merchants, including the "old guard" Merchants Association and the new hip merchants. Criticizes the hippies for their naïve belief in "drugs-as-panacea" as well as the reactionary elements of the Merchants Association who blocked Moe's Bookstore's request for a second-hand permit.

C/N: CC-260Title/First Line: Let's take an old timey walk in the park.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-260
BibCit: 4/2/1967. Broadside. Letter size. "gestetnered with joyous abandon by the communication company, ups, let's take a walk in our park". o-EN(MPD).

C/N: CC-261Title/First Line: if you're not a digger | you're property.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-261
BibCit: N.d., ca. 1/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. the communication company. o-EN($):o-BL/CA.
Abstract: Title is complete text.

C/N: CC-262Title/First Line: The Hessians are coming.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-262
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. ComCo UPS. o-EN($).
Abstract: Psychedelic lettering continues: "The Interpol forcast from our limey | printed by the Communication Company UPS".

C/N: CC-263Title/First Line: Tomorrow for real.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-263
BibCit: 5/13/1967. Broadside. Letter size. ComCo. o-EN($).
Abstract: Announces a free event at Alamo Park with "R&B - Rock - Blues | Soul" Saturday, May 13. "Bring yourself to it / Let's do it forever".

C/N: CC-264Title/First Line: Live! See! Action fotos of obscenity in motion.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-264
BibCit: N.d. internal evid. Broadsheet. Letter size. No ComCo designation. o-EN($).
Abstract: Most likely produced by Chester et al. at the Invisible Circus. Text continues: "Live audience bored to tears as Peter Berg takes his clothes off: (foto below … of Obscenity In Motion conference in the Fellowship Room / Live action fotos / Fotos by Edmund Shea". R.s.: "See Carol Doda / As a perplexed minister was decoyed by a flutter of FUCK ENTROPY posters, Peter Berg quickly undressed. The audience was unmoved. … The Invisible Nudist Circus".

C/N: CC-265Title/First Line: Haight/Ashbury Newsletter 8/19/67: Hippy Siamese Twins Split.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-265
BibCit: 8/19/1967. Leaflet. Letter size. 3 shts; 6 pgs. includes ComCo/UPS ("in exile") from Corte Madera, CA and Hollywood, FL. o-EN(LH).
Abstract: Chester Anderson's description of the end of Communication Company in the Haight Ashbury and his subsequent plans.

C/N: CC-266Title/First Line: Sunday, April 2, 1:00 p.m. / Haight Street is ours to play on till we feel it beautiful to stop..
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-266
BibCit: 4/2/1967. Broadside. Letter size. ComCo/UPS. Multi-color design on white paper. Signed "The Diggers". o-EN(PW).
Abstract: Declaration by The Diggers of the liberation of Haight Street for Easter Sunday.

C/N: CC-267Title/First Line: Party / Turk Park / this afternoon.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-267
BibCit: Broadside. Letter size. ComCo. o-EN($).
Abstract: Announces a party at the public park located at Turk and Laguna streets. "Free / Come and Do Your Thing".

C/N: CC-268Title/First Line: What would be | the result if | all the little little | kids used their | water pistols|.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-268
BibCit: 1/10/1967. Broadside. Legal size. n/a (presumably com/co). Hdw. lettering; B/W. o-BL/CA.

C/N: CC-269Title/First Line: trips.
Full record
Cat. No.: CC-269
BibCit: By Anderson, Chester. 1/13/1967. Broadside. Legal size. The Communication! Company. Tpw text over watermark of drawing (?).. o-BL/CA.
Abstract: Various hikes, and locales in the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California recommended for taking trips (both the literal and psychedelic variety.)

C/N: DP-001Title/First Line: Where is PUBLIC at? Where are PUBLIC streets at? Therefore an erection in the Panhandle..
Full record
Cat. No.: DP-001
BibCit: THE D I G G E R S .. xx-EN(SS);x-SS(PB).
Abstract: One of the early Digger Sheets, signed "The Diggers".

C/N: DP-002Title/First Line: Public Nonsense Nuisance Public Essence Newsense Public News.
Full record
Cat. No.: DP-002
BibCit: 10/31/1966. THE D I G G E R S .. xx-EN(SS);x-SS(PB).
Abstract: Announcement of the Intersection Game for October 31 (Halloween) at 5:30 pm.

C/N: FC-68-augTitle/First Line: The Digger Papers | free.
Full recordCat. No.: FC-68-aug
BibCit: Pamphlet. Letter size. 24 pp..
Abstract: The anthology of digger articles and street sheets compiled by Emmett Grogan and published by The Realist. This is the "digger" or "free" edition. The cover is a full-page graphic of the "running man" symbol (Native American swastika). Other than the cover, all pages are the same as the Realist edition.

C/N: FPS-001Title/First Line: Raffle for Dirty Dick's Chopper.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-001
BibCit: 8/1/1968. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-002Title/First Line: The Sutter St. Commune...Free Print Shop.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-002
BibCit: 8/1/1968. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-003Title/First Line: Project 3.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-003
BibCit: fall 1968. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-004Title/First Line: Wanted...for a first film.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-004
BibCit: fall 1968. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-005Title/First Line: Erection Day '68.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-005
BibCit: ca. 11/5/1968 11/5/1968. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-006Title/First Line: The Fast Steppers Assn. Host a Mammoth Soul Shindig.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-006
BibCit: 12/1/1968. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-007Title/First Line: Black New Years.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-007
BibCit: 12/1/1968. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-008Title/First Line: Moon Face (frowning).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-008
BibCit: winter 1968-69. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-009Title/First Line: Sun Face (smiling).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-009
BibCit: winter 1968-69. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-010Title/First Line: Community Strike Support Coalition.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-010
BibCit: winter 1968-69. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-011Title/First Line: Punch & Judy Free Forever (lst edition).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-011
BibCit: winter 1968-69. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-012Title/First Line: "Chaos" (design).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-012
BibCit: winter 1968-69. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-013Title/First Line: "Mandala" (design).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-013
BibCit: winter 1968-69. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-014Title/First Line: O Diggers O....
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-014
BibCit: ca. 1/16/1969 1/16/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-015Title/First Line: Environmental School.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-015
BibCit: ca. 2/1969 2/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-016Title/First Line: Messiah's World Crusade...Test Case.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-016
BibCit: ca. 2/8/1969 2/8/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-017Title/First Line: Break/Fast Vernal Equinox.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-017
BibCit: 3/1969(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-018Title/First Line: The Good News.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-018
BibCit: ca. 3/1969 3/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-019Title/First Line: First Cause...Here & Now.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-019
BibCit: ca. 3/1969 3/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-020Title/First Line: The Living Theater.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-020
BibCit: ca. 3/4/1969 3/4/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-021Title/First Line: Fifteen Years in Prison—For This!.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-021
BibCit: ca. 3/15/1969(?) 3/15/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-022Title/First Line: Kirtan! (small size).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-022
BibCit: ca. 3/21/1969 3/21/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-023Title/First Line: Kirtan! (poster size).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-023
BibCit: ca. 3/21/1969 3/21/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-024Title/First Line: Free the Presidio 27.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-024
BibCit: ca. 3/21/1969 3/21/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-025Title/First Line: An Open Letter from the Messiah's World Commune.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-025
BibCit: ca. 3/25/1969 3/25/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-026Title/First Line: John Butler.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-026
BibCit: early 1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-027Title/First Line: Freedom for Adoptive Children (letterhead).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-027
BibCit: early 1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-028Title/First Line: Come Join in Chanting...2728 Garber (card size).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-028
BibCit: spring 1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-029Title/First Line: Come Join in Chanting...2728 Garber (poster size).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-029
BibCit: spring 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-030Title/First Line: Krishna Consciousness (455 Hudson).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-030
BibCit: spring 1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-031Title/First Line: Join in Chanting (small size).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-031
BibCit: ca. 4/1/1969 4/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-032Title/First Line: Join in Chanting (poster size).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-032
BibCit: ca. 4/1/1969 4/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-033 Title/First Line: .. Coming of the Zarathustras.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-033
BibCit: ca. 4/12/1969(?) 4/12/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-034Title/First Line: Adoption Week (Freedom for Adoptive Children) (leaflet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-034
BibCit: ca. 4/13/1969 4/13/1969. Leaflet. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-035Title/First Line: Ho Ho Ho (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-035
BibCit: ca. 4/20/1969 4/20/1969. Newsletter. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-036Title/First Line: Ho Ho Ho, issue 2 (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-036
BibCit: spring 1969. Newsletter. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-037Title/First Line: It used to be a playground...(People's Park).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-037
BibCit: ca. 5/1969 5/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-038Title/First Line: Bring Huey Home.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-038
BibCit: ca. 5/1/1969 5/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-039Title/First Line: Mafia...Rank and File Laborer's Local 261.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-039
BibCit: ca. 5/3/1969 5/3/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-040Title/First Line: CHF Newsletter.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-040
BibCit: ca. 5/6/1969 5/6/1969. Newsletter. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-041Title/First Line: Open Line.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-041
BibCit: ca. 5/7/1969 5/7/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-042Title/First Line: A Gently Exploding Galaxy.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-042
BibCit: ca. 5/10/1969 5/10/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-043Title/First Line: Geronimo Debris Picnic.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-043
BibCit: ca. 5/18/1969 5/18/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-044Title/First Line: G.I. - Civilian Anti-War...Days.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-044
BibCit: ca. 5/31/i969 5/31/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-045Title/First Line: Hear How the G.I. Civil Liberties Defense Committee....
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-045
BibCit: ca. 6/1/1969 6/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-046Title/First Line: Ecstatic Illuminations Chant! Hare Krishna.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-046
BibCit: ca. 6/1969 6/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-047Title/First Line: Telegraph Avenue Summer Program...Satyagraha.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-047
BibCit: ca. 6/1969 6/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-048Title/First Line: Off the Streets...Krishna Consciousness (pamphlet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-048
BibCit: summer 1969. Pamphlet. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-049Title/First Line: Homosexual Freedom—Gay Strike, 1st edition (with colored letters).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-049
BibCit: summer 1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-050Title/First Line: Homosexual Freedom—Gay Strike, 2nd edition (with open letters).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-050
BibCit: summer 1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-051Title/First Line: Come to...The Help Unit.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-051
BibCit: summer(?) 1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-052Title/First Line: Rathayatra...The People's Festival.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-052
BibCit: ca. 7/1969 7/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-053Title/First Line: Hells Angels Party.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-053
BibCit: ca. 7/16/1969 7/16/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-054Title/First Line: Hare Krishna Chant-In.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-054
BibCit: ca. 7/24/1969 7/24/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-055Title/First Line: Dear Fellow Human Being...My Name is Don Burton.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-055
BibCit: ca. 8/1969 8/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-056Title/First Line: A Superfluous Book... (Environmental School) (leaflet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-056
BibCit: ca. 8/1969 8/1/1969. Leaflet. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-057Title/First Line: Asoke Fakir presents the Hindu Folk Band.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-057
BibCit: ca. 8/1969 8/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-058Title/First Line: Mass Rally (Central Committee Black Caucus).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-058
BibCit: ca. 8/9/1969 8/9/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-059Title/First Line: Brothers! Sisters!...Committee Against the Rate Increase.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-059
BibCit: ca. 8/13/1969 8/13/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-060Title/First Line: MUNI Black Caucus (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-060
BibCit: ca. 8/21/1969 8/21/1969. Pamphlet. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-061Title/First Line: Petition for abolishment of laws against homosexuals.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-061
BibCit: ca. 9/1969 9/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-062Title/First Line: Picnic...given by Labor Committee to Combat Fascism.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-062
BibCit: ca. 9/1/1969 9/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-063Title/First Line: Krishna Butter Festival.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-063
BibCit: ca. 9/7/1969 9/7/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-064Title/First Line: The House of Love and Prayer...Festival of Creation and At-One-Ment.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-064
BibCit: ca. 9/12/1969 9/12/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-065Title/First Line: Blackman's Free Store presents Soulful Rage.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-065
BibCit: ca. 9/17/1969 9/17/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-066Title/First Line: Picket Alioto Sept. 20 —7 PM.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-066
BibCit: ca. 9/20/1969 9/20/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-067Title/First Line: MUNI Black Caucus, Vol. I No. 4 (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-067
BibCit: ca. 9/28/1969 9/28/1969. Pamphlet. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-068Title/First Line: Project PASS (party invitation).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-068
BibCit: ca. 9/30/1969 9/30/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-069Title/First Line: Free Bodies.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-069
BibCit: ca. 10/7/1969 10/7/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-070Title/First Line: The Non-Violent Revolution of India a talk.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-070
BibCit: ca. 10/14/1969 10/14/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-071Title/First Line: MUNI Black Caucus, Vol. I No. 5 (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-071
BibCit: ca. 10/19/1969 10/19/1969. Pamphlet. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-072Title/First Line: Intercommunal Dinner/Par ty.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-072
BibCit: 11/1/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-073Title/First Line: Emanu-E1 Temple Youth present Shlomo Carlebach.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-073
BibCit: ca. 11/8/1969 11/8/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-074Title/First Line: Women Are Also At War!.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-074
BibCit: ca. 11/15/1969 11/15/1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-075Title/First Line: Passage to India (booklet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-075
BibCit: 12/1/1969. Booklet. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-076Title/First Line: Mick Jagger (photograph).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-076
BibCit: ca. 12/4/1969 12/4/1969. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-077Title/First Line: Safe Driving.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-077
BibCit: winter 1969-70. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-078Title/First Line: Leather (letterpress book with offset halftone).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-078
BibCit: winter 1969-70. Book. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-079Title/First Line: Red White & Blue Ripoff.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-079
BibCit: 1969(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-080Title/First Line: Port Chicago News & Notes.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-080
BibCit: 1969(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-081Title/First Line: Switchboard file card.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-081
BibCit: 1969(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-082Title/First Line: Loka Dharma Mahashram.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-082
BibCit: 1969(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-083Title/First Line: Keep a Free Frame of Reference.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-083
BibCit: 1969(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-084Title/First Line: Samkirtan—Join Us in Chanting.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-084
BibCit: 1969(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-085Title/First Line: Technology and Society Committee (leaflet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-085
BibCit: 1969(?). Leaflet. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-086Title/First Line: The Cigarette Paper.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-086
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-087Title/First Line: Morning Star Ranch (postcard).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-087
BibCit: 1969(?). Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-088Title/First Line: Gay Liberation Now.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-088
BibCit: 1969(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-089Title/First Line: Electronic Mind Matrix.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-089
BibCit: 1969(?). Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-090Title/First Line: Rank and File...Freedom (Laborer's Intl' Union Local No. 261).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-090
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-091Title/First Line: Stationery and envelopes for Family of Mystic Arts.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-091
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-092Title/First Line: Vietnam flag.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-092
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-093Title/First Line: IXeUS and Friends/reverse side Have You Seen Me....
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-093
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-094Title/First Line: The self start center (card).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-094
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-095Title/First Line: Raggedy Robin (calling card).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-095
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-096Title/First Line: Revolutionary Letter No. 33.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-096
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-097Title/First Line: The science of Seven Cultures by Sri Swami Sivananda.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-097
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-098Title/First Line: Hey Saxy!! Like Your Dick?...Gay Liberation.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-098
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-099Title/First Line: Port Chicago Peace Vigil.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-099
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-100Title/First Line: Switchboard referral card.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-100
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-101Title/First Line: Stop the Rail-roading—Defend the S. F. State 700.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-101
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-102Title/First Line: 1% Free (card).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-102
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-103Title/First Line: Free Huey the Sky's the Limit.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-103
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-104Title/First Line: Good Times press pass.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-104
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-105Title/First Line: Horoscope Record.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-105
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-106Title/First Line: Music switchboard (information and question sheet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-106
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-107Title/First Line: Why should two ten year old brothers be sentenced to eight years (Juvenile Aid Center).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-107
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-108Title/First Line: League for Social Understanding...Dear Sirs.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-108
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-109Title/First Line: Berkeley Labor Gift Plan (leaflet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-109
BibCit: 1969. Leaflet. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-110Title/First Line: Standard Oil...unfair to labor (Boycott Standard Oil).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-110
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-111Title/First Line: Boycott Standard Oil! (w. picture of students' hands reaching towards workers' hands).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-111
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-112Title/First Line: The Bhagavad Gita as it is (Krishna Consciousness).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-112
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-113Title/First Line: Please Chant with the Hindu Folk Band (Loka Dharma Mahashram).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-113
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-114Title/First Line: Project PASS (letterhead).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-114
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-115Title/First Line: To Our Supporters...(from the) SF State Legal Defense Committee.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-115
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-116Title/First Line: Project PASS (subject: Formation of PASS Experimental College).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-116
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-117Title/First Line: Project PASS (Introductory Prospectus).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-117
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-118Title/First Line: White Panther Party 10 Point Program.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-118
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-119Title/First Line: LaLutte Continue.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-119
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-120Title/First Line: Kaliflower routing address cards.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-120
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-121Title/First Line: The Media is the Pig.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-121
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-122Title/First Line: Siva Kalpa (pamphlet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-122
BibCit: 1969. Pamphlet. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-123Title/First Line: L. A., baby!.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-123
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-124Title/First Line: Students for a Free Education.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-124
BibCit: 1969. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-125Title/First Line: People's Union (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-125
BibCit: 3/1/1970. Newsletter. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-126Title/First Line: Hare Krishna New Year.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-126
BibCit: ca. 3/29/1970 3/29/1970. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-127Title/First Line: Black Bear Ranch (booklet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-127
BibCit: early 1970. Booklet. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-128Title/First Line: A Proposal for the Purification of Saw Mill Creek.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-128
BibCit: ca. spring 1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-129Title/First Line: K.F. masthead (photo-design).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-129
BibCit: ca. spring 1970. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-130Title/First Line: Kurukule.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-130
BibCit: spring 1970(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-131Title/First Line: Please read this thoroughly....
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-131
BibCit: spring 1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-132Title/First Line: Save Trees.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-132
BibCit: spring 1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-133Title/First Line: 'toward the counter culture'.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-133
BibCit: ca. 4/4/1970 4/4/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-134Title/First Line: Floating Lotus Magic Opera.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-134
BibCit: ca. 4/4/1970 4/4/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-135Title/First Line: May Pole (design).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-135
BibCit: ca. 5/1/1970 5/1/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-136Title/First Line: Father Bob Defense Fund (letter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-136
BibCit: ca. 5/28/1970 5/28/1970. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-137Title/First Line: ann oh(p)un letther 2 Kathy Cleaver.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-137
BibCit: ca. 5/28/1970 5/28/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-138Title/First Line: A Mid Summer's Night Dream.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-138
BibCit: summer 1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-139Title/First Line: Free Meal 3 PM.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-139
BibCit: summer 1970. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-140Title/First Line: Hare Krishna...Rathayatra Festival.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-140
BibCit: ca. 7/1970 7/1/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-141Title/First Line: My Dream Thou shall not kill.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-141
BibCit: ca. 7/2/1970 7/2/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-142Title/First Line: Come Share a Free Meal.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-142
BibCit: ca. 8/16/1970 8/16/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-143Title/First Line: Eat...Eat (free meal poster).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-143
BibCit: summer i970. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-144Title/First Line: Tennessee Valley Cosmic Collection.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-144
BibCit: ca. 8/1970(?) 8/1/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-145Title/First Line: Folsom St. Parade Set.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-145
BibCit: ca. 8/16/1970 8/16/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-146Title/First Line: Kosmic Komix.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-146
BibCit: ca. 8/27/1970 8/27/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-147Title/First Line: Curb Thy Dog.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-147
BibCit: fall 1970(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-148Title/First Line: Ananda Marga Yoga Society.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-148
BibCit: fall 1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-149Title/First Line: Shri Jaya coming out of a lotus (photo-design).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-149
BibCit: ca. 9/1970 9/1/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-150Title/First Line: Free Films Chaplin & Short Shits.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-150
BibCit: ca. 9/17/1970(?) 9/17/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-151Title/First Line: Charley Hearth (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-151
BibCit: ca. 10/26/1970 10/26/1970. Newsletter. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-152Title/First Line: Charley Hearth (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-152
BibCit: ca. 11/3/1970 11/3/1970. Newsletter. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-153Title/First Line: November 8th...Speedway Meadows.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-153
BibCit: ca. 11/8/1970 11/8/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-154Title/First Line: Charley Hearth (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-154
BibCit: ca. 11/10/1970 11/10/1970. Newsletter. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-154Title/First Line: Homeopathy.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-154
BibCit: ca. 5/19/1972 5/19/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-155Title/First Line: Acharya Vimalananda Abadhuta.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-155
BibCit: ca. 11/14/1970 11/14/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-156Title/First Line: Charley Hearth (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-156
BibCit: ca. 11/17/1970 11/17/1970. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-157Title/First Line: Charley Hearth (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-157
BibCit: ca. 11/24/1970 11/24/1970. Newsletter. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-158Title/First Line: Charley Hearth (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-158
BibCit: ca. 11/30/1970 11/30/1970. Newsletter. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-159Title/First Line: Free Nocturnal Dream Shows.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-159
BibCit: ca. 12/1970 12/1/1970. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-160Title/First Line: Blue Angels at Grace Cathedral (on white paper).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-160
BibCit: ca. 12/24/1970 12/24/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-161Title/First Line: Blue Angels at Grace Cathedral (on sky blue paper).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-161
BibCit: ca. 12/24/1970 12/24/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-162Title/First Line: Blue Angels at Grace Cathedral (on dark blue paper).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-162
BibCit: ca. 12/24/1970 12/24/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-163Title/First Line: Blue Angels at Grace Cathedral (on yellow paper).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-163
BibCit: ca. 12/24/1970 12/24/1970. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-164Title/First Line: Birth Control.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-164
BibCit: winter 1970-71. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-165Title/First Line: Reprint of N.Y. Times article on communes.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-165
BibCit: ca. 1/7/1971 1/7/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-166Title/First Line: Our lady of the rubble (woodcut on rice paper).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-166
BibCit: ca. 1/14/1971 1/14/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-167Title/First Line: Loaded (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-167
BibCit: ca. 1/18/1971 1/18/1971. Newsletter. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-168Title/First Line: Darest thou to speak.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-168
BibCit: ca. 1/28/1971 1/28/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-169Title/First Line: Hear: James Robertson.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-169
BibCit: 1/1/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-170Title/First Line: New birth out of Uncle Sam's remains (woodcut on rice paper).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-170
BibCit: ca. 2/4/1971 2/4/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-171Title/First Line: Celebration for Sisters of the Height.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-171
BibCit: ca. 3/4/1971 3/4/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-172Title/First Line: To Be Saved....
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-172
BibCit: spring 1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-173Title/First Line: Kaliflower routing sheets.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-173
BibCit: early 1971(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-174Title/First Line: Free City Puppets Workshop.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-174
BibCit: ca. 4/1971 4/1/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-175Title/First Line: Rejoice! Rejoice! (in split fountain).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-175
BibCit: ca. 4/15/1971 4/15/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-176Title/First Line: Rejoice! Rejoice! (one color).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-176
BibCit: ca. 4/15/1971 4/15/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-177Title/First Line: Peace Now.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-177
BibCit: ca. 4/23/1971 4/23/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-178Title/First Line: Have Card Will Travel.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-178
BibCit: ca. 5/1971 5/1/1971. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-179Title/First Line: Marriage Ceremony (pamphlet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-179
BibCit: ca. 5/1971 5/1/1971. Pamphlet. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-180Title/First Line: Communes: The Alternative Life Style (reprint from Saturday Review).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-180
BibCit: ca. 5/6/1971 5/6/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-181Title/First Line: Behold the Lamb of God.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-181
BibCit: ca. 5/20/1971 5/20/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-182Title/First Line: Sprouts (on white pebbled stock) (lst edition).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-182
BibCit: ca. 6/24/1971 6/24/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-183Title/First Line: Bernal Heights Free Movies.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-183
BibCit: ca. 6/26/1971 6/26/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-184Title/First Line: Public library tracking forms.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-184
BibCit: summer 1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-185Title/First Line: Stanley & Jeanie Cotton for Mayor Picnic.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-185
BibCit: 7/1/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-186Title/First Line: Statement to the Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands by Donald Chapman (pamphlet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-186
BibCit: ca. 7/1971 7/1/1971. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-187Title/First Line: Statement of Gordon Robinson before the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs (pamphlet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-187
BibCit: ca. 7/1971 7/1/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-188Title/First Line: Statement of Robert Curry to the United States Subcommittee on Public Lands (pamphlet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-188
BibCit: ca. 9/1971 9/1/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-189Title/First Line: Neverland (newsletter).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-189
BibCit: 9/1/1971. Newsletter. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-190Title/First Line: Compost.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-190
BibCit: 9/9/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-191Title/First Line: Halfway Between Dropping Out and Dropping In (reprint from N.Y. Times Magazine) and reprint from S.F. Chronicle of article on communes.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-191
BibCit: ca. 9/16/1971 9/16/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-192Title/First Line: Have you ever been just walking down the street (leaflet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-192
BibCit: ca. 9/23/1971 9/23/1971. Leaflet. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-193Title/First Line: Gay Soul Picnic.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-193
BibCit: ca. 9/30/1971 9/30/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-194Title/First Line: Sprouts (on blue safety paper) (2nd edition).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-194
BibCit: fall 1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-195Title/First Line: Are You Looking for a Really Together Scene? Utopian Community.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-195
BibCit: fall 1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-196Title/First Line: Or a puppet in each hland is better than one in the government... /reverse side Free City in the Garden.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-196
BibCit: fall 1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-197Title/First Line: Kaliflower routing materials (address forms for the routing book & for the deliverers' packets) (3 items).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-197
BibCit: fall 1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-198Title/First Line: Ruled lines (in non-photo-reproducible ink).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-198
BibCit: fall 1971. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-199Title/First Line: Labor record for pregnant mothers.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-199
BibCit: fall 1971. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-200Title/First Line: Personal record for pregnant mothers.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-200
BibCit: fall 1971. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-201Title/First Line: Roundtop map.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-201
BibCit: fall 1971. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-202Title/First Line: You are invited to the coming of age of David.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-202
BibCit: 10/1/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-203Title/First Line: Haight Ashbury Food Conspiracy Dry Goods.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-203
BibCit: ca. 10/1971 10/1/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-204Title/First Line: Utopian Intellectuals.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-204
BibCit: 11/1/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-205Title/First Line: From where do you come?....
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-205
BibCit: ca. 11/4/1971 11/4/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-206Title/First Line: Free Movies (Organic Life Mission).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-206
BibCit: ca. 11/20/1971 11/20/1971. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-207Title/First Line: Stationery and prescription forms for Leonce G. Evans, M.D..
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-207
BibCit: ca. 12/1971 12/1/1971. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-208Title/First Line: Prospectus KPOO-FM (pamphlet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-208
BibCit: ca. 12/1/1971 12/1/1971. Pamphlet. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-209Title/First Line: Food conspiracy order grid.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-209
BibCit: 1971(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-210Title/First Line: Food conspiracy price list for dry goods.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-210
BibCit: 1971(?). Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-211Title/First Line: Student passes for Hearthshire school.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-211
BibCit: 1971(?). Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-212Title/First Line: Universal Life Church marriage certificate.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-212
BibCit: 1971(?). Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-213Title/First Line: Food Conspiracy Dairy Products.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-213
BibCit: 1971(?). Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-214Title/First Line: Switchboard address card.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-214
BibCit: ca. 1/1972 1/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-215Title/First Line: Angels of Light in Myth Thing.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-215
BibCit: 1/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-216Title/First Line: Beautiful Sisters and Brothers-.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-216
BibCit: ca. 2/10/1972 2/10/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-217Title/First Line: Breast Stroke.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-217
BibCit: ca. 2/1972 2/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-218Title/First Line: Flagyl (card).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-218
BibCit: ca. 2/1972 2/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-219Title/First Line: Tetracycline or Ampicillin (card).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-219
BibCit: ca. 2/1972 2/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-220Title/First Line: Tetracycline-Gantricin (precut form).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-220
BibCit: ca. 2/1972 2/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-221Title/First Line: Invitation to 625 Ashbury #11 (St. Valentine's Day).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-221
BibCit: 2/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-222Title/First Line: Learning from Each Other (catalog for free university).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-222
BibCit: 2/1/1972. Catalog. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-223Title/First Line: The Works (poetry book).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-223
BibCit: ca. 3/2/1972 3/2/1972. Book. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-224Title/First Line: Life Drawing—Introduction to Art.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-224
BibCit: ca. 3/9/1972 3/9/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-225Title/First Line: March 20 1972 4:20 P~T Pacific.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-225
BibCit: 3/20/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-226Title/First Line: Invitation to 625 Ashbury #11 (Mystery Dance).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-226
BibCit: 3/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-227Title/First Line: Break/away (catalog of courses).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-227
BibCit: 3/1/1972. Catalog. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-228Title/First Line: Beaux-Arts Bake-Off.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-228
BibCit: 3/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-229Title/First Line: Astro-file.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-229
BibCit: spring 1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-230Title/First Line: Punch & Judy Free Forever (2nd edition).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-230
BibCit: ca. 4/1972 4/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-231Title/First Line: Sant Shri Ji Maharaj.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-231
BibCit: 4/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-232Title/First Line: Haight Ashbury Free Movies (April).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-232
BibCit: 4/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-233Title/First Line: Free Billy Smith (speakers and films).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-233
BibCit: ca. 4/4/1972 4/4/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-234Title/First Line: Learning From Each Other—Sharing Food.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-234
BibCit: ca. 4/6/1972 4/6/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-235Title/First Line: How to Get a Free Abortion (leaflet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-235
BibCit: ca. 4/6/1972 4/6/1972. Leaflet. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-236Title/First Line: Attention Women Artists—Women's Art Show.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-236
BibCit: ca. 4/13/1972 4/13/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-237Title/First Line: Free Film at Alternative Futures.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-237
BibCit: ca. 4/16/1972 4/16/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-238Title/First Line: People's Restoration vs. Redevelopment.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-238
BibCit: cs. 4/20/1972 4/20/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-239Title/First Line: Western Addition People's Films (Britannia Rules).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-239
BibCit: ca. 4/29/1972 4/29/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-240Title/First Line: Free Billy Smith/reverse side Sign This Petition....
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-240
BibCit: 4/30/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-241Title/First Line: Haight Ashbury Free Movies (May).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-241
BibCit: 5/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-242Title/First Line: Invitation to 625 Ashbury #11 (Hommage to Lao Tse).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-242
BibCit: 5/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-243Title/First Line: Sadhana Foundation Hosts... (brown ink).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-243
BibCit: 5/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-244Title/First Line: Sadhana Foundation Hosts... (yellow ink).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-244
BibCit: 5/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-245Title/First Line: Sadhana Foundation Hosts... (orange ink).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-245
BibCit: 5/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-246Title/First Line: Puce Box.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-246
BibCit: ca. 5/1972 5/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-247Title/First Line: This is a Chain Letter.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-247
BibCit: ca. 5/1972 5/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-248Title/First Line: Western Addition People's Films (Solidarity with Indo-Chinese).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-248
BibCit: ca. 5/6/1972 5/6/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-249Title/First Line: Tea.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-249
BibCit: 5/12/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-250Title/First Line: More trucks will be needed (Food Conspiracy order cover).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-250
BibCit: 5/12/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-251Title/First Line: Western Addition People's Films (Support the PRG 7-point proposal).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-251
BibCit: 5/13/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-252Title/First Line: Food Conspiracy Grid (split fountain).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-252
BibCit: 5/18/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-253Title/First Line: Come to the All-Free Intercommunal Carnival.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-253
BibCit: ca. 5/18/1972 5/18/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-255Title/First Line: Construction of the Bow Kite.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-255
BibCit: ca. 5/19/1972 5/19/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-256Title/First Line: Western Addition People's Films (African Liberation).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-256
BibCit: ca. 5/20/1972 5/20/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-257Title/First Line: Peking on Acid (program).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-257
BibCit: ca. 5/20/1972 5/20/1972. Folder. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-258Title/First Line: Kids' supplement I (leaflet).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-258
BibCit: 5/25/1972. Leaflet. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-259Title/First Line: The Play House is Open (on gray paper).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-259
BibCit: 6/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-260Title/First Line: The Play House is Open (on green paper).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-260
BibCit: 6/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-261Title/First Line: Haight Ashbury Free Movies (June).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-261
BibCit: 6/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-262Title/First Line: Survival Workshops for Neighborhood Women (June 11).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-262
BibCit: 6/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-263Title/First Line: 3 Free Plays.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-263
BibCit: 6/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-264Title/First Line: Free Gay Prisoners.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-264
BibCit: ca. 6/1972 6/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-265Title/First Line: Gestalt-O-Rama.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-265
BibCit: ca. 6/1972 6/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-266Title/First Line: June 2 1972...Free Rushes.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-266
BibCit: 6/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-267Title/First Line: The...Music Workshop is doing their thing.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-267
BibCit: ca. 6/2/1972 6/2/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-268Title/First Line: Western Addition People's Films (A Forum).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-268
BibCit: ca. 6/3/1972 6/3/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-269Title/First Line: San Francisco Newsreel Presents.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-269
BibCit: ca. 6/30/1972 6/30/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-270Title/First Line: Survival Workshops for Neighborhood Women (July 16).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-270
BibCit: 7/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-271Title/First Line: Haight Ashbury Free Movies (July).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-271
BibCit: 7/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-272Title/First Line: Rain Nor Shine.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-272
BibCit: 8/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-273Title/First Line: Haight Ashbury Free Movies (August) (El Pueblo Se Levante).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-273
BibCit: 8/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-274Title/First Line: Survival Workshops for Neighborhood Women (August 20).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-274
BibCit: 8/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-275Title/First Line: Haight Ashbury Free Movies (September).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-275
BibCit: 9/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-276Title/First Line: Information—Referrals, etc. (card).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-276
BibCit: 9/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-277Title/First Line: Liberated Space for the Women of the Haight (Newsletter cover).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-277
BibCit: 9/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-278Title/First Line: Survival Workshops for Neighborhood Women (October 22).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-278
BibCit: 10/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-279Title/First Line: Haight Ashbury Free Movies (October 1972).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-279
BibCit: 10/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-280Title/First Line: Free Art Show (split fountaim).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-280
BibCit: ca. 10/6/1972 10/6/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-281Title/First Line: Survival Workshops for Neighborhood Women (November 19).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-281
BibCit: 11/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-282Title/First Line: Kai Butsu (program).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-282
BibCit: 11/30/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-283Title/First Line: Bite Sexism (silk-screened poster).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-283
BibCit: 12/1/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-284Title/First Line: Jingle Belles.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-284
BibCit: 12/17/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-285aTitle/First Line: Angels of Light in Jingle Belles (Program).
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-285a
BibCit: 12/21/1972. Broadside. o-FPS;o-CHS.

C/N: FPS-286Title/First Line: Bay Area Legal News.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-286
BibCit: ca. 12/27/1972 12/27/1972. Broadside. o-FPS.

C/N: FPS-287Title/First Line: Create Free Give Free Take Free.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-287
BibCit: Broadside. o-DIA.

C/N: FPS-288Title/First Line: Kali Flower.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-288
BibCit: N.d., ca.. Broadside. o-DIA.

C/N: FPS-289Title/First Line: Comets You Are.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-289
BibCit: Lookup date. Folder. o-DIA.

C/N: FPS-290Title/First Line: Dancing Is Illegal!.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-290
BibCit: Lookup date. Broadside. o-DIA.

C/N: FPS-291Title/First Line: Once Upon A Time.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-291
BibCit: Lookup date. Folder. o-DIA.

C/N: FPS-292Title/First Line: Angels In Morning.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-292
BibCit: Lookup date. Folder. o-DIA.

C/N: FPS-293Title/First Line: Out Of The Pantry.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-293
BibCit: Lookup date. Folder. o-DIA.

C/N: FPS-294Title/First Line: The Angels of Light in Inferno Reason.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-294
BibCit: Lookup date. Broadside. o-DIA.

C/N: FPS-295Title/First Line: The Angels of Light in Allah Mode.
Full recordCat. No.: FPS-295
BibCit: Lookup date. Broadside. o-DIA.

C/N: KF-78ns3Title/First Line: Deep Tried Frees.
Full recordCat. No.: KF-78ns3
BibCit: 4/30/1978. Booklet. 4-7/8"x12-1/4". 16pp.. Kaliflower N.S. 3. Side-stitched binding.. o-en.
Abstract: The history of Kaliflower and the Free Print Shop with roots in the Digger movements of 17th-century England and 20th-centrury Haight-Ashbury. Discussion of the practical and spiritual aspects of Free.

C/N: MSS 92/839cTitle/First Line: Chester Anderson Papers [Anderson, Chester, 1932-. Papers, [ca. 1963-1980]. Box 1.
Full recordCat. No.: MSS 92/839c
BibCit: o-BL/CA.
Abstract: A collection of Communication Company sheets, typewritten mss. and other materials from Chester's archivist in Florida. Chester sent the items to this person on a monthly basis from January to September, 1966.

C/N: NYCC-001Title/First Line: A Curse on the Men in Washington, Pentagon.
Full recordCat. No.: NYCC-001
BibCit: "communication company / ny (ups) (love)". o-EN.
Abstract: A reprint of the SF Communication Company broadside.

C/N: xCC-000Title/First Line: NOW newold news know splashflash entirely beautiful.
Full recordCat. No.: xCC-000
BibCit: N.d., ca. 1/31/1967. Broadsheet. Letter size. THE COMMUNICATION COMPANY. o-BL/CA.
Abstract: Manifesto written by the Diggers, January, 1967.

C/N: xCC-000Title/First Line: Every time somebody has turned on a whole crowd . . ..
Full recordCat. No.: xCC-000
BibCit: 1/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. the communication company. Tpw type/BlTy/WhPa. o-BL/CA.

C/N: xCC-000Title/First Line: DON'T DROP HALF OUT. | If you have to be cool, you're not free. |.
Full recordCat. No.: xCC-000
BibCit: N.d., ca. 1/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. the communication company. o-BL/CA(variant of CC-110a?).
Abstract: Essay on personal freedom. See Chester's "January 28, 1967" note.

C/N: xCC-000Title/First Line: The unicorn was formed within an egg that had no parent..
Full recordCat. No.: xCC-000
BibCit: By Anderson, Chester. 1/13/1967. Broadside. Legal size. Landscape. The Communication! Company. Tpw text over watermark of drawing (?).. o-BL/CA.
Abstract: Seven paragraphs of prose/poetry on theme of the unicorn

C/N: xCC-000Title/First Line: January 28, 1967.
Full recordCat. No.: xCC-000
BibCit: By Anderson, Chester. 1/28/1967. Broadside. Letter size. Typewritten note to Chester's archivist; PiPa.. o-BL/CA.
Abstract: Typewritten note to Chester's archivist explaining eight items he included in the January, 1967 packet of published materials.

The Digger Archives is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Cite As: The Digger Archives (www.diggers.org) / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 / All other uses must receive permission. Contact: curator at diggers dot org.