The Free City Collective
San Francisco
Fall 1967 to Spring 1968
In the summer of 1967, the Diggers gave away their last, final,
possession — their name. Henceforth, they called themselves The Free City
Collective. One of the last events that the Diggers (under that name)
created was the Death Of Hippie in October, 1967. The name
"diggers" had become so widely used that it was like a ripple
wave in a pond. People called themselves Diggers all over the map of the
now burgeoning counterculture, in the same way that the Berkeley Provos
had adopted the name of the Dutch group the previous fall.
The Digger vision, which had loosely been "Free Street" now
expands into the vision of the Free City, which included not just the
Haight-Ashbury but many other of San Francisco's unique neighborhoods: the
Mission, Fillmore, Chinatown, Castro, Potrero Hill, Noe Valley. The Free
City Collective, ever life-actors looking to expand their performance art, brought
their events to the stage of the larger urban context. Free City
Convention, Free Poetry Readings on City Hall Steps, Spring Equinox to
Summer Solstice. These were the cycle of events that the Free City gang
created to put forth a newer more communal energy. Free Food Distribution
was the new Free Food program. Instead of free food distributed to groups
of strangers in the parks, the Free City Collective began distributing
free groceries to the communes in the City. The Food Conspiracy later took
up this need, albeit on a "for-pay" basis.
The energy of Free was transmuting itself from the street back indoors
inside the walls of the new communal spaces that had popped up all over
the City, usually in old Victorian houses that badly needed the loving
care that the hippie counterculture bestowed on San Francisco's
"Painted Ladies."
