These are the Guestbook Entries from 2002. Please visit the current Guestbook
if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion
Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: this file contains the entries from October, 2002. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2002.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2002
Just hungrily watched the French Digger vedio I just received from you. Thanks so much. I will show it to my girls. Wonder what they may get from it?
It is so interesting hearing the now, old time Diggers telling the story, telling the intention. Thank god for the visionaries. I remain in awe of what was done to this day. The ability, the mind set to create the message in the way it was done. Such incrediable minds! I don't think one word has changed..nor attitudes. Certainly was a tear in the eye to see a bit of that time, and us once again, before time tracked us down.
I once again question my own part in it as a bit player. What did I offer of significance besides being there? What did I learn? I designed and sewed clothing, my vision, that dressed loads of people in one of a kind custom clothes fitted right on their naked bodies and gave it all away. The freedom not to have to put a price on my clothing was a lesson in true value. I did not have to worry if it would sell or if it would fit the market. Now the value of my work is in dollars and cents. Which puts me in a loop that has nothing to do with it's true value and puts a judgement on my work..twists it into my ability as a seller, a hustler of wares..not my cup of tea. In the end it finally took all my inspiration the design away. I am now just beginning to go back to material, textile printing. This time with no purpose but for my own pleasure. I am getting quite a stash and in time will begin to give it away.
I finally realized there must be something we do that is not for sale. Something that we love to do that is not motived by/for money. This must be what the Digger Archives are for you. And how lucky we are that you make a space for us here, as well as share what you have of our history.
Too bad there are so many photos that never resurfaced. There's one of me belly dancing at Glide Church, I would give my right arm for! I heard it was auctioned off on the street. I always wondered who took it and who bought it. There is a pictue at the beginning of the video of a poster in a window taken on Height and Ashbury with 3 people in it. One day last yr I saw that poster there and it stopped me..the blonde woman on the left looked like Ariel to me. I looked at the clothing more closely and suddenly realized the reason it looked like Ariel, was it was me..and being sold! The irony of it!

Name: Michael Moore
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2002
RNA: get thee to a television tomorrow!:
Michael Moore Is On Oprah Friday, November 1st!
Oprah Winfrey is devoting the entire hour of her show to "Bowling for Columbine" this Friday, November 1. Michael Moore will appear as her guest.
Please check your local listings for times and channel, or you can check with Oprah's webiste here: .
Webmaster <>

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2002
Here's another page of photos of Freewheelin' Frank through the years, the most recent taken in 2000. He looks as youthful even with the white hair as I remember him from 25 years ago:

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2002
Here is a link to Larry Keenan's site with lots of interesting photos including a picture of Frank Reynolds and Michael McClure in 2000. The photo is in his Counter-culture archive.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2002
Eileen and all,
Here are links to a clip from Nowsreal showing a street scene and argument at the Straight Theater, and at the end of the clip, Richard Brautigan planting his Please Plant This Book in the backyard of Willard Street (?) ...
Here's a 56k version (a bit jerky, but only 500k):
Here's a much higher resolution version (but you should probably right-click and "save" this to disk before trying to run it, since it's a 5mb file):
You'll need Real Player to play these clips. It's free on the site.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Oct 2002
Nik, Im' saying so long to one gal, and hello to another. (Burning a bridge before I even crossed it). My activity pal Nancy is craving some activity; We plan on doing the Parade thing tonight. (Im' going as myself)...They plan on cutting off 6th Ave from Cannal to 23rd St. So you would have to back down West 4th from MacDougal..(one way heading East). But hey, just ring anytime that you see the lights on (from 3a.m. on, and we can move it on out). If not, anytime over the weekend..or when ever. Hey, my Brother wrote to me again and may move back to Eurica, Nor.Cal. in an effort to get Medicinal Grass. (cant blame a man for wanting to better himself)...I may join him as early as the summer of 2004 in order to team up with a childhood artist friend of mine who has a state job in North. Sacto. Will keep an eye out Nik.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2002
Since there's an interest, I called Geoff Davis (out of the Forest Knolls, Kayanne loop) who lives in S Humboldt and got a report on Free Wheelin' Frank. He is alive and doing well after prostate cancer surgery. Geoff says he actually looks better than he has in yrs. He's got lot of friends and support.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2002
Wow! A whole library worth of communications to catch up on - Leaving again soon - but wanted to wish everyone well. Thanks so much for your vital energies and words which contribute to my increasing faith in the future! - IAMIMAM

Name: whodunit
E-mail Address: we know
Date: 31 Oct 2002
article predicting Wellstone's assassination

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2002
Nicole - An update on the interesting doings of our mutual mate Stu Albert. He has initiated a "daily blog" for his thoughts to the world which can be read here: - Near freezing here in Portland!
AsEver - H.
PS - I am so glad to know that Frank is still with us as I had heard rumor that he had passed along.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2002
I saw Frank a couple of years ago at Sweet Williams when he was still living on Lombard St. He gave me a book to read called "A Crock of Gold" by James Stevens...said it was his favorite all time book and it has become mine...I've read and re read it at least ten times...great for reading aloud to kids...very magical.
and oh by the way juice...if there are olives around that means there must be an olive branch near by and that is a good thing.
Steve, My friend Lenny was going to bring his truck into the city from Pennsylvania so that I could move the bed...but I'm thinking with the Parade being on 6th ave tonite it may be a bit difficult traffic wise...what chu think?

Name: Steve Hemingway
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Hell, Banning books is child's play. I once wrote myself a speed letter; issued myself three verabal warnings followed by a termination slip. (I fired myself from a good paying job)...Upon requesting an "Exit" interveiw, the fuckers actually gave me a raise. (Somethin' about me being a moral booster)...Hey Eileen, I never met Frank, but it was cats like him who made the Frisco Chapter stand out as Purely Original. I very well may have layed a few bucks on some of the gals and kids of the Bat Clan in S.F. I visited an apartment building at the invitation of a heavy weight bearded cat who had organized the rent strike there. They had painted "Rent Strike" on all of the windows and the only thing that zoned each dwelling was the obviose hallways...other than that it was a free flow mad house. I cant remember if I was riding on my own reputation or what,..but I was treated like a visiting dignitary. I started to flash the cash and I was mobbed by a whole swarm of munchkin's... I dont recall the occasion...

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Yes Steve~The very same. I believe I was in the general vacinty when he was putting it together. Let's see, I believe he lived in the cubby hole in the maze of basement space below uuh was it Hank's place? And weren't Joanie and Billy Batman living upstairs? Frank and I were friends of sorts. I was pregnant with Ariel and living down the hill, was it 7th or 17th st? And Coyote was putting his chopper together that Bryden would eventually paint.Frank was always easy to get along with.
If Frank is still alive he's probably still living in Southern Humboldt (northern Ca) out in the hills. I moved away from there, snd have lost track of him. Sweet and crazy as he always was..with a few less synapses firing due to his drug of choice. A shadow of the physical self we knew in his youth..imagine his health not the greatest. Still talking poetry and visions. Sane and crazy with lots to say. Always a great big greeting from him. He really has a hold on what and who we were and an open fondness for old friends.
Damn, I'm never gonna get off this computer.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Steve - what a great concept - banning your own book. Now we all want to read it even more than before! and - Frank's book is certainly worth the read - scan away Eric and bravo.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Hey freind; speaking of Books; I remember skimming a San Francisco Chronicle article..(I think)...around 1975???).. the word "MIND FUCKERS" popped out at me! shit; It really my caught my eye; so I read further and found that it was the title of a book that had recieved favorable reveiws... (Aint that a Mind Fucker???)

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Hey freind; speaking of Books; I remember skimming a San Francisco Chronicle article..(I think)...around 1975???).. the word "MIND FUCKERS" popped out at me! shit; It really my caught my eye; so I read further and found that it was the title of a book that had recieved favorable reveiws... (Aint that a Mind Fucker???)

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Eileen...Freewheelin' Frank Reynolds????

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Hey, I do my best writing when I gotta pee real bad. At this point, I feel that I owe you all the inside scoop. My upcomming book (which I may ban myself)...will in "Fact" be "Objective Truth". Here's the Basic Foundation to which I base this statement: " All relevant objective truths are born and die as absurdities. They come into being as the monsterous claim of an inspired rebel and pass away with the eccentricity of a superstitious crank. Only between these extremities of the mind is 'objective truth' truly true, alive at the center of everything. Then this truth inspires the deeds of people and helps them form the images of faith. Thus, 'objective truth' is equally at work in the totems and taboos of savages, the pyramids of Egypt, the gods and centaurs of the Olympian friezes, the cosmology of Dante and the theory of the expanding universe."...(but you knew that)

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
What - rewriting who's words? The Dr. is out for the count it seems as he apparently unable to read the lines, much less between them.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
OOH Eric~
You should scan that Free Wheelin' book for Steve! I bet he would really appreciate Franks work..and I would love to see it again. Thanks for Richards! The best part of that book was putting it together. That was fun time for us to be working with him. Those pictures on the cover was Calidonia sp?, Joanie and Billy Batman's sweet girl.
Speaking of whom..Miranda and I spent a few days with Joanie and Bryden on the mesa west of Taos, New Mex umm maybe 3 yrs back. They were building their adobe home from scratch while living in a tent set up like a cross between a Gypsy and Arabian encampment. They have been totally clean some 16 yrs now. So full of Light, life and delight. Ah a blessing to see two people who were incrediable loaded, even MORE incrediable clean. Bryden is still painting and Joanie still the loving, high dear person she always was. That relationship has become a miracle to me.
Once when I just could not get in gear to start sewing. In a bout of precrastionation, I asked one of his usual stoned moments, How do you do your art loaded all the time. He say's..I just DO IT. That certainly put a hole in all my great reasons for not being inspired to function.

Name: Mash Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Like I taught my children, please chew your food well before you swallow it.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
I'm not on the computer either. I figure if I don't wear my reading glasses or stand while typing, it doesn't count.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Oct 2002
My good Doctor Sausage...dont ride my ass so close...they might think that we are one in the same... Hey, while you are on the subject of fucking with other people's work...I used to do that in a very broad sense. I would structure my writing (unrhyming, naturally) to other folks "Poems". My hang up was that while brilliant; my stuff had no beguining, middle or end. So I would "Structure". Using their outlines as a frame work; so to speak. As a result More Than A few would actually end up Rhyming..It was Errie. Try it some time. You have the right Idea...Its just that you cannot have ANY of your words match the "Original...Dig? P.S. I alway gave credit to the Poet who I "Abstracted" from. (It's only right)...and in a sence its as if it some how gave flight to the seeds that were planted. Dig?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Hey Juice; I get the definite impression that the best part of you may have very well ran down yer' Mamma's leg. Please refer to my original advice.... And this time READ IT!

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Hammond I have re-written your poem substituting all words starting with the letters S & M with the words sausage or mash . I believe this provides the depth that hasnt been achieved . what do you think
WHILE THE sausage sausage sausage HIS FABULOUS mash
While the sausage sausage sausage his fabulous mash For the kingdoms in the eye of a fool, Let us continue to waste our lives Declaring beauty to the world
And let us continue to praise truth and justice Though the eyes of the sausage turn black And the sausage juice of the universe, Like the ruptured brain of God, Pours down upon us in a final consecration
OK perhaps next time you could pick something with a few more M's in .

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Oct 2002
That fuckin' Henry!, and those Diggers!...Damn!!! A victim of retroactive plagarism again! Those fucker's stole my Ideas years before I thought of them! Back to the Ol' drawing board. Heres an outline that I punched out earlier this mourning: Please note that this material should be skimmed and not read as such, and should be cross referenced to the Boyd Library Of Essential Information which is a work in progress. ESSAYS FOR THE MENTALY RETARDED AND THE RED CHINEESE. CHAPTERS: Act One: Extraneous and Heterogeneous Ornaments. Act Two: The Big Thumb In The Pie. ****** Dictionary of supplemental topics shall follow. Now folks; please bear in mind that the finnished product should be absorbed with this in mind: "Because one has only learnt to get better words for the thing one no longer has to say, or the way in which one is no longer disposed to say it. And so each venture is a new beguinning, a raid on the inarticulate with shabby equipment always deteriorating in the general mess of imprecision of feeling, undisciplined squads of emotion".....T.S.Eliot. Now on a more Impersonal note. I should have had the Office Administrator change my E-Mail address when I had the chance....From the Mad-Bomber type input ive' gotten....I highly suspect that "Curios" reported me to the Angry Brigade. I further suspect that he very well may have queered the deal which eight-balled me from the NYC Anarchists. Say it aint so Curious! Hey gang, Im' spending my evenings typing, and am in the process of drafting a Dear Jane Letter to the Heavy Duty Tutonic Nazi-Bitch Babe. I was after her stuff for all of the wrong reasons. That natural platinum and steel blue eyes promised Arian Antics big-time...but...hey,..Its not that I got any signals crossed; hell, we both grabbed a funky bunch on our last lover's clinch... Its just that I must follow the true artist's course which Leonardo layed down. "Remain as One" Do not Divide" So, freind(s)... It looks like the solitary, nasty, brutish, fun life for this boy. (what a difference a day makes)... Hey Nik, In reference to the F.F.O.R. Page...please take this under advisement...No lasting universe of beauty was built from fragments of creation. (not until my book hits the streets anyway) Later.

E-mail Address: LOOKIN@HIPPIES
Date: 30 Oct 2002

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Indeed - just like "the ruptured brain of God!"

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Not to worry, I have already adjusted it and sent it off to a friend or two. The mercurial Mr.PB slipped this to me during a sun drenched convertible ride through the Santa Cruz mountains a few weeks ago. Stuck like brain glue.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Mark - Quite a good poem and all too regretably appropriate in this time of Bush - The lines break with each upper case letter - Sorry, I should have posted it in form. H.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Thanks for putting that up. It hit my ascending bullseye....

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Mark - re: Patchen Poem
The poem is shown below. It was first published in "The Love Poems of Kenneth Patchen" (City Lights, 1960). It's also on a recording of Patchen's work: "Kenneth Patchen reads his love poems" (Folkways Records FL 9719, 1961).
Cheers, :-) Hammond
While the sun still spends his fabulous money
For the kingdoms in the eye of a fool,
Let us continue to waste our lives
Declaring beauty to the world
And let us continue to praise truth and justice
Though the eyes of the stars turn black
And the smoking juice of the universe,
Like the ruptured brain of God,
Pours down upon us in a final consecration

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Someone has already written/posted a book-in-progress on the net. He’s been promoting a copyright-free world for years now. The books finished now, and can be “bought” in bookstores. You can still read the early drafts of the free version at: I highly recommend any form of this work. Also, its well worth the free ticket to peruse the rest of his site:
You can find more of his writings here: And the rest of the fun stuff at: (I used to have How to be a Wizard posted on the home page of my old website.) For those fortunate bay area dwellers, he hangs out there a lot.
Speaking of titles, I have a book called “The Cake Bible”, I don’t believe there would be any infringement on the use of the word in other titles.
Now, off to work!
Love, your friend
"Are you a God?" they asked the Buddha.
"No," he replied.
"Are you an angel, then?"
"A saint?"
"Then what are you?"
Replied the Buddha, "I am awake."

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Steve - The only author that comes to mind who sold work by the page in this fashion was Henry Miller who did this in Paris for chump change = a dollar per page. This sexually graphic series of 'one-offs' originally sold to collectors in serial format was eventually published in toto as "Opus Pistorum." Thanks for taking the time to look in on my painting and so pleased that it spurred you to action in any fashion. 'WithOutWords' we get to the invisible language of real things. Hammond

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
I am not on the computer,.....really. Does someone know the Kenneth Patchen poem that has the line "when the sun spends it's beautiful money" and where it can be found?

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Here's the full text and scans of Please Plant This Book:
I haven't scanned Freewheelin's free book (yet).

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Friend/Raven/sam/Eileen...thank you both for the exchange on the discussion page...anyone who hasn't read it...take a minute

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2002
HA..some Digger wrote it already.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Eileen; an original story rates original illustrations. Copies rate copies...Let the pirates and bootleggers handle that end of it. One-Offs!... It's the old scribe thang'. (Not that IM' going to use a quill pen by candle light)....Oh;..thanks!!!...thanks alot!!... You sure planted the seed this time!!! Stop the presses! Theres an ancient wooden pedestal slanted writting stand complete with ink well hole that is collecting cob webs in a dark corner of the Sanctuary! I will get back to my Caligraphy Roots, and toil like the Monk that I am....I will compile a One-Off leather-bound "Homeskin" journal as a "My Masterpice". Ink, Goose Quil Pen, etc. Ive' got some Gregorian Chants in my Hip Record Collection. A Title, a Title...Ive' got it!...I will call it the BIBLE....Ya, that has a certain ring to it!...The Bible...Au....My question is this...Has that title been used before???....

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
Glad to hear you're thinking of a book! It made me think of Plant This Book and Free Wheelin's book. I wonder if Eric has them on this site? I bet he's got copies. Those were pretty unusual and had the Real Thing touch and definitely limited editions. But I cringe at the originals of your pictures going into your book. I mean it has a nice feel, but why not make copies and not loose the orginals? I sure would love to see your work!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
Hi Nicole~
I appreciate you telling me about Linda. Better I know. I lost touch with her after Janis died and tried to find news of her off and on. Always wondering what projects she had going, you know? Last I heard yrs back she was into stain glass windows..or at least into a project. Now THAT would have been something to see, no doubt.
I was thinking today about something she said to me once when I was struggling with men's pant zippers. I consider myself a classical seamstress. I wanted the finsih to be just so. With all I had learned (which was a lot) I had never learned how to put in a jeans type zipper..a pretty comlicated affair. I went to her and asked how to do it "right". She said she didn't know, she said she just bluffed her way through til it came out right..she just made it up. Well, that's the way I had always designed and that statement gave me the final freedom I needed and often went through my head whenever I got stuck. It helped me to know someone that was doing the incrediable work she did, was just winging it too! The name of the game in the 60's for sure!
I sew very little these days, although Ariel still tries to make me sew up some latest outrageous design she's got in mind. She learned how to sew by watching me when she was little. So when push comes to shove (when she gives up bullying me) she figures out how to do it. For a long time she wanted to go into clothing design, but never got it off the ground cause Coyote had a more practical vision for her..and he held the purse strings. Thus, she is now Dr Coyote.
Yes I did see Bobby's site ages ago. What a sweet guy. I'm glad he's doing something that sounds so fun!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Oct 2002
Hey Hammond. In reviewing picture two in Folio III, Serious Real: The Anti Journal 2:1,... I had the overwhelming desire to dig out an old portable type writer that I had picked up for short money at the 8th. St. Sally last year. I had originally restructured a series of songs that were composed by Englishmen,.. And had worked up a genious work based on "The Very Thought Of You",.. but trashed it due to ribbon failure. I had tucked it away because the ribbon is some what dried up and fades out half way through a sentence and must be rewound often. But fuck it. Your Picture Two spured me on to continue William Bourough's work..(Play?)...the Beat goes on. Im' compelled to pick up the torch. I see now that losing my abuillity to speak is no doubt my redemption. Im' creating a writter's corner in my room, which consists of the typer on two old wire milk crates and a folding metal chair (property of revolution books)...It's all falling right in place. I Will resume my working script, titled, "The Worst I Ever Called You Was Cuban Bob." I Will inter-weave it with my original "Will Keep Fresh 7-10 Days After Opening Journal Journal". It will hopefully expose exposure, compose composure, report reports, document documentation, create creation, dispell dispells and edit editions (among other things). It is not intended for mass consumpion in the real world/real time level... But,..It is my hope..In my capacity as the publisher..that the market appeal will be as such; It will be purchased by the page..(un-numbered) as I will no doubt revise and rework continually)...where by making it a true "Work in Progress).. and no two people will ever most likely have an exact matching edition...which I might add will be Illustrated with originl art work, and not reproductions. Now,..My question is this...Has it been done? Hey man, again...thanks for the inspiration. I can hardly wait to write about what hasnt happened yet...and on that note...I hope it happens soon.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
Click on "site map" at the very top of this page. Then go to near the bottom of the site map page and click on "Atomz search of the Digger Archives", then type "Winstanley" in the "search box" and click "search". This will bring up all the references to Gerard Winstanley in the Digger archives. Click on the blue highlighted words to bring up the text. Hope this helps.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
Just so you don't feel you're being ignored. If a Search brought you here for this name, you may need to address the site manager, going to Feedback. I son't know who you're talking about. Sorry

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
Eileen, yeah, sorry for that sort of was about 6 mos ago...a matasticised cancer of some kind...sort of fast. I've stayed in contact with the Big brother and holding co family and they let me know about it. did you ever check out my brother Bobbys web site? It's a strickly catch and release fly fishing outfit on the Delaware and on the North Platt...

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Oct 2002
Ya Eileen, Cumberland was a kid freindly street. I got active and helped "PUSH" a residents's petition for speed bumps. Rick Brown owned the whole Bld. He was a retired Actor (the Cooper fim, Veracruze) I spent alot of time on the roof and in the backyard garden. The artist Vaugn Bode (Wizard of ID) was a regular at my place, and the "Marlebouro Man" was seen ducking in and out. (before his acting career took off) Hi Tom! I used to walk over to the Mission and eat at the oldest Mexican eatery in the city. It was all cooked by Mamma, and the girls. There was also a Mob hangout that served the best Veal Scalopini ever, I always had mine Sec. The park was a trip. I also lived across the park on church St. with my first wife. Right before the street car hits the tunnel. God; it wasnt a was real, wasnt it. Maybe Im' suffering from some sort of drug induced disorder...this site is really taking the wieght off. It's good medicine. Well, back to my tea.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Oct 2002
Hey Mark, one evening during an acid black out, I was told that I apparently tried to "connect" with a stray cat that had taken cover under a parked car in front of RuePic. I was later told that several concerned patrons as well as a few of the locals tried their best to connect with me. I was also told that Paul Newman and his wife were there also, but I doubt if they did much coaxing to get me from out under the car. I wonder what ever happened to that cat?...Oh well; ships passing in the night. I had a wild time above the Folsom Prison. Around 1971 we were getting MDA from Chicago that was being buffered into what was at that time called MDM. I was never up on the names of all of that shit; it was all M&M's to me. Napaless Finger Hash and Blond were all over Berserkely. Thi sticks were the true path to spiritual enlightenment at that time. The Warlocks on the Haight were balls deep in African Elephant Grass..(the Jeff Beck of weed-dom)..The big blue-green sticky Nor Cal Bannana sized bud clusters were rare but, were we. Oh, well...back to my cup of tea. Hey I lived on your side of Pine Street, just down passed the parking lot. I shared a neat walk up with Whip Woman. There was a wierd (doncha' know) phone booth on Pine that would actually break into calls if the party that you dialed was tied up. More than a few times I would connect with three way conversations. I had a friend named Roger who pilled himself to death near your place. Hey, Does anyone remember Craig Downs??? Christ, he had the right name. His fingers were fried to nubs. He was forever setting beds and furniture on fire with lite cigaretts. Him and tracy were walking incinerators. I tripped with craig and his hands were like to much. It was a real horror show.

Name: Winstanley
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
If y'all discuss what is on this website as much as your own personal lives, please submit some entries in the next few days on the topic of Gerrard Winstanley- as you may understand by my name, he is a namesake of mine, Winstanley being my last name. This website has intrigued me a great deal, and I am extremely interested in his writings but i fear I do not have sufficient time to read through them thoroughly. Thus, I ask for you, who seemingly visit this site frequently, to perhaps outline some details of his writings in his pamphlets.
Merely for my own interest, but also due to the fact that I personally am currently in the process of writing my own "pamphlet" in the form of a book, on societal practices and topics that are currently 'hot' with the world's ethos, such as racism, sexism, all of the "ism's" as well as ways in which we may learn to live in harmony with less brutality and more humanity. It occurs to me to research much of the topics before i write freely of my own ideas, so as to gain as much knowledge on them as i might possibly do.
I only found this site out of boredom and searching the web for my name, where I found this site listed, and it immediately caught my eye. I am also wondering if you could put me in direct conversation with Mr. Christopher Hill, the author of the segment on Gerrard Winstanley, or Mr. Kenneth Rexroth, the author of the segment on the diggers. One of the reasons for my vast intrigue is in the case that this man may be an ancestor of mine, and an interest in my roots, possibly explaining an almost hereditary interest in societal theology.
I would be most obliged if any of you could answer this posting, if not with significant answerance, than with assurance that you cannot help me in any of the ways I have outlined.
With great thanx, -Winstanley

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
A lump in my throat with that news of Linda's passing. Yes, the whole time she was sewing for Janis we were tight. Such an prolific, inspired multi talented hard driven artist and woman. I'm surprised Coyote didn't tell me. I suppose he forgot how much time we spent together (alas his brain slippage is worse than my on, good things he kept notes ha!) When did she die and how?
For you of those that might be interested, she designed and sewed all Janis Joplin's stage clothes and probably most of her street clothes. She made some judge his court robe out of denim and who knows what trippy stuff inside and detailing. She was a great inspiration to me as a sister seamstress and designer. Outrageous woman with coffee for blood. Oh there's way to much to tell. But she was a roman candle to our sparklers.
Steve~Coyote and I had a little house/cabin on Cumberland..on the corner behind the jade plants and trees. It was actually 2 cabins built inot each other like a chinese side of my house holding the supports and connections to the other. Lynn Brown lived next door. It had been but as refugee cabins after THE SF earthquake.
Just stopping for tea I am not on the computer I am not on the computer I am not..

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
BTW Eileen, did you know that Linda Gravenitis died? I'm thinking that you knew her pretty well...last time I saw her we went for a drive up the coast (rather down the coast) to a restaurant in Santa Cruz and she had asked about you...I just found myself thinking about her and her great smile and thought I'd pass that along if you hadn't I hope you are still sewing...

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
I was following your lead today, staying off the computer and getting some painting done. Now, thanks to Sprog and you I have damn Cerulean Blue finger prints on the keyboard. In the words of a very funny old friend, "What we have is a lack of self-discipline." Where is my turpentine?
Steve,(from last night)
Rue LuePic was across the street and down a half block from the dump I lived in. I had calves tongue with green olive sauce once. One of those expensive forgetable meals. They only had one sitting each night so you had to get a table early. I used to fight for parking spaces on Mason hill below the Mark Hopkins after 4:30. I would just leave the doors unlocked, windows down so they wouldn't be broken, leave the glove box open and throw the contents on the floor overnight. Nobody ever broke into my car.
I was finishing up a BFA at CCAC in Oakland on GI bill, wife was working at St. Lukes on Army St. To save bucks I took a job with the SF SPCA that furnished an apartment we moved into on the 2nd floor of the 16th st. building above the clinic and a small salary to be pick up animals in distress in the city at night. There are some insane stories from that era. The movie with Jim Belushi and James Woods about freelance photographers (Salvador?)opening scenes were filmed on the roof where the fully crazed dogs were caged. I used to go up a burn a big fattie with them in the evening. They never seemed to mind. I used to drive by the Folsom Prison bar quickly, creeped me out.
We used to hit Dance Yer Ass off and Bimbo's (saw Sylvester there, very wierd mens room), The Yellow Brick Road, The Boarding House, The Intersection Comedy club, The Keystone Club for jazz, Great American Music Hall and drank at Cobbs down off Lombard then later a Perry Boys in Cow Hollow. Burned down hangovers at Leon's Barbeque at the Zoo. Roosevelt was the cook, they just shut down about a month ago. We even ventured into Toads Hall once but it was too much for me. We eventually moved up to Miraloma Park behind Tower Market for some quiet and qualudes. We also had a flat on the corner of Rivoli and Cole but by that time it was just too fucking dangerous in that neck of the Haight. Ahh....memory lane. Who says we can't remember anything?

Name: a friend of friends
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
Yes Steve - our stories are vital beyond their meaning to us personally. Now that the rock groups and roadies have written and re-written their take on the 60s-70s via the venues of constant stone roadtrips, and mako shark groupie tangles it is time for those of us who have survived to streach our memories and dreams back into focus for those coming up on the new here and now as Steve suggests - The New Bohemians - as they (our stories) will help provide a foundation as the Beats and before Beats did for us. Everyone knows we got incredibly stoned - but what we thought about is not well covered...... Message out....a friend of friends....

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
Now THIS is what makes having a computer worth it!!!HA HA HA HAHAHA
Made my day..although I am not on the computer......

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2002
The following is the transcript of an ACTUAL radio conversation that took
> place in October 1995, between a US Navy ship off the coast of England,
> and
> a British authority. The transcript was released by the MOD.
> BRITS: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the South, to avoid a
> collision.
> AMERICANS: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the North, to
> avoid a collision.
> BRITS: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the
> South
> to avoid a collision.
> AMERICANS: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR
> course.
> BRITS: Negative. I say again. You will have to divert your course.
> BRITS: We are a lighthouse. F..... off

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Oct 2002
Hey Eileen; I hung up my spurs for good. But I will NEVER hang up my Rock-N-Roll Shoes!!! The "BEAT" goes on...which leads me to this; I see one hell of a Beat / Hipster movement on the way. The kids of today can plainly..(or should plainly) see that the so-called "Hippie" movement was just the youngen's playin' house. Come on kids, turn off the dial. Pick up a book...No; better yet, write a fuckin' book. Write anything...write about how much you dislike writting..Dig? Get into William Boughrows "Cut Up" style word mongering. Beat Mamma's Bongos, Hook a chick named Zelda; and if ya cant find one,..rename yer existing gal Zelda, build a motorcycle, Smoke Grass, Drink Booze, learn to spell, smoke more grass, Fuck alot, name yer first son "Pubert"....then fuck some more.. name yer daughter "Puberta"..then keep fuckin' when yer' through...(or half way through)...Join me at the back of the line. Let em' pick us last for the team...beter yet' fuck the team. Live a Poet's life..."Le Sang des Poetes" And you Collage bums and bumesses...take the pressure off!...cut the stress!...reclassify yer' selves!....change yer' status to Non-Credit. Hey, it's Dad's money. I hereby officially dub this century "AGE OF THE NEW BOHEMIANS" (Is that spelled right???)

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Oct 2002
Mark, ya, Polk Street, Polk Gulch, Polk Strassa...and Knob Hill...during that era the Rue Lepuic French cafe was on the corner of Mason and Pine. My old digs at the agency were at 815 Mason heading up the hill. Fella Hotel was a stones (stoned) throw. Dale's Barber shop was down after the chineese laundry on Pine. He's the cat who owned the Gold AMC Javalin. Jackie the seamstress was on the corner directly across from the French place. Sucker's Liquers was still on Polk, I lived on Lobster Thermador at the P.S. Reseraunt on Polk, I used Swonson's Fried Chicken, Chocolote chip cookies and Ice Cream as a suppliment. Frank the Chief was at the P.S. at that time. I first met Micheal Greer there (Queenie, from Fortune and Men's Eyes film), I also knew his light man. Frank also cooked at the Speak Easy in the ware house district. Sidhartha and Mom's apple grave where still going strong. I bought (and was given) my clothing at both places, I ran into Alice Copper there, (at both places). The Raven had just cranked up and had to have been "THE" den of eniquity of the hamburger world. Remember that Antique shop on pine that was owned by that frail Benny Hill type with the huge pompador hair style? Damn nice neighborhood. It was like everyday was Easter Sunday. (whatever that means)

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Oct 2002
Mark, ya, Polk Street, Polk Gulch, Polk Strassa...and Knob Hill...during that era the Rue Lepuic French cafe was on the corner of Mason and Pine. My old digs at the agency were at 815 Mason heading up the hill. Fella Hotel was a stones (stoned) throw. Dale's Barber shop was down after the chineese laundry on Pine. He's the cat who owned the Gold AMC Javalin. Jackie the seamstress was on the corner directly across from the French place. Sucker's Liquers was still on Polk, I lived on Lobster Thermador at the P.S. Reseraunt on Polk, I used Swonson's Fried Chicken, Chocolote chip cookies and Ice Cream as a suppliment. Frank the Chief was at the P.S. at that time. I first met Micheal Greer there (Queenie, from Fortune and Men's Eyes film), I also knew his light man. Frank also cooked at the Speak Easy in the ware house district. Sidhartha and Mom's apple grave where still going strong. I bought (and was given) my clothing at both places, I ran into Alice Copper there, (at both places). The Raven had just cranked up and had to have been "THE" den of eniquity of the hamburger world. Remember that Antique shop on pine that was owned by that frail Benny Hill type with the huge pompador hair style? Damn nice neighborhood. It was like everyday was Easter Sunday. (whatever that means)

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Oct 2002
Mark, I had returned from FLA. and had grabbed a place on Cumberland St. off of Guerrero (Deloris Park); right on the edge of the Taco Belt at that time. After the parade I remember how clean cut looking and sharply dressed all of the Hells Angels were. The No Helmet crowd was dwarfed and swallowed up by the largest massing of free fuckin' sinners in America. It turned out to be an open air bike show. The scooter bums really got off on the compliments and inquires concerning their pride and joy (Choppers). The only down side that I heard was later on the news; One reporter stated that a girl fell off the back of a chopper heading out at a high rate of speed, and the rider kept going. Ya! truth he kept going right over the fuckin' bypass railing and onto the highway below. But think they could get it right? If I recall, the actual parade ended at the large rectangle pool, right? If thats the same parade, remember the cat who beat his meat in the center of the pool? I cant place his name right off...He was up staged by a gal who started whakin' off a dude at the south end of the pool. Some rough trade type kept pushing the back of her head as thousands chanted "Suck It"...well, some side-lining dude complyed and the crowd went nuts. The cops were all just smilin'. What a fuckin' town. The only police action that I saw was when they rushed my pal Richard who was riding on the trunk of the Folsom Prison Leather Bar parade car and insisted that he keep his sawed off double barreled shot gun racked open to insure that it was not loaded, (That reminds me of an MDA dog shit story that I wont get into right now)...anyway, it was a perfect sunny day. God, what a mellow crowd. That was the same summer that the Dead and the starship did their last free show (to my knowladge)in the park. The Angels of light did a thing afterwards a ways off, but I kept my distance. Thats the last time that I saw Roger Trudoue. It was wonderful.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Oct 2002
Sheesh! I can't get away from this thing. This is a PS. Ariel just called and said forget that download, it's a maze that is not worth if to find. Guess I will see if the have a tape I can buy. OK I'M REALLY OFF THE COMPUTER!!!!!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Oct 2002
I'm not really here on the computer, OK. I'm taking a break, pretending the woods I almost got to is here at home. Well, it practically. See, I was telling Ariel about the Dalai Lama talking to Stephen King and jeeze she laughed at me! Larry King, LARRY! So she went hunting and found the site with the intereview. She says it takes $4. to download. So if anyone's actually interested, here's the site. It's totally worth the $4 and keeping.
I also want to mention a brief interview that was done with Dick Gregory, from the Washington rally, with Demoracy Now, something I would love to find and copy..alas would mean computer time I don't dare get into right now. He said all I was so poorly trying to say, about we individually have to make the changes in our spirits and in our hearts and minds if we are going to make a change in the gov't. But I totally lack the words he had. He really made the loop so exceedingly clear.
And one more thing I saw at school today on the advisors wall that I had him copy. Really spoke to the bottom line I struggle with. Short and sweet:
Almost anything you do will be insignificant but it is very important that you do it. Mohandas Gandhi
Steve~A humbling experience grabbing that guy. Those little wake up calls from the Universe..ha! Don't you just hate that! Hang up those spurs.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Oct 2002
Walk with me here. After the march up Market Street to the Civic Center, which was a great event with a large more mixed crowd than the earlier rallies this year, I hooked it up Polk St. in search of some calories. I lived on Pine St. one block down Mason from the Fairmont/Mark Hopkins in the early seventies. So Polk St. was a place I wandered through.
I remember getting up one weekend morning getting over a very bad hangover and heading out towards Cliff House for some medicine. Driving down Van Ness I noticed crowds of people along Polk St. as I passed through the traffic lights. We stopped and parked at SF Lincoln/Mercury on O'Farrell and Van Ness, our roomie worked in the parts department, and went to look. The first gay parade I had seen and it made for a very surreal day. Harvey Milk, I think he was running for supervisor, riding a convertible, Sheriff Richard Hongisto in another, everybody was elated and accelerated.
I may have two years overlapped here but trouble really started brewing when the parade route went by the Federal Building only to come face to face with 100's of bikers flooding the street in the middle of a protest of impending helmut laws. I don't know how this thing didn't blow up and there were some awful but some funny impromptu interactions. I don't know who had scheduled these two events for collision but somebody was asleep at the wheel. I also remember all the booths and tables around the Civic Center that had a number of people handing out info on STD's and talk of some unnamed disease that was going around the gay community.
Anyway, after a hard day of protesting, food was essential before heading out to get home to see game seven of the World Series. We hiked all the way up to California and I haven't been through the gulch for many years on foot. It is damn quiet now. The Palm's bar is gone. The Mitchell Bros. is the O'Farrell theater but I think they are still up to the same task as always. Miz Browns is now the Polk St. Cafe. Am I right about that? The Whole Earth Restaurant behind the Holiday Inn is a Macdonalds I think. The Wells Fargo Bank across the street is a Thrift shop. The Soup Kitchen, a great place, is history. Lots of old memories.
We had a great Italian meal in a place called Ti Piacera on Polk just across California, highly recommended by yours truly. We sat long enough at the window to have a few of the more colorful and semi-intentional performers to appear reminding us that this still was Polk St.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Oct 2002
Sister Nik, I got the goodies and stashed em' on the rack, and will return your green tote bag when we connect. It was one hell of a hectic evening. I was out spice shopping. Having realized whats important in this sphere, Im stocking a personal winter hybernation stash of Olive Oil, honey, Oatmeal, Organic herbs & spices, canned Salmon and crab meat. An old habit that I never kicked. I will start on spirits and wine next week. Hey Nicole, Im really up about Hammonds visit, you are both in for a real beggars banquet, which may just stop short of walking on yogurt and flowers. Will close for now. P.S. Your bed says Hi! Oh ya, one can accuse you of being a parrot of other men's thoughts! Your vibe is real, well grounded, rounded, and unbounded. When Mark talks; people listen. Warm reguards to everyone. Steve

E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Oct 2002

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Oct 2002
Steve, I stopped by yesterday afternoon but alas you were out...I left a bag of things for you in the office...did you recieve? It was pretty congested in there because of the film crew and equipment and I couldn't really find a proper place to put it...let me know...
Hammond, I'm so looking foward to reading your book and seeing you here in NYC !!! The three of us should have a great time. See you here untill then, Nicole
Mark, I like the way you think. Thank you. ps any thing more about the PD we talked about???

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Oct 2002
Steve, I stopped by yesterday afternoon but alas you were out...I left a bag of things for you in the office...did you recieve? It was pretty congested in there because of the film crew and equipment and I couldn't really find a proper place to put it...let me know...
Hammond, I'm so looking foward to reading your book and seeing you here in NYC !!! The three of us should have a great time. See you here untill then, Nicole

Name: Steve O'Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Oct 2002
Colin, when the census takers hit Southie, they mearly round off to get an acurate head count. They count the basement windows and multiply by twelve. I have a dear friend Opal Peirce; who married a few Southy men. She's a dear Cat Lady. Hey, Im more at home in Jamaica Plain..Ah...McBride Street. I urge them to give up the fight and to live life, not death. Let the dead bury the dead. That being said; Ive' attained it. Ive' finally busted out (IN??)...yep; Ive' recieved a priceless gift from one of the Super Human Crew....(unknowingly, on his part???)... First off.. It came about when I walked by the bathroom and theres this real tall dude pissin' with the door wide open. I grabbed this fucker by his collar and the back of his pants and drug his ass out with his dick still in his hand. I slammed him up againts the hallway wall; THEN I recognized him as one of the retarded volenteers who helps clean the sanctuary. He sheepishly zipped up, smiled and waved at me and mumbled something about being my friend. I felt two inches tall. It aint me babe. Before I go on...I want to wish every one a productive and joyful Holiday Season. Without rubbing it in; I sympathize with those of you who are not free from the worry about money: or the lack of it. Well Gang...Ive' hung up my weapons again: (twice in one month?)..this time its an instinctive effort; (not to avoid a potential premature death)..but rather; an attempt to extend my personal freedom; a freedom that I charish more than life itself. Im' taking the advice that I would give to any jaywalker who is keyed on fighting to the death the very person that he unjustly walked in front of..."HANG IT UP!!!" Not being one to do anything half way,..Im' having my flying death's head tattoo altered into a winged scarab. On the Activist front...The Impending War??? Well Folks; heres a loving realization: The all wars from the beguining, are part of the order that governs the fuckin' universe; ...that being said,..The American "GOVERNMENT" WILL no doubt be FIRST! The Victor!..The WINNER!..the FIRST-IN-LINE! This my dear ones will seal "THEIR" fate as being LAST eventually. The same can be said of Ol' Georgie boy. Hey George...remember that little "Go Get Fucked" part?...well, "Do Yer' Thing"..fulfill yer' doomed destiny. Keep yer' freeze dried Karma. Diggers one and all; I emplore you to Abandon your goals of "beating" these "Victors". This is as humble as I get folks. Im' heading for the rear of the line. Color me HAPPY. Oh; my art? Hey, Im' balls deep In the divine art of life. The pictures and paintings will surely follow. I will bust out of at least one canvas per week...and no I wont close the door and cover my tracks. Anyone who flys a BOYD original on their living room wall will have a gateway to another dimension. A port hole that opens to the sea of mocking rhyme...and on that a song for me.

Name: Colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Oct 2002
Hey All- Whoo Hoo!! What a turn out in DC. I was in the thick of it all- running from the cops near the White House! The mainstream press are saying "tens of thousands" but in reality it was around 250,000 who particpated. I'm in the process of writing a story for my local paper (taking a while cuz I'm no writer). I'll get back to you all soon with highlights and ramblings.
Friend- thanks for your good vibes!
Steve- I have some Sothie Mob stories to share.

Name: Supreme Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Oct 2002
Holy humped up Tao! Jumpin' Satori! I made it to the 7th fuckin' Stage of Judgement! I shit you not! You want "Learning?"..Ive' learned! "Love?"...Instinctual, Erotic, Emotional, calculating, social, spiritual....Yep!!..(three ex-wives and nineteen triple ex-girl friends cant be wrong! Wage slave, whore, actor, man of means...covered! Conformist,...follower...well, lets keep it in the ball park...but Im' talkin' self realization here kids!...I eat, drink, and sleep. The Government pays me not to work! It's all embracing!!!...Im' a happy man! Heres the thing..Ive' been slingin' hash and picking up after these cradle to grave welfare suckin' low-rent, scum of the fuckin' earth Knew Jorkers for so long that it would make Ghandi sucker punch Mother Teresa. It was to much madness for to long! Give; give; give..and no take. I was ready to carve the sign of Zorro on their chests!..Half of these Gimmy-Gimmy gutter snipes have big fat mamma's in Brooklyn. They can all kiss my white ass. Ive' jay walked in front of the last black ass peddlin' jamaican mook folks. Only I can change it. WALK RIGHT..DIG?Racist???...fuck you!..I deal with more white niggers than black ones...And hey friend; Sorry; but theres more than a few yellow niggers in this town!! I gave at the office folks. They aint gettin' the scum off of my nuts. Want money??? get it the old fashioned way; STEAL IT!!!...Im' FREE!!!...ah...any questions?

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Oct 2002
I am responding finally to your last post (Oct 24, Somewhere in the briar patch, brer fox), life's little realities always lay me away. Broken garage door, shorted burner on the stove, teenager anything, bald tires, anti-war protest; on and on.
In the first part of the post you said you thought I was welcoming you back. Welcome and if a welcome from me will encourage any one reading here to put something up to think about, more welcome from me.
" Reasonable definition of the issues" is getting to the tough work of lining up with others to make some change. It has got to be one of the toughest for me. Mixing in too many issues, issues with conflicting agendas, cross-cultural issues that lack a common language or have conflicting tradition, or vague issues that have a way of coming in and out of focus make it all seem like grabbing at a wet bar of soap.
The folly of "preaching to the choir" is a death certificate to any effort to sustain momentum. I thought about that yesterday marching up Market Street. It is good to get people out and see each other, acknowledging themselves. It may be good in the early stages of defining issues, but marching in San Francisco isn't like marching down main street in Selma, Alabama during the Civil Rights era. This means taking it to root of the situation, taking the risk to do that and paying the price.
Hoping the fence-dwellers and semi-comatose citizens will be jolted into action by returning bags of dead young may be optimistic as well. Blind patriotism feeds on the dead and intensifies the thirst for blood. Drafting the young as cannon fodder for all this could be a more intimate experience for the younger pawns in the game and work against the Bush agenda. I think they (Bush and cronies) recognize it. It is when the realization finally comes that all the lost lives were given for some bullshit imperialistic ideological aggression to perpetuate and that effort has failed the slow turning of the tide begins. Of course, if you don't have a problem with American world domination then nothing happens. Unfortunately many Americans see the whole thing like some fucking Super Bowl.
Urban centers have inherent tendencies of apathy or maybe just insulation but the often are the seedbeds of change. I recently drove across Minnesota through Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming and Utah to California. During the trip I spent a few hours in conversation with a cab driver in Sioux Falls and a revealing two days in a small town called Marshall in Minnesota. The cultures there are so self-referencing and loosely linked to any kind of international view, it is overwhelming. But what do I know? The Internet is shifting the ground under our feet. The idea of taking on a world wide perspective to, in some sense, destroy that perspective in order to adopt an eco-centric, can I say Bioregional, outlook is a long road but I am learning that grass roots beginnings seem to stick better, giving a hands-on scale to the needs of change that walks the walk for the individual when anything else just seems foolish.
You mentioned elitism and isolated intelleligentsia (throw in some sexism, too) in the motherfuckers and the Diggers. That would be a topic that I would like to see discussed here but have fears of it degenerating into masturbatory (easy to do, not so easy to spell), contentious, hollow gutting of mythology. Kind of like David Horowitz and the dickheads that spend time explaining and making profit off Monday-morning quarter backing the progressive surge of the 60's.
Getting between feuding factions of political/cultural progressive movement to help in unity is a honorable effort in my book. Problem is now, we don't have any that have gotten far enough to piss each other off. In fact, many factions just don't want to talk to each other. As you can see, I'm not big on solutions with all this but maybe it is enough to keep the cylinders firing.

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Oct 2002
Thanks for the posters and slogan. (Eric, are you going to post more stuff in the archives?) I sat through an entire 1/2 hour 11 o'clock news show and they showed the S.F. & D.C. march, and named the international citites where other demos took place in 30 seconds!!! Not even a minute to cover the news that over 100,000 showed up in D.C. How many were in S.F.? It looked like so much fun!
Colin, I hope you feel renewed now. Looking forward to hear your report.
Love, a friend

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Oct 2002
My favorite was the plain and simple...."Bush is a dumbass"

E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Oct 2002
Second best sign at yesterday's Anti-War March and Rally in San Francisco:

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Oct 2002
Best sign at yesterday's Anti-War March and Rally in San Francisco:

Name: O.M.M.C. / NOMAD
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Oct 2002
Hey Wino; I was just clued in to who you are. Im' flattered. I will check out your web site. Why dont you Introduce your self to the folks here?

Name: O.M.M.C. / NOMAD
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Wino Joe. I mistook you for an "AJ". Which club house wall is the note on? Are you refering to a guest book? E-Mail me again and point me in the right direction. Your message was to positive to pose a threat. Talk to me. Silent Steve

Name: Steve..
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Happy Trails Eileen! Peyote Cerimonies?? Hey, Ive' got a tad of Red-Skin blood on both sides. Dad's mother's people were among the many early settlers in Georgia who were basically "Planted" as a buffer between the warring land-grabbing Carolina settlers and the Meskogee Nation. Her kin were the Weatherfords; who were connected to the Half Breed Scottish Chief Alexander MacGillivery. To make a long story short the American Government all but wiped out my Creek ancestors leaving only the women folk to carry on the blood line. But on that note "The "Red Stick" blood is strong. You and I both know that we have returned and have danced in their streets at night. And oh what a night. The prophecy came full circle. Can you feel it? Oh Fair Eileen; Fuck the bus...steal a war pony, grab his right front leg from the left side, wrestle him to the ground, bit his left ear; then whisper your secrets to him...sooth him and sing your song of the horses...wreath him in flowers; braid his mane and paint him. Weave a rope briddle; do not use a steel bit. Teach him to ride through fire. After youve'done that...nothing can stop you.

Name: Steve..
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Happy Trails Eileen! Peyote Cerimonies?? Hey, Ive' got a tad of Red-Skin blood on both sides. Dad's mother's people were among the many early settlers in Georgia who were basically "Planted" as a buffer between the warring land-grabbing Carolina settlers and the Meskogee Nation. Her kin were the Weatherfords; who were connected to the Half Breed Scottish Chief Alexander MacGillivery. To make a long story short the American Government all but wiped out my Creek ancestors leaving only the women folk to carry on the blood line. But on that note "The "Red Stick" blood is strong. You and I both know that we have returned and have danced in their streets at night. And oh what a night. The prophecy came full circle. Can you feel it? Oh Fair Eileen; Fuck the bus...steal a war pony, grab his right front leg from the left side, wrestle him to the ground, bit his left ear; then whisper your secrets to him...sooth him and sing your song of the horses...wreath him in flowers; braid his mane and paint him. Weave a rope briddle; do not use a steel bit. Teach him to ride through fire. After youve'done that...nothing can stop you.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Hammond; consider yourself covered. The lodgings and food are on the Peace Church. No strings....well, maybe an autographed copy. WELCOME!!...Hey, I just got the word that they bagged a third party in the sniper deal. They cornered his ass in FLINT MICHIGAN!!! Hey Mr. Moore; you wrapped up the film to damn early!!! about a motion picture climax. What an ending that would have made!!! Jesus!!!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Taking off for the woods for a wk or so in my school bus with the dogs. Time to clear some stuff that's hanging me up.
Later Y'all

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Thanks Steve, I will take you up on your offer when I come to the City - and yes, if the day is right you can indeed sign me up for Hash slinging - any variety! More when I get settled and caught up to date on my life here in Portland

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Violent Nature??..I like that in a woman!...Hey, I stood off a big Jamaican Cat yesterday that almost ran my ass down with a bicycle. I jumped out of the way, (walking against the light)..I was in the wrong. So anyway, he gets real verbal. So I motioned for him to get up close and personal. He starts running his mouth while Im' curling my finger and motioning him closer like a kitty cat. He jumps off the bike; which I now notice has a thick anti theft chain wrapped around it. Well, at this point the cat had his Voo-Doo Jamaican Dread shit goin' in his corner...and Im' thinkin' fuck 500 thousand Islanders in Manhattan and I pick one that ain't mellowed out on herb; then I become aware of his physical presents; Im' thinking: No way; I cant take this guy; he's in his prime, and he's pissed off and Im' not. At that point, my usual rage adrenilin is fear adrenilin. I always carry two knives. One for myself and one to offer to my antagonist (If unarmed). The offer alone is usually enough to put things to bed. Well, the fact that I wasnt swearing back or talking at all, got this dude on the "Where the fuck are you from???" trip. Here's a fuckin' Jamaican down on my ass as if Im a foriegner...well In this city...Americans are forieners, but thats another story. Well, he kept up the verbal harassment but wouldnt get within striking range. He was really playing to the crowd. I never broke eye contact and he rode away with his pride entact. I didnt give off any deadly force vibes at all. I mean come on...jay walking...Uh..lets leave it at that. The real thing is when I get about one inch higher than I am and stare at their hands with no eye contact and start to slowly circle..(not approaching in a menacing manner) but getting them to shift around to slowly stay face to face..its my action and their reaction. Ive' found that the silent trip scares folks more than any verbal threat could. Im' to old for this shit; but it keeps me keyed, and "UP" so to speak. Thats why I dont like tripping around on my own. If Im' with someone; I shine that shit on. Its nothing. But when Im doing the loner thing, then it's rumble in the Jungle. Eileen; Im' over the hill, and must get it through my head. No fool like an old fool. I cant figure myself out some times. I was in the wrong, yet still lit the short fuse..Vanity? Pride? Assholism??..sign of the times??? Oh, by the way, I met a Monk who had been tortured by the Chineese, and I got sucked into the Students for a free Tibet awhile back. My views rubbed them wrong; but they are some great kids. Im' their inside man here at the Peace Church for their various rallies and benefiet Concerts. I think that the Tibetan Women are so pretty, but there seems to be no sexual tension between me and any that Ive' ever met. Now, with the western gals its like blue lightning bolts...whats that all about??? Have a good saturday. Guns? I was one hell of a shot in my younger days..but think that fire arms are cowardly weapons (unless unloaded with a fixed bayonet)..go figure. Well, sharpen your spears, and beat the drums folks. Later.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Violent Nature??..I like that in a woman!...Hey, I stood off a big Jamaican Cat yesterday that almost ran my ass down with a bicycle. I jumped out of the way, (walking against the light)..I was in the wrong. So anyway, he gets real verbal. So I motioned for him to get up close and personal. He starts running his mouth while Im' curling my finger and motioning him closer like a kitty cat. He jumps off the bike; which I now notice has a thick anti theft chain wrapped around it. Well, at this point the cat had his Voo-Doo Jamaican Dread shit goin' in his corner...and Im' thinkin' fuck 500 thousand Islanders in Manhattan and I pick one that ain't mellowed out on herb; then I become aware of his physical presents; Im' thinking: No way; I cant take this guy; he's in his prime, and he's pissed off and Im' not. At that point, my usual rage adrenilin is fear adrenilin. I always carry two knives. One for myself and one to offer to my antagonist (If unarmed). The offer alone is usually enough to put things to bed. Well, the fact that I wasnt swearing back or talking at all, got this dude on the "Where the fuck are you from???" trip. Here's a fuckin' Jamaican down on my ass as if Im a foriegner...well In this city...Americans are forieners, but thats another story. Well, he kept up the verbal harassment but wouldnt get within striking range. He was really playing to the crowd. I never broke eye contact and he rode away with his pride entact. I didnt give off any deadly force vibes at all. I mean come on...jay walking...Uh..lets leave it at that. The real thing is when I get about one inch higher than I am and stare at their hands with no eye contact and start to slowly circle..(not approaching in a menacing manner) but getting them to shift around to slowly stay face to face..its my action and their reaction. Ive' found that the silent trip scares folks more than any verbal threat could. Im' to old for this shit; but it keeps me keyed, and "UP" so to speak. Thats why I dont like tripping around on my own. If Im' with someone; I shine that shit on. Its nothing. But when Im doing the loner thing, then it's rumble in the Jungle. Eileen; Im' over the hill, and must get it through my head. No fool like an old fool. I cant figure myself out some times. I was in the wrong, yet still lit the short fuse..Vanity? Pride? Assholism??..sign of the times??? Oh, by the way, I met a Monk who had been tortured by the Chineese, and I got sucked into the Students for a free Tibet awhile back. My views rubbed them wrong; but they are some great kids. Im' their inside man here at the Peace Church for their various rallies and benefiet Concerts. I think that the Tibetan Women are so pretty, but there seems to be no sexual tension between me and any that Ive' ever met. Now, with the western gals its like blue lightning bolts...whats that all about??? Have a good saturday. Guns? I was one hell of a shot in my younger days..but think that fire arms are cowardly weapons (unless unloaded with a fixed bayonet)..go figure. Well, sharpen your spears, and beat the drums folks. Later.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Solar Flares info. I am convinced these are affecting time..speeding it up. The more severe have created some pretty strange moments for me.
At the very least are affecting the way people are feeling, kicking off earthquakes, volcanoes, and unusual weather changes. This is not just some woo woo theory of mine.
RNA~Thanks a bunch for the info. Will look into it.
To all going to the rallies today. THANK YOU!

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: crop circles
Date: 26 Oct 2002
here's the site for Crop Circles and play dates in your area. try to see this movie. Also, you can buy the video for $15. or the DVD for $20. Spread this puppy around. Clearly consciousness raising. charges $40 for the video so it's best to order it at the above web site. I'm going to get one to pass around, This from the woman who refuses to get a tv or vcr...

Name: Rena
E-mail Address: birthing
Date: 26 Oct 2002
here's the latest on the midwife bust. from an e mail from Nan, the victim of the witch hunt:
"The benefit was a great home-birth reunion. I was bombarded with input and I spent the whole time greeting my community-family. We raised some money and two more benefits to go - so yesterday when my oldest son Ethan and I met with the lawyer we told her we have the community support and we want more action on my behalf. Everyome wants me to get a more big gun lawyer, but really I think the lady we have will be fine. She is very responsive to our input. She has made a tremendous effort to comprehend all the details of the case, is very supportive of me and a woman's right to choose how and where to birth, which she still thinks is the herart of the case. We are going to hire a paralegal to get the medical data in order and do the legwork of going to the library at UC in SF. The benefit itself was truely increible. Food was great. Music beyond awesome and we circled up two times and everyone loved it. But the down-side you know the Occ. Community Cenbter has awful accustics so it was hard for everyone to hear the poetry and testimonials. But the kids could run wild. Next benfit at Ocean Song will to tighter. They don't want anyone in the gardens (incase someone leaves the gate open!) and it has to be left immaculately clean! Hopefully it won't be raining! Next benefit after that I am not worried about at all. It will be smaller, with the Dutch Painter exhibiting and Bhagavan Das singing and we'll have Indian Food.
Great meeting with lawyer yesterday, feeling more confident about an end to this harrasement.A great thing has come out of my arrest. (check the web site Ethan is putting it online) The city of Sebastopol made a proclamamtion the Oct 15 will be Nan Koehler - Home Birth Day in Sebastopol! Next year we'll have a big reunion in the park. My lawyer (and of course my Mother) were thrilled because that is worth 10,000 testimonials politically.
Clock it ticking. Thanks for the love and support - Nan"
to make donations to Nan's legal defense fund and for current reports on haps and events/fundraisers in California, please go to
the Proclaimation by the Mayor of Sebastopol is at and truly a delight to see. do check it out.
Prayers, cash, and consciousness raising are all that's needed.
Aloha, Rena

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Thanks for that report. You can see why I feel a need to discuss the intercession I believe is going on. I wish I could find a site here with better pictures than I have found. There used to be a great site but they have started charging..always a way to make a buck. If you know of one that's good would you please post it?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Flipper? Ha! Steve~
Been watching Kundun over and over the last 2 days..the Dalai Lama's life til he left Tibet. I've been in a funk and it soothes and inspires me..and makes me cry. I have tried the Zen route briefly but it holds no appeal for me. Tibetan Buddhism is pretty facinating though. I saw the Dalai Lama on a Steven King interview this past winter I think it was. Steven King was really baiting him about China..wasn't he angry etc etc. I have never been so impressed with anyone in my life. I'd love to have a tape of that show just to absorb the Dalai Lama's enlightment. Now if you want to see true non violence and the ultimate strength of it, see if you can track down that interview. More on that in a minute.
Breath. When one chants there is a thing that just naturally happens with your breath...a long out breath quick in breath long out breath etc. Zen and Tibetan both use a different kind of breath cycle. I think the basic one is a long out to the count of 7, and then held 7 then out 7 etc. Something like that. Til you get the hang of it you feel like your going to suffocate. But Tibetan also uses visulazations that work better for me..I am not an empty mind kind of person. There is the Breath of Fire that yogis use. Yes there are some amazing things that you can do with your breath that your whole being responds to. I have also seen a picture of a lama levitating. The Tibetans can get pretty mystical. We are so fortunate they are here in this country now to teach. If I ever get the chance to see the Dalai Lama in person I'm definitely there! Have you heard their throat chanting. Aah! It really gets to me. I have a tape of that I go to sleep with sometimes.
My chanting practice is entirely based on the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin's writings. This is where each form of Buddhism differs..the sutras they study and the kind of meditation they use. Nichiren said the Lotus Sutra was Buddha's highest teaching and where he recognized his own enlightment. He expressed it with the main chant we do, NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO. All The Buddhist's teachings are so extremely deep. To study them will really stretch out your consciousness. I also have used the I Ching as a teacher for 30 yrs. It is based on the Tao..the Middle Way.
I would like to tell you a story now. I have always had a rather violent nature. In time I got pretty creative with it and figured out some pretty subtle means to take a person down without touching them. Although I have let it be known I'm a good shot and if pressed am willing to make walking difficult..and that's the nice end of it. Being a single mom, there have been times that has come up. I have always, at a gut level believed anger held more power than love. But I had pondered, did love feel so weak because it had not been developed to the degree possible? Could love in fact be used to do battle? In other words, darkness must have an equally strong counterpart. The yin and yang symbol is not unequal.
So here's the story that took place 8 yrs ago. I had been going to Native Am all night peyote prayer meetings for a number of yrs. I had seen and experienced many miracles in there. It is a really rugged way to pray, as all Native Am ceremonies are. At any rate I had just come out of an all night meeting, to find a young Indian man, the son of the medicine man running the meeting, had been beat and left for dead in a ditch in Albq. New Mex. He was in a coma and the doctors had given up on him. So we all prepared to go right back in the tepee that night to pray for his life. This is called a back to back, and is a really intense thing to do. As the night progressed things were getting really out of hand. I'd never seen anything like it. It was getting pretty scarey, as the energy of what this young man had gone through and was dealing with, was being worked out through us. There had been a high degree of violence involved and on many levels it turns out, as the tepee seemed to become fragmented with deep darkness. The man helping the Fire Man at the doorway started cursing across the tepee at a young man that held the injured mans fan of Eagle tail feathers. He started messing with the fire, which he had been helping with, and it was getting hotter and hotter until the main rope that holds the tepee poles together at the top of the tepee, caught fire. At that point all chaos broke loose as almost all the men jumped up at the same time to try to put it out, while the women held the prayer. (I have done easier things in my life!) They finally got it out. He was doing everything he could to break the prayer. It was at that time I realized the energy of the violence of the men that had done the beating had moved into him. I had never seen anyone possesed in there. I had my daughters sitting on either side of me. He jumped up across the fire from me and I could see he was energetically coming after us and saying stuff to me I could not understand. I threw up my Red Tailed hawk fan to protect them and blasted him to the ground on his back, from where I sat. I was in full warrior mode and was prepared to kill him if I could. (This was all happening very fast) It came to me suddenly, this church is based on faith hope love and charity. I realized to do battle with him would be fighting him with the same violence I was trying to stop..I would be feeding the demon. I checked the energy around the circle asking (silently) were there enough of us conscious of what was going on and ready to win this battle with love? That was an entirely new concept to me and I had no idea how it was to be done. I knew I couldn't do it alone. I felt an agreement. From that point on everytime he made a move I could feel it being countered with love. It was like was being done much like I had seen a movie of a wolf pack bringing down an animal. It was working with nothing directly said, but clearly felt and you could see it. By morning as he came fully into himself, he said, that was not me and identified it exactly as I had thought. By the time we were ready to leave the tepee a man came into say our friend had regained consciousness and the doctors were amazed.
As I have said here from the beginning. If we want to see society change, if we want peace in the world, we must begin at home. The revolution must be a revolution of consciousness.

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Oct 2002
Just saw the movie Crop Circles at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center. It certainly raised chicken skin on me. The visuals are so complex, including intricate patterns of the gently bent (not borken) stalks of wheat or corn. Some were over 300 meters in length and were intense geometirc patterns, including way advanced fractiles. The movie mentioned that crop circles have been found in Oregon, Canada, Australia, and more. Salem Oregon. What a great way to make contact. These enormous patterns appear sometimes in minutes. Only perfect crop circles and patterns appear. No one has ever found a "practice" crop circle or an unfinished or imperfect one. The designs were out of this world.

Name: Dolphin-girl
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Just gotta love ya!, Steve.

Name: Flipper
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Hey Eileen, Chanting???...not on my best day...but Im' receptive and open to new shit,..and well..easily Influenced. Hey, I got the drift from Allan Ginsberg as late as the early 90's about the breathing trip; but couldnt think of any thing so un-natural as being "Aware" of controlling the process of air intake. I must admit though that a few near death experiences made me Very Aware of it. Also one time I suffered from what they thought was stricknine poisoning and I kept "Forgetting" to breath..(Dont cha' hate when that happens?).. God, it was as if the blood in my viens had turned into coat hangers. I doubled up and they carried me to the car like a paper clip. We drove around but were to fucked up to find the hospital...It turned comical, and laughter, being the best medicine finally wrung me out. But hey, Ive' found a new freedom; as I now breath through a whole in the center of my neck, just above the rib cage, and Its more automatic than ever, now that the air does not (cannot) channel through my nose or mouth. Its kinda like a Dolphin trip. During my recovery when the radiation bombardment was wasting me away to a stick man, my visiting nurse and Reverend Jackie asked if I would concider huffing some high grade weed. I was still on the "heal thy self" trip, and shot the suggestion down. Now after my recovery, I did burn some skunk that I smoked in a hash pipe that I found in the sacristy.. (It didnt appear to be a left over from the sixties...sixty minutes ago..maybe!) Peace Church; Oh Ya!!...well...I worked by cheeks like a bellows and would get a good mouthfull, then I jambed a length of flex hose into my mouth (dont you kids try this at home) and slapped the other end over my Dolphin blow hole and INHALED. Ah,....does pissy hampster cage saw dust smoked through a plastic bubble pipe ring a bell?? It drove me to drink. Im' a jack ass! I lost my train (brain?) of thought..Oh ya..Breath control. Anyway, Allan's mantra chant, or what ever ya' call it, thing was not OM. It was HA. From what he told me; The Buddist thing is made to order; as he said that he was a land owner, etc. I drew several drawings of him as we talked, but left them at my Commonwealth Ave. place when I split to elope. I tell ya, meeting him coincided with parting from a straight career and was damn good timing all around. If I remember correctly, he said that Bob Dylan gave him some guitar lessons and that they had recorded some free form Keroak/Steve Allan type stuff..but Im sketchy on that. Now back to chanting, I think its silly..BUT, looking back on it all, I was forever humming, singing, and doin' the talkin' blues all ady, I guess one could say that that was silly. Boy, at 50 Im really digging Jazz. Nothing passed the Kennedy years though....Odd aint it. I dig it gack to Bix Biederbeck's eary 20's stuff and tail off at Sinatra/Bassie swing stuff in 63'. My taste in art also ends in that era. Every thing was different after Kennedy wasnt it? Hey Hammond, thats some book review mister. Congrats!!!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Dr Sponge~
Got your song for me on Discussions. Sweet and harsh at the same time. But this line bothers me.."But she won't stake her life on you How can life become her point of view" Your songs go to the quick. I break out the rum and look for an answer beyond my mind.
A dangling heart
Hopes and dreams fractured
Patchworked back together with black threads that can't be hidden
Youth and beauty become roadkill
Rising out of the ashes Medusa, Kali, Lilith
Venus with her broken arms reachs out to you
This is no longer a Disney movie

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Hey Hammond; by all means crash at my place. FEEL FREE. Keep me posted as to time of arrival etc. You can save a Chunk O' Change. If ya can find time on a Sunday or Wednsday afternoon to sling some hash..(No..the corned beef variety)...I will officially enroll you into the ranks of the Super Human Crew. But hey, I know that its buiseness, but really, you can have yer run of the place and come and go as you please. The 4th Street Station is on the courner and it will take you to most places you wanna go and a few that you dont. Lets see,..May..May...the 3rd St. Crew should have their bikes on the street by May right??? we can take a look see down at their clubhouse. I was surprized at haw tough some of these East Coast boy's bikes are. Real down to earth. That slick flash trend is so pussy in my book. A bike should not look "Money" should look 'Grease and sweat". I will mark the calander. Later.

Name: Steve......
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Au...My good Dr....that takes me back to a siamees twin story; but it borders on the unbelievable. Hey Colin; I found Boston a bit steril. But then again at mid 40 years of age I was the oldest cat in the neighborhood. I got down in the Prattville section of Chelsea. I hung on through two floods at Revere Beach, and was actually Married to the Mob in Revere. (She was Irish Catholic..but Itallian by injection). I was on the boat headed to Rowe's Warf when Cadilac Frank's son was stabbed. The blade freak's gal was a friend who had to leave the Union Pronto. Hey Nicole; I was tight with T.A. Tony; the head of the Iron Workers Union in Boston. The best pizza short of Venice comes out of a brick oven across from Wood Island Station. Hey, want fried clams? Try Royal Roast Beef in Eastie. Death??, I found a dead guy behind a seven eleven once. I had aperantly walked by him on the way in, but noticed him on the way back out. I couldnt see his face; as his head was in the weeds. It was in the fall and the evening was chilly. I figured Ide' at least call the dude a cab. I said hey man, you cant crash here, youll' freeze yer nuts off, I then pulled a wine spritzer out of my bag and stept forward to offer it to him. I then noticed a real fine brushed stainless steel revolver lying by his feet. Aint it the way; some folks are fightin' for their lives and others are wasting them. Nicole; Im sad to hear of your lose, It sounds as if we was not wasting one minute of his life. Hey Colin; I style some of my diplomacy from Andy Panda of the Doll and Toy Workers Union, if that tells ya anything. I lived on Big Murry in Chelsea; up from Nombreca's on Rt.16. All of Angullo's people grabbed State Jobs after the bust up. When will the Feds learn to leave those guys alone?... Un-organized Crime is a real killer! My favorite Haunt was Orient Heights in East Boston. I only went to the North End to eat. I was tight with Ben Desimone who owned Revere Pharmacy, he died in Vegas. (where am I going with this?).. I couldnt stomach CharlesTown's twisted "Code". Butchy Doyel is where he belongs. Hey Whitey Bulger...How do they like ya now???, Revere;.. even the paper boy owned a race horse. Hey, check out Salanoras in Revere. That fat man can cook. Hey freind; Fenton Mi.??? as a kid I would roll up a towel and walk to the end of the driveway,(Fenton Road).. stick my thumb out and hook rides to Lake Fenton. I was on a fantasy thing; whereas I would adopt a family for the day (as I usually would get rides in the summer from the mom, pop, and kid types).. they would offer to share their pic-nik stuff and usually drop me back off at the end of the day. I had know way of knowing then that I was actually honing the process of creating extended family life,..(even if for one day)..which leads me here to the family that Ive somewhat created at W.S.U.M.C. Some will be leaving soon to venture on to other things in other places. My main glitch has always been the protective side of my nature, I seem to play shepard for the flock, not in a controlling manor; as its not a power trip,..but Im the MOM type at heart. I do draw the line at protecting people from themselves. (all things must pass). Micheal; keep up the good work. Eric; the stuff is still in the mailing tube, I will add to it. Hey Eileen, you found an extra day???!!! Hell, I lost a whole month at the end of June. Damn! Oh, for everyone who must "Adjust" their lives to the one hour time set back on Sunday...Ah..ever think that your goin' about this whole thing in the wrong way? Well...times a wastin'..Hey Hammond, welcome back!..or Welcome front...what ever works for ya!

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Eileen - Thanks for asking - the book ("AsEverWas") is my memoir up to 1976. You can check it out in brief at - supplies are being sent out worldwide and it should be in most book stores by late November. Mostly it takes place in Europe and North Africa - but there is an SF section with a few Emmett notes etal via my North Beach daze prior to leaving the country. Those old bumper stickers "Love It or Leave It" struck a cord with me late 60s so I bought a one way ticket and split.
PS - Steve and Nicole - I will be in NY for the book fair in May so lets plan for this in advance! It will be great to see you.

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Song for Steve Boyd - - - -
Time takes a cigarette, puts it in your mouth
You pull on your finger, then another finger, then your cigarette
The wall-to-wall's calling, it lingers then you forget
You're a rock'n'roll suicide
You're too old to lose it, too young to choose it
And the clock waits so patiently on your song
You walk past the cafe' but you don't eat when you've lived too long
You're a rock'n'roll suicide
Chev brakes are snarling as you stumble across the road
But day breaks instead so you hurry home
Don't let the sun blast your shadow
Don't let the milk floats ride your mind
So natural -- religiously unkind
Oh no love! You're not alone
You're watching yourself but you're too unfair
You got your head all tangled up but if I could only make you care
Oh no love! you're not alone
No matter what or who you've been
No matter when are where you've seen
All the knives seem to lacerate your brain
I've had my share so I'll help you with the pain
You're not alone just turn on with me
You're not alone let's turn on and be
You're not alone gimme your hands
You're wonderful gimme your hands
You're wonderful gimme your hands

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address: out@home
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Song for Sprog
George is in America, low-tech's at the wheel
No-one needs anyone, they don't even just
George's in America
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
George's in America
George wants a brain, George wants to suck on a
George wants a woman, George wants to think of
a joke
George 's in America
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
George's in America
George's in America,George looks up at the stars
George combs his hair and George wants pussy
and cars
George's in America
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
George's in America
God is an American
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the words
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
George 's in America
George's in America

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
please excuse me...If I don't put my name to that I may as well not send it on...I did say after all we should not compromise...I just want to tell you that in SF 3 years ago after I came home from a vacation I found my boyfriend of 2 years on the closet floor, he had been dead for 6 days in hot August. He was an Iron worker and had fallen and they had not found certain injuries...and as a result he hemoraged and I was away...He had just worked the earth day booth for Planet Drum and Judy and Peter attended his buddhist funeral the Zen Center roshi facilitated. any way...I say all that to say the experience of finding him there in that state...put me over the edge and I basically fell off the planet for a while...and Don Secord and his wife literally picked me up and took me to Reno and saved my life...and even though he works where he works...he will share his info with us at times...

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Just cut this out of an article about Wellstone's twin engine plane (not campaign jet) crash:
Top Stories - AP
Sen. Wellstone Dies in Plane Crash
36 minutes ago
EVELETH, Minn. (AP) - Sen. Paul Wellstone, an outspoken liberal Democrat locked in a re-election battle considered key to control of the Senate, was killed in a plane crash Friday in northern Minnesota along with his wife, daughter and five others.
Wellstone, a 58-year-old former college professor and one of the foremost liberals on Capitol Hill, was on his way to the funeral of the father of a state lawmaker.
All eight people aboard ... killed, ... victims also included Wellstone's wife, Sheila, and daughter, Marcia; three campaign staff members; and two pilots.
Wellstone's death just 11 days before Election Day threw the battle for the Senate into uncharted territory. Before Friday, Democrats held control by a single seat.
State officials were researching whether Wellstone's name would remain on the ballot, or whether independent Gov. Jesse Ventura or state Democrats could appoint a replacement to serve in the upcoming lame-duck session of Congress between Election Day and the arrival of new members.
State law allows the governor to fill a vacant Senate seat, but also allows a political party to appoint a replacement in the event of a death of a nominee. ...
Two years ago, Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan (news - web sites) was killed in a plane crash three weeks before Election Day while running for the Senate. Carnahan's name remained on the ballot and he beat Republican Sen. John Ashcroft (news - web sites). Carnahan's widow, Jean, was appointed to serve in his place and is now seeking election to a full term against Republican Jim Talent.
Is this what is meant when our President says "You're either for us, or against us." OMG... our democracy held hostage. The WAR BEING WAGED is here, at home, by our own government, against us, its citizens. No need to worry about Iraq.

E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
I'm telling you...I have a good friend (an old friend) who works for the cia... his father was General Secord the arms dealer during the Iran contra debacle...his son saved my life and got me to move to NY (he lives in Seattle...he has let me know a few things over the past few years...for instance that a certain mutual friend of all ours was having all of his e-mail monitored because he's a high profile public person who speaks his mind and opinions about the current world friend told me I should suggest to P C that he needs to quiet down...of course I'm sure you could have heard the coyote howl... he would never compromise his political beliefs nor will any of us...but it's interesting...that we do have "them" worried enough to start they're old shit again...remember when the web site went the same time All of my e-mails disappeared and I was so sure it was because I had saved certain letters and articles...any way we all need to stay alert and safe and active and focused on goodness...with warm regards, n

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Colin, I stand with you, and will support you throughout the weekend. I came here to post as I just heard on the radio that
That's two liberal, stand-up Senators dead in the past month. Senator Patsy Mink from Hawaii, died a couple weeks ago in hospital from a viral pneumonia. A woman with a strong constitution. She was only 76.

Name: Colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
As I prepare to get on the bus from Boston to the DC anti war demonstration a few thoughts come to mind. I don’t know if this rally will make any difference. The way the media has ignored anything that is against the Bush doctrine, the way that liberals turn out to be conservatives, and the division within protest ranks have made me uncertain that this protest will make a difference. I’m angry that those we place in positions of power are ignoring all the values I was taught. As I become more politically active, I can’t help but to see more and more reasons to be angry. I know that war will not make peace. This is the foundation I have to stand upon as I show my anger. But Peace also includes tolerance, understanding and respect of other peoples. I see none of this on the horizon from the majority of people in the US. I used to think I was alone in my hopes of peace for this country- feeling alone and lonely. But I’m about to join hundreds of thousands of people around the country, and perhaps millions around the world, who share my values. Together, in unison, we will be demanding a change from our officials. I hope they hear us.
I'll update you all when I return. Peace

Name: Michael
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Speaking of adventures in recognition... Many years ago when I worked at the San Francisco Zoo, I was interviewed by a local radio station, which I, apparently, soon forgot. A week or two later I was listening to the radio. A little while into it, I thought this was pretty good, I'd like to meet this guy. Took me a little more time to figure out I was listening to me. At least I found me interesting.
Eileen, I don't feel too bad you can't place me. I must have met Lenore Kandel seven times and each time I was new to her. She was always pleased to meet me. Maybe I have a better memory for (some) of these things, or maybe I just don't get out enough. I remember all 12 of the people I've ever met.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Yes I'm hovering. Taking a day off work today so hopefully will get some work done on the Archive. Will try and make the rally tomorrow. Last Sunday, I dropped by the 35th anniversary of the Summer of Love in SF Civic Center. If interested I can upload some photos.
No need to send $$ (covering the Archive expenses is one reason I rejoined the workaday world). However, always looking for contributions of archives in case anyone has a steamer trunk in the attic they haven't opened in years.

Name: friend (Mike Moore update)
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
(Rena: maybe the movie will soon be in a theatre near you. And hope you continue updates on what's happening with court case against the mid-wife. As with her case, and the current assaults against medical marijuana, the diversity of our culture and our democratic freedoms are being eroded, not in a grand sweep by Homeland Security, by silently, one by one. Travis, I hope to hear from you, too. God bless, Friend)
Yes, It Was a Bushmaster
October 25, 2002
Dear friends,
Yesterday, Larry Bennett, a 16-year old, was shot in the head after he wasinvolved in a minor traffic accident. You probably didn't hear about it because, well, how could he be dead if he wasn't shot by The Sniper?
Yesterday, an unidentified woman was shot to death in her car in Fenton, MI. You probably didn't hear about it because she had the misfortune of not being shot by The Sniper.
Two nights ago, Charles D. Bennett, 48, an apartment security guard, was shot to death after confronting two teenagers in his parking lot in Memphis, TN. You probably didn't hear about it because the sniper was too busy sleeping in his car that night, and thus, poor Charles was not shot by The Sniper.
Yes, The Sniper has apparently been caught, so we can go back now to NOT reporting the DOZENS of gun deaths that occur every day, the ones that just aren't newsworthy because they happen in all those old boring ways -- unlike the ways of The Sniper, who was interesting and creative and exciting and scary! He played so much better on the news.
Of course, had Congress not caved in to the NRA, we would have known after the first HOUR of the first day of the killings three weeks ago that the rifle those bullets were coming out of belonged to John Williams/Mohammad.
Many more people died needlessly after that day, and every one of their deaths could have probably been prevented had we had a national ballistics fingerprinting data base.
Thank you, Mr. Heston for this unnecessary carnage. Thank you, Mr. Bush, for supporting Mr. Heston and his group's agenda -- which protects only the criminals.
If everyone reading this letter (and you now number in the millions) would share this fact with just one person who is thinking of skipping going to the polls on Nov. 5th, I believe that on Nov. 6th, Mr. Bush will have neither the Senate nor the House doing his or Heston's bidding. Americans don't like people who assist serial killers in being able to ratchet up
their kills because The Sniper knows that his bullets are prohibited by law from being traced to his gun.
That, in a nutshell, is what the NRA is all about -- and I implore all responsible gun owners and hunters to join with me in putting an end to the NRA agenda once and for all. Don't give Bush his majority on November 5th.
He's already seen to it that his cronies in big business have wiped out your 401 (K), and they are doing their best to see that you are left with no pension at all. That alone should be reason enough to NOT pull a single lever for a Republican on Nov. 5th. Send a message. Do something brave.
Michael Moore
PS. "Bowling for Columbine" opens in a few dozen new cities this weekend, including Portland, Minneapolis, Sacramento, South Florida, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Baltimore, St. Louis, Kansas City, Cleveland, a bunch of towns in New Jersey, that village in Connecticut where we liberated the beaches, a theatre in Times Square, Detroit (Royal Oak), and Denver. Click
here ( to see the full list of theatres where it opens today.
PPS. Don't forget to show up in DC or SF tomorrow to voice your opposition to the War on Iraq. Many other cities are holding rallies. Check out my mission from the Office of Homeland Security ( for details.
PPPS. You can find out more about the candidates to beat and the ones to support in the upcoming election here:

Name: Mark Hebad
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Welcome back, Hammond.
As you can tell things have ramped up here. Like Eileen, I am busy today. I still need to finish the Planet Drum work and get it in the mail. This Bioregional activism stuff is more about following through on the tedious details and that pivotal word "persistence". I am filled with thoughts for conversation here but I have to get by this first. Be back later.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Ha ha this is Fri not Sat. I'm back and can play today. Went over to Miranda's to wake her to go and she informed me rather uum curtly of my day offness, as it were. Going to make (start) an 80+ft willow fence today instead. Don't you love it when you have created an extra day for yourself?! Back later..
Wecome home Hammond. I love travel reports. That was a great overview..guess I don't need to go there! What's your book?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
I hate to leave this, but I got my silk screening, dyeing class all day. It's the big day! cause we learn the photo emusion part. I've done this before but it's been too long and I still haven't got it down the way I want..and I got to chant and have my tea bathe la la la before I get out of here.
OH you will like this form of Buddhism a lot I bettcha' I can hardly wait to get back to you on it. I've been thinking about how you could use it since you told me you're mute (right? nary a sound?). It's not silent..chanting..remember? Now there's a challenge for me to figure out.
Yes it's all about you! That's why I'm here, except for the part that's all about ME. Catch up with you's all's tonight.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Hello to all and everyone - Back from London where the book launch was a great success. The book looks wonderful and my reading was well received. One of the suprise visitors that night was George Harrison's son Bo (an illigitimate though well acknowledged son) - and who is also a writer - of children's books and quite successful at it. The Sloan House was a good as you described Steve - and I tipped a pint of "Bombadier" in your honor. I was last in London 33 years ago - and to say the very least it has changed considerably. The noise level in the street is so intense - way up on the decible scale - and traffic is like Italy and Japan combined! Lord what congestion - and high rise construction cranes dominate the skyline. Literally nothing in the way of stores or sets from 60s London can be easily found. The art of conversation is in full bloom wherever you go - and everyone right on top of the world situation - politic and art etalia - but then on the general population front everyone is constantly on the cell phone - or two cell phones! General housing is incredibly expensive by our standards ($1500 or more for an incredibly small rental, and buying a two bedroom place is in the Millions in central London - in fact most everything except veg and fruit in the outdoor markets are three times the cost - e.g. gas (petrol) is just over $5 a gal. - Enough of that - I am really glad to be back in the states. I will catch up on the mass of guestbook entries over the next few days as they look to be quite interesting - What else! - Hammond

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Hey Eileen...recognize??..I saw myself (it's all about me aint it?) in an film the other night (about 25 years younger) and; what a charizmatic cat...Id like to met him. (well, there were times that I did in the mirror..but thats another story)..Memory???..folks were forever telling me what a good time I had...(I usually took them as reliable sources, and has glad to hear the news). Buddizm?..Im under the definate impression that its better suited to certain environments than others. (and Earth, aint my first choice).. It just dont mix well with total madness..(but what does?)..I can see making the call not to stand up for ones self when pushed; in fact, thats what all of the Western Movies were about that were pumped into our heads as know, Im' a bigger man than that etc. Stand tall, walk away from the fight,..Etc. But to stand by idelly as some frail cat, kid, or lady gets walked on,..friend or stranger...well, thats when the saffron robes come off and the gloves go on. (that was the climax of those Westerns). Hey, even as a kid, the blacks got my respct for dukin' it out for their civil rights. I was in contact with the Northern Blacks who would cut yer ass up, if you crossed them. DONT CHEW BE EYE_BALLIN" ME!!! (Now thats respect). I remember going to a Chubby Checker concert as a kid. (What was I thinkin'?) Any way, I was with a white kid named Doug Coon. We got seperated and I went to the edge of the balcony and started yellin' "Hey COON!!...HEY COON!!!! Well, it was like a cartoon, all I could see was the whites of their eyes. The tribe in general took my age into consideration, and after I realized my folly, continued to shout..Uh..Hey Doug...Hey DOUG COON!!! I dont mean to start a Dove/Hawk thing here. But my money is on the Dove who wears the Cock-Fighting Razor spurs strapped to his ankles! (sound like anyone we know). (It is all about me aint it?).. Hey, back to the Buddist thing, I remember a story of an Oriental who visited an American Church and when asked by the Reverend what he thought of the Christian Religion; and if he had any questions; he replied, "I have read your bible from beguining to end, and found it to contain many interesting stories; my question is...Where is the religion???" Myself, I came in contact with more than a few of the Beats and was never swayed; as to the "Wow,..I wanna be like them trip"..Even my Older Brother; who I look up to to this day; had found Zen in prison. But I felt that I was seeking the unwritten / unspoken; so to speak. The real "Dawning" was when I picked up a magazine call Somballa Sun, or somthing like the Airport when I was eloping with an "Ol' Girlfriend" It was a Zen Magazine from an Institute right down the street from my Boston digs I think..anyway, It listed about a dozen, "Rules of the road" so to speak; such as "Do not react: Respond" Dig? well I got more out of that short list than anything "Text Book Volume" that I ever found in any Hotel/Motel bed side stand. Follow me? Its hard to emagine that it's that simple. The "American Flock" make it so "Toe the line" tough, that I can see a mass Zen wave commin' our way, and like NOW. Fuck, I remember in the bible belt, women who were gosiped about for hanging out their laudry on Sunday. Talk about some backward Bible thumpin' fish-wives. Fuck...hang yer' son's ass out to dry in the jungles of Viet Nam, but dont dare try to get yer' whites whiter on the Sabath. Wow, ring the bell tolls for me! P.S. let it flow...flowing is good...ya; we can do flowing...

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
god it's a wonder I remember my own children! This is so frustrating that I can't place you either. Not recognizing Kent at Judys Quick's wake right off, being the absolute worst of it!! I mean I consider him a brother for goodness sake! I even passed Kerby Doyle yrs ago at a family gathering, thinking he was some random freak that had shown up from the streets and didn't recognize him until I heard his voice. Granted we all change, but that was rediclous! Seems the only way I can circle around when see someone from the past and spend some time(embarrasingly uncomfortable) until something of their face and voice begins to become familiar and the light dawns.
My memory is often like coming out of a dream when you can't quite catch it. But now that I say that, not until I started chanting in those first yrs did I start realizing how turely unconscious I had been.
At 29 yrs, I did such a total about face, I pretty much walked away from the farm in Penn. with really shreds of a brain, my emotions and life had been so totally devastated. I sometimes think I am a Walk In from my experience on the caravan, culminating leaving the farm. I have so little of my memory left from that time on back. I seriously mean this.
It took a yr for me to, I want to say, put myself back together..but what I really did, was remake myself and it was not back to who I had been. Some ofcourse stayed with me, but there seems to be a great deal gone. Just this short time on this board is making me see yet again how much!
As I let my spirit guide me, I feel coming here to this site at this time has a deeper reason not only for myself and my own needs, but there is something we will do here together that I'm supposed to be here for. So I am doing my best to just let what comes to me flow. But I've got to tell you, it makes me more than a bit nervous, because I have had to get used to people thinking me a bit odd. I don't thrive on that. But I learned at that juncture in my life at 29, I could no longer afford to deny who I was and what I knew, even if it made me the odd duck in the pond. But I think I'm in good company here in that regard. Ha!
The blue blazers? Oh yeah, that was way too weird wasn't it? But I realized pretty quickly there was the biggest mix of people in that practice I had ever seen in any spiritual gathering..freaks to bankers and every color of the rainbow. I think the Japanese were really trying hard to adjust a solely Japanese practice into America and make it clear it was not for some spiritual elite. I mean I would have gone for the robes..I love all that stuff. But the whole idea is it is a practice for your normal daily life and saffron robes ain't that.
The thing that is interesting about Buddhism, is it adjusts itself to any culture, without loosing it's integrity. It just took awhile for that to happen. It came in with 10 (would you believe!) Japanese war brides after WW2.
Whoops, I'm so tired I no longer know what I am saying. Better quit while I'm ahead.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2002
Oh yea, the clap and the free clinic. I get it. Now there is a memory I can easily forget. Get up in the morning, go to the urinal, channel the pain and bend that plumbing with your bare hands, boy! Arrrrggggh! How did that song go?...."I got to get out of this place!"

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Hey Mark; It was NOT a Clapton Concert..It was a "Clap" concert..(a Free Clinic benifit show). Like I said..I could swear that Eric Burdon (An Animal.."The English Kind") was billed that night with "WAR"...but the shows kind of..well..let's say "Merge".My favorite live band at that time was Spirit. They were one hell of a trippy dance band. I hit more than a few Big Band home bases, but generally the players were out touring. Bernardo took me up to the Airplane (Starship) House once with Brown Sugar. A front man asked me to paint a scene on the wall. He talked too fast for my liking and I didnt have that kind of time on my hands anyway. I was carrying a shopping bag full of fresh bagged weed and was feeling very antsy anyway. I gave him an ounce just to change the subject. Bernardo was forever introducing me as an artist, and so it went with the territory. Man, just romping down the side walk with Bernardo and Shug was like Screaming "Hey Pig!!,Bust Me!!" (Not exactly Brooks Brothers Dig?) It was all I could do to keep up with those two, they always "Had" to "See" someone or sombody. I remember on several occassions when folks would photograph us for one reason or another,..Bernardo would always veil his face with whatever scarf or pimp hat that he had at the time. Very exotic Harem Girl effect. There I go again. "Re-Living". Man if he could hook up to this site, Jesus; I know that he wouldnt say much,..but wow; It wouldnt take much..Read Me? His Dad was Chicano and his Mom was full Blooded Native from a Sierra Madre Tribe, if I recall. God that Golden skin of his. Well, Signing off now. Lets see...Dear Diary...

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Hey, I heard that theres a great K.D. Lang and Tony Bennet CD comming out soon. Hey Mark..Work???...(what a concept.) You want a real laugh! Heres a shot in the ass. I just cinched a steady weekly dinner date with a young Texas gal. She was a Navy brat who lived all over. She sings like an angel (in the Choir) and has "White" hair, (not blonde). Now, I dont know if the cuffs match the collar, but The primal vibe tells me that she may show me her monkey sooner than later. Ive' been on a two year dry spell, and as such, Im' charged up like a three peckered Billy Gout. I tell ya, she's got big ass; a real heavy duty Germanic piss and potatos type. Braid her hair, slap on a horned Viking Helmet, shield and spear, and its on to Valhalla, Dig. Hey, she's got good taste in men!..(nudge, nudge, wink, wink..) and get this, she's not only got a Masters Degree, she's on a "Double Master's Degree" program...ever heard of such a thing?? Anyway, I was somewhat hung up on ever (never) hooking up with a (sane) female again; as I am somewhat vocally challanged. But she's a Leo who can talk for two. Now, as a rule I dont go for women under 45, but she's like an old soul. I plan on shaving off the pussy tickler, trimming my hair and dressing like Perry Commo. Call me good time Charlie. We should both be fartin' through silk and pissin' on ice by New Years. If she sticks with me for the long run; she'll be wearin' Diamonds as big as Horse Turds. You can Bank on it. P.S. She squeeks when she walks...(I could fix that). God, I respect that woman!

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Goddammmitt Steve...
I took a break from this work I'm trying to finish and I nearly expired choking on Diet Pepsi, nose-spewing it all over hell and coming dangerously close to soaking these paper mailers I am trying to get out to Italy. Your post about the Clapton show at the Carousel Ballroom damn near killed me with laughter. English and no backup, man have I been there too many times. I gotta clean up this mess. Holy shit! Boyd, your gonna hurt somebody.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Hey Mungo DeBastard, you crop-stomin' prankster!.. I just got yer' E-Mail..."Snow Signals" next hu???...heres one for ya...Remember back during the Reagan administration when they found "Ronnie Sucks" written in piss in the snow on the White House Lawn???? Well, the feds ran tests and determined that it was my urine; but they didn't press charges for fear that the press would find out that it was Nancy Reagan's hand writting. Now to answer your original question: Me dance??? Fuck with me and find out.

Name: Rena
E-mail Address: visions
Date: 24 Oct 2002
I don't have a tv either. don't want one. it's a freat way to raise self motivated kids. there's always plenty to do.
Has everyone checked out "Stupid White Men?" Really, it's superb.Thank you Michael Moore!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Hey Dr. Sponge; ...whats the difference between a bowling ball and Janet Reno???...(you could eat a bowling ball if ya' really had to!!!) P.S. Eileen,...wheather you know it or not, you are most likely welcome in hundreds of homes through out the western hemisphere. Think about it. (It must be a warm feeling). The loop is definately starting to connect. You feel it, dont you?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Hey Dr. Sponge; ...whats the difference between a bowling ball and Janet Reno???...(you could eat a bowling ball if ya' really had to!!!) P.S. Eileen,...wheather you know it or not, you are most likely welcome in hundreds of homes through out the western hemisphere. Think about it. (It must be a warm feeling). The loop is definately starting to connect. You feel it, dont you?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Yep, I believe you're the one. See the movie, if you get a chance. BTW, I'm Sam.

Name: "Dear Steve" (thats more like it!)
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Rena; no cable at my end either...Hey Rol; heres the rundown on Uncle Vinty. I saw the cat do his stuff at a Clap Concert at the Carousel Ball Room, (New Fillmore West in S.F.) around '71. I think It was the Eric Burdon and War Show...I didnt get that far..I had dropped two sugar cubes and some one spilled a coca cola on me while I was sitting on the floor. A whole mass of freaks circled me and started weirding out because the cola started to crawl all over me like a fuckin' alien in a horror show..(It was like.."Look at him!...what is that shit???) anyway, as I was leaving Bernardo was getting mobbed by some teenaged girls at the bottom of the stairs. On acid that fucker was a cross between Jim Morrisson, Keith Richards and Little Richard...(odd mix!!) Dig this; Uncle Vinty bellied up to the Piano and started to sing a whole meddly of baudy folk songs while bundled up like an 1850's Alaskan Sled Dog Clondike prospecter. Full fur hooded get-up etc. Well, as the songs progressed he kept taking off layer after layer of clothing..the mob got wilder..(wanting Eric)..Uncle Vinty broke into a rather provocative (ten dollar word) slow strip-tease. By the time I dragged my alien cola crawlin' ass outa there he was wailing in nothin' but a pair of red long johns. The crowd went nuts! A Frisco bouncer who was known to actually "Carry" two dudes out at a time out; (while they were still fighting)...snagged me and introduced me to "Miss Clap". She was very chit-chaty, but at that point I was having a real problem understanding english..(I hate when that happens)..and I also had a little quirk; where I would forget how to speak English; and not knowing a second language...well; you get the picture...but anyway, she was real sweet. Hey Eileen; I saw that movie when it was first run here in the City. Great lighting. I dig those Romantic Period pieces. (Ya' gotta watch those Catholics), I felt bad for the Lion. Hey, Michael; Blur??? (I can relate to that!)...Hey, I tried to make it just an know how it is. Opps; times up. P.S. Hey yall' you can have "Tea and Ices" with ol' Curious any time ya' want to. I dont judge people by the company that they keep. ...Have at it. This web site has added a whole new dimension to the term; "Polotics makes for strange bedfellows". Eric;..are the inmates running the assylem?? the tail wagging the dog??? Heres what ya do. Take this whole ball o' wax, hone it down to a working script and film some character actors dressed as a syphletic nun, a 50 year old virgin librarian, an Ozark Hillbilly, a senior citizen, a 10 year old kid, a black lesbian dwarf, and a fat Italian Mamma-luka. Have them flip a coin for the part that they play, dig? Pull it off like an imprompu bebate type talk show. Maybe Moore would like to handle it? Think about it.

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Its got to be said so here goes - - "One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter" Ok there is a logic there.
However using my self invented theory of transposing formulae to relative organic and/or none organic matter the out come is the same.
ie. if you have 5 apples and you eat 2 you are left with 3. this equaly applies to burgers sausages or pork chops . disregarding the eating principle the application is constant using rocks, cars and trees.

Name: Rena
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Michael Moore's interview on Donahue Tonite was cancelled AGAIN. check to see when it will be rescheduled and other news about Moore's deep investivations.
and, yes Eileen, I did visit Olema in July '70. I had 4 month old Vishnu in tow. Was only there a few days but had a great time. I spent time with Coyote and Sam, and all the mom's (including me) expressed milk for a baby on board. I think his name was Malachi.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
I didn't get your email address but I did get your PO Box in Ft. Bragg. If you want to send me your email address, send it to my email address above or if not I will send something by regular mail.

Name: Michael
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
This is a lot of fun. Things have picked up so much, I can't keep up. I'm supposed to be working (don't have access to this at home), but damn, this is a lot more interesting. Divergent thoughts, people baring themselves. The mix of people and the times come together well. Eileen, I'm glad you didn't give up the computer totally, but I understand why you might. I was at your Buddhist initiation those many years ago. I remember lots of guys in blue blazers seemed to be running things. Decided I really preferred saffron robes, if clothes were an issue. I appreciate your thoughts and hope you continue to speak. The dialog is great. The honesty is amazing. Steve, are you really limiting yourself to an hour a day? Maybe you can type as fast as you think. The keys must be a blur.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Did you come through Olema and the Whitethorn Truck Stop? If that be you...I saw a movie the other night that made me think of you. Brotherhood of the Wolf. It's a French movie that's just come out on video. I watched it twice dubbed and once subtitled, I liked it so much. God, just my kind of trash movie. Yummie characters and way different that American movies..GREAT costumes and OK I like the slant eyed guy and his martial arts and coat and hat and...tsk the KIND body! There's a gypsy woman of sorts in there with her kin and tribe (made me think of Olema for sure) got to see it.
Aloha ya own self. Missed the cable. What island are you on?
Sorry guys, a momentary interlude.

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Travis, before I continue reading today's posts, I want to respond to yours... It is good to read what you do believe in, how you perceive what's coming down the pike, as you've given me things to consider. thanks for the thoughtful response to Mark, and apology to Eileen; I believe that both were due. I was somewhat irritated by your previous posts to them, and was reminded of pasts judgements (that's how I saw it) about former Diggers and our dear Steve. Mark and Eileen made 4 (yeah, I actually counted last night) people that you've put on the spot or made personal criticism of since I've been coming here. It made me uncomfortable to read them, at first cause it seemed you were an anonymous sniper (if you will) taking pot shots at the totally exposed. I thought, if you want to criticize people, call them out to a fight, well, okay, but sign your real name to it, at least identify yourself so they know who they're getting into battle with. It wasn't a discussion of ideas or activities, you were making personal attacks. Further, in your post to Colin, you commented that Soccer Moms/Dads need some pissing off to wake them up. I thought, may be that's what he's trying to do here. This followed the obtuse comment about an agent provacateur -- perhaps you meant it in the same way Peter Berg did in some article describing what he was doing as an environmentalist. I don't know, but them kinda statements can bring out the lower elements in people. I'm rambling. I hope you get my drift here. As Mark said, we can't see expressions or hear intonations, so its hard to always get where someone is coming from. I write this to you in hopes of expanding that understanding and bringing more clarity. So, I was wondering and waiting, to understand what Your personal views were, not what you didn't like in someone else. And, finally they are emerging. Only in that way, knowing what you believe in, stand for, can I have a sense of what you're posting here. Criticizing others doesn't bring that understanding, or expand the awareness, for me at least.
God bless,
a friend

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Hey Eric~
Are you among us here? You going to the rally?
Who's paying for this site anyway? You got an address to send our 10% Free to?

Name: Rol
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Does anybody remember
"the uncle vinty show" Searching for info and music.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Did you pick up my email address? I'll give you my phone # if you drop me a line. I would welcome meeting you. I'm still skiddish as a cat, but I get over it. Ariel says I've always been shy..ME!!!? Now I would have hardly called it THAT.
Concerning PB..someone has to love him. He's way lucky he's got such a good mind and person on board. I'm still working on my love your enemies speech.
Yes think of me when your at the rally AND TAKE CARE!!! I assume the SF police are hip enough to let this one alone (yes?)But this is a hot topic..well you know. Watch your back.
Steve~A big smushy hug to you man! Just cause I'm more glad to know you the more I know you!

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Thanks for staying with the conversation. Getting by on just words can be a pain in the ass. Your last post has hit on my particular wave length and I can hear you loud and clear. I need some time to do your last post justice, which means I need to think it through and get my responses in order. You have packed in a lot of welcome substance that really opens the door here for discussion. Today is Planet Drum dedicated and I am a little backed up on a project I need to get out but I look forward to getting on with this.
Nothing like a little air clearing to get the flow going. I will be in SF on Saturday and though you can't make I will try to stand in for you. We aren't that far away geographically and being the road warrior I am, maybe we can hook up in Mendo to put faces with the words. If and when you are comfortable with that let me know and I will try to schedule it on my itinerary (wanderings?)
Regarding Berg, your description still holds with this guy. The bumper sticker "Sit down, hold on and shut up" comes to mind and I feel at times like I am being towed on skate board behind Dale Jarrett through Turn Four at Daytona Speedway. I have also learned to cut him a shitload of slack to get to the good stuff.
Hey Steve,
From the literary end of it I am just trying to ride in your wake, Bud! You're awesome.
I need some of those SUV tickets bad! My nieghborhood is swarming with them. You and your cohorts offer up the elan that us geriatic and brittle types need help with.
The creative/intuitive painterly conversation is up my alley as I sit here typing next to the canvas I finally started last week mutely imports it's presence over me. What was that reference some ways back about the number of irons in the fire?
Later.... Mark

Name: Street Fightin' Man
E-mail Address: stilletosteve@sleepylondontown
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Freak?? Ya bet yer' sweet ass. I smoked pissy hamster cage saw dust out of a plastic bubble pipe at the age of five. The first (last) long drag knocked me to the ground and it felt as if my lungs had shrunk to the size of walnuts. The biggy was either while getting the tonsils clipped. I went from there to scaling the linen closet shelfs like a ladder to take long swigs of the codine cough elixer. I was the only kid on the block who would take a nap without being told. There is a wisdom that blade freaks live by:...An old Gangster once said: "Rush a gun...but run from a knife". Think about it. I dont own a gun. They are a sure way to either shoot yer own dick off or end you (or someone else) up in prison. (you read me on that one , Right Travis?) you should of hung on to that Browning A-Bolt....I must admit that I once stabbed myself in the nose with a switch blade. (dont'cha hate when that happens?) Now, to Mother Fucker Politics???...Hummmmm...My five year old Grandson could tell you that standing in between a knife and a broken bottle is stupid. Travis; heres a double shot of truth. In the forth-comming 21st Century social struggel..I will be out front with my easily seduced blade freaks cuttin' it up against Bush's broken bottle boys, and Im' tellin' ya right now; I will punch a marlin spike through the heart of any Stupid Mother Fucker that stands between us. And by the want "Threat making belicosity???" STAY THE FUCK OFF OF WEST 4th STREET!

Name: ET Phone Home
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Thank goodness you came back. Now you are making sense to me. Damn my shitty memory, I do wish I knew who I am addressing. But we have all grown and changed (I would hope) enough that what we can do here now, really is what matters.
I agree with all you said in your last post from the briar patch. ha! I also pointed out somewhere along the line my same concern that it will take the body bags for many people to wake up. I think it is the only thing making Bush drag his feet as long as he has. As much as I hate to admit it (again) I do not have a head for political analysis. But I have a good ear for it and try to keep people in my life that do, that I trust.
Please be patient with me as I explain myself. I feel I must, if there is even a chance I can be of any use here.
The area I have been most involved in politically quite a few yrs back now, has been trying to save the last of our Redwoods here on the West coast. By chance I had Darrell Cherny and Judy Barry of Earth First! around me. Most often it was Darrell, as he lived next to me, until a few months before they were blown up in the car bomb.
Darrell would often sit with me and talk about his worries and fears and the problems in Earth First! much the way Coyote would share with me, and we would bounce ideas around. I spent a lot of time with him while he and the others planned their tactics, prepared their press releases and was in on many important phone calls from loggers and their families and late into the night conversations. I also made sure when the folks from other states were gathering for an action, everyone had food to eat and a place to sleep when they would show up late in the night or be preparing to leave the next the days before they started setting up camps in the woods. I got to see them when they began to train for climbing the trees to tree sit. Boy that was something to watch! If I had been younger....
Much I was able to offer Darrell was from my own experiences on the street of what worked (or didn't) or the internal problems we had, being at times similiar to theirs. I felt there was a real kinship between what they were/and are doing, and the Street Theater of the Diggers. But there would be times when Darrell would be really frightened and confused, with good reason! and I would talk him down and throw the I Ching, just as I had done so many yrs before. I made him a medicine pouch and brought him into his first Native prayer sweat. Introduced him to medicine men and street Indians to hear their concerns and how they were addressing things. Miranda (my youngest daughter) and I trained in non violent action with Earth First! before going to meet head on with the loggers in the woods.At times Natives would come to pray with them in the field.
I spent 4 yrs in Native Am peyote tepee prayer meetings almost weekly, dealing with Miranda's dad's cancer until I held him in my arms as he died. (Was that 7 yrs already?) I have been deeply involved in Native American ceremony since first meeting Rolling Thunder, along with studying and practicing many religions and spiritual paths through the yrs.
Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism being my bottom line practice for some 27 yrs. It is a practice based on world peace through individual happiness, simply put. The last prayer is always for "..peace throughout the world and the happiness of all humanity..and the Universe". I do not believe in action without prayer. In all practicality, I am of the school, pray to Allah and/but tether your camel.
After Bob Valadez died (remember Santiago from the Red House?)and a bunch of going back and forth to New Mex trying trying to deal with my grief, my Hep C finally caught up with me shortly after I moved to Ft Bragg. After 2 1/2 yrs of almost total isolation but my girls, I have been pretty much focused on just getting well. I am just beginning to "come out". And I have come here to see if I can do some political catch up with something more close to Home I can, if nothing else, learn from.
I spent many yrs dealing with my rage. I have always been a fighter and through the yrs learned how to do battle with my words and energy, til I could take almost anyone down. I'm good! I mean shit, Coyote was the slickest teacher when it came to talking someone to the ground! I did pay attention. But in the end I was stone cold faced with the contradiction of praying all this time for healing of the world and humanity, teaching people how to heal on other levels and hands on, and tearing someone a new ass hole. Darn and after I got so good at it too.
So I'm coming out of my cave here and I have to say my social skills are at an all time low ebb and I am on pretty shakey ground in that regard. Yes, you could say I am feeling sensitive. Miss Delicate Flower. But something in me wants to know what's going on here enough to just jump into the fray and see what the stretch is, at the risk of being the freak that just blew by. I know now you want something more solid than space ships..god you're no fun! But I understand now much better if I'm going to talk with the Big Boys, I better get on the same page and forget UFO's might buzz the rally with a high fiver. Hey you never know. Ha!
Naw, I'm just saying Hi Family, there's a freak amoung you (besides Steve:) and if you ever want some juju sent your way I'm your girl. Really I'm better off in the background since I can't add any great solid political insight here. But now you know what I'm doing there. It's MY form of political action.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Ok Ok. I back off and look to start over with you please, as I now see you posted while I was chewing my bone. Give me time to take this all in.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
"..ask Steve to bring you up to speed on why I believe that there is definately a difference between personal and public conversations. I have volunteered him, I guess, but I believe that he's up to it, and you still sound very tentative..........Travis."
Do you know what Travis is talking about? I can't help but be curious.
I appreciate your deplomacy with Travis. This is medium as you said can sometimes makes it hard to be understood as clearly as we would wish. It can be frustrating.
Travis~What I really wanted to say to you was, WHAT???!
I applogise for jumping your case. Anger and impatience on my part does that clarify or justify my position or beliefs. I do not want to see this board drift into "gooby" as Peter Berg used to say, any more than you do. I spent too many years being angry, and find it rarely serves my purpose to be so now, other than to shut down dialog. But I wonder if there is anything I have said of any relevance at all? If not, I guess there is no more for us to talk about.
Colin~I get the impression you are a young man (20's?). I find the politically minded people of your age often to be more spiritually minded and more heartful in their approach to problems and their solutions. There is a seeking that is serious and with an awareness and respect for the earth and how we address the problems we face. An honest attempt to reach the humanity in our "enemies". I think it helps balance and slow down our inclination toward violent alternatives. Thank you for the openness and respect you have shown me.
Steve~You can cover my back anytime. I share your confusion with Travis. Maybe we're just dummies. But I find when people get too hard to understand it's a choice. The truth, if to be effectual, must be spoken in a voice anyone can understand. I have sat with Berg who was a for real Whiz Kid, as he actually created a new vocabulary, as the ideas flowed from him. We had some great minds (and still do) but he was over the heads of us peons a good deal of the time. But we could at least catch his drift. If I could follow him, I pretty much figure I can follow anyone! But in the end, I have grown tired of the brain games. Boy could our crew talk the shit! I get too tangled up in the inconsistencies and contridictions that inevitably invite trouble that make you WANT to pick apart just to cut the arrogance. There may be truth in what is said, but who wants to shovel to get to it?
Friend~god you talk clear and pretty. I am an artist as well, and I have never heard true inspiration expressed so well.
And to the general Whomever~I find I can not go to SF this wkend. I am already there in my mind, but that's as far as I will get. I will take some time Sat to sit and chant (pray) for the success and safety at that rally. I do wish I could be there and hope for a good reports back.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: somewhere in the briar patch, brer fox
Date: 24 Oct 2002
Mark, I felt as though you were welcoming me back to the fight, it felt good. I agree that if two of us cannot find reasonable definition of the issues, then organizing a third, et. al. is probably out of the question. Preaching by any of us to the choir won't build the kind of broad based coalition needed to bring this business to a halt. Those issues may not gather enough momentum, as a sad commentary on the political past, until the body bags start piling up in the American heartland. The great urban centers, though more visible, are also the places where the pace of life is most frenetic, and unfortunately, more apathetic in nature. I could be wrong here, but when that change begins to really sober the face of America, we're going to need an analysis built out of consensus. Grass roots change is the only way that I can see that is ultimately persuasive to and through action. Not the elitism of small and isolated inteligentsia which was the hallmark of both motherfucker and Digger families. Furthermore, the kind of threat making belicosity Steve is exploring, persuades only those seduced easily, because they are new to the struggle. Motherfucker politics, simply stated, was to stand in between the knife and the broken beer bottle, to end fighting among those who we then described as warriors of the rainbow, in order to free ourselves for the united resistance to the man, whose chief means, as always, is to divide and conquer.Eileen has always been a mender of broken people, perhaps the best at it that I ever saw. It is ridiculous ( I risk being insensitive) of her to abjure at the level of some sort of personal tiff with me. I trust her instincts, note her heartache, and wish this whole damned fight weren't coming our way, but I think it inevitable. It is one thing for us to have put our bodies in the line of fire, these years past; but, it is quite another matter, as Steve rightly does point out to see our children be proposed as the cannon fodder. If it is war they want, in-order to accomplish their quest for world domination, then the Draft cannot be far behind. That Eileen is somehow vulnerable, or particularly at low ebb and especially vulnerable to criticism right now, is something that I admit I had not really been sensitive to, anywhere near my ideal of the sensitivity to which she is entitled. Her track record, to be sure, is long and illustrious. If I have wronged her, I plead only ignorance and stupidity--I have enough of that to last a few lifetimes, if you believe in that sort of thing. My attempt was to keep the lines of communication well grounded in demonstrable fact. I grant you that much of life is illusion...and gathered on the porch at Olema I can still remember singing, in rounds,"row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...merrily, merrily, merrily , merrily, life is but a dream." Bye for now...Travis.

Name: Rena M*
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2002
It's thursday night, Oct. 24, that Michael Moore will be on Donahue. That's 8:00 EST. Who's seen Bowling for Columbine? I'm eager for it to come to Maui.
with Aloha, RNA

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Steve, "'IN' the work. Your 'In The Moment' 'Thing' is the freedom of excaping the work..of busting free. Not getting 'Into' it; but 'Getting Out' of it. Thats true liberation. Thats what I mean about covering your tracks. Dont block the exit. Let others see where you came from...," yeah, that about says it.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Hey Friend, Ive' always seen the world (my world) rather oddly. I am near sighted in one eye and far sighted in the other. Looking back on it, I always was. As a child, I would amuse myself by closing one eye at a time and watching the objects jump at me. Mom had glasses as a child; maybe I should have??? I was never by any means a "copy-cat"; as I would draw horses with human legs, etc. In my mind the first thing that should strike you when viewing a piece of art work, or music, or a play etc. it the CREATOR. Dig? If the work dont slap that question; or wonderment rather, on ya pronto, then the Artist; or musitian has fallen short. You should view a new work like: WOW, WHO, WHAT, WHERE WHEN!!!. Think about it. Ask yer' self this: Is My Work Me? Did I Break through with this one? My dear friend you are "IN" the work. Your "In The Moment" "Thing" is the freedom of excaping the work..of busting free. Not getting "Into" it; but "Getting Out" of it. Thats true liberation. Thats what I mean about covering your tracks. Dont block the exit. Let others see where you came from...Nuff Said? Its the same with Poetry..(But Mark is way ahead of me on that point)..He's comming from within. (Nice place to be: Nice place to be from). Yours in Creativity; BOYD

Name: Steve LaTrek
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Hey Friend, a young white couple were here with the Buddists that walked up from the Pentagon..or where ever the fuck they came from..Im' foggy...Any way They had a couple of young kids in tow; I opened the front door and they both looked up at me (sitting down). I popped back inside and then gave their Mom a lovely Crystal that I had found on the very same steps that mourning. I also laid a thermal water jug with a nylon strap to replace the old bottle that she had duct taped up. I then gave the kids a small wooden Giraff from Mozambique, and ...I cant remember what else..some trinket of some sort..I also gave them a note pad and some felt pens..(Hey smilin'?) Anyway, the day after their departure, the Rev. said; hey Steve, your little freinds wanted you to have this. It was a joint venture. Well, they had both worked up a picture of yours truly. It depicted me with a purple face and what appears to be green grassy type hands. Im heading onward at an odd angle as if fighting a head-wind, straight across a brown ricketty looking bridge that spans between two yellow mountains with blue water far bellow. The mountain that Im' headed for is higher than the one behind me which may explain my head-long angle of approach. By the was unsigned. Nuff Said? My third wife encouraged me to sign BOYD and date my work. As far as Art Critique; heres one for the Books. My dear friend in Paris, Madam Fisher was into minitures. A famous Female Art Critic wanted to check the stuff out, and was invited into her home. Before Paulette could stop her; the Art Critic started pulling the miniture Oils (Framed) out of the packing boxes and unwrapping them...Paulette was horrified that the Critic started sorting out the "Best" and was really raving as to the originallity etc. Well to make a long story short..Palette did not have the heart to tell her that she had placed all of them on the table face down, and was Critiqing the "Numbers" on the rear which indexed them. (Go Figure). As far as the "Mystic" end of it goes, I may utilize the cardinal points of the compass as to the color variations. (I cant recall the name for that)..(Fen Suing???).. anyway, I opt for Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, and White to "Make" my colors, and shun any "Color" that is not "Made"...nothing fresh from the tube. I plan on making Pollocks "Action" painting look like "Reaction" painting. Im' one turned on fucker with a brush in each hand. Well, I think I may hit the sack and play with myself...(was that to much information???) Hey, my art is visual jazz. Optical Thelonius Monk..Dig? It's subconsious manifistations. I paint to goof and please myself. Its pure fuckin soundless music. I cant wait to get some schooling. I swear I wont cover my tracks. Thats where Dali went whong. He buried all form of actual experimentation. Also whats not shown is more important than what is. I will no longer paint within the boundries of a pre-framed canvas. I dont dig the limits. The composition will dictate the borders, dig?. All poor spelling aside..(I wasnt going to give this away, but years ago I bull-shitted my way into the design Dept. of the Nation's (World's at that time)..Largest Electrical Contractor and recieved extensive in-house training as a Design Draftsman. I designed layouts for The Sea Brook Nuclear Power Plant, (got eightballed from the Nuke industry though). I worked banner, big money rapid transit jobs such as The Boston Blue Line Signal Improvement Project (both Phases) and the Boston Harbor (Deer Island) Project. ie. I CAN DRAW A STRAIGHT LINE. I recieved Auto-Cad Training at Wentwourth in Boston. After my last divorce I secured A swank bachelor Apt. on Commonwealth Ave. and Exeter St. in the Back Bay Proper. I walked away from it all to belly up with an ex-girlfriend that I hadnt seen for 20 years. (Dont do it fellas). In laying down the Typical notes and details, I always relied on my dictionary...I cant be bothered these days..(Life is to short). Im' so fucking proud of my work. I telephoned a large Architectural firm in Boston once as a job lead. They said can you bring in some of your work?..I said: why bother; your' outfit bootleged half of it. Just check yer' latest package of M.B.T.A. contract drawings. 75% of it consists of my original design concepts and installation Drawings that you folks digitized an layed yer fuckin' names onto...Hello?...Hello??? Anyway, enough of the back-pattin'. I will say this, I never got into Paul Klees stuff untill I started drafting. That cats shit was pure modern jazz. Later Friend

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
The Great Matrix of the Mystery
No, I'm not from Washington. Anyway, I was thinking about you the other day, when reading this article on art, thought you might enjoy it. Here's the excerpt:
"Margaret Mead once asked a young child how she made a picture. The child replied, "I get a think. I draw a line around my think and then color it in." I try to do approximately the same thing—simply, clearly, and honestly. The real distinctions lie in my images or “thinks.” How and where did I get them? Are they from nature or from my imagination, maybe even from the world of art itself? What do they signify? I try to communicate to viewers a complex iconography, an esoteric world of Theosophy, Tibetan Buddhism, and Jungian psychology. Does a child care if another person sees the line she has around her think and colored in? My images come from my wandering through museums and galleries, sitting in lectures and seminars, reading books, looking at comic strips and movies . . . and meditating—just being a silent witness. Perhaps both the child and I get our visions from the same place, a most marvelous and wonderful gallery called by the Tibetans the Great Matrix of the Mystery.
For an artist, the marks, lines, dots, dashes, shadings, shadows, and light of drawing reveal the soul. They suggest confidence, sensitivity, depth of understanding, and maturity of spiritual development—or so the Zen sumi brush painters say. After once being given a beautiful set of sumi brushes, I learned that my native tools, pencils, pastels, crayons, and occasionally watercolor are best for my efforts. It's interesting that soft bristle brushes and ink (soft, moist, receptive, feminine) seem to typify the introverted contemplative yin East, while pencils, pastels and steel pens (hard, dry, masculine) may be extroverted Western yang traits. But, of course, I still admire and respect the great variety of materials and techniques used by artists around the world and throughout history.
Expressing the artist's personality or emotions has been the criteria for measuring much art during the past century. Every nuance of uniqueness, every personal idiosyncrasy, is scrutinized and praised as revealing meaning through the personality and artistic technique. Much of this preoccupation with drawing-room psychology came about after Freud and the birth of modern psychology. This is not a criticism, as I have been deeply influenced by the writing of Carl Jung and his followers. Still, I have chosen to try to move my center of attention from my personality —or self to my Buddha Nature or Self. Through the practice of yoga, Theosophy, Tibetan Buddhism, Jungian Psychology, and other minor efforts, for over thirty years I have tried to deemphasize my ego inflating obsessions. I don’t sign my pictures; I've tried to make them anonymous, free of personality quirks. In short, I try to eliminate anything to brag about, inflate my ego, or cause more hubris. ..."

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
hey Curious..Ive' been known to say "Fuck with Coyote, and you fuck with me"..That was because he is/was not on line to stand up to the shit, that being said...Eileen has her mouse ears on...she dont need no back up...The way she handled your scrambled drift, was purely "Above it all". Man, you gotta know your' role. I suggest that you rehearse your lines...or better yet..throw away the script. Remember..Learn act one before you jump into act two...Got that James Dean???

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Re. Donahue/Michael Moore.
That's great programming. The Giant's are banging balls at PacBell Park with the Angels in the World Series at the same time. Funny how it is.

Name: Sexy Gypsy Stevo
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Comments about the Ol' Blind-Fold...BOING!!! But really, are you that nice Yellow Gal that I flustered a while back? How are ya? Boy!..are those Tibetans hounding my ass! Are they the Fuckin' Jahova Witnesses of the Orient, or what??? Hey, while walking..(trying to keep up with the folks)..through China Town, I spotted two different sizes of ancient Chineese Coins. I plan on picking up three of each size. I now toss the I Ching using three Lucky Pennies that some One lined up on my front steps. Iv'e found Crystals and polished stones, and funny little odds and ends out there. It's heart warming in a way, but I wish that the folks involved would ring. Hey, what do you think of us boys, shaking it around again?? American School Yard?? Friend, I dont care how old you are or what yer name is...(are you my freind from Washington State??). If so, I saw the movie that we talked about the other night with a friend. It was rated Number two in the all time top one hundred. As I told you: I had only seen the rushes years ago; and attended the rough cut cast party. The editing blows my mind! It is definately Erotic Art, and Its dark undercurrent is brilliant. Sam Christianson and Joe Gage were MGM cats if I remember right. They did alot of T.V. (Thats television, NOT transvestitism.) The pace was like wow. Im' proud of that one. I may do some large oil paintings of some of the still frames. Christ, the lighting made it.

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
ok, kids, in the post to Mark, Mr. Curious OBTUSEly (apropos, Steve) mentioned the spelling of agent provocateur. Think that is how he envisions himself, his "role" here? Cause he sure is contradictory, even in the same paragraph, sentence practically.
Yeah, Steve, I’m uptight. and outta site! Will get back to you re that other stuff. Thanks for the official dubbing... do I get a gown and mallet to wear with that?

Name: Steverino the Bad Bandido
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Ah...make that: "We Dont Need No STINKIN' Polotics"....

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
I tried to get across to you but sometimes it is hard for me in this medium. The written word alone leaves alot unsaid and misinterpretation is easy. No intentions of violating any trust or "outing" anyone was intended. If someone needs or wants to remain unidentified, although confusing here on the site at times, it's not my intention to mess with it but I can ask the question "Why?" I pasted in your previous post so that it would be evident to others what we are talking about. I think we are on the same page here in more ways than one but the gears aren't meshing. As far the in/out or black&white reference I was leaving room for the possibilty that given the time and a clear set of facts, not under the polemic pressure of "are you in or out", a reasonable but media-battered citizen could find a way to get clear of it and decide against the war. I agree with you that the Bush War Theatre is in full swing entertaining the population, diverting it's attention and selling off the farm. My decision was made long ago. Are we gettin' anywhere here, Travis?

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
And another thing!! It wasnt "Life is but a Dream"...It was "Life COULD Be a Dream"..Shaboooom, Shaboooooom!!!! Oh, I get it, ...Im' talkin' Rock and Roll, and your' talkin' Poetry! (Aint it the Way??) P.S. You mentioned way back about Digger Polotics vs. Mother Fucker Polotics.....Polotics???...we dont need no Polotics!!! Heres one for the record: My Dads nick name is Fred C. Dobbs. I shit you not. Come on Travis...Be heard. State the Mother Fucker's case. Whats really up yer' ass?. Was yer' outfit Digger Wanna-be's??? Hell, thats no crime...well, the heat may disagree with me. But on that note; the history books got this part right: "The Digger's combativeness and total disreguard for the rules just about riled everybody"...Is that it??? Are you riled pal??? Come on. Out with it. I flunked the mind-reading class. What gives???

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
They're going to try again: Michael Moore on "Donahue" Tonight, Live from Flint
October 23, 2002
Dear friends,
The note from the sniper could not have been more clear: "Your children are not safe, anywhere at anytime." How did snipers get to be so smart? Have truer words amidst such madness been spoken before? "Your children are not safe."
And this morning, for the first time, there is talk that perhaps election day in the Capital area should be postponed -- or at, the very least, the polls must be manned by armed troops. Fear reigns. The democratic process can wait. Our children are not safe.
Yes, our children ARE not safe. …
Your children are not safe because we live in a country where we value bombs and missiles more than we do textbooks and teachers.
Your children are not safe because we still will not provide them with the most basic of human rights, one that nearly every other country on earth has: that ALL children have a right to free health care should they get sick.
Your children are not safe because we stuff them full of McDonald's and Ritalin and then wonder why they have diabetes at 13 or shoot up the school a week before graduation.
Your children are not safe because they saw us adults allow a man to steal the White House, and then we did nothing about it. They learned that lying and stealing are OK, but "one person, one vote" is a sham.
Your children are not safe because one in six of them live in poverty, while Bush's friends and business partners make off with loot from the pension funds and the stock market.
Yes, the sniper has got it figured out. The children have been targets for some time, and the "snipers" who take their lives, ruin their lives, run loose.
If you want to do something to make our children's lives a bit safer, one thing you can do is to participate in one of the various demonstrations taking place this Saturday around the country protesting Bush's war against Iraq (check out my website, <> , for details). Nearly a half-million Iraqi kids have died already in the last decade, thanks to our sanctions which have starved them and our bombs which have killed them.
Now Bush the Sniper has a new message to the Iraqi people: "Your children are not safe, anywhere at anytime."
Death in DC, death from DC. …

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Feeling somewhat dropped kicked I am not enclined to go further. I have said my piece/peace and offered up what is of value to me. Tentative? Only about this site. Most boards state their intent and boundaries in the heading. But the boarder lines are unclear to me here, other than those set by those that do like the track I am taking. I am not set on proving myself or my ideas as politically correct. I also have a track record, so freekin' what? You running for office or something?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Travis; Ive' got the shittiest pants in town...I got no under wear to launder in Public or Private. And to be truthful with angle on your involvement with the Digger Heavy weights went over (or under, depending on yer' frame of reference)..That being said; If I knew what the fuck you were all about or for that matter, what your main drift is/was...I would be more than glad to lay it on the Free Nation at large. But, I must say at this point; what I said to stir this mess around in the first place..."I FIND YOU SO FUCKING OBTUSE" always; please pardon my spelling..(Im' an Idiot..Remember?)..By the way..Try this one one fer' size Travis: "Simpley Nothing" and .....Ah...Eileen?.."Tentative"???...OH OH..Here it comes folks! Tighten up yer' Jock Straps! Diggers "One"...Mother Fuckers "ZIP".

Name: Steve again
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
An Mark...That dude called me an Idiot once...can you Imagine???..P.S. Ah..make that "All Five".

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Hey Mark...I like your Style... Ol' Beetle-Skin Bailey strikes again..Hu?...Im' tellin' ya..Curious is a glutton for ceribrial punishment. Look what I went through to make him speak fuckin' English. And as far as his "Anti Alien" attitude; Hell, He's a typical Scorpio...If he cant feel it, smell it, taste it, see it, or hear it..(and most likely all four)..then it dont exist!!! I was hopin' that Eileen might read his beads. Im' tellin' ya, A Scorpio with a fucked up moon sign can be one sufferin' bastard..and they wanna spread the joy..Dig??? A Libra could crack his nuts but GOOD! If you remember, This Long Tall Texan all but pulled the plug on my One Man Revolusion and then, cut me off all together. Will somebody please tell him that L.B.J. is dead??? Nobody's dick is in anyone's back pocket these days. It's all Out Law Polotics now. It's all the way that you look at it. My neighbor Monica Lewinski never sucked Ol' Bill's dick!...(she just held it in her mouth for a while)..Read Me? Hey, can ya' Imagine if...Ah..forget it. You lock asses with him for awhile. He's one of a few that picked my brain and the clammed up. Go figure? Carry on. SARGE

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: life is but a dream
Date: 23 Oct 2002
P.S. Mark, here is one you might like. Nothing is simple.....T.

Name: Curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: enemy territory
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Mark, I do not lightly use the spelling of this country as Amerika. If for some reason you wish to "out" the user identity of an individual, I would suggest that you are violating a basic trust of this site. You, would probably see this issue far more differently than I; but, my take on the issues of whether to support the war already being used for what I consider to be propaganda purposes, or to directly oppose it--as well as opposing any efforts on the part of the administration to widen the conflict, are as you seem to feel uncomfortable with, absolutely crystal clear. Black or white. Are you fucking in or out. Only time and distance prevent me from joining you, and Eileen in being in San Francisco, as you indicated. I have much more than resolve could ever be, I have a track record. I am not saying that you do not also have an admirable record. I did not understand why you did not previously engage. But no matter. I basically reject the premis of the "if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." I must reserve the right for you or myself, or anyone to have the basic freedom in which to explore their humanity, and their consituent beliefs. It is no small thing, this estimation of your talents--I just wanted to hear you exercise them, because, for the time being, I just don't have any other way to get to know you. That which I have to say is "a poor thing sir, but mine own."...........Travis..........Eileen, I don't have any dirty laundary, to air with you, either literally or figuatively. But I meant what I said about extraterrestrial patter. Digger Theatre is exactly that, theater. It may be that the "women's perspective" does seem to get shunted and shortshrifted, but the only one that can change that is you--and other women so inclined.....ask Steve to bring you up to speed on why I believe that there is definately a difference between personal and public conversations. I have volunteered him, I guess, but I believe that he's up to it, and you still sound very tentative..........Travis.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Well Freind...ah..that dont exactly narrow it for an ape like me anyway. I mean...are you the Japanees Lady? And if so, were you a 52 baby, or a 64 baby??? never told me...are you uptight about yer' age? Well Freind, in any event: I dub thee "Minister of Justic and Peace". You are in good company mixing it up with the "Scales of Justice Girls" They are the most; from coast to coast. I cant beleive how this is unfolding. Eric must be pissin' himself. The 2002 entries have just about passed the last few years of input. And from what Ive' seen; It's Quality and Quantity. Hey Eileen; you want a fresh shot of "Male Dominance??" Here goes: That old Drag ..(and Im' being kind)..She's a cross between George Bush's Mother and Howard Stern)...anyway she showed up for lunch again this week. I had slipped him a ten spot last week,..(those cosmetics aint cheap)..any way, He calls me over and does his best Laura Desmond, we sit knee to knee, and Im' presented with a charming little necklace. I had to open the little zip lock bag myself...(Lee Press ons)..It's a wonder he can wipe his ass. Anyway; he told me that I was "Wonderful"... (who me?)..of course all of the "Real Men" had stoped in mid-bite. They all seem to give me a wide birth now. Maybe the "Meek" (and wonderful) shall inherit afterall. Dig! Wow...lookin' back on it the Olema People really got it on didnt they! ...Hey, it takes heart. Hey Nicole, I met a crew called the Bread and Puppet thearte Group last year at a parade in Brooklynn. From what I understand they were associated with the Peace Church way back when. I was still stiched and stapled up, so they kept their distance, but were very civil, concidering. They were some healthy lookin' gals and some lean dudes. You know any of them? By the way, Im now involved with the I.R.T. besides another road company. Im' really delagating my time these days, and plan on following Eileen's lead and will give this magic box an hour of my life per day. Oh ya..Hey Eileen, let it rip! Nothin's too heavy (or should be) for this web site. It's what we make of it. Besides, we all know..(or do now)...that At times; (many times) and yer' Digger Bretheren were classified as Unidentified Flyin' Objects...Remember??? Real unidentifiable, and really flyin'!!! WOW!!! Christ we fed a mob today. The cold brings em out of the cracks. I was so proud of the Super Human Crew. Ol' Buckley showed his stripes today; He said "If it wasnt' for you and me; this place would be run by Mental Patience" Hey, Ive'got news for Buckley...(If it wasnt for me!!) Anyway, he pushed alot of the bull work off on them. I jumped in; bad shoulder and all to carry and set up tables. His head has been big since I gave him that Suit. (Like he knows High People in places). Well, signing off now. Hey...more about the Ladies! If women..I mean the real kind...ran this fuckin' world it would be a better fuckin' place and anybody who cant see that is one fucked up motherless child. Keep up the good work Ladies.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Travis, Beetle Bailey or whatever hat your under today,
Your previous post:
Name: Beetle Bailey
E-mail Address: US of A
Remote Name:
Date: 27 Sep 2002
Mark , what is the left, which is the right. Can you spell agent provocateur. Just what the fuck is the Digger Movement. If you wish to meet with a representative of the Committee for Lone Justice, look deeply into the mirror. If the young men and women of this country, bereft of any serious political analysis, seek to join the military in order to become instruments of national policy (even a policy that defies anyone's understanding) then advise them and organize more militant forms of dissent/rebellion. Teach while you fight. If you are a family man, organize by opening a dialog with your sons and daughters. It will be good practice upon which to base your outreach efforts to the sons and daughters of other families. Get set for a long haul. Use some discretion and some caution. You don't seem to recognize that you are already operating in enemy territory. If that does not change, I certainly wouldn't be willing to go on patrol with you--would you, in those circumstances, go on patrol with you?
My post for you:
I reread your post and remember it left me unsure of how to respond. I do better when the message is laid out a little simpler. Now that you have made a point of reminding me of it I will take a whack at it. Using the term "enemy territory" troubles me. It has a polemic tune that I think places large amounts of people on sides they may not feel lined up with. It kind of draws a line too clearly, too much of a black or white deal for me. One persons discretion and caution is another's bluster and recklessness; again that line is hard to draw. I think the mirror you mention is better understood as a much larger unit fueled by the "information age" that is slowly focusing on us all exposing our pretensions and contradictions. The question is then is do we duck out or stand our ground up to the armpits in our own frailties. It is surely feeling like a turkey shoot and sticking up your head to take aim or at least heckle somebody can be ventilating but what is the flip side? Now that "Handling " reference. I tend to fall back on Curtis Turner's words, legendary 50's stock car driver, "That can be a lot of fun to do but not much fun to watch." So anyway when I find this ideology…. Uh…..I know that shit is around here somewhere, I went through the hall closet and the garage but it must be upstairs. I'll get back to you on that.
You want to go on "patrol"? Hey, it's your party so march on with your bad self. I am gonna haul my paradoxical conflicted ass along with all my squeaks and rattles up to SF Civic Center Saturday to flail away in the mirror. You goin'?
Peace on you,

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
yeah, Steve, I agree with you. I'm thinking about a more clearly identifyable handle. (But not Dragon Lady. After posting that, I regretted it, cause of the neg connotations that go along with it.) I was gettin' kinda confused myself, with the "others" posting. That's why I responded to the first other friend ?WhoKnowsWhat?, cause I din't want anyone thinkin' I was posting about psychic brain police, etc. Nor was I A Digger Friend on 15 Oct who asked we do silent prayer for families of those blow up in Thailand. Those sneaks! Using my handle to post their crap! Chicken shits! I'm gonna kick their asses!
A peace without principles is no peace at all.
Love, the friend who's been posting all the other "Friend" posts since this spring.

Name: Colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Ellen- Your insights and sensitivity to the spiritual life is of great value to me. Like many people in this time of uncertainity, you may be drawn to a place where you can have a voice without feeling unheard. I for one hear you and celebrate your voice. Please continue your thoughts. Peace

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Having shut down the computer, having become too much of a focus in my life..I shut down and errase almost everything. Yet I cannot leave entirely, and have given myself a time limit of an hr a day. I am drawn back to this site alone, and see you have addressed me.
I came to this site looking for something that I really can't explain. Yet I did not intend to side track things with "extraterrestrial patter". I went to this subject with the intention, momentarily, to broaden the scope of conversation here, to point out we could, perhaps should, realize there is more at stake at HOW we change this mess in the world we are part of.. To realize the possible scale of the reprocussions if humanity can not evolve beyond this violence to each other and to the planet.
This is a very male dominated site. I may seem very odd in my interests and concerns (male or female). But I think there are concerns that women have (I certainly have anyway) that get shunted aside as being not pertinent or useful to political concerns. Yet I do not believe spiritual matters and political matters are seperate. If they are, it is nothing short of thinking rearranging the furniture, adding new drapes and pictures, in an unhappy, violent household is going to change anything.
I am not critizing tactics nor thoughts. The actions and creativity on the streets, in the forests, etc must be done. I am part of them when I can be. I am a "body", a number to be counted. I am not clever politically or a leader. I do what I am moved to do when I think my presence will help. But the place that I feel I can and do help, is being an anchor emotionally and spiritually. I'm good at tending the wounded and dying. I know how to walk into a potientially violent situation and often redirect it. I'm involved with a lot of native people, Buddhists, phychics and yes, "others" that are holding the line with their prayers and/or awareness. There are many levels of awareness that are on continious Red Alert now. Do you understand what I am saying?
What I'm offering up here is not religion. This is NOT what this is about. But to realize the changes we want and must make are not JUST about governments. If those changes are really going to bring the peace we want to see in the world, we have to make sure we are also living it internally. Is it not a constant challenge? All this is very hard for me to put out here at all. But these days I think a lot about humanity and the planet and I am overwhelmed at the suffering. I could not stand it if I felt there was no other way to address this but battle on the streets.
And yes Travis, if you have something personal to say to me over at Discussions I am willing to hear it if you feel it's the place. I came here to learn something more. Yes I am fearful of my blind spots, but I hate having them worse..because I feel them. I have been dragging out the laundry publically. I don't see I'm exempt.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Colin...I met those incredible cheerleaders(radical cheerleaders) just before 9/11 happened at Washington Square park...I even joined in a routine with them...Theater for the New City was doing the last summer Street Theater show in the park and they happened to be there. They came back to the theater with us for our end of season BBQ on 10th street. They were fantastic...great spirit...and totally irreverent!!!YEAH TEAM !!!!!!! Nicole

Name: orion
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2002
where's arthur lisch these days? did he ever fix the alignment of the jefferson stone? if so, that doesn't say much about the idea of curing the national ails by realligning the spiritual center of the national capital. if not, then any plans afoot to complete that digger do?

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
In response to "Friend" Oct 18th: Hi yer'self. Ah...which friend are you...(The Dragon Lady???)..maybe all of you shy friends could pull a cat-in-the-hat deal and number yourselves at least. You know,..Friend One, and Friend Two...They dug Stevero!! Uh Oh...there I go again. But hey, how about a name...even if it's this point, I need a score card. P.S. Hey Travis, its about time that you stopped talking in riddles. Your point was well taken. Whats the chance of you and you compadres cranking up The Mother Fuckers again? Hey, I just heard from my Bother; he dumped the Alaskan trip and is setteling in Boise Idaho. (his own private Idaho??). Well, we fed a record number of folks Sunday. There were people eating off the alter. I must fire up the ovens for todays chow line. Later folks. P.P.S. ATTENTION CITIZENS OF MARYLAND: TWO WORDS:..."SHOOT BACK!!!!!"

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Travis; join the ranks! Youv'e heard of the Undefeated?..the Untouchables?..Well, you and I my Curious friend are the "Unremembered". Hey, Im' ahead of you by 24 Hrs. (and gaining???) I posted three articles on the Free Frame Of Reference Page (dated 22 Oct0 that will hopefully give the youngen's a big dose of what they wont hear on the nightly "NEWS". The headings are: "NO MORE WAR ON IRAQ", "GET INVOLVED", "THE CASE HAS NOT BEEN MADE" and "WAR". I also dropped a couple of web site addresses if I remember corectly. For the most part they are "Sprog Style" and as such rather on the longish side; but if these kids can put down the Nintendo long enough, they may raise a few eyebrows as well as questions. I urge these kids to; if nothing else..use the info to make some points in school reports on the subject. It might make them unpopular with their peers;..but a turned on-tuned-in teacher may dig the "Con" angle of the report; as the "Pro" angle will most likely be pulled off by 99% of the pupil population. THATS WHERE THE 1% COMES IN. COME ON YA LITTLE ONE PERCENTERS! SPREAD THE WORD TO YER' CHEESE EATING FRIENDS AT SCHOOL!!! Dont cha' know that theirs gotta be a few 14 year old Peter Burgs, Da-Veeds and Coyotes out there who need just a bit of a boost??. Make a paper out for extra credid. Boot Leg something on a xerox. Hey, It's your asses that will be scratchin' sand fleas and checking yer' boots for desert rats. Theres one hell of a fuckin' commin' yer way!!. If they let that little Meat Puppet declare WAR...then Declaring a DRAFT will be NOTHIN"!!! THINK ABOUT IT!!! Your asses are on the FUCKIN' LINE. DO IT!! LETS GO!!!

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: standing in an open door
Date: 23 Oct 2002
I am developing an answer to some of the questions asked by Eileen in the discussion as a response to Clovar, I think, on the 19th of October. That she does not remember me would be problematic; however, I would find it entirely in the realm of possibility that she would not choose this forum to respond. As I commented once before to Steve, there are conversations opened here in public, that may be better conducted in private, if at all.Ball in your court E.....Travis.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Primetime
Date: 23 Oct 2002
The entry by "friend" 18/October/2002 is the best single piece on the subject, not just of war, but the overall geopolitical array of forces coming into focus, that I have ever read. I have been busy regarding the overall implications of our situations, taken individually, and as a whole, and submitted those views as they were ideallized by the author in my last entry entitled "Middlemouse." I strongly urge that all of you who visit this site reread them both. Further, consider them well. Answer them, goddamit!
If this discussion devolves into extraterrestrial patter, then the subject, or rather those who engage in this kind of talk, just plain cannot be taken seriously by those they say they most want to reach. It may feel great, but it advances those inspired efforts to resist not one whit. You don't need to conceive of a power structure working against your efforts when you take yourself out of the game! Come on, people. There are elements of the struggle that are uniquely American--and an American response for our problems here, are but mirrored in the extension of our struggles in any qualified response to Realpolitk. Hats off to Colin for his report of protest tactics. Short of the kind of militancy involved in the original handbook for becoming an urban guerilla, these people seem to be on the edge of successful action. That they piss a few soccer moms off is less the point than their stimulating anger, which may eventually lead to the connection of these women( 0r soccer dads) to the ultimate truth of a greater ecological consciousness. Earlier, in the section of guestbook, immediately preceeding this one, a question was addressed to Mark Hebard, that I and others that I know would very much like to hear. With the way he's handling his ideology, would he want to go on patrol with himself?
Steve, I very much appreciated your reminder that the Vets in an undeclared war, have very much less benefits; and that might be a very good point to explore in organizing efforts. Regards....T.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Hey Colin; My Oldest Daughter was born in Exeter and the youngest was born in Portsmouth. They were raised and schooled in Hampton. The last time I was in Hampton, the cops freaked out and had me and my red-haired girlfriend lay our guns down on the side walk in front of the Pizza Hut. What with Police Scanners; there was a crowd in no time at all. (I had the bright Idea of pawning our shootin' Irons for some quik cash and Gaile was up for drunk driving, so I used my "Better Judgement" and talked her into hitching with me to the next town to pawn them. Well, she reluctantly complied (as usual) and put on her fringed suede Buffalo Bill jacket. "PUT THE WEAPONS ON THE GROUND!!!" STEP AWAY FROM THE WEAPONS!!" (you know the routine)..My son John was the local legend in Hampton. He was a "Bully's Bully". He used to protect the frail kids from the older pricks. He also was a very good driver..(at the age of 14)...the heat didnt like that at all. They actually had the balls to accused my Johnny of throwing a 50 gallon drum though the school principles office window. (In broad daylight)... a witness said he pressed the fucker over his head and gave on hell of a rebel yell. Well, the result was him getting his GED in the same session as me and my oldest daughter Erin...(that must be a first). We all took the test cold and blew through it straight in one day...Like 8 hrs. ..or close to it. We all aced it. I tried to talk some sense into my youngest to drop out and take the test; but, know how Libra's are. (I think that it would have screwed with her social life). Anyway; she broke tradition and graduated from High School. This younger Generation!!! I shouldnt say that, Her mom has a degree. Burlington High, then Newman Prep, then UNH I think it was. I loved it up in Rye. I worked a saw mill up there. Im' thinking very hard about a place to settle on early retirement. If I dont get out of the City soon, I will no doubt kill some deserving son-of-a-bitch. Man these fuckers are begging for it. I cant figure the get-in-yer-face-types. Ya see, as a staff member here; Im' very leary of them baiting me to bust em' up (Law suit...Sue the Church,..Dig?) I was thinking of carrying an Imediate resignation and dis-association slip with an open date that I could fill out on the spur of the moment, and then with "Street Folk" status really tune on of these freaks of nature up. Now; that being said; Im' getting to close...Dig. Maybe it's burn out. I cant tell ya. But seeing this never ending army of weakling sorrow, pity me brigade, who intimidate the fuck out of everyone, makes me wanna hit em so hard that it will kill the whole family. And thats bad. I wasnt like that in the country. Up there it was the real deal. Men were men, and women were men. Anyway..Im' squirreling bread away In case the baddest man in the world walks in. Early retirement....(the trick is to live to see it) Im' in the market for some moth-proof Cabana wear for my next Florida visit; I dont dig the sub-tropics. Im' into the Winter Hybernation trip. Well...just a thought. Damn, Im' moody! Hey, with this war thing looming; I have the urge to get back to the kids, know..just to be there. Ya..thats it. Hey, is it just me, or is anybody else getting that vibe? know; to tighten up with family, and close the gap? Let me know, will ya?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 22 Oct 2002
Colin; Dump? You are to kind! The Town of Farmington LEGALLY burned the house that I was living in to the fuckin' ground!!! The Firemen had Police escorts. But...check this out!! If you ever get a chance to see the Town's Commemerative Quilt, you will find to very odd patches sewn onto it: FREE FAMILY 1% FREE NORTH. CALIF. and DIGGERS 1970 OLEMA. I shit you not. There was a small tribe of Rip-Off Gypsy Midgets in town, and what with all of those short legged drunken in-bread french-Indians staggering around; It looked like the fuckin' Island of Dr. Marrow on any given Saturday Night. I remember a story of the big flood. They lost power and had to evacuate to high ground. A police boat checked out some strange lights that were shinning from a local tavern, and found that the locals were belly up to the bar wearing hip wadders and miners helmets. Also, there was a drunken "Minute Man" troope who got busted for bombarding the Chineese restaurant with cement filled coffee cans out of make-shift cannon. (Remember Pearl Harbor???) Seeing live Bull Moose on Maine St. was not unusual. There was a skillet throwin' contest every year, and the women would chase the men in order to Traditionally "Catch" a Husband. (for a night or two, anyway)...It was said that Between Farmington and Seabrook N.H. Al Capp dirived "Dog Patch USA". Sweet Lorraine only visited me once while I was in Exile up there. We danced our asses off at Desparados "Lounge"; just prior to it burning down. New England has got a special breed of Hill-Billy rock-bands. Hey, I spent the 4th of July there once and the fireworks display was lethal! They were exploding so close to the ground that the entire croud was getting rained on by flamming sparks. It was like the night sky was raining fire. The concushions had real knock-down power, and the BOOMS were deafening. I still dont know what the fuck that was all about. People were stamping their feet and putting out their smoldering clothing and trying like hell to keep the kid's hair from Ignighting. It was the closest that I ever got to live combat. And these fucker's were laughing!! I hired on with Wal Mart as an assembler. Furnture, grills, all that stuff. I still have some Wall Mart stock. Boy, talk about used-car country. Wow.

Name: colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Oct 2002
A frown takes more energy than a Digger Grin!
My generation is slowly gettign it! The 'it' being by holding a mirror to the unjust, rasist gov' we have will attract more attention than flies on shit!
During the Oct.26 rally in DC, I just heard that the Radical Cheerleaders will be attending. They change the words to cheers to make political statements as a form of protest. With pom-poms, black uniforms and combat boots. What a hoot!
We have so many subersive tatics at our disposal (all of us!)- isn't that one example of real creativity?
The direct marketers annual meeting in SF was visited by protesters who brought bags and bags of junk mail and dumped it on the floor of their meeting.
Someone in my neighborhood designed 'SUV tickets' to look like parking tickets. It read how SUV pollute the environment, are unsafe and continue the Americian addition to oil. Boy, a lot of soccer moms got pissed.
This is the stuff of Digger tradition.
Steve: Farmington, what a dump! Since the shoe factories left for Mexico, the people there are really hurting. Home made crack is now the rage.

Name: Steve Cameron Swazey
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 22 Oct 2002
YOU ARE THERE! Well folks. You heard it here first: Thats the Yin and the Yang of it! Eileen on the Pacific Coast and Nicole on the Atlantic Coast: Two tuned in Libras! Now if that dont balance out America,..I dont know what will! Hey Orion; Killing?..Killing???...Heres the scoop on Killing!: "If you kill one person, you end up in jail. If you kill 20 people, you end up in an insane asylem. If you kill 20,000 people, you get amnesty." Now Orion; I ask you this...With that kind of record, how can we build a new ethic??? Hey Colin; I held a home base in N.H. since the big snow of late 77; early 78. During my random visits with wife and kids, I worked as a life actor shop worker. Foundries, shoe factorys, auto supply manufacturers, garbage disposal, gun works, food service, etc. It enabled me to stay tuned into the common folk; and Mister, you want common??? (Try an N.H. Shoe Factory) I was at Colby shoe,..the last holdout of a dying breed. Foreign trade fucked us real bad. I highly recomend the State. I lived free in Farmington; (and damn near died) In the old days, Farmington was invaded every season by loggers who dubbed it.."A whore House without a roof. It was one tough town. I shacked up with several Ladies (from 26 to 66) who were products of that "Love Generation" ( and WE thought that WE invented fucking! WOW! What a town. It had its start in Colonial times (called Puddle Dock). It seems that the village of Rochester would exile it's lay-a-bouts and sinners to "Puddle Dock". ( The Australia of New England)...(it went down hill from there). They said that there is solid proof that the "Tooth Brush" was invented there; because had it been invented anywhere would have been called a "Teeth Brush". What do you call 26 Farmington Girls?..(a full set of teeth). Well; Im' going to post some Sprog Style Anti-War stuff on the Free Frame of Reference Page. P.S. Hey....Ariel was/Is "Tink"..and dont forget it! Focus on Peace, ya'll. Hey Nik, Ive also got a real solid rattan chair from San Fransico that you may want to throw on the truck also. Ive' got my eye on a neat over stuffed easy chair and ottoman. See ya. Steve

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Oct 2002
Yes Mark~
Beautiful! I have been touched by the sense of you and those that have taken a moment to share here.
I go to the ocean every day with my dogs to stand on the cliffs and take in the vastness and beauty. I let myself feel how I am but a breath within that. Yet I go to the beach and see the careless garbage that is mingled with the seaweed and suffer all that it implies..and pick it up as so many folks do when they go to the beaches here. That one gesture I see when someone is carrying a bag with them to collect the garbage while going down for their pleasure, gives me a larger hope.
Some days I can hardly stand living with such a huge task in front of us. I am tired. My visions for our furture in the 60's hurts my heart, that I feel we have an such endless battle in front of us. In all honesty I am afraid we have much chaos before the tide is turned. And I have no recourse in the end but to pray, to chant, to go into the sweat lodge and tepee and pray. To clear my mind and reconnect with my heart, that place in myself that is always Whole, to touch other levels I often loose touch with, to soothe my aching heart. I have to believe those prayers, that moment when I can sit with myself in total gratitude for the air I breathe and for those good intended, who share that moment with me, even beyond time and space, that cry for our own suffering and those that suffer, can I come to some peace and let that suffering go. Thinking that on some level what I am doing will have an impact, will touch those more deeply who have forgotten their own humanity and care little for others.
I cling to the idea of the Hundredth Monkey. It is not just our actions but our clear thoughts at peace, unseen, that form the web. It is like basic magic I suppose..hold in your mind what you WANT..not what you DON'T want and create from there. Our world has been created with thoughts. We either hold to the light or we hold to the darkness. The darkness is enticing to do battle with on it's own terms. We are having to learn how to think and do things differently if we are to make a difference.
Ha! My cord just fell out of my lap top..guess that's enough of a message. My best to all you Peaceful Warriors.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Oct 2002
About the Tinkerbell part. I had to put the computer back together for that one. Ha! I get your drift. Belief is huge, when it is a belief in ourselves. We ARE Tinkerbell..although Tinkerbell is not quit how I think of myself (do you hear me laughing?). OK now I can go on with my day.
Steve and friends~
My address is:
Eileen Ewing
PO Box 2423
Ft Bragg, Ca
Feel free to write me.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Oct 2002
Eileen, I wrote this a year or so ago when I was feeling divided between realities. This feeling is with me again. I am going out for a good run along the beach.
Two for One
You sit beside the branches long shadow,
touching the waters leaving.
I lean at the timeclocks punch,
Remembering Monday Night Football might help me sleep.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Oct 2002
Nicole~Thanks for getting the point and sharing it. Was beginning to feel..well the usual. With that said, today is a big day for me. I'm unplugging the TV and COMPUTER! Yes. If there was a revolution I wouldn't have time for it if it didn't happen here in front of my nose. I have always thought if TV was shut off for 3 months there would be a revolution.
But the COMPUTER! My god it's such a mixed blessing and in the end it's worse than the TV. I NEED TO COME UP FOR AIR. And yes I agree with you all. We are being danced like puppets. The mainstream media is THE biggest propaganda machine going. Is that news to anyone??! Yes, it's a good idea to know what the lastest spin is for the masses. But make sure you don't get caught up in's not hard. If we don't support our alternative radio and news, and coming together in real life flesh and blood and BEING the news, then what are we doing that's going to make any difference?

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Oct 2002
Orion, Not so Nutty...I said something like that 25 or so postings ago...when I read an article about some government official stating "this is precisely why we should have cameras at ALL intersections and satalites that allow for ground patrol" That is fucking scarey to me...I'm at the point where I want us all to clap our hands real hard and bring tinkerbell back...not to be simple but I remember being a child and how very hard I clapped and how overwhelming my feelings were...and my whole body and heart and soul and universe wanted that...I feel just as strongly now about wanting this current trend of things to change. and Eileen I'm so glad you brought all of that up because I do believe we have power...let me change that to I KNOW we all have power...we simply have to cultivate it and use it. (maybe that's what Voltaire meant when he said "tend to our gardens") In Maui and Oahu in 1969 I was with the people making the Jimmy Hendricks movie "Incident at Rainbow Bridge" and we all, everybody in the Islands, had a close encounter of the whatever kind ,even loose Bruce Baxter whose estate we were filming at became a believer and he'd been a true sceptic. Naturally the newspapers the next day said mis-fired rocket gasses from Vandenberg air force base...I am a solid down to earth person...and if people can believe in some of the things they tried to make me believe in as a child (certain religious things) then what's the difference. I'm extemely spiritual don't get me wrong. and I know we can do anything we want with out a doubt...we simply have to focus...nuf said, I'm rambling...
ps Eileen, I was feeling you this morning alot. I could even smell the kitchen at 1275 Rhode Island...and hear your great laugh. Talk about a natural! I've never listened to Art Bell, but my roomate listens always.
Steve...the painting should be finished by Wed or Thurs and I have a van to pick up the bed after that. with warm regards to all, Nicole

Name: Ellen
E-mail Address: none
Date: 22 Oct 2002
We can help God help our World. All information and instructions can be found free at Rainbow Headquarters.

Name: Ellen
E-mail Address: none
Date: 22 Oct 2002
All information and instructions can be found free at Rainbow Headquarters.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Nutty idea? Nothing is out of the realm of possibilty, I mean we were capable of degenerating into a civil war in this country not so long ago. The question is when and how do we decide as individuals if we are slipping into paranoid delusions or dealing with rational fears. How far can this train go? I guess we are going to find out.
I don't like watching the news channels but I want to see what they are up to. I fear not knowing how they are doing business and what the population is buying. During the Viet Nam era the media did take risks admittedly in a naive way at times. Now it seems the rule is "Shut the hell up". If you really want to get discouraged read some of the horsepucky Todd Gitlin has been peddling lately. I just know I am going to see him trotted out on the Bill O'Rielly sideshow soon.
On that note of optimism, I am going to try for a restful night of sleep. Damn.

Name: Orihime
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Well, to underline your point, where's Osama? What ever happened to the anthrax letter mailers? Interesting that the the political and media targets were all democrats, liberals. Warning posts? I hope it pushed them out of their complacency.
Another oddity... in the current Minnesota senate race, the Republican Party--not the Repub candidate for senate, ran t.v. ads against Demo incumbent Paul Wellstone, saying that he was a "communist" for wanting a national health care plan. Yep, a communist. His slogan, Stand up, keep fighting.
Stand up, Diggers all!

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
I don't have cable, so thanks for the update. It is pretty disconcerting, that the media is doing everything it can to not report real news that people are really interested in. Reminds me of Bill Mahr's show getting cut because of what he said about the war after 9/11. I used to watched occasionally, but not regularly, and his shows didn't seem very provocative to me, just a place for people to argue. What was really eerie about it, is that after the last 2 programs, as soon as it ended, the Bush family's Thousand Points of Light Foundation aired commercials with Barbara's talking head reminding us about the victims, families, children, widows, of Sept. 11th. It was like the mafia, leaving their calling card after making the hit. Well, at least no question as to why Politically Incorrect was pulled off the air, and who was responsible for it. So much power, even over ratings, which usually drive t.v. They must be scared, if they have to pull a former Republican neo-libertarian total-materialist off the air.
In regards to the silence of the media, on the website posted below, I just saw the pics of the October 6 rally against the war in San Francisco. Wow! It was huge! I didn't see or hear or see any of this in the glut of media that inundates us these days. People are standing up in huge numbers, without media coverage. And, I believe, with heels dug in deep, ready to stand for a fight. This time, I hope people are ready with what they want, and not just what they are against. Time to realize some of those "pipe" dreams, ideals of youth. Create the conditions which we want to live in.

Name: orion
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
mark, i know it sounds nutty and no one has yet made this suggestion for fear i'm sure of offending the victims but the killer or killers back in washington area are obviously well trained, even possibly in military subversion techniques. how crazy would it be for some sinister group to carry out this operation to sideline news and criticism of the bush regime and heighten peoples fears three weeks before a national election possibly as important as the 1932 elections in germany? if this speculation is true, one logical conclusion we can surmise to test its validity would be that the true killers will never be found.

Name: colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Thank you for the links. I didn't mean to belittle Shootin' Star's personal thoughts/experiences. I'm from NH. In the 1950's there were several sitings. "The Exeter Incident", I think the book was called. I wonder if in times of war, hate, and general misalignment- this effects the alpha waves? Would the visitors know?
Sleep deeply and touch the hand that knows.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Regarding Michael Moore on Donahue tonight. MSNBC looks to have been pressured to dump their airing of the Donahue show tonight citing "breaking news" over the "sniper murders" of which there is none. They mentioned they may rebroadcast it "later in the week". Can it get any worse?....yep, it is only the beginning. This is a clear brazen signal that the media has become suckasses to the Bush terrorist regime. What next?...will the documentary begin to lose the venues to be shown in and then be declared subversive propaganda? We are headed for darkness. FUCK!!!

Name: WishingOnAStar
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
HA! OK Mr Goofo, you've made me go hunting. If by any small chance you might want to expand your scope or jar loose your imagination, try looking around these sites and listen to this show tonight. It's hard to find any good crop circle sites that are still free. Here's one that's not bad:
By chance if you can pick up Art Bell's show tonight on AM you're in luck..this woman is always worth listening to. Here's her site:
and here's Art Bell's so you can see if you can figure out how to find him on the dial in your area. Come on..humor me.

Name: colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Hunter's Moon
Put down the gun
Thanks for a moments peace
Throught the lifting sage smoke
(sorry for the last posting)

Name: Shooting Star
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
It's OK Steve~
This is one of those subjects that makes most folks roll their eyes and ease away. And we wonder why I'm reclusive? Just thought I'd try out the water here. Seems like you can go anywhere with me. Email me any time.
Didn't mean to get in the way of the flow here..just passing by.
Nicole~Glad you kept something of use. You always were a natural.

Name: colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
more UFO stuff that may be interesting...

Name: Sexy Gypsy Stevo
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Hey Nicole; Hey; that's "Some Body"...(There must be alot to be said about "Torment". Hey, they turned both boilers in the cellar and Im' gettin' a full dose of that old style NYC Radiated Heat. Wow, It puts me (and the cat) right to sleep. A bit chilly these days..I love the change of the seasons. Well, the folks split early..(I think they opted to walk back to Michigan)..just kidding. I plan on re-uniting with them at their Florida Home at Christmas. Hopefully, My oldest daughter Erin will make the trip also and bring my Grandson Tommy on down. I plan on staying two weeks and getting teased and tanned (whatever that means). Hey, Eileen, Nik, and all...I dig that this site has taken a left turn at the brightest star...It's a good direction...Now; ""on until mourning". Im' a Never Land native...remember? Anymore Lost Boys out there? Get in on the mix! (OK, OK, Girls too!!!) Gee Whiz!

Name: Ray
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
This is the classic game of logic - the Mastermind.
New features include Hint & Give Up buttons, Timer display.
Difficulty level can be selected from 24 to over 43 million.
You can make up to 24 guesses.
You can play with numbers as well as colors.
Score is displayed.
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Pl go to
and play or download for free.
Exercise your mind. Enjoy the game.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Yes,Jose Silva Eileen, I still have all the papers...I still go to my "place" which has grown over the years...It's probably one of the forces that kept me alive through all the torment I've put my body through...

Name: Melanie
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Hallo ihr Lieben,
ihr habt da ja echt eine schnuckelige Webseite ...
[Hallo dort lieben Sie, bitte Unterhalt Ihr Geschlecht für Geld weg von unserer Web site.

E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Oh you are so damn funny Steve. My dogs are surrounding me here wanting to know what's going on! It worries them when I start laughing it up with my computer. The rigors of having a body! I thought having a body was supposed to be FUN. You're supposed to have the metal out..not you whole FACE!
I have to follow up on the UFO story (are there any guidelines for this board?). Apparently we got off base somewhere when we decided to materalize our spirits into matter, and got so single focused on being physcial. But let me begin at the beginning of my story.
In the 60's a bunch of us got togethter with Sylva's Mind Controll, training papers (which were "liberated"..does anyone out there remember the name of the man that did that?) which Sylva was charging hundreds of dollars for, down in Texas. The training was focused on how to do psychic diagnoses. And being true to the Free intention we made an agreement. In exchange for this (free) training we would then train others. (Bet you guys didn't know what a bunch of freaks we REALLY were.) This went on for years, until Margo Adair and Richard Marley started changing the language of the training (anybody else remember this?)cause Sylva's training was boring to the inth degree, based on Old School hypnosis. That's when I picked it up and got on a roll, and started classes that went on for yrs and still do from time to time. Margo eventually went professional in her classes (charging) plus wrote a book. She was a great teacher and generously gave me her rewritten training to work with at that early stage of the game.
Anyway, with each class I began to discover that this alpha (physic)work could go way beyond just physical diagnoses and I started adding my own spin to it, making some pretty huge leaps. Partly working from other channeled books and the info coming (unexpectedly) from students to expand the possibilities. I stated focusing on healing the planet, working with and realigning energetic fields in the body, observing, learning from (normally) unseen "others", communicating with those that were working with folks on Dream Time..great up to that point I had not know exsisited, and a GREAT DEAL more. I experienced Past Present and Future..time as we imagined it, really exisiting with no boundaries, and that threw the doors open. I was not the only one starting to break through our self imposed limits. I was (and continue) seeing signs of people all around the world making use of this "new" way to go beyond the limits. Something in the 60's that was considered weird, if not rare, has now become an expanded field that I can't even begin to point out the particulars here.
Somewhere along the way there was rumor Sylva was communicating with other planets. Whether this was true or not, from my own experience I knew this must be possible. Because once you get into that alpha space ANYTHING is possible. I gave some thought to what might be done, might be possible on the evil end of this. I'm not talking about magic here. I had seen too much of what I was learning that could be varified, to think we were just playing hocu pocus, and I had some real concerns that the Good Guys were not the only ones exploring this other level of awareness for their own ends. Leave it to somebody to figure out how to ruin a good thing. Yes I am aware of the military "gov't" not being ignorant of this. And believe me they are messing around with the range of this BIG TIME.
So back to UFO's. There is way too much to say here, so I will simply limit this to (a little) my own experience and what I think is going on.
My communication with "aliens" has been taking place in Dream Time since the 50's. Their problems with out gov't basically stalking them was always a factor in these dreams.
In '84 I had spent time with a Kahuna in Maui, that had told me in no uncertain terms they were real and often seen. Shortly after returning home in '85 I would have an experience that would leave no doubt in my mind. Because I had no way to know for sure what I was dreaming was real. At that time I had a dream (I will shorten this) where I was with 4 aliens and I would go in and out of BEING golden undulating light particles. I experienced TOTAL FREEDOM. There is no way to explain the feeling beyond saying that. The dream was profound and totally real. The following days I was full of an energy that there is no way to discribe. I was seeing the life force of everything around me (I was living way in the woods)as golden light. People started showing up asking for my help..I mean, no one had even known where I was up to that point, but they were finding me. A medicine man came and asked me to go to Sun Dance..Miranda (at 6 yrs old) cried for days until I would agree to go. It was getting really intense since I had been your real bonified hermit up to that point. After about a week or so the energy I was experiencing became so intense I finally fell to the ground while the golden light swirled around me. It was beautiful but I was getting way ungrounded in my body.
Shortly after that, the energy began to ease up and I went into town.. to be approached by a woman I hardly knew, telling me the same time of my dream she had been up close and personal with space ships for days and needed to tell someone..boy did she look spun! Really this was getting a bit much! I was really starting to feel a bit crazy and I started shutting down. I mean that was all fine and good but I needed to, you know, get my kid to school and wash the dishes, you know? I put up a Kings X and asked for a break.
Through the yrs I have been off and on keeping note of the stories of interactions, of sightings, and of the crop circles. I mean I'm not obsessed, but curious. Watching from a safe distance. Also hearing of the Grays..who do not sound like critters one wants to be dealing with. Apparently not all these aliens are so enlightened. And the big question for me and many others is WHY? Why are they here? Why aren't they sitting down and just chatting it up with us and expaining what's up? Why don't they just land and have a Y'all Come?
Well, I think some of the answers are pretty obvious if we watch the movie propaganda/Hollywood churn. I mean what's THAT about, if it's not to keep us in fear of making contact?? Who's behind that, she says with her head tilted, finger to her cheek.
Well I think they ARE communicating. They are communicating on an alpha level AND are laying out these astounding crop circles and showing their crafts in greater and greater numbers. At lest some of the WHY, is getting obvious to me. They are trying to assist our awareness to a higher level that we have forgotten is possible and are enticing, inviting us to stretch. Not just to play, but to see THE BIG PICTURE, before we really do so much damage to this planet and one another this place won't be worth living on.
I think of it in terms of astrology or even just plain physics. If we think we are effected by other planets, doesn't it stand to reason WE are a planet and effect others equally? But I suspect I am comprehending the tip of the iceberg on this subject, and even then it makes me feel a bit crazy to be talking about it. There is so much more to this than I am able to begin to express.
And the vision for the furture I mentioned? Well, I'll save that for another time.

Name: Steve the Flintoid
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Michael Moore is from Flint???!!! Now...THAT EXPLAINS IT!!!!! (Musta been somethin' in the water). hey, once I was at a Hog Roast in the Boon-Docks of Florida,..I stole the hog myself; from a State Run Cancer Research Farm; they had alot of Fatty Tumors ..but talk about corn fed! Anyway,....there was this gang of red necks who didnt know what shoes were...But boy could they drink whiskie and play guitars. They were all used to eatin' wild boar, so the domestic was a real treat. Their best gals brought a whole mess of swamp cabbage (heart of Palm) and at least 200 pounds of potato salad.(I wont get into that story... But It involves a conoe paddle and the filthiest bath tub in America.)..Read Me??? Well.. After the booze started to realy flow; these Jerry Lee Lewis Clones naturaly (Being straight out of the Rayford state Pen), wanted some live entertainment, (Spell that VIOLENCE)... Now who they gonna fuck with...having just been exiled by an exiled Motorcycle Club,(Double-Whammy??) I had naturally lost all social status within the community, and as such was pretty much fair game for the local Male Bulls who were edgy, due to the fact that the appearence of our pack of Rather Oddly Hand-Painted choppers (by your's truly) had gotten their ladies to the leg-wettin' stage a few months earlier....anyway, these hill-billies were dyin' to fight. One got in my face about nothin' and my instincts told me to just smile and relax. He flew into a (put-on) Rage, drew out a folding knife and ran in hard right across my bare (shirtless) stomach. I smilled even broader (Afraid to look down) Everyone frooze. I thought that my guts were hangin' open, but felt no fluid of any kind; or real dicomfort; but I was drinkin' also..remember. Well, it seems that this Elvis Impersonator was just testing me, and had turned the blade so that the dull side left just a red line. Had I flinched or gotten static, he would have suckered me pronto. He was just dyin' to kick some Northern Ass, and was somewhat pissed that I hadnt fallen for the bait. But, heres what I started to say:... There was an old friend of Norman Bright's who picked up a Guitar and sang a song that he had written years before. It seems that the song was inspired by Norman upon the first chance meeting that the two had had as Itenerant factory workers up North. The first line of the tune went like this: "In a Tavern parking lot in Flint Michigan; on a Cold Saturday Night; Norman and this ol' Boy was a fixin' ta' Fight!" At that point the Incestuous father-in-law of the blade freak fell into a clump of Palmeto bushes, and his "Daugher"...(make that his "Son's Mother") screamed DADDY! DADDY!..My God! He's reliving World War Two again!!!...(an old stand by no doubt) But hey...the band played on.

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2002
For those of you with cable tv:
October 21, 2002
Michael Moore on "Donahue" Tonight, Live from Flint
Tonight, Michael Moore will be on Donahue for the full hour, a rare opportunity to speak to the issues raised in "Bowling for Columbine" to a national, prime-time audience. Phil Donahue has moved his entire show to Mike's hometown of Flint, Michigan, for the evening. The live audience will be made up of people from the Flint area who will have just attended the Flint premiere of "Bowling for Columbine." I guarantee you that this will be a powerful, engaging hour of television and you won't want to miss it.
Michael Moore on "Donahue" airs tonight (Monday, October 21) at 8pm and 11pm ET/PT on the cable news channel MSNBC.
Also, it was another record weekend at the box office for "Bowling for Columbine." In just its first ten days of very limited release, it has grossed over one million dollars, a first-ever for a documentary in that short of time. Next Friday, it will expand to 14 new cities; we will have those listed on the website shortly.
Thank you,

Name: Farmer Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Oh.. Maybell??...CHORES!!!! Hey, prior to them saw cutting my jaw and opening it up like a book; (dont cha' just hate when they do that?)... they pulled out ten of my teeth. (top and bottom rear, thank god) and as a result, No More Metal!!! I always felt wierd about my fillings..(me feel wierd??).. anyway, years ago I had a root cannal done in Los Angeles by Judy Garland's dentist. (I paid him...she did not)... I also used to play bridge with her old make-up man...where am I going with this???...How the fuck did Judy Garland get into this???...Do stories seem to take on a life of their own...or is it just me?? Oh, ya! Fillings!...Teeth!...Hey, speaking of dentists: I have a good Nitrous Oxide Story that I wont get into,..Hey Eric! about a Dope it...ah...well..ah..forget it. That train of thought wont stop War. But hey, I was talking about to...lets see,...teeth, Movie Stars..and... anyway, he (the Dentist) had a partner-in-crime who did all of the referals,...which, isnt Important. What is it ..the Full Moon??? Anyway, he anchored the tooth cap screw wire to far up and it really had me goin' for a while. Screwed the fucker, into the sinas cavity or something. He's the first of several who verified that I had no wisdom teeth. He also put on (Oh ya...heres the best part!!)..he put on a temporary cap over another tooth that he had drilled away on...kinda' sculpted it to hold the Temp. Cap. (he cemented it on, and told me to return)... No root cannal necissary on that one. OK, I end up re-uniting with wife No. 2. Well, needless to say; she ended up more temporary than the cap. So Im now cappy and happy, wearing out wife No. 3...follow me?? I wake up with lover's nuts and no cap! Bingo! Im' on my knees in front of the toilet, mushing my shit through Nancy's Spaggetti strainer. After washing it and rinsing it in Premium Rum, I still think that I somehow increased my Iron level. That happend more than a few times till I said screw it and flushed. Besides, It was getting really worn down and starting to pit; due to the stomach acid, I think. Ah...Im not even going to re-read this...I gotta tell ya'...I have no Idea what got me started and at this point, Ive got a funny taste in my mouth. Close the gate gate Maybell; dont let the cows out.

Name: MayBell Maybe
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Oct 2002
Hi All~
Since I can't tell any longer for sure who I'm addessing posted here, let me just say that was a super lot of good stuff last night! But let's hurry on to HEP C cleanses. Really some intersting thinking..Penn. speaks a language that it says it so perfectly.
This is really for ALL of you. She also addresses AIDs and HIV and cancer plus pretty much everything from head to toe..go to her Search.
I'm going to do my best to give you a brief and this is the link to get to the actual process to save me from re writing the book and filling too much band width, OK? This is just the bare bones.
This is where we all begin.
According to Dr Clark almost ALL diseases are due to various toxic overloads we have accumulated from our enviornment and in the food we eat and the stuff we use on our bodies (ANYTHING WITH ATRTIFICIAL SCENT). The list is long and daunting and made me not want to even begin. But don't let that stop you. After 2 1/2 yrs I am still still making my way through it. You will have to decide for yourself where to begin. You really need one of her 4 books for this info, although some are on her site.
But you can begin the cleanses right away. These can be done no matter what medicine you are taking and should not get in the way of your daily life activities.
In order to clean out our livers we need to clear some other stuff out of the way first. Otherwise the liver cleanse will make you sick as a dog to do it. Believe me on this!
She starts with a kidney cleanse. There is list of 7 kidney supporting herbs that are brewed up and drunk as a tasty tea. This is the least exciting of the cleanses because it is subtle and can go on for many wks (3 to 6 wks!). I have never managed to get through the whole thing. But I would suggest, unless you have kidney problems to get on with the next cleanse a wk into the kidney cleanse and just keep on with it at the same time.
Next is the worm and parasite cleanse..totally simple. 3 different herbs capped up. This is one EVERYONE should do and it will likely blow your mind!!! I bet not one of you will not be shitting out gobs of worms and parasites within the first 6 days! You can actually SEE THEM. This cleanse will change your life. Aches and pains will magically go away! If you (or ever)have/had dogs and cats, you're on the top to the list of needing to do this. She has a similar cleanse for your animals you are sharing worms with. Yep!
Then you are ready for the liver cleanse. Again, EVERYONE needs this one. Do you have allergies, colds and a meriad of other problems? You will find it all there in your liver. This cleanse is one you will need to allow yourself 2 days at home. You're going to shit your brains out. This cleanse SUCKS! But please believe me you will be a new person within days and thank me for telling you about it. You will feel better than you have felt in yrs! Epson Salts, olive oil and fresh grapefruit juice..totally disgusting. You must follow her directions EXACTLY.
Hundreds of green balls about the size of peas and stuff that looks like chaff will come out of your liver. That's the stuff making you sick. Anyone with Hep C will need to do this every 10 to 14 days until you have done about 6 cleanses. Anytime I can feel a significant drop in my energy I do this cleanse. But that doesn't happen often any more. Although I will be doing one starting tomorrow cause I haven't been a good girl. Although she doesn't mention this, you get better results if this can be done the day before the full moon..but don't wait for that, but do it then when you can.
So those are the cleanses. There is also the Zapper. Everyone should have one. That thing is amazing and you will find is worth every penny.
And last, but far from least is, GET THE METAL OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!. This is HUGE issue..especially if you are already sick. Without doing this you will be fighting an upstream battle.
I am living proof of all I have stated here. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. Or email her site..they do answer.
But you really need one of her books if you do not find what you need on her site. You can also order all you need from her site, which is really handy. It is mailed out quickly.
I would love feed back from anyone that uses this info. I love to hear success stories!

Name: "Thilly Thteve"
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Oct 2002
WITH! a CAPITAL "S"!!!! (make that "Super Silly") (I never do anything half-way.) Hey, the whole Free world is on to ya' now; ya' wonderful Being. (Do yer' girls know that you put a whole fuckin' "THING" in motion???) I mean a real "THING???" You want Hippie Fashion folks??? Im' not talkin' about bell-bottoms here...Eileen totaly fucked "Fashion" forever; It happened the day that you striped naked. Man; 5th Avenue and Rodeo Drive cant sell that!!! You are to the "Designers" what solar power is to the fosil fuel industry. Their' gonna shut you down girl!!! Now get some sleep!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Steve you are so silly!

Name: Steven Robert Boyd (real shit)
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Oct 2002
You tell em' Eileen! ...Hey Mark; It would be a pain in the nuts to fix all of my spelling fuck ups. But hay; words are free. They lay out there waiting to be grabbed. Have at it folks; Send the shit world-wide. Ya dont even have to tag my name to it. I dine out on other people's material any way...(a very small percentage) I dont know anyone that fucked up!...but; really, kids come into the Peace Church daily wanting to help out...and they never heard of a Digger; and since I ripped the sign off the wall and pulled all of the Tee-Shirts; they probably never will. I have to make it up to the Super Human Crew..(for the Indian Giving)..I plan on replacing them with Tee Shirts that say: "George Who??" God, ya' should of seem em'. It was a kodak moment. The West Free (4th) Street Retarded Branch of the New And Improved Diggers (99% Freer) was lookin' ragged but right. I dont know what the Hell happened to the last of the Diggers North. Calif. Tee Shirts; Maybe a Monk ripped it off?? Ya Think? COME ON TEAM!!!! "PUMP YER' POM-POMS" (or yer' best gal's) Lets GO!!...Gimme' a DEE; gimme' an EYE; gimme' a GEE GEE EEE...gimme' an ARE, gimme' an ESS, gimme an EN OH ARE TEE...Gimme' an AICH, gimme' a CEE, gimme' an AYE, gimma an ELL EYE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! DIGGERS DIGGERS FREEEEEE FREEEEEEEE FREEEEEEE. New Era...21st Century Diggers. P.S. Hey Eileen; over on the Free Frame Of Reference; I didnt mean to refer to you as an "Older Sister" of the "Love Generation" we all know that you were an Original Flower Child...Well; ("We" all know now anyway). It's true folks...would I shit ya???. I think that the questions will start rollin' in now Eileen...get some sleep and sharpen yer pencil...or; overhaul yer' key board that is. (I got one BIG MOUTH, dont I???) (This woman is heavy folks).

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Oct 2002
I've got a head ache today and am too tired to really get into the meat of this last run of responces to my last post. I had a great day yesterday with my dogs and daughter taking a trip in my bus, to gather willow that only grows a 3 hr drive from here..a HARD 6 hr round trip with the dogs being a pain in the butt all the way. Then staying up too late and having to get up early. Will get back after I have had some rest.
I will also address the Hep C cleanse at that time. I'm glad you asked because it works, and there seem to be a lot of us dealing with it. But if you want to do your own footwork, order The Cure For All Diseases, by Dr Hulda Clark. It has become my reference book for pretty much everything that ails you. I have seen chronic illnesses disappear almost over night with these cleanses. You can go to this site and get started just for an idea what this is about. The doctors are clueless and this researchers work sounds really off the wall. It's not. We've just been trying to do something with too much missing info..she has it. A word of warning..he site is a bit of a pain in the butt to work your way through but is worth the hassle.
PS I don't understand using these made up handles (names) to address us. I'm up front. I'm feeling like we can talk even if we have our differences without having to hide identity masks. That's the nice thing about the computer. The computer is mask enough don't you think?

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Oct 2002
You would make a hell of cheerleader! I have an idea. The link to the newspaper site I mentioned in an earlier post also lists the websites of many college campus newspapers across the country. How about some press releases sent to these venues regarding some Digger revelations? Maybe some of the Digger Papers and with commentary by the more exhibitionistic members here? Wanna stir some shit? On an international note, more lessons from work at Planet Drum has revealed a number of sites that translate your writings into most languages for free. I have been using to translate stuff into Italian for our project regarding the Olympics in Turin, Italy. It is easy and fast.

Name: Sylvester Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Sufferin' Suckatash!!! A tweety???...Come on Sharone, Tonya, Rocket and Colin...Speak yer' PEACE! Dont worry about showin' yer ass on this site!...(I cornered the market on that one!) Like I said before: The oldest teacher can learn from the youngest student. I think that I can speak for many; when I say that "we" would like to see it all through young eyes again, and hear it through young voices once more; you all may be our only hope. Please dont hold back. Let it rip! Start channeling. You kids can help us all out. What do they call you anyway???...The Cyber Generation??? The Dell Generation? the Intel Generation? How about the DIGGER'S PRIDE Fuckin' Generation!!!! Come on KIDS! Make us proud! It only takes a heart beat; and if ya aint got one, I will share mine. (It beats like a hammer). I aint braggin' when I say that I had more "Rights" at your age than you do, and I dare say that I have more "Rights" at my age now, than you will have when you reach 50. Thats what you kids MUST FIGHT to win back...or at least break even. Come on...say a few syllables. (I did!!,..I did!!...but then again; I am a Puddy Tat!!!! Smile OK??? Uncle Steve

Name: O.M.M.C. / NOMAD
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Kick em' over & twist em' on...Roll em' boys! Once upon a time....... More stories? Sure....

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: at the edge of Schoolhouse Slough
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Steve, I hope that you do Not refrain from telling us your stories. I like them well. And what is in a name. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet?".....T...UVWXYZ

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Hey "T",...I miss the ol' Amerikan School yard...lets shake it around again...I cant remember the score; BUT; I pride my self (one man team) that I single-handedly got you to cough up yer real name...or did I???? I never played you for the dont play yer'self one, OK? It's gettin' real now. Maybe with Eileen's prompting; we can keep it that way. Lets get down: In return, I will cool it on the further Ass-Hole Adventures of Steve Boyd. Are we Cool with that? Im' so glad that some young folks are starting to speak their mind instead of watching from the side-lines. I think my stories may have alarmed more than a few. What do you think? ...I really wanna know. P.S. Cant ya just feel Eileen...the heavy spiritual touch, I mean...Real Celtic. It's fuckin' amazing!

Name: One of the Olema People
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Eileen; check it out! "Curious" just beamed in to Earth from down Texas way. Hey, If yer' into human cross-word puzzles, then this riddler may be right up yer alley! I first mistook him as a lady, then as a Bandido Brother...(how wrong can one man be???)..Anyway, I hope that he contacts you off the record, or Vice-Versa. He kicked around Olema Ranch in late 69-early 70? He's alot like me...a black sheep of the family ...werent we all? That being said; wake up and smell the Diggers folks!...(dont look now, the DIGGER'S have a NEW HEART AND SOUL!!! LOOKS LIKE YA GOT THE JOB EILEEN!!! (up for the task???) P.S. Curious is a Scorpio who seems to have been smoldering in his Pheonix stage and has yet to rise. Lets pull him out of the ashes shall we. This cat is geniouse material I tell ya!. If you want me to lay your E-Mail address on him; just give me a holler. You will no doubt find him as I did. Bigger than life. (werent we all?) Steve

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Eileen; heres whats throwing things aliitle off keel..." those Pranksters! God Love Em'...(And not the "Merry" kind. These folks contacted me after I was turned on to them ; (They blew me off; Rather; told me what a door I had closed!..then asked me if I could dance!...Sure right up their chest's ond on to their heads to do a Digger Tap-Dance.) Anyway, I was invited to participate in an Ol' Fashioned Mid-West Corn Circle stomp-down. These Fucks are throwing the true researchers off the track of the many (few and far between?) Authentic Cryptographic Greetings and such, that you mentioned. I'm not into this cerebrial form of new age "Cow-Tipping" I suggested that we do it up Digger Syle and dope the local water supply and give the farmers in the Dell anal probes. Well these cheese-eating collage boys got really pissed off. Im' never going to reveal my on site contact; as this cat really sturs the honey and puts just the right spin on things; and I really Dig him (them). Anyway, I hope yer Crop Investigations arent screwed up or side tracked by these scamps. Now astrology, I hear ya on that one. Power of the healing touch...Ditto. Love conquering all, yep. Heres what pisses me off. We, you and I, and "US"...all of us run a "HIGH RISK" of being labeled as "Terrorist Sympathisers" (spelling?)..just for being against this U.S. (Bush Style) War mongering in general. Our own people are going to draw the hard line shit..."Either FOR us; or AGAINST us. That's the DIVISION that I see commin' down the pike. In closing; Look toward the night sky. I was on a ship once In a dream of sorts, I reunited with a departed girlfreind. We didnt speak; but just rode in silence. We veiwed a large floor mounted global type of Guidance system?..which was very mezmerizing and we couldnt seem to take our eyes off of it. I was so wanting to distinguish any forms or patterns that I could latter describe, as I knew the importance of this journy in my life. The "Others" were all around us, and were very pleased. No words; just vibes. They had some how brought us together again. We were both to tranquil to even try to make their images out . They were tall, I remember that much. And were all in a semi circle behind us. I was overjoyed at being with Connie again, although we didnt embrase or even speak; rather we both conveyed our joy silently. The "Room" was circular and the interior was bathed in very low purple light that emminated from everywhere and nowhere. The "Ceiling" was very low considering the heighth of our hosts. No words; all telepathic. It was the trip of my life. When I say ride; I couldnt tell if we were going up, down, sideways, etc. But I was aware that we were merely above...thats the only word for it "Above". As what apeared below was the black night sky that looked like water. There were no stars to be seen anywhere. I have no memory of boarding or exiting. And for all of you who think that my voyage started and ended while asleep in bed, WRONG!, I was walking along a deserted highway at night. Some years before I also witnessed the night sky riddled in an M.C. Essher type pattern of silent ships. (At Black Bear) ...(wouldnt ya know it?). The fact that the slow moving paper air-plan shaped crafts..(wouldnt ya' know it) were drifting silently whith no visible lights of any kind, really spooked me. I was thinking of wakeing up Onanda..(Ananda),..but rather cherished the site and kept it personal..(Until now). I had no way of guaging the altitude of the "Crafts" I didnt know their true size to beguin with. There were no lights, and they seemed to be locked in tight formation. I did however write a long lost poem about the experience. Wow; talk about inspirational!, Anyway.. Hey Eileen; thanks for the Prompting. Maybe other "Crazy People" like "US" will follow your lead. YOU, my dear are one brave lady for speaking out. Steve

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Eileen; heres whats throwing things aliitle off keel..." those Pranksters! God Love Em'...(And not the "Merry" kind. These folks contacted me after I was turned on to them ; (They blew me off; Rather; told me what a door I had closed!..then asked me if I could dance!...Sure right up their chest's ond on to their heads to do a Digger Tap-Dance.) Anyway, I was invited to participate in an Ol' Fashioned Mid-West Corn Circle stomp-down. These Fucks are throwing the true researchers off the track of the many (few and far between?) Authentic Cryptographic Greetings and such, that you mentioned. I'm not into this cerebrial form of new age "Cow-Tipping" I suggested that we do it up Digger Syle and dope the local water supply and give the farmers in the Dell anal probes. Well these cheese-eating collage boys got really pissed off. Im' never going to reveal my on site contact; as this cat really sturs the honey and puts just the right spin on things; and I really Dig him (them). Anyway, I hope yer Crop Investigations arent screwed up or side tracked by these scamps. Now astrology, I hear ya on that one. Power of the healing touch...Ditto. Love conquering all, yep. Heres what pisses me off. We, you and I, and "US"...all of us run a "HIGH RISK" of being labeled as "Terrorist Sympathisers" (spelling?)..just for being against this U.S. (Bush Style) War mongering in general. Our own people are going to draw the hard line shit..."Either FOR us; or AGAINST us. That's the DIVISION that I see commin' down the pike. In closing; Look toward the night sky. I was on a ship once In a dream of sorts, I reunited with a departed girlfreind. We didnt speak; but just rode in silence. We veiwed a large floor mounted global type of Guidance system?..which was very mezmerizing and we couldnt seem to take our eyes off of it. I was so wanting to distinguish any forms or patterns that I could latter describe, as I knew the importance of this journy in my life. The "Others" were all around us, and were very pleased. No words; just vibes. They had some how brought us together again. We were both to tranquil to even try to make their images out . They were tall, I remember that much. And were all in a semi circle behind us. I was overjoyed at being with Connie again, although we didnt embrase or even speak; rather we both conveyed our joy silently. The "Room" was circular and the interior was bathed in very low purple light that emminated from everywhere and nowhere. The "Ceiling" was very low considering the heighth of our hosts. No words; all telepathic. It was the trip of my life. When I say ride; I couldnt tell if we were going up, down, sideways, etc. But I was aware that we were merely above...thats the only word for it "Above". As what apeared below was the black night sky that looked like water. There were no stars to be seen anywhere. I have no memory of boarding or exiting. And for all of you who think that my voyage started and ended while asleep in bed, WRONG!, I was walking along a deserted highway at night. Some years before I also witnessed the night sky riddled in an M.C. Essher type pattern of silent ships. (At Black Bear) ...(wouldnt ya know it?). The fact that the slow moving paper air-plan shaped crafts..(wouldnt ya' know it) were drifting silently whith no visible lights of any kind, really spooked me. I was thinking of wakeing up Onanda..(Ananda),..but rather cherished the site and kept it personal..(Until now). I had no way of guaging the altitude of the "Crafts" I didnt know their true size to beguin with. There were no lights, and they seemed to be locked in tight formation. I did however write a long lost poem about the experience. Wow; talk about inspirational!, Anyway.. Hey Eileen; thanks for the Prompting. Maybe other "Crazy People" like "US" will follow your lead. YOU, my dear are one brave lady for speaking out. Steve

Name: heads up
E-mail Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Eileen--3am and dwelling on oblivion. It is not in their hands, it is in yours. The answer is an operable equivalent to the kind of electromagnetic interference inherent to thermonuclear explosions. All elctrical devices cannot complete their normal electrical pathways and are, therefore, rendered incopacitated. Maintain your sense of humor, the best you can. If all you can do fails, try a blistering round of pin the tail on the donkey. Try to reduce isolation--it sounds like you alreay are, I will tag my responses with a time reference so that you will be able to know whether I'm actually around to respond to general inquiries at the time you posit them. If absolutely all else fails, remember these words-- Klatu Barrata Nicto......bye for now--sometime please write the specifics of the clensing (sp?) process related to your struggle with Hepatitis C, ..thanks. 05:00.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: on the battleship Potempkin
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Middlemouse: Then come to me and speak long of Freedom; With facts double dribble and trip; Your credibility's been, stretched a bit thin; in the eyes of your friends and the courts. O' recount the haze of those glorious days, when you counted yourself twice as hip; and fought everyday, against 'em when they, proffered bullshit for wisdom and wit. Good Cheer, Middlemouse, you might be a louse, But I still hold you somewhat in awe; I will give you this, you took the best piss, 'gainst the wind that I ever saw; and you carried around fears, that crippled your tears, That I couln't and wouldn't 'ave, by God. Were you just a man, or just timid, my friend; or were you just the poor middle clause, in a contract renewed, socially speaking, abjured, from "nobless oblige" as it passed; or were you the cause, or were they just flaws; will this crime cover crimes of the past? Then come to me and speak long of Freedom; With Facts double dribble and trip; Your credibility's been, stretched a bit thin, in the eyes of your friends and the courts; Will you weep deep in sin, kiss ass and make friends, in the Hall of the King of the Torts? O' was it a crime, the day that you dined, with us on the food of the gods; will our legal entitlements, taken in toto, make sum on a par with that grace; when the walls fell away, and the boundaries lay, in Love, which you met face to face?
Will the bookmakers give us full odds, d'you suppose; "?Quien sabes?," they say, or they just say, "God knows!"
Will the Law make of our lives, but useless arrangements, of parcels, and payments, and paroles; Will arrangements be made to allow us to live in the land of Amerika's proles. With things as they are will you drive us still farther; to the threshold of full Civil War? Be Advised, motherfucker, when you come for my kids, there won't be any holds barred. Will you seek to create, a morale of hate; let hate then flourish and rule; and expect it of us, to adjust, or give in, or collectively act the Fool. Will you live as you please, in comfort and ease, is it too bitter to swallow, my friend; Will it come near the end, that we'll just need a friend on the Regent's Committee of Fate? Will Dick Nixon, one day, come to be laid, in the tomb of our greatest statesmen; and will this fair ruse, leave the queers quite amused, by this boldly sold short Tricky Dictum; What will Gerald Ford be, but a tick on the flea, that George Bush bedded down with for years; In the newsreel they may, erase just one day in the life of Tianemen Square; With the newsstands sold out, will there be any doubt, that Fidel is still Man of the Year? O' Fair Middlemouse, are you middle-classed out, are your whiskers immersed in your beer; Will the words ere ring out, that you used to shout, "We hold these truths to be self evident..",Is your nightmare at end, or beginning? Yes, Fair Middlemouse, are you middle-classed out, is your condo just right, or just wrong;
Are your streets safe to walk, are your parks safe to talk; do you care, do you read, do you hear? Must you always one up, and doing so, always, Take two steps down to the rear; Will your new summer home, near completion on Mars, look lovlelier this time next year? Can you double the Third World Debt, just once more; Will the Germans, united, play fair; Will the Japanese end up owning the land, that our forefathers stole free and clear? Will Shere Hite convince you, that when you're unfaithful, you'll really just be fitting in;
Did you really need her, to tell you that, are you dense as well as dim? Then farewell, Middlemouse, you've got plans to be set; since you've tripled the national debt, there's no doubt, you just haven't time for regrets; Restructuring greed's, your principal need, and side-noting, the Grandkids, I bet. @Randolph T. Carley
All rights reserved. One Time Use Granted. See you later Steve.......T.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Nicole and All~
Where are those space ships anyway!
I was watching Close Encounters (again) last night. It made me remember what I have not only been told by a friend that has been on a UFO (yes), but have read from different sources. They (those guys with the big eyes) said they were concerned about us blowing this place up. That they would not get involved UNLESS it was going to come to that, since it would have an impact on the rest of the planets..or something to that effect. The question that muddles around in my head is, exactly how would they stop it?
Ok you guys, this is where you all get to go, "She's nuts!" I've been interested in UFO's and aliens since the 50's..and yes there has been contact. No I do not have a sign outside saying WE'RE WAITING FOR YOU or BEAM ME UP. But I do know "they" are making themselves known with more and more amazing crop circles (yes I believe without a doubt they are real)and the ships are being seen in greater numbers all over the world and they are also making contact with more and more people. Umm, now what does this tell us pray tell?
So just for fun, what I would like to address here is (do I dare?) the coming of a new age. I have some theories, to rise out of this political muck for a minute. Because I think we all agree here Bush is not on our Most Popular list, and we are all concerned about his wayward plans for our future(?) and what if anything, we can do about this Grand Mess our militay gov't is (and has been) making all over the world..not to mention the home front. So let me make a leap here. Cause frankly I think we're already in deep shit over our necks and many are just beginning to realize to what degree.
Oh I can see I am going to wander all over the place. But I've got to tell somebody, so I hope someone bares with me.
Let me digress before I jump into this. The Digger, I guess you could call it a plan of action, was to live as if the revolution had already happened. That's why we weren't protesting in the political rallies, but doing all the stuff we were doing (at the best end of it). It was to be an example of the possibilities i.e. to actively create the world we wanted to live in. We were continually brain storming ideas and how to reach the largest number of people and stir their imaginations to something greater than war. I myself have learned, if you fight the demon directly, you only feed it. It did not mean ignore it, but to do battle by offering/inspiring with alternatives. Peter Berg (I think) called it stepping out of the washing machine/creating a new paradigm (or something to that affect).
The Native Americans medicine people also say not to fight it, but stand back and let it fall. They say the Light and Dark paths are seperating and we need to be clear what path we're on. There is more to say on this, but let me go on.
So, back to the UFO's. The contact being made is being done on an alpha level. They are not speaking outloud words. In fact they are asking us to reach beyond what we think we know as "normal" communication. I believe the crop circles are also inviting us to ask questions that can not be answered logically. If you are interested in crop circles do a search. I don't currently have a good site. But they are truely amazing. I believe they are reaching many on another level in the attempt to raise our awareness.
Astrology also has a great deal to say on this time. But this is getting too long.
The bottom line is, I think this time around we are needing to not only rethink what we DO, but how we THINK. Because the fly in the ointment of what we were doing as Diggers in the 60's, in what I was seeing, was we were not evolving spiritually. The I Ching says, Society is a reflection of how we treat each other in the home. You can't change the things just by rearranging the furniture. I got tired real quick at seeing us trying to save the world while our homes were in turmoil. Acid was a merely glimpse of what was possible. But one can not live on acid..although we tried!
I think we are at a time where we have the chance to make some quantitative leaps in consciousness. No, the aliens are merely a part of a much bigger picture. But I do think they are here and are here to help. I do have visions for the future..they are in it. I am trying to pay attention to people that are doing things that give me hope. I am looking for that place in myself and in my daily life.
I do think we are making our way into a new age and it's damn bumpy! I think people like Bush and Co. are making where the light and dark lines are, very clear. Perhpas he his serving a purpose. I hope it's not to ash can us. If he forces our hand as a country to wake up and deal..well that may be what it takes.
Just emptying out my weird brain at 3 in the morning. Just wondering if any of this has entered anyone else's mind or has made ANY kind of sense to anyone else?

E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Oct 2002

Name: sharone
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Oct 2002

Name: tonya
E-mail Address: www,
Date: 19 Oct 2002

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Oct 2002
Wow... Its Like the WHO said..."The Kids are Alright." After reading the last two entries; I gotta tell ya' that I haven't heard so much said in so few lines in ages. Hey takin' notes? As far as wavin' the Red-White-and-Blue; I have a sign in my front window....(not a flag). Its printed in Red and Blue on White poster paper. It was left on the door of the Peace Church on 9-11-02, to mark the one year anniversary of the "reaction". It reads: "WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER". I hope whoever left it will some day drop in. I hooked another 25 year old bottle of Scotch, (single malt this time). I feel that it rates a special ocassion. In the mean time. NO BLOOD FOR OIL!!!

Name: colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2002
I turned off the radio, put down the paper and shut off the computer. I introduced myself to my neighbor after ten years of saying hello. It was warm in the sun as I held a sign that said, "Peace."

Name: rocketpowered rastafarian
E-mail Address: out of this
Date: 18 Oct 2002
Go Man Go !!! this sight is too fast for me .. too fast for me..
rap on man & dooon't slow down ****** tear it up & I'll be back
--Yr celestial soliliquitude

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 18 Oct 2002
Ya IMAM, Come on...remember the story of the little mouse that roared??? Yer' leavin' us holdin' the bag...Hey, what about Jessica Lang??? That's our girl! Like she said: Wheres the RAGE? Wheres the global out cry??? Somebody's gotta get right in Bush's face. Wow, one person in Hollywood has balls, and she's a lady. My kind of lady. Damn shame that they will most likely audit her and fuck with her proffesional career. Hey Jessica; ya' can crash at my place. (The hottest address in America.) Im' still wonderin' why the Feds havent rung my doorbell. What does it take? But really, the out-rage is out there..It is out there...the media is just playin' it out real smooth to get a better over-all effect in the newspaper sellin' end of it. Dont wanna give the plot away in chapter one; right? But dont ask me....ask a cat like Peter Jennings; or any American who's spent time in Bayroot, or points west. ALOT gets lost (EDITED/CENSORED? uh....dumped...) In the translation. It's such a fuckin' bell jar. Hey, how about a military strike? You know? A real where they refuse to shoot. Hear me? Now thats a statement. Hey, neglect the humanitarian aspects and issues for half a century and see where it gets you? What happens when they get the edge? Can we say "Au...hey, dont do to us what we did to you...Its not right!"...It's maddening. Keep yer' heads, yall'. Lets sleep on it. Come on IMAM; it's your turn in the barrel. This is Bung-hole politics.

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2002
you know, Mark, that's how I landed here, too, this past spring. to add to what you were saying, even the spiritually oriented groups are moving towards politics. Ken Wilbur wrote lots about that last year, very good stuff, 'boomeritis' is one example = which is along the lines of your comment re Christopher Hitchens.
Hi, Steve!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 18 Oct 2002
I saw a tee shirt today that read: I Am not a racist! (I hate everyone equally). Hey, I had one hell of an argument once with my (Them 8 year old son). I had blown in for a visit and mentioned that humans: being mammals were a "High" form of animal...etc. Well, when I say argument; I didnt lower my self to his level, because he was more of a man at 8, than I was at 33. (25 yr. difference in 3 generations) Im' now 50, Dad is 75, and my son John is 25..anyway, he got so pissed that he broke one of my ribs, and insisted that humans are NOT animals. Well, I think that it took a real School Teacher to clue that little animal into the facts of the matter...which brings me to this point. "WE",..that is "OUR KIND"..."Human-Kind" are making the rest of Earth's (God's?) Animals look real bad. "WE" are a few buttons away from wiping "US and Them" right off the globe. Makes ya' wanna show yer' teeth and growl dont it? Just a thought....

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2002
You got any ideas?

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2002
The observations you make get me thinking. Simultaneously, my daughter is finishing up a paper discussing the implications of "Sympathy for the Devil" ala Jagger/Richards for her Lit. class at UCSC. I think the perceptions of "evil" by different cultures, ideologies and governments and they way they try to manifest and manipulate these perceptions for themselves gets closer to the violent disconnect. "Tending to my own Garden" has it's value and possibly realizing that these "cultural/political/religious storms" are something that run there own course and are somehow directed or influenced by a universal morality is hard to accept but still compelling. It is one thing to think it and another to stand in a mass grave in Rawanda, Kosovo, Guadacanal, or Cambodia clinging to those ideals.
When I hooked up with Berg recently after spending decades in relative slumber, I made efforts to get myself up to speed. I read the "Learning Plays" by Brecht and "Mutual Aid" by Kropotkin (sp?). I left these works with more questions than answers of course but I still hold to the premise that creative artistic performance (Social Acid) is a vital way to make the jump to the community audience. Given that we are literally drowning in a media onslaught of words (propaganda) that has reached the level of an impermeable wall between what is and what is being said, the language of Guerilla Theatre may be the only way to effectively side step this shit.
In beating up on the "Left" or the "San Francisco Democrats" on Hardball the other night Christopher Hitchens berated the so-called left as lazy and comfortable, not willing to take any risks in the face of this, and writing off the anti-war movement as silly. This is why my eyes tend to find there way back here to the history of the Diggers. There is something here, something that could break the grip. Can you hear my voice raising?

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2002
Comments's very much like a bacteria that you can kill with antibiotics...but if you don't finish the course of pills or you take something not quite strong'll mutate and just keep coming stronger...but we can't just take antibiotics to get's a life style thing...what are we I get enough exercise...and what about kindness...compassion...really looking at eachother...really speaking and listening to one another...truely banding together to get rid of this illness in the world...trouble is the other side probably thinks the same least about getting rid of us...but in my book they lack the humanity, love,understanding and compassion and caring...again I think about Voltaire's last line in CANDIDE "I must simply tend to my garden " There is some truth to that as well...I have to trust that the collective conciousness of like minds and souls will win out...dues ex machina...or nicto from beyond...where's a space ship when we need it...then there was the twighlight zone where the guy has one wish and that is to rid the world of he wishes that all evil doers will only be three feet tall then we will be able to spot them and take care of them...trouble was when he woke up...he could no longer reach the sink...

E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2002

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Date: 18 Oct 2002

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 18 Oct 2002
Same Ol' Shit. The tactic is the same. Draw the line. Seperate Brother against brother; cousin against cousin. I see it happening now. We will turn from protesting the protesting each other. I see many stores and local merchants flying flags in order to keep their windows from being busted out. I saw that during the hostage thing also. As a punk, I wanted to fight in the worst way... but was to young. My older brother Stan was a young Hood and was only interested in booze, cigareets, fast cars, motorcycles and girls. The Ol'Man; having been stationed in Berlin during the occupation naturally saw it (Vietnam) as another big wild-ass party...(Which to many my age that Ive' met...It was!!!) Dad thought that we might both come out of the "War" with the knowlage of at least being able to fold up our socks. But, hey, my point is this: the WAR/PEACE of the 60's divided and in some cases drove an inseperable wedge between MANY American families, not to mention the Job Site. I myself never thought that I would ever get even close to being labeled a "Peace Creep"...But hay...Im' a PEACE CREEP. There I said it. Anybody got a problem with that? Steve Boyd 133 West 4th Street, New York, New York 10012 (ooops!!!! There I go; making a division myself!)...thats probably part of the plan! Damn their good. As far as the Government that Ive' been slamming around. How are you all feelin'...Feelin' pretty Goverened lately??? DAMN.

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2002
sorry, I gotta print more of the story. it speaks to what people have been talking about here... and I'm fearful, too, hyper-alert, just listening and watching what's going on around in daily life, what's in the media, etc. Like a silence, quiet, before the storm. I don't get a sense of which way it's going to fall... The other night, on ABC (very conservative) Nightly News, they profiled 3 cities with strong military bases in the U.S., Denver area, San Diego, and another, (I forget, mid-west I think). People interviewed in all three said they were hesitant about getting into the war, esp. without support or a coalition of countries. There wasn't a lot of gung-ho, rah-rah talk. And the newscaster said that less than 50% of people polled support going to war now. So, it's hard to say how this is going to play out. For so much repression and subliminal threats against us, it seems that people are beginning to stand up, slowly, thoughtfully, and carefully, and as determinedly as cautious. I don't think Anyone in this country understands why we are going to war, or believes we have reason to. Sept. 11 wasn't enough to stir people into a thoughtless, emotional fervor -- like the OJ incident did. It seemed at first, that it would go the same way, like the crowd at a sporting event letting the thing carry them away. But it seems that people aren't ready to roll, like the media would have liked us to believe. Anyway, here's more of today's story from truthout... it seems like this 'thing' is more about the fight of good vs. evil rather than about Iraq or oil or even plain 'n simple greed. I really hope you read it.
Part II of "Shallow Throat"
I looked into Shallow Throat's eyes. "I haven't seen you like this before," I said. "You look totally disheartened. It's really that bad, huh?"
"You remember the flap when the German justice minister compared Bush's tactics with those of Hitler -- of mesmerizing the population with war-talk while the real issues are swept under the rug? The Bushies got enraged because she hit too close to the mark. The administration's propaganda policy is, who said it?, a weapon of mass distraction -- and it's working. Look at how the Congress caved, look at the absence of major coverage on the shaky economy and the various Bush&Co. scandals."
"You're not really comparing Bush to Hitler?"
"Of course not. But the Bush people learned a lot from The Third Reich, and other authoritarian regimes, in terms of how to organize and propagandize and frighten and slowly slice away at the veneer of democracy and rule of law. They also learned the value and techniques of bullying, especially with regard to foreign conquest and scaring their critics domestically. And this 'permanent-war' rationale isn't new either. In fact, there's a lot of recycling of nasty ideas and tactics these days."
"You're joking, right? You're just exaggerating because you're so frustrated working inside the belly of the beast."
"Think again, my friend. The hardright cabal at the heart of Bush&Co. for at least the past decade, ever since the collapse of communism (and even before that), have been thinking about and planning for, and writing about, what they would do if they ever got into power.** Your namby-pamby friends in the Democrat opposition chose to ignore those guys, thinking them far-right kooks, with all their talk about acting aggressively as a superpower, first-strike "pre-emptive" attacks, "benevolent hegemony," control of oil&gas reserves, making sure no other country ever could emerge to challenge the U.S., mangling the Constitution to get what they want, and so on. Now do you understand why the HardRight -- the politicians, the justices, the columnists, et al. -- have fought with so much venom and meanness to get into power? This is their time, as they see it, when they can Take It All -- around the globe, in this country -- and they will crush anyone in their way who tries to stop them. Iraq is just the tip of the iceberg."
"It can't all be that dark," I said, my skin beginning to crawl. "The fact that the American people, in poll after poll, for example, were way ahead of their elected representatives in Congress -- wanting U.N. inspectors in Iraq, not going in there without our allies and U.N. approval, and so on -- must count for something."
"Sure, thanks to the efforts of liberals and moderates, you've slowed them down a bit, forced them to alter their rhetoric -- once they said there was no need to go to Congress and the United Nations for authorization, but they were forced to bend in those directions. So, big deal. Let's be clear: If they don't get what they want by going the civilized way, they will take what they want anyway. Don't you understand? THESE...ARE...NOT...NICE...PEOPLE. They are playing for keeps. You're talking shadow forces unleashed, my friend." ...

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2002
Hi all,
Another link good site for news is You can sign up to receive daily stories. Here's a sampling...
"Shallow Throat" Savages Dem Leaders and Reveals Bush Strategy
By Bernard Weiner
t r u t h o u t | Opinion/Satire
Wednesday, 16 October, 2002
So many of us were devastated after Congress rolled over and gave Bush his war on Iraq. We needed help in figuring it all out. So I set up the coded signal to "Shallow Throat," the high-ranking GOP mole in the White House who had been so helpful in pointing us in the right direction several times previously.*
We met in a nondescript bar in a suburb of Washington, D.C., Shallow Throat wearing a different wig and glasses than last time.
I didn't even get a chance to ask a question before Shallow Throat sneered at me with disgust and began raging. "You liberals are so clueless, no wonder you got reamed on the Iraq vote. You wanted to look reasonable to the American public, and not run the risk of looking 'unpatriotic' for the November election. But what you wound up doing was giving Bush cover. You got all the words into the war-resolution that Americans wanted to hear -- 'last resort,' United Nations, diplomacy, inspectors and so on -- but you, and Bush&Co., know that the attack juggernaut is rolling and Bush isn't going to pay the least attention, other than lip-service, to any of it. The war is on, and your lot were cowards, enablers with blood on their hands."
"That's not fair," I said, even though I was so angry at the Democrat leadership myself. "They probably figured that unless the Democrats win the election next month, any chance of stopping Bush on his march toward total control disappears."

Name: colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2002
There are a few film stills of digger events here

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2002
For news, the first place I go is Demoracy Now. We get Amy Goodmans reports (Democracy Now) on the radio here every day. It is the only REAL reporting I hear. I'm also a big fan of Noam Chomsky, also listed on that site. I don't have much time to follow much news and I trust Goodmans reports and interviews to be the most complete and comprehensive. Chomsky paints the big picture and I'm surprised the man hasn't been shot yet! He's brilliant.
I also find the Christian Science Monitor, a good site.
Thanks for the sites. I was spoiled for a long time listening to Berg, Coyote and Emmett talk politics. I'm not very politically astute and counted on their view to keep me informed. I always feel a bit at sea talking politics..but I read and listen trying to make sense of it.
Perhaps I am naive, but I think the only thing holding Bush back, is sending body bags back home. There are a lot of people sitting on their hands as long as they are not personally effected. The general "We" seem to remain uneffected to what happens to the rest of the world as long as it's not us. I don't think that will remain the case when our children start dying.
Viet Nam brought a lot of people to their senses. It was the first time that I know of, people in such large numbers protested a war. Up to that point I think it was considered honerable. I don't think so many people will any longer unquestionably walk into this one brewing. Certainly Bush must know this. The protests now are going to be important to draw a large body count. We can't wait until it has started.

Name: colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Oct 2002
also check out:

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Oct 2002
In doing some press releases for Planet Drum last year I learned a few things. Among the interesting resources I found is a website called U.S. Newspaper Links ( It is a fantastic way to access media across the country. It has a clickable link list of every paper, magazine, radio and TV news retailer in the U.S. Sampling the hundreds of newsrooms and reading the headline of each is a revelatory experience. They are all the same, same headlines and same set of stories until you get down to the state and local news. If a story interests you from a particular area it is interesting to go to the local paper or TV newsroom to get some clearer reporting.I recently read in the Santa Monica Mirror (a weekly) that Jerry Rubin is running for city council and was having a little bash at a coffe shop I think is or was owned by his Bobness Mr. Dylan with Michelle Phillips doing the honors. It is a great way to find little ditties that aren't covered elsewhere.
I tend to watch the TV bullshit as a clue to something and then follow it up through NPR sucks the big one, government funding you know. Even though I have never set foot in New York, I rely on the New Yorker Magazine weekly to get some good analytical pieces, that bastardized rag Rolling Stone for the politcal/social reporting (I don't look at the pictures), Tom, Mother Jones, and Harper's.
Steve, I am more pissed off than I am scared, but I am scared. If the November election gives control of Congress to the Republicans we are headed into a major shitstorm of possibly epic size and duration.
An interesting article in the Oct 14/21 issue of the New Yorker is "Annals of Foreign Policy: Our Way...The challenge for the world's only superpower." by Fareed Zakaria.
The next big thang in San Francisco is Saturday Oct 26, beginning at 11 a.m. at the Embarcadero BART station. Anti-War Rally and March to the Civic Center taking place at the same time as the one in Washington DC.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 17 Oct 2002
Sprog, Ol' chap...I dont know whats goin' down in Merry Ol' England...But a cat named Oswald Le Winter sums up Amerika like so: "The aims to overthrow democracy and the constitution and to establish a police-state despotism in America: and to lay the foundations of a world empire - the immediate goal here is the Middle East and its oil". Nuff Said??? Hey, Im' tellin' ya..Get yer' daily World updates at

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 17 Oct 2002
Sprog, Ol' chap...I dont know whats goin' down in Merry Ol' England...But a cat named Oswald Le Winter sums up Amerika like so: "The aims to overthrow democracy and the constitution and to establish a police-state despotism in America: and to lay the foundations of a world empire - the immediate goal here is the Middle East and its oil". Nuff Said??? Hey, Im' tellin' ya..Get yer' daily World updates at

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 17 Oct 2002
Sprog, pull yer' limey head outa' that English Tabloid long enough to check out a U.S. Rag. Screw the war...Come on, catch up on Liza's wedding! I just heard that her hubby finaly gave up his bachelor pad...(But not his Bachelors). Wow, how about Korea??? They got the big guns?...Come on! only america can have the Big Guns! We can be trusted not to get agressive with em' and not to attach anyone on trumped up charges..Right?..right?...Folks; Its gettin' to the un-fuckin' beleivable stag. I will be the first 50 year old American Male to stand up (not to be counted)..but to say that I Am truly scared. Scared for you, me, yours, mine and ours. And...Im' scared for them and theirs. I dont mean to spread fear. But, maybe spread alittle,..well...reality? Get in touch with your feelings folks. Like I told those youngen's awhile back...If you aint scared; then you aint payin' attention. Words,..Direction... Sounds like it's as good a place as any to start. I just wish to Christ that George Bush was lookin' for the same thing...

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: still at
Date: 17 Oct 2002
Hey Nik,..words?...direction?..Here's my old standby..."DONT TRY"..but even when I say it with conviction; I can never follow my own advise! Back to the drawing board. Put yer' thinking cap on, and sleep on it. Wow, it was a fine day. I walked the folks to Ground Zero,..(first time down there for me)....Very Errie...Made me wanna off some son-of-a-bitch; untill I realized that I wouldnt wanna get back-stabbed for the work of some U.S. Radicals. Why blame a whole fuckin' race of people. People who are just tryin' to live like the rest of us. Well, In all we hit the Village, NOHO, SOHO, China Town and Little Italy. In the next few days, Chelsea, the Flower District, Upper East Side, Hell's Kitchen ETc..Etc.. Dads 75, Moms 70, and they are damn near wlking me to death. They come from good stock. I cant get em' in a cab, bus or sub way. We even treked in the rain the other day. Mom helped serve to the Homeless on Wed. and struck up a conversation with an elderly Queen,..(who made Clinger look like Monroe). It was as if they were old "Girl Freinds". Hey,..I can see where I got it from. Later, Steve

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Oct 2002
I tend to avoid the mainstream newspapers and get my info elsewhere. I don't trust what they say or the underlying intention behind them. Those papers often freak me out because there's always a feeling there is much more going on than we are being told. Same for TV news. Basically they are manipulating mass consciousness to their own ends. In other words, propaganda to justify our gov't intentions. I am really busy today and may not have time to get back to you until tomorrow, when I will post some other WEB news and radio news sources where there is front line info and much broader and in depth. There are also many groups that stay on top of watching out for our civil rights. It's one of the big things that has changed in this country in the last few yrs. Many more people are not just rolling over feeling helpless and are forming active groups to directly address our rights and are being heard. You will not see that in the news either. They don't want to let the populace know there are options and groups actively addressing these issues. It's great thing about about the (computer) information highway. The world is now talking together despite what is being attempted to keep from us. But it means making an extra effort to learn and pay attention cause unlike the papers it is not being spoon fed to us. It's the reason very reason the Communication Company in the '60's was created. Now it is no longer just a small group of "radicals" putting out a paper in a back room reaching a small local readership. The actions through out the country and Seattle concerning the WTO and all that went on that summer were all but ignored by main stream media. They didn't want to give it enough attention to draw more people out. But it was a heads up to a lot of people there were more than the unual trouble makers coming together. It was also a time for people to see if we kept the pressure on we could gum up the works. Of all countries, the U.S. is probably the most poorly informed and the least willing to step outdoors and demand a change ie lazy. That seems to be changing and the politicos are not unaware of this.
And you are right to go for a walk to clear your head. It is good way to keep a perspective. New Yorkers must be shell shocked and could be too easily fear based manipulated into going for things and let them go by, that smack of creeping military state tactics in trying to feel protected.

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Oct 2002
BETWEEN 1,000 and 1,400 people died in a ferry tragedy in West Africa recently, and the world's press hardly noticed. The ferry Joola sank off the west coast of Senegal at the end of September. It was meant to accommodate 536 passengers and 44 crew.
But at least 1,034 people are believed to have been on board, and possibly 1,500, as under fives and many adults were not ticketed. Rescuers, mainly fishermen, risked their lives to help. They described trapped people screaming for hours. But there were no proper resources to help them and they eventually suffocated.
The disaster has everything to do with poverty and the way world capitalism works. The Joola was a flat-bottomed craft designed for lakes and work very close to coasts.
When it sank it was 11 hours away from land and in heavy seas on the Atlantic Ocean. The ferry was state owned and run by the Senegalese army. It is typical of the rudimentary and dangerous transport that African people are forced to use. "Structural adjustment" austerity policies, inflicted on Senegal by the IMF and World Bank in the 1980s, mean there is little money available for any public sector projects.
The present government of Abdoulaye Wade and its predecessors have supported the IMF's prescription and cut back on health, education-and transport. Fares have also risen, meaning that many people try to crowd onto boats without paying or are allowed on by the staff as an act of solidarity. There are several reports that the Joola was swaying dangerously as it left port and was so unstable that it capsized after passengers raced to one side to take cover during a storm.
The fact that people were travelling by ferry was itself a legacy of colonialism. This area was fought over by European powers, principally Britain and France, throughout the 19th century. The prize these early imperialists craved was control of the West African slave trade. France eventually seized what is now Senegal.
But the British took Gambia, a tiny state bordering the River Gambia. This enclave, inserted into the heart of Senegal, almost splits the country. These ridiculous boundaries formed the basis for post-colonial independence in the 1960s.
So today people moving from the south of Senegal to the north avoid border problems and taxes by getting a ferry rather than a bus. Many of the passengers on the ferry were women travelling to Dakar to sell palm oil and mangos. Others were school children returning to the capital, Dakar, after the holidays.
The poor suffered in this disaster, and poverty is set to get worse. In an internal paper last year World Bank officials predicted that despite "debt relief" Senegal's debt by 2018 would be larger than it is today. At the moment Senegal's debt repayments take over 14 percent of its entire national production. Although foreign aid has tripled in the last 15 years, two-thirds of it goes on debt repayments.
Around 60 percent of the population have no access to healthcare. A quarter of the population live on less than $1 a day. Quite rightly, there was extensive press coverage of disasters like the sinking of the Herald of Free Enterprise when 194 people died in 1987, or the sinking of the Estonia that saw 852 die in 1994.
Yet when more black people died than in these two horrors put together, the global media hardly noticed, let alone tried to explain the background to what had happened.

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Oct 2002
THERE ARE plenty of people in Indonesia who have good reason to hate Western governments and big business. Tragically, some of them may have directed their anger in awful fashion at ordinary holidaymakers. Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous state and stretches over hundreds of islands.
Its economy has been devastated by the huge financial crisis that swept Asia in 1997. Millions of people were thrown out of work, with many facing hunger. Indonesia's currency collapsed. It couldn't pay its enormous debts. Mass demonstrations followed. An occupation of parliament and clashes with the army drove Indonesia's dictator General Suharto from power in 1998.
Many people still live in dire poverty in Indonesia. This is because the current president, Megawati Sukarnoputri, is continuing with an austerity programme backed by the International Monetary Fund. Indonesia's government is also continuing its repression of movements demanding independence, such as in the oil-rich Aceh province. This comes after Indonesia was finally forced to leave East Timor in 1999, though not before unleashing a final wave of terror.
In the wake of last week's bombing the media have focused on Islamic organisations in Indonesia. Islam is the religion of the overwhelming majority of the population.
People looked to religion for some hope in the face of poverty and oppression brought by colonialism. Holland had ruled Indonesia with a brutal hand from the 17th and 18th centuries until 1945. The West also encouraged Islamist organisations as a counterweight to the influence of the left in the 1960s.
Now many of the main Islamic organisations are working with the government, and support its IMF-backed policies. Indonesia's vice-president is leader of one of the country's main Islamic parties. But some Islamist groups have reacted to the continuing poverty that blights millions of lives in Indonesia by lashing out, usually at people who have no responsibility for the suffering of ordinary people.
So in some areas Islamist groups have targeted Christians, for example. And some may have been behind last week's bombing. Most of the tourists killed were from Australia. That country's right wing prime minister, John Howard, has sought to cynically exploit the horror of the bombing.
His talk of human rights sits badly alongside his record of turning boats with desperate refugees back from Australia and throwing those who do get to Australia into brutal detention centres. Howard also sent Australian troops to fight alongside the US and Britain in Afghanistan.
Australia's big businesses are key players in carving up the region's oil and mineral reserves. Howard now threatens "action" and is stepping up his support for George Bush's "war on terror".
If last week's bombing is used for that there is only one certain result. It will fuel more poverty and more bitterness against the major Western powers, and some of the anger will rebound in the form of more terrorist attacks.
DUTCH colonialists seized the area in the 17th and 18th centuries. Famine was a regular occurrence, while spices, coffee and sugar were sucked out for Western markets at vast profit to Dutch business.
INDONESIA was occupied by Japan during the Second World War and, with Japan's defeat, Holland sought to regain control.
NATIONALIST forces led by Ahmed Sukarno fought a bitter four year struggle, and succeeded in winning independence in 1949. The nationalist regime balanced between social forces-the army, Islamic groups and the three million strong Communist Party.
IN 1965 there was a crisis after the regime nationalised the oil industry, threatening the Anglo-Dutch multinational Shell, which had a monopoly on Indonesia's oil. The army, encouraged by the US, seized power. Some 700,000 people were killed.
GENERAL Suharto emerged as the key figure and ruled as a dictator, backed by the West. The US backed his 1975 invasion of East Timor, which saw 300,000 people killed over the next 20 years.
SUHARTO'S regime was finally toppled by mass revolt in 1998.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Oct 2002
That was the NY Post on Tuesday.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@
Date: 17 Oct 2002
HELP! Normally I'm level headed and pretty fearless...but I have to tell you the more I read the papers, the more of a conspiritorial thinker I article in the post a couple of days ago stated that ,"if we had more of those government cameras at intersections, maybe we would have gotten the sniper by now" or the use of the super spy plane that can detect the flash of a gun from the some one or a group of some ones trying to get these things in place by creating a need for it...I swear I'm normally not paranoid about this stuff...but I am reminded of the book The Hand Maids Tale and how all of a sudden one day you just realized that things were not the same and the right wing fundamentalist were in control...and it was similar to the Taliban regime...yikes...I feel like I need to stop reading the paper or watching the news, but then again one has to be informed...I can't pretend none of this is happening...I have a boyfriend Andrew who's been in Afghanistan since last January and he e-mails me when he can...he said anything that he'd seen on-line from our press was not how it really is there...he of course couldn't go into any details...they were told not to discuss what was happening there...He gets home next month and I'll get the real story...My apartment looks out on the Hudson and the statue of Liberty...this morning when I got up I went to the window and it was so beautifull...the water was like black glass with thin crack from the wake of a small red tug boat...and the edges of the sky were just pulling the gold of sunrise up...crisp clear October air calling me out side...then while walking to the subway I was marveling at the skyline that holds both huge steel skyscrapers and ancient wooden water towers...and I could even enjoy the morning rush hour squeeze of humanity on the train ride to was a fabulous morning untill I opened the paper...I need some help here...words? direction? what can I do to help? I'm going to go for a walk right now and try to clear my head...Nicole

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 16 Oct 2002
Just read a newspaper. It seems that my "One Shot Theory " was WAY OFF! (How can one man be so wrong???) Youv'e all heard.."Born To Raise Hell" about "Born To Be Wrong"...(if the shoe fits; right?) Steve

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Oct 2002
Eileen --
Yeah, I know what you mean about Emmett. I've had dreams of him watching over things. In fact, that's why his mug watches over every page on this web. I often wonder what it would be like to talk with him for just awhile about what's happening. His raps were so all-encompassing I'm sure he'd have extraordinary insights into the shit going down today.
I thought you'd like Kent's letter. Thanks for your appreciation. There IS a lot of stuff here, but I estimate that I've only got about 1% of the archive transcribed and scanned on the web here. It looks like it's turning into one of those lifelong things. Scary.
If you liked Kent's letter, you also might like to read Ramon Sender's history of Morningstar and Wheeler's Ranch. It is extraordinary. It's also a slightly different group of folks than you probably lived with. I find that reading accounts of other communal groups is fun since a lot of the experiences were similar, but it's not YOUR experiences (with all the attendant pain and joy, etc.) you're reading about -- they belong to someone else. I guess it's a vicarious sort of thing. Anyway, here's the link to the table of contents page for Ramon's Home Free Home:
And here's one of the chapters I particularly like:

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Oct 2002
Oh OH OH Eric!! I am supposed to be getting out of the house shortly and have just bumbled over to my computer half awake to read your note and slip over to Kents letter. HO MY! I have goose bumps! This has made me feel so good. Yes, I was there and how sweet and perfectly it says it and conjures up the best of the memories. I laughed remembering all that went into the flares off to roof solstice of the only truely embarrassing flops we ever pulled off. And I have to get a grip (this is too early in the morning to cry for goodness sake) when thinking this letter was to a live Emmett. What would the world be like if he were alive and clean? He was too dangerous wasn't he?
Just cause..I want to say I dreampt about him continiously after he died for many yrs. It was if he lived out some of his unresolved business through me. I knew he had finally come to peace when I stopped dreaming of him. Was he murdered? It never entered my mind and he never told me. But he wasn't done, that was clear.
Isn't Kent the best?! I can't thank you enough for offering this up for me/us to start my day with. I get so bent with my own anguish I forget all too easily the goodness and just plain fun we had! Kent always cruised through with such delight. This brought back some of the best of it without the shadows.
Here's a little story from this past yr to share before I run off into the day. At Judy Quicks wake this summer I came out of hiding (I tend to be rather uuh reclusive) and so many folks were there I haven't seen in so long! I see this really handsome man out in front of me as Peter Burg and I are sharing an unavoidable and uncomfortable hello. I am suddenly swept up by this man very tall striking man with a beard, who is talking to me in a very aggressively friendly manner calling me Sam like he knows me and putting his arm over my shoulder. I'm a bit set back at someone being so forward with me (Ariel laughs at me for being so cranky). I step back and say, "I'm sorry, but do I know you?" As I say it the light dawns..IT'S KENT!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how stupid and delighted I felt at the same time. What a laugh.
Yes Eric, it is good to reconnect with you as well! I remember the last time I saw you. I came to get bamboo clumps from you ,you had brought from Georgia (I still grow bamboo), you so generously shared with me. I also remember (was it that same day?) a party and the best peach torte I have been trying to duplicate ever since.
Thanks for keeping up this great site. I see I need to go more deeply into it.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Oct 2002
Eileen -- I think everything Peter has written about the Eco Ecuador project is on the Planet Drum web site. (I wear another hat as PD webmaster and publish all of Peter's dispatches to the web.) If you want a good link to start with, here is the main Eco Ecuador page where I've documented the history of the project, with links to the individual dispatches. If you want to quickly get up to speed with what Judy and Peter have been doing for the past several years, reading these dispatches is a great way:
By the way, you mentioned the farm in Pennsylvania in one of your messages and it reminded me of the letter from Kent to Emmett that I discovered in the archives. I posted it recently if you're interested in delving into the past. (If not, I can understand. It takes enough energy to stay grounded in the present reality.) Here is Kent's letter on the web here:
It's really good to reconnect with you after all these years. Take care.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Oct 2002
Well, I try to imagine what Judy and Peter felt like to be asked to make that trip! What an opportunity to make their vision real! And how challenging. They must be learning as much as they are sharing. I will have to get a subscription to Planet Drum. In the meantime will make time to read more on their site. Thanks
Now THAT'S the way to take a trip.
Thanks for the ID on Mr Jaeger.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2002
Peter and Judy have been working in Bahia de Caraquez, a city on the coast of Ecuador which was devastated by an earthquake and massive flooding from El Nino in 1998(99?). While participating in a seminar in Japan Peter was approached by a represenative from Ecuador about helping restore the city. A 1999 visit to look over the situation has developed into an ongoing project for Planet Drum Foundation. The history of the project, current status, and what is on the horizon for Bahia is well documented on the Planet Drum site. It is becoming a model for other endeavors in "undeveloped" regions to reinhabit and make sustainable their bioregions. The citizens of Bahia, with Peter and a diverse group of talents recruited by him have set in motion a compelling response to sustainabilty in Ecuador. Very cool and motivating. It reinforces the idea that a small group of committed persons can accomplish enormous change. For me, given the fucked up state of things now it is a fine example of hope.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2002
Why are Peter and Judy in Ecuador?

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2002
Your reference to Peter Green, co-founder of the original Fleetood Mac, has a positive turn. Peter Green is back on track, touring and recording with his band Splinter Group. He recently played the Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz. His website is:
I would also like to invite people to check out the Planet Drum Foundation website. With Eric's expertise new stuff is up including Peter Berg's latest dispatches from his recent Ecuador trip.

Name: A Digger Friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2002
Digger Friends Afar and Wide: Open Hearts - Open Minds - As you read these words - please offer your precious moment in silent prayer for the families (in 19 nations thus far), the friends and most especially, the trancending sentient spirits of the nearly 200 innocents murdered in Bali - / - Bole Om Shiva - Bole Om - Nath Ki Jai -
A Digger Friend

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2002
Mark - Thanks for the good wishes - leaving in two hours. And Steve - I will heft a pint (or two!) for the OMMC at Sloan House and again in the east end visiting the clansmen abroad. I neglected to tell my publisher that I invited them to the launch party out of respect for his nerves - but by all reports they are good bunch of lads. London bound - best to all - Hammond

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2002
Eileen and Steve...Jaeger Goode Hill(Rinaldi) aka Froggy...child of Everett(uncle)Hill and Sharon Goode...partially raised by Vinnie and Joanna ...the last time I actually saw him myself was when he and Jeramiah were going to school in Arcata and living at the crew house together. He later was living in Fairfax and last I heard doing well...

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2002
"Lou Gottlieb used to say that if there were enough Moringstars and open land places, the nuthouses would really empty out because Open Land is a great place for the folks who simply don't fit in to the Great Society. Hey, I resemble that remark. "
Tomas fits into this catagory, I had a lot of help and a lot of drugs. I am OK or so I seem. What I write is strange but I am part of the world that the folks in 67 planted me on. Morningstar was right for me.

Name: john nick
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2002
please i need e-mail of the geust book 2002

Name: The "OTHER" S.S.
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2002
Au...make that "Snitch Culture"...and they didnt throw him out; I did. (And would do it again).

Name: The "OTHER" S.S.
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2002
Hey Mr. There; thanks, that explains some of the weird...(comparitively speaking) E-mails that I was getting. I never made it to Wheeler's but met some of the 69-70 "Locals" who were damn near as heavy as the Olema People,..(and thats sayin' somethin' Mister!!!) Hey, I met a cat like that in a NYC shelter. I think he was a frenchman. Anyway; he wouldnt' talk, although I dont think he was a mute. They threw his ass out on a cold rainy night because he refused to take the manditory nightly shower. I oranized a small crew of humanitarians to gang up and physically dunk this cat so that he "technically" could spend the night; the trusties were part of the snitch culyure and were threatening to write one another up if their "Duty" wasnt enacted. Well, after one hell of a stuggle, we go both of his feet off the floor and had him stripped to the waist and his pants half off when all hell broak loose and we dropped the fucker on the tiles. He was a human flea bag. He was literally crawling with body bugs that had actually burrowed under his skin to hatch their larva. He had bugs crawling out of running sores. I went from saint to sinner and personally threw his ass out. Thats the night that they enrolled me in their program, and I had those sntches walkin' sideways within a week. Man, when I had a voice; I fuckin' used it. Anyway..Nobody; including me slept that night. Im' startin' to itch as I type this! Fuck, and here I was worried about giving the Original Silent Steve "MY" bad press. Christ, I met an English Cat years ago who "HAD" been brilliant. He wrote the tune "Black Magic Woman". I dont think trhat it was drugs...but rather an embalance of sorts..In any event, the last I heard he was sleeping in an alley and burning Royalty Checks to keep warm. Myself, I wallpapered my bathroom wall with Child Support Payment Coupons once..thats about the biggest anti-social statement that I ever made. B.O.??? Not Me. I have Celt Blood. They were producing and using soap when the Romans were scraping the crude off and applying oil. Hey Was; May I call ya' Was?... thanks for the clarification. If there's anything I can do for that Wild Fucker, let me know. I never met a Steve that was a prick. Money is out; as he would probable use it to light his smokes. But, you know, candy,..fresh Florida know..Thanks again. Steve...(just plain Steve) More Wheeler's Land? Sounds good to me.

Name: was there
E-mail Address: will be there again
Date: 15 Oct 2002
re silent steve from wheelers. Back when Califorina had some kind of budget cut, the nuthouses were reduced. the SS at Wheelers is definitely somewhere else. He never speaks. A couple of brothers ata wheelers get paid to cook meals for him so he's doing pretty well. he like never bathes and at last encounter, was really repulsive to smell. i tried giving him a ride hitchhiking and he really gagged me out with his smell. No offense meant. This guy is so lucky to be living at Wheelers rather than cooped up in some cement nuthouse jail.
Lou Gottlieb used to say that if there were enough Moringstars and open land places, the nuthouses would really empty out becauseOpen Land is a great place for the folks who simply don't fit in to the Great Society. Hey, I resemble that remark.
Lou called it LATWIDN: Land Access To Which Is Denied No One. that was before he deeded it to GOD.

Name: Steve Cameron Swazey
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Oct 2002
IRAQ / IS IT THE NEXT VIETNAM??? WAKE UP NEW YORKERS!!!. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING / DATE: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Lucille Lortel Theater, 121 Christopher St. bet. Hudson & Bleecker Sts. Co-Sponsors Community Board #2 and New York University: Hon. Aubrey Lees and Michael Haberman Director of Office of Community Relations / Speakers: U.S. Representatives Carol Maloney and Jerrold Nadler as well as other experts. / ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND / Please come and be heard. We need your input. SPEAK OUT! If you are unable to attend, please submit your comments in writting for Christ's sake! Kite all letters to the Community Board #2, Manhattan Office, 3 Washington Square Village, Suite 1A, New York, NY 10012 / Aubrey Lees, Chair: C.B.#2, Manhattan / Arthur W. Strickler, District Manager.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 14 Oct 2002
Hammond, before you hit the road, Ive' just gotten a huge influx of E-Mail. Please dont Dis the B.F.M.C. to the Red & Whites while abroad, OK?. A High Ranking Booze Fighter contacted me. It seems that a "Fan", clued him into my fucked up drift of the Club. Well, heres the final score: Sellin' Tee shirts, Beer Mugs, and Bumper Stickers beats the hell (although less lucrative) than Ballons of Heroin. Dig? These cats are projecting the Blind Rebel attitude: "Dont Hurt Nobody"...Cool?We now see eye to eye, and the Flag Wavin' thing is no problem. After firing back a few E-Mails, we started talkin' Bikes, and Now I plan on running narrow, high set floorboards, a long range express fuel pod, and wide beach bars and a stock fully sprung seat. (what a difference a day makes). Anyway, I hope to be rolling by the end of the 2004 season, and will take him up on his envite. I dig the non-territorial attitude of the B.F.M.C. Rethinking the whole scene; I cant see wearing their colors because of what Ive' got tattooed on my back. (No Offence...but uh...Their loss?). Ride on Hammond. OMMC/NOMAD

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Oct 2002
Hey, good luck on your trip. Hope all goes as expected.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Oct 2002
Steve - Thanks for the departure/return thought - and yes, I have Sloan House on my list of watering holes to be attended too. 2nd Book - well, yes, and thanks for asking - the working title is "Biopathic Tendencies." I will let you (and you too) know how the reading goes - cheers to all,

Name: Steve Cameron Swazey
E-mail Address: infalsenuetral@limbo
Date: 14 Oct 2002
ACHTUNG!!! NEWS FLASH!!! As a response to the many "VIRUS" threats that I have received, Im' having my E-Mail Address changed as soon as the Church Administrator gets here. (She knows how to do that...I dont.) On top of the virus threats, Im' getting some Wheeler's Ranch questions that I cant even begin to answer. I will clue Nicole into my new one. Hey; Im' NOT THAT SILENT STEVE...OK? Judging from the input, he must be one wild bastard. Later. Steve. P.S. You all (Including George Bush) have my Street Number. Buy some stamps..( flags), and use snail mail, if need be. On that note...No Army at the door yet...CHICKEN!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 14 Oct 2002
Au..make that Triumph about 648cc...Cool?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 14 Oct 2002
Hey Hammond, Like I said; check out the Sloan House in Sloan Square. They had a nice Oak Paneled Pub and the Cheekiest chamber Maids on the Island. It was second only to the Huntington on Knob hill in S.F. The Huntington was just as low profile and accomodating. I ran into the Moody Blues up there once (Among Others). I "Highly" recomend both. (If they are still standing). Hey, speaking of under-rated..You can pick up some un-butchered Triumphs over there. (My number one bike). Although my pot-bellied BSA was the Berries. It was a goin' Bike. (The cylinder jug fit deep into the case) It had a 2cc edge on the 650 Triumphs, (they were about 558cc, while the Beezer was 652cc if I remember corectly. The BSA had a wider bore and a shorter stroke; which ment less vibration, and an alernate capacitor ignition was simple to rig up, eliminating the wieght of a battery. The BSA folks were very race oriented and as such you could pull some strings and get the factory to tweek the gear ratios... So, if you pick up an early basket case...who, knows? you may get a surprize in every box. You could have a Race-Ready Mill on your hands. Until I got my hands on an H.D. Knucklehead, my Bike philosophy was this: If you couldnt' grab yer' bike by the ass-end and drag it around in a full circle: then it was to big (and/or) to heavy. Heres some flat track trivia: unlike the Triumph and Matchless Riders who would often weld a 2" extension to "Set Back" the rear axle of their hard-tail bikes (so they would "Curve" smoother: the BSA riders would shorten their swing arms (soft tails) by 2" (putting their rear axle forward to choke up close to the rear of the power plant. Then..(now get this) they would ram their bikes into high curbs untill they bent at the neck, in order to alter the rake. BALLS? I found this out after I had two gusset plates welded on to reinforce my odd looking frame, and replaced the rather oddly bent front (aluminum) Rim. Kooky Aint it? P.S. as far as "AS EVER WAS"...(I think I smell Volume Two as I type). (maybe you could call it "IS IT EVER!!!" Anyway, Cheerio, and God Save The Queen. P.S. Give the "Strays" all of my best, and try to score some "Three Castles" if to only smell. Its only rival would be fresh ground Coffee Beans. Have a safe journey.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Oct 2002
Eileen - First - thanks so much for 'dropping in' with your ever original voice and spirit - a pleasure indeed - Second -
Don't forget to honor your addiction as well. For me - a well-seasoned veteran - smoking became a religion where 'nirvana' could only be obtained by not smoking = real time deliverance. Smoking is indeed the rock between a hard place - and I wish you well in this dificult journey. WATER - WATER and more WATER is a very good adjunct as are the little stick-on bb's that you can get from the accupuncturist - but in the end - there is nothing like 'self-determined one pointed in the momentness' with the firm belief (as cn be testified) that relief and freedom are just around the bend. - My best thoughts to all on the eve of my departure for London and the launch party and doings for my book of memoirs - "AsEverWas" - Hammond PS - Steve, keep the lamps trimmed and burning.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Oct 2002
Steve, "Moderation in all Things." isn't attributable to the most mercurial one you suggest. In respect of privacy I can only say this is from a former piano-playing Black Bear resident. I don't think even after all the years that these words could be uttered by His Green Eminence. Gotta go, taking my sig/other to Big Sur for the day. Mark

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 14 Oct 2002
Hey Mack-Mark, Dont let my tough talk throw ya. Im' sure that its no Carnival in Rio, and that hes savin' more than a few trees. I still plan on following through with my support for Planet Drum Foundation in spite of his attitude, (or lake of attitude). He didnt rain on their (our) parade. Although I do plan on the Skiggle Tatto. It should extend from his forhead out to the Cresent Moon and Big Dipper (as if a trail of sorts) DIG?...funny how things fall into place. Smoke?...Death?... Both can be Extreams. I torn up a half spent pack one day and that was that..but I wasnt' the adictive type, as I never had a fit in the first place. Tobacoo was a luxury at Black Bear. I had carved out what I think was a Turky Bone. I hand drilled a hole in the socket end prior to ritualistically dis-assymbling my stilleto and offering it to the stream..(Boy, this all sounds so fuckin' weird now. Im tellin' ya, It was the dark ages.) I utillized the hollowed out stem to loose pack Top or Bugler Tobacoo into the length of it and tamp it with a honed down twig. It smoked surprizingly light and smooth as the Tobacoo in the stem acted as a filter of sorts, and all I had to do was tap out the ash and use the twig to move more Tobacoo forward int the chamber end of the bone. Get It? It was great for carrying and smoking in the wind. Tobaco had a warming effect and seemed to quell hunger also. Now..Death. Humm...There was a few weeks after being diagnosed with Cancer that the verdict was still out (as to the Question of being terminal) I was still spending cold rainy nights in a cardboard box and Soul Searching Big Time. Had I been terminal, I would never have called Sweet Lorraine. I called her the night before I was put under for the preliminary exploritory, (to find out just what they were dealing with). Any way, I had a bike chain bracelet that I had picked up on the job up North while I did a stint of whrencking Bikes together for a large firm. It was to tight to ever get off my wrist and I always wondered if it would be the death of me..(you know, maybe get it snagged on a fast rollin' somethin'-or-other?..Anyway, I went through surgery with it on; as it had no master link, and was perminant (pressed on with a link press). Well, one night I dreamed that it came off, and wasnt sure how to interperate the dream. I thought that it may be fortellin my seperation from this life. Then within a week, I found the fuckin' bracelet laying on the floor next to my bed. I had lost 50 lbs and it had slipped off my wrist during the night. I started to really rattle at that point and picked up an apeasment (so to speak): a bracelet from an old Russian cat. It consists of 23 small bronze skulls strung together. After pulling through. (Im' now up a full ten pounds), These little guys smilling up at me started to get me antsy. That coupled with the fact that it turns off the Methodist gals. So, Last week I was strolling through the Village when I spied two Fairy God Mothers..(which in this part of town, aint so rare..) But really, they were two older gals dressed in silver, complete with wings..Etc. They both had lip stick smooch marks on both cheeks. (Having apparently been adorizing one another. (You know how those Fairy God Mothers are) So, here they are, sitting at a sidewalk Cafe at High Noon. And I fly up and offer them my skull braclet. Well, on Que, they both speechlessly waved their wands and shook their heads in disaproval. REJECTION! Then to top that off, the waitress glares at me like IM' the weirdo! Man, some people! So the other night, I offered it to an exiled Monk who was inquiring about my Tattoos. Well he took it and placed it between both of his hands and rolled it between them and bowed, then handed it back and said that he could not accept it...But, he went on to add that it symbolized the begining of everything. (?????) OK, The fuckin' Fairys and the Monks dont want it! Any "In-Between Types" out there interested???

Name: nicotina
E-mail Address: or orgasm
Date: 14 Oct 2002
A friend of mine used to work in a methodone clinic in SF. He said the junkies all said that nicotine was harder to kick than herion. I quit the nasty habit in '76 when i started coughing up a little blood. I was only 26 and had smoked tobacco for 11 years.
I tried lots of ways to quit, including a boyfriend who made himself available for pleasure whenever i had the urge for a ciggy. Boy, is that weird, having great sex and still wanting a cig. ycch. Finally i found an acupuncturist who advertsied he could cure addictions. I made an appointment. His first question was what brand do you smoke. Camels. No problem he said. Puzzled I asked why the strongest brand of ciggies was no problem. Dr. Michele told me that he can cure tobacco addiction; he can cure heroin addiction, but he cannot cure menthol addiction. Watch out for those Salem and Kools!. The good doctor (he was french) took a kind of staple gun and put a staple in my ear cartlage. Hours later my lungs were numb and i was under the illusion that since i had quite for a few hours my lungs were now clean. (HA) I kept the ear staple in for a month. Everytime i wanted a puff of tobacco i would activate the staple by touching it with a finger. Boy did i look crazy sticking my finger in my ear to activate the staple. The staple took care of the physcial addiction. However, when folks smoke nicotine, they are looking for relief from stress. I took tranqs for 2 weeks and then went cold turkey. It was still hard. After a month i had come to terms and no longer craved the tobacco. A friend cut out the staple. Within hours my congested lungs regained feeling and I discovered that they were not clear. Took 3 years of serious yoga to clear the lungs.
Suggestions to quit... Drink lots of water. SO MUCH WATER!!! Also, lots of vitamin C but avoid ascorbic acid because it cans cause upset gut and cold sores if you take too much. Ester C is the way to go... can take on an empty stomach with no side effects. Meta C also. There's a great book out called "Prescription for Nutritional Healing." This book is like a bible to many Naturopathic Physicians. It is so useful. Check it out for other detox and quit nicotine tips. I always check out hthis book first before going to an MD. What a blessing it to have as a resource. Remember to be good to yourself. Exercise kicks in those endorphins. Massage helps detox. And, breathe deep. really, it helps. sending love...

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Oct 2002
OOps sorry..I meant Mark.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Oct 2002
Hi Mack~
Thanks for your observations, as well. That time at least has given me some real ground to stand on. There's not much that gets by me or for that matter can throw me off. Been there done that. One CAN in fact die. I do remember having no sense of the possibility of dieing, even through friends were dying all around me. Talk about living in a high state of denial! When I see, especially those in their 20's living like a house on fire with no repect for their lives at all I can assure you they have me up in their face. I get tired of pulling them out of ditches, you know?
And as long as I'm on my bandstand, I want to hold out the observation here. As we learned to home birth our babies together, we now are learning to home care death. I have decided hiding the dieing is the biggest mistake this culture may have ever made. There is so much to learn with sharing that passing. Certainly more respect for life. I really just didn't have any sense of death. Staring death in the face can certainly rearrange the cards as to what's real and what matters. So that's my 2 cents on that subject.
But the real reason I stopped by was to thank you Mark, about that great tip of tobacco between the toes!! Right now I'm OK. But you are right about nicotine being the hardest to kick. I've done it off and on since I started. I think it can't be much different than being an alcoholic for a bunch of reasons. Definitely something that gets me really fast.
OK this time I'm really out of here. Bye Yall!

Name: Mother of Pearl
E-mail Address: Change of Address A.S.A.P.
Date: 13 Oct 2002
Hey much for the painted ship on a painted sea..Hu??? As Bryan Ferry might say; "A submarine Lover in a detached world" Wow, Eileen saved me thousands of dollars and mounths of therapy. Im' good to go now. Im' through with the "Once upon a time shit",..the Time is NOW my people...(But you knew that)..Same as it ever was? God; I feel a ton lighter. But, she would most likely tell ya, (as another wise woman told me...But did I listen???) "ONLY YOU CAN CHANGE IT" Well, on the home front, Nancy's upstairs tryin' to compose and I unleashed Buckley on her, I dressed him in my 35 doller three minus one piece and he's agressively re-writting (verbally)...this fucker even reads the paper out loud!) her material with Raunchy Rock-a-Billy, base ball bat, Six feet underground, gonna burn yer' play-pen Down type lyrics. She's goin' nuts! (Why am I smillin'???) They are both Aquarians! MELT DOWN!!! Hey; Thanks again Eileen. I will pop in from time to time. I sure hope Travis talks at ya. He could use some couch time also. If the turm "Curious" can be losely defined as "Full of Wonderment"; then weve' got one Wonderful Mother Fucker in our Family. (just beware the sting of the Scorpion) Later yall'. Steve..just plain Steve.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Oct 2002
Eileen and Steve,
The doors you are kicking open here with your dialogue have really been an emotional/intellectual prism. For me, who's Digger experience has been peripheral mostly, it cuts through lots of mythology and hits on a much wider plane after all the years past. Much of the turmoil was felt beyond the Diggers, especially in the Bay Area with many of the failings, deaths, and recklessness effecting all who came to play. I can't help being reminded of the body bags being checked in, laid out on the concrete at Travis AFB in 67. I walked past them on my way to military court getting thankfully booted out of the AF and hanging out in the Haight. In particular, the discussion of the young "raised" in this struggle caused tears to come for me as well. The effects of "body drugs", heroin and speed destroyed many and I still have to drive by the graves where some lay. In all I am inspired by the natural endurance of the human spirit to keep getting back up for another whack in the struggle to survive. Thanks for letting your words appear here.
Mark Hebard
Here is a funky way of getting over nicotine. I got this from a mechanic I wrenched with for years on the line at a Ford dealer. Skoal Bandits, not between your the cheek and gum but put one between the little and next toe on each foot. It leaves a small brown stain on your socks and it looks like you have been smoking Pall Malls between with toes but it works. I can't chew gum as it still brings up a ghost etherbase meth rush memory I can't tolerate. For me nicotine was the toughest of all the addictions to finally set down. Eric, I don't know about food though. A former Digger has a slogan in his office that says "Moderation in all Things." Not a phrase that you would associate with the Diggers way but time has a way of marinating the bones.

Name: birthing
E-mail Address: chanting om
Date: 13 Oct 2002
midwife update... Nan is still facing chages of practicing midwifery without a license and child endangerment. Turns out, though, that the problems the child in quesiton has are genetic defects and not due to mal practice by Nan. She is till facing 9 years in the federal pen. Somefundraising benefits have been planned for her. for updates and to contribute to her legal defense fund please go to
those who contribute $100 or more get an incredible thangka by Nan. so awesome. Mostly, this is not just about Nan. This prosecution could be any of the myriads of birth sisters, labor assistants, birth attendents, and midwives. Though Nan is facing time in the federal pen, it could be any of us who don't buy into the medical myth that birth is a surgical event, only possible with medical intervention. I've home birthed and hospital birthed. I've also attended many home births and some hospital births as a labor assistant. Our freedom to choose alternatives is at stake here. Anyone who wants a good look at birth mythology should get a copy of "Immaculate Deception." This book has such jewels e.g. the women is placed on her back for the convenience of the doctor only. Imagine trying to take a constipated shit and then being placed on your back. Your "push efforts" may not work in this cumbersome position. that's all right...they can perform an episiotomy or to cut you open and then get some forceps to pull out the baby. I've been studying emergencies and have learned that many birth problems can be dealt with by changing the position of the mother. Example: some women get "back labor." Back loabor can be really really painful. In the hospital you will be offered drugs that can affect the newborn. A better way to deal with back labor is to change the mother from recumbant (leaning back) to leaning forward. Also, walking around helps. However, the hospital often is set up so that there is no place for the mother to move around off the bed. And, with all the atachments like iv line and fetal monitors it is hard to navigate.
Please support Nan. Please support birth choice.
if anyone is interested in becoming a labor assistant, check out
This is the Association of Labor Assistants and Childbirth Educators. Awesome, totally useful training.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Oct 2002
Eileen -- good luck on quitting cigarettes. I used the Nicorette gum for about six months. Nasty stuff but it worked (along with a regular swimming routine). I'm so glad not to be hooked to the tobacco addiction. My adult life has been giving up one addiction after another. The next will be food. After that, there's not much left. <g>

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Oct 2002
You make me laugh!
Made it over the hump. Had that last little foot stomper without needing to smoke. I think I've about made a week now. Yeah the present works for me too. Have a good one! Todays as good as any to get the nose out of the computer and face OUT. Adios!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 13 Oct 2002
Free skiggles!!! GREAT! EVERYBODY will want one! (Two, most likely). A Skiggle! Hey, youve given me something that no one can ever take away. Hummm....A Skiggle Tattoo...Naaaa...I gotta draw the line somewhere! Hey Eileen, seriously, Im sorry if I hit a nerve,...Men change also..(damn it)...Im at the stage where I no longer divide and conquer,...I crave Romance over the physical thing. As I dont even come close on my day trips with Nancy, I plan on going the Wine and candle light route with a young single Leo lady from the Choir starting the 1st of Nov. Leo..Lady..Leo Lady..Oh...My Leo-Lady-Oh, My Leo-Lady-Oh...Yodelling? God, what is it with me??? Anyway, She's free as well as game; and its my hope that the age difference alone will keep the sex issue at bay, or at least, on the back burner. She gets off on intimate dinning and this city is second only to Paris, on that count. Chicago..sure, Rome..maybe. Aint been to Greece yet...She has a certain sophistication which I spell cool and collected. I plan on hitting Bergdorf Goodman to score some real "gentleman" wardrobe and plan to really clean up my act. (She dont hafta know that Im building a Chopper, right?) It's not a phony thing on my will just be a different bit part; another scene. See how that whole thing effected me? The life actor aspect is in my blood. IM ON! (arent we all). Hey, Im so glad to know that you are safe with your girls. Hey..back to the the Menopause thing, men change also..during my tweek out, I hit the Library and skimmed a book called somthin' like "The four ages of man" or the four stages or phases, or somthing, anyway..I was a textbook case at that time. Divorced, Overweight, balding, looking at what every other dude my age had gathered and achieved etc. It warned of a downward spiral if not addressed and "Making the change" or rather "A change". Well, I reavaluated and blew pity, and envy out of the picture, as I look at other Men's possesions as mere "Toys" any way, Twice a week I help feed and clothe Dozens of enviouse, self pittying "Men" who didnt make the change, and I count my blessings. Its a downward spiral that I dodged. Hey, good to hear about Froggy, Oh, the "Free Kids" There also a little guy up north, who was rigged up in a cowboy outfit of sorts, he had a little lariet, and western hat. His facs was always...well, its like he had face powder on..(Maybe Calamine lotion???) Anyway on my vision quest (of sorts) He had climbed half way across a log which spanned a dry wash of the three forks of the Salmon, and he was ridin' it like a horse and twirling his lariet, and it was as if I had stumbled across a little ghost cowboy...the spirit of the western frontier...Anyway,..back to NOW. I dont know what good it is going back to 1970. Its almost like revisiting the scene of a crime, or a disaster site. I think that I just buried it. Mourning..or grieving?..maybe for to long now. Death of youth...inocense?? got me. Long Gone. If it (we?) would just let go. You were right, Olema was what each individual wanted it to be, and more that likely has spent these 33 years trying to duplicate or reanimate....Its as if its just over the ridge. I have no desire to walk that road again. What a difference a day makes. Well, I think that this concludes our time together here. I may turn my back on the ol' computer and this "Information highway" altogether. Ive' got some real livin' ta' do. True Grit? Come on up and visit an ol' Man one of these days. Skiggle Tattoo, you bet! right on my inner arm, just over Burg's third Eye. There are happy ending Eileen. Smile..I am!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Oct 2002
Steve~(the skiggle is free)
Yes it did chip away. But as you do not attempt to tell it all, cause who the hell wants to hear it? I also am only giving the tip of the ice berg. I thought a lot about what deep shit C. would be in if he hadn't had me there to keep the interest in him at a premium. Boy have I come to understand the mentality of folks that choose to be in "outside" relationships. I could write a book! I've been on all sides now. And even understanding it, it still pisses me off how shabbily I allowed myself to be treated by Peter and the woman that called themselves my the shitload more that didn't call me anything but Coyote's oldlady. There's way to have more than one lover without all this lying BS. You did it..and I've done it. It takes a lot of intregrity and honesty to keep the whole thing afloat. And a lot more energy and focus than I have to give anymore. I am totally satiated and done. So where does that leave me? I sit back and watch the show and think about how glad I am to finally be out of any bodies loop but my girls.
One day last yr I thought, I'm so totally mellow these days I must be enlightened or something. It took me a few days before the light bulb went on..menopause! I don't have my hormones driving me crazy anymore. Blesses relief. No more of this driving need to have same guy knocking down my door. My last was a real cherry on top! Got the best and I'm done. Nice way to wrap things up.
Froggy? I foget his real name right now. Nicole may be more accurately up to date on him than I. But he's turned out to be a beautiful man. He's a martial artist. I can't remember what else. He was with a beautiful girl I think he was marrying. I ran into him last yr and I do believe he's turned out to be a success story. Now that was a welcome surprise. Yeah, there are a number of kids I had as infants at my breast cause their mom's were too freeked out to feed them. Dad's weren't winning many prizes either as you noted. I've had my bad moments during that time as well. Sort of like trying to raise your kids in a refugee camp and not realizing it. But to be fair I think a lot of us did put our pieces together and got in gear with our kids after a really rugged start. And some really great dad's did finally come out in the wash.

Name: steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 13 Oct 2002
Eileen~ Opps; I picked up that little squiggle of yours. Whats that thing called anyway...nasty habit...Thanks Alot. And put out that cigarette!!! Well...12:25 AM EST...or NOW rather. Nice nap. Wow, Coyote fan club,...ya. Merit badges in ..hmm..Grunting??? Oh, I hear ya. It must have chipped away piece by piece. Hell, Ol' Rasputin was like that on all levels. It was no twisted sexual thing with me; but I, worked on the hair, the pants, the hat, and went so far as to copy the heavy duty no-frills "Lurch" styling of his motorcycle. (Which suited his long and lanky frame)..not mine. That breaks the first rule of building: It should be an extention of the rider. Well..(so much for the dick Vs.fork length issue. (I wouldnt know). Ya, Eileen; Sweet Lorraine pulled the Jesus Freak thing on me back around 78. Christ, I was heart-broken and so guilty for years: I felt horrible. I thought that I had some how finaly driven her totally mad. (But now I give her all the credit.) I remember my oldest little girl telling about a parent career thing in class where the kiddies told what there folks did for a living. Well, I said: Honey, did ya' tell em that Your Dad works as a Cook at a Big Resuraunt? She smiled sweetly and said "No Dad,..I told em' that your a Bum!" I, remained (somewhat) calm, and said Honey, where did you get that silly Idea from...She said: I asked Mom, and she said that you were a Bum!". Fuck!, I cant blame Catholosism; as she has her own self styled brand for of Irish peasant Hoo-Doo. Its her and God in that order. (Me and Jesus are still waiting for the call.) Anyway, I never had to contend with any rival bulls with Lorraine, but competing with a Devine Being 200 is just was too much. God,..the Pagan thing was rampant at Olema...The old world Celts had a saying, that went something like this..Roman Women sneak around with the worst of men; while Celt Girls frolic freely with the Best of Men...(but that dont make it right). Hey, you said a mouth full when you guessed that alot went over my head...I had some difficulty at that time trying to match the Father(s) to the Children. I did how ever dig the concept of the girls as "Mother-Person", yet, the "Men" seemed rather evasive as to being taged with anything that remotely resembled a "Father-Person" label. I only remember one Child not jiving with "Other" Mothers. That was little Red Haired "Froggy" up at Black Bear. I think he was a Wheeler's Ranch kid. His Mom was an edjucated, yet unwashed type, maybe a Berkely People drop-out. Poor little Froggy was a snivelling bag of conjuntivitas. I never saw so much snot or bodily fluid leave a human being from so many orifices. I did what I could to make that little souls existance more comfortable. Christ, seeing some of those kids roughing it in the woods makes me wonder how many of them have an aversion to camping and back packing. (They may be shut-ins to this very day). It was toughing it and then some. I remember a time (Solo; not free family relateted) that all I had was a tee shirt to pull over my head; and I was layin' on the ground at the foot of Mount. Shasta. The shakes would wake me and I was napping about 3-5 Min. at a pop. I was that beat. In full exposure thrawls. At on point a sudden calm and warm flow ebed over me, (not drug relaited) and I left calm and began to ebb. Then I said to my self.."Self" stand up!. Well, I could hardly get to my feet, I was damn near death. It was the most enviting "sleep" that Ive ever been lured by. Christ...I looked up and gazed at the snow caps feeling incomparably alive. It was a rebirth of thanks. Maybe next time. Anyway. snap, back to NOW. I see that the Olema Era was a pivital point to so many at all levels and all ages. This nostalgic thing these days, is so sugar-coated "Archies-Bubble-Gum" sqeeky clean- hip hugger Media formulated. In viewing photo spreads of the "Average?" "Hippie" Commune, I see a bunch of "Straight" young white drop outs "Coupling" and realy start to realize what a truly unique cross roads of Heavy-Wieght Balls to the Wall Mother Fuckers (Ouch; sorry Travis) it really was. It had a gravitational pull that was Spiritual. A road map of souls so to speak. Im waiting for the significants of the nature of the "Calling" of the Soul Survivors of that "Thing". Ya, "Our Own Thing". Wow. Will, close for, you can see Im' still grouping, and seeking, and may well know less now than I knew then. (Which put me with a better view, I might add). Knowledge can be a terrible thing...just ask Coyote. Olema Ranch: Times Square-Cross-Roads of the Cool World" Free Fall Frenzy. No net. P.S. Hey, I didnt mean to get down (no pun intended) on Stash. She was eatin' cross-roads like Candy at the time, and wanted desperatly to be in your shoes, (which I might add were the white Canvas "Original Tennis, Deck types so popular in the 50's) No laces or socks. MY WOMAN!..opps, now where was I?..Oh ya, Stash..Heres my point, and I hope that you find this observation as a soul salve of sorts. (say that fast ten times). OK; heres my point:...I know that it may seem like a Bass-Akwards compliment, but as a "Unit" of sorts; they wanted maybe not the "Your Man" so to speak; but more over "Your Position in the "Pride" what "You" had; as a "Unit" (and an elite one at that) within a larger; yet Sub-Unit. Those gals were suckin' hind tit. dig?. I mean think about it. It boils down to the lowest common denominator, Its Primal Social status among verile males and (most likely Ovulating Females). Those were some fine lookin' gals; and true: Coyote had not only the "MoJo", but the "Say-So" as well, He had driven himself to physical ruin, sure, but he was far from "Shotin' Blanks", You had "Him" and the fruits of your labor. (What an Angel) Bingo. Like I said: While I tripped; Coyote was Peter, you were Wendy and little Eriel was Tinkerbell. I am to this day A Lost Boy. Hell; I ran away the day I was born!. I love you all. Tearing up...I got to go. P.S. The last that I heard of Tennessee Jim,: he cut his throat in Federal Prison down south. He used a nylon hair comb to saw through his neck in a vain attempt to get Infermary time and medication. I could go on but wont. I hope that this is healthy. well...a good cry is cleansing right? Kinda washes off the frontal lobes. Wow, what a relief, being bed free! Its like a Stinbeck novel...Tijawana Flat?? The Free Spirit was burdened by "Ownership". Wow, that cat had Insight. He was there for sure. Ya, cant dream that shit up.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Oct 2002
I believe that would be Ananda. Your experience with her was not unlike that of Coyote's. She and I were friends up to that point. But one couldn't let a silly friendship stand in the way of the Olema Girl Scouts, collecting Coyote merit badges.
Last I heard from her was when we moved to the farm in Penn. after Coyote's dad died. She sent a letter of sorts which pretty much was nothing but quoted scripture. That was so out of left field! I really wasn't clear what her intention was, but start thumping the Bible and I'm GONE! After that I avoided any news of her. No doubt Coyote could tell you. I don't think he has lost track of his female Olema fan base.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Uh..make that Enjoying...

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Enoying my style???...My way of thinking???....You are twisted my dear...(And Im' a happy guy!). You made my day, my week...hell!..MY YEAR! Gotta catch up on some sleep. Im' gonna' go lay on Nicole's bed. (this is gettin' strange folks).

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
AND THAT'S SOME LEG!!!!, hey, thanks for the encouragement Eileen, but my story telling hangup is toning it down to the believable level. Id' do beter by calling it Fiction...Ya ..that's It! The Fictitious Life of a Fictitious Fellow in a more than Fictional Universe. Iv'e been somewhat diluting the more hairier aspects of the shit that came down; as if I gave the truth in full doses, the folks whould laugh me off. Ask Pete about the legends that turn to mythes. Chist, some "Initial" cat has me sellin' my ass at the ripe old age of 14 over on the Free Frame of Reference Page. WoW. Hope Mom dont hear about that! Loisianna? I popped over to Shreve City back in 80. It was such a relief crossing that Fuckin' Texas border. It was instant stress (and Cop) free within a mile. Hey, Wasnt Onanda a Delta Lady also??? Mississippi, maybe? Man, I was tuned right in, and swung around I looked out the back window of the Oakland School Bus as we were on the steep grade of the Black Bear utillity Road; just as nodding Freak's head dropped and he slowly faded left and dropped right over the edge of the revine. I gave the alarm, and had it not gotten wedged sideways against a tree it would have been all over. The top driver's side roof was munched in. Damn, she was so hyped after scoring that rig. It was a panic, for sure, and didnt her dog get killed when a tool box fell on him as the panel truck tipped over? Dame she was shook up. Climbin' out o' there with her little baby girl. I wasnt man enough yet to kick the Freak's ass, but some one should have racked his nuts. Thats another thing that ate my ass. The indecisivenes. I was tryin' to break into manhood; amoung a bunch of "Men" who stood around lookin' at each other! Did "They" all share the same rotten brain, or what? Have you heard from Onanda lately? about ripe! build me a woman. She had to be the earthiest. I slept among the leaves near to her and the baby just south of the Angel Bikes. I would cover up my bedding by day and then just sink into the earth at night. Man, a foot of dry leaves. Talk about insulation. There was talk of early snow. Onanda was some what of a female counterpart to my partner Bernardo, (Not in the outragious aspect), but in the sweet soul dept. Her voice was so soothing. It's a damn shame..this is what pissed me as a kid..Onanda told me that the Baby's father (she showed me the Life Magazine photo of them both at Altamont)..well, he had split because he just wasnt into it. Fuck, what I wouldnt have given to be "into it". Sure; I pulled the same I was effected in subliminal ways. The order of the day was "Rightious".."Talk the Truth"...sure...obligation...uh..maybe...Maturity...nope. Hey, some kid may have given his left nut to be "Into" what I walked away from a few years later...Vicious cycle? It is what it is. Im' rambling again. Glad ya popped back in Eileen. Thats a nice name Eileen. (Your no Sam.) Take it from me. Smile! "Where have the Onandas gone?"

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Everyone's been slow at getting back to've relieved my mind.
On the other hand that fellow was a ways from home. I know folks come from everywhere to help, but I have a funny feeling about this one..a bit strange. Normally (as far as I know) they tie up pretty well when tree sitting. I'm wondering what they will have to say as word trickles down. Thanks again.
Am enjoying your style of writing/the way you think. If you were thinking of putting a book together..DO IT. I can see it.
Yes I had a humongus sycamore in my backyard in Louisiana, I just about lived in growing up. Doesn't seem like many kids climb.
I've often thought about these folks Tree Sitting to save the trees. That same love of trees taken to the next level. It's an interesting crew that gets into that. It comes close to circus skills the stuff they do. I've watched them train. I am so grateful for them a hundred times over..cause I AIN'T going up there and someone's got to do it. (Hey would someone help me get this crazy old lady out of this tree!) But I've sure been out there and will be again. We're having to fight to keep anything bigger than your leg!

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Oct 2002
A note about the brewing war, during the summer, gas in my area was $1.59 a gallon. Since the war campaign began, it's gone down to $1.45, some places even $1.41.
And, hi other friend, welcome!
Friend for awhile

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Hey Nik, what a joy to see you again. Like I said take yer time in picking it up; as its not goin' anywhere. Like I said, I plan on demoing the room, and will drap the place with drop clothes and cover the carpet two layers deep where by transforming the place into Steve's Garage. By the way, I'm dropping the Silent Steve Handle and may rename my E-Mail address, as Im' gettin' some real weird stuff on the line. (Dish it out, but cant take it???)...Also, someone just clued me into the fact that the Original Silent Steve was or is a Wheeler's Man, and I dont want any of my bad press to tarnish his good name. That happened once at a Dog Track that I worked at. One of the Top Kennels were the Boyd's Dogs. Those cats were straight from Scotland and the Owner's son was named Steve Boyd...well, wouldnt ya' know it? Ol' Steve was also endowed with an over-abundance of the Boyd charm. (A real stick man.) So, between me and him doing some of the local talent the Steve Boyd legend grew to unbelievable proportions in that neck of the woods. Not that the "Silent Steve" thing would get to that point in this day and age...but, well, you know. Wow, a Wheeler's Man and an Olema lost boy, both tagged with that name. Is this guy Mute, or just; dont he tell? Whatever...Any way, back to my space; I plan on pushing up the Bike schedule by two months. Ive' decided to stick with the 58 Pan, as the knucks were starved for top end oil, and the fact that the 58 was first year for lower end timkin bearings. The Engine will be a retro fresh up stock displacement (74 C.I.D) No shaved fly wheels, no porting etc. Plain Stock. I plan getting an edge with an S&S Carb, 5 speed tranny and dual straight pipes; (plus, going as light as possible...without any aluminum or billit shit) Straight goods. Purist. No modifications. N.O.S. only. Mechanical breaks? sure; they were good enough for grandpa. I want linkage, not juice. I will go jocky shift, as I dont trust any cable with a clutch arm; that method seems to suit a large majority of the 3rd Street Crew. Ive' seen cats wheelstand after stopping at red lights, dew to a frayed clutch cable. (What timing?) Boing, right threw the maze. Some are lucky that way. I plan on hand detailing whatever aint chromed. As far as riding; I did have my N.H. licence freed up by a Judge who realized that I couldnt pull down a steady income without it. If it hasnt expired, its still on ice, for running a Illegal truck. They had me that broke.... they grabbed me on the job w/ no licence plate, no registration, no title, no inspection sticker, no insurance, no nothin'. (That was during my "Privileged Character Phase"), I had a hard on after being starved out of a livelyhood for so long...anyway; all I had to show was a receipt hand printed on a cocktail napkin. (I bought that rig from a bartender.).. I showed up in court and coincidentaly, I was the 3rd dude in a row that mourning to stand up to in front of the Judge sporting a black eye; Odds??? The Judge said: "Have you boys met?" Anyway, at this point, Im' to fuckin' aggitated to even think of painting or school, and wrenching a sled will be more creatively satisfying than smearing paint, always seemed like such good medicine. Ive, redesigned the bike from Fontana Gypsy style to pure NYC Penetrator. Form will follow funtion. Im going stock length on the forks. The two extra inches would have given me a "slower" steer, but those factory boys knew what they were doin'. Stock rake also. Remember this one? ("the shorter the dick, the longer the forks?') Wow. Again, plan on grabbing the bed at your convenience, and like I said, If the color bugs ya, hell, have it sand blasted and re shot in the color that suits you. In closing..ENJOY. Steve

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Oct 2002
The tree sitter has been identified by finger prints and a missing person report filed some time ago. He is Robert Byran, 25, of Salt Lake City, Utah. The finger pointing hasn't started as yet but I am sure it is on the way.

Name: ?WhoKnowsWhat?
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Saddam seems to be the only one who dosen't give a damn about any of this business. As the world Bush gets more power to spread the faith-based adgenda for the rebuilding of Iraq following the pattern set by Japan and Germany post WWII - preWW.III battle plan and aftermath considered in late night anti-chambers in the White House as if the war was over! But who knows what to do about this as a preemptive move to stop the first ICBM from falling? The Bush paranoia machine is well greased in this regard following 9/11 - Farm Land Secure.....
The war on terrorism enters the 'psychic' age - where anyone could be next -> "Who are the Brain Police?"
Bless everyone here regardless - and carry on!
A Friend

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Hey Eileen, I had a true Tree friend as a kid. It was an old Apple tree. Why I picked out that one among a whole Orchard is beyond me. Of course, I didnt name it or anything like that..or talk to it Etc. But would rest up in shade of the bowers. At that point, we had stopped using pesticide and even stopped pruning. The wild life returned to our Orchard within one season. The Apples got knotty, but we stopped selling and making cider, so, no biggy. I touched that ol' friend back around 85, while attending a family wedding. (No, I didnt climb it) ...but, I told my son about the kinship, and helped him shimmy on up. Ten bucks says that that tree was like a proud parent that day! Again, sorry for the it is our loss, no mater how distant the connection. To damn bad that they cant honor him by laying him to rest where he fell and leave the tree as his marker. The English did it in France and points East. And he was a soldier of sorts. There is War on so many levels. Keep fightin' kids. Man, this War Path, Killing shit is drivin' me nuts! Its like a living nightmare. Im' just waking up to the repercussions of what came down a mile from my place a year ago. Should I seek help? I thought that I was bigger than that. Fuck, the morning of the event, I wrote "Welcome to New York" on my magna-doodle. Was it all that dope?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Hey Nicole; Im' workin' the front desk today as a favor to the Gong Master; who is instructing some yoga freaks in the Sanctuary from 1:00 to 2:30 PM. If you are thinking of dropping in to check out your bed, just skip my place and drop into the Church Office. OK? Wow, two days of rain in the City. I thrive on it. Ive been feeding a local Squirrel out side my window and hope to get him to venture onto the sill by next week. He brought a friend this A/M. Im' keeping them well stocked with peanuts in the shells. (they love messin' with those)...I love those guys.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Hey Nicole; Im' workin' the front desk today as a favor to the Gong Master; who is instructing some yoga freaks in the Sanctuary from 1:00 to 2:30 PM. If you are thinking of dropping in to check out your bed, just skip my place and drop into the Church Office. OK? Wow, two days of rain in the City. I thrive on it. Ive been feeding a local Squirrel out side my window and hope to get him to venture onto the sill by next week. He brought a friend this A/M. Im' keeping them well stocked with peanuts in the shells. (they love messin' with those)...I love those guys.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
P.S. Of course the .45 Cal. Revolver must be the type with a recessed cylinder that accepts .45 ACP ammo with the aid of two half moon clips to make up for the fact that .45 ACP ammo is rimless, Dig? Hey Curious, as an Ol' Gun Slinger; whats yer' take on it? As far as disproving "Two Gun" theory... in as much as the actual bullet signature MUST match the "Auto ejected spent casing neck profile"; all that would take to pull off is load some fresh spent shell cases from the single shot piece into the box magazine of auto loader; insert it; rack back the bolt to manually feed through and eject the already spent shell cases...Presto! You have matching "Auto Ejected cases" that are consistant with the as yet unfired "Single shot" death rounds. I know, its diabolical, and sick, but it is do-able. Follow me? This aint exactly Rocket Science. I think it's a revenge/and or/ Insurance scam. Sick mind? to be sure. Whats going to compound the fracture is a copy cat coupled with the fact that they will probobly cover that up and call it a wrap if they do get the original. And not follow through to catch No. 2. Who would most likely cool it after No. 1 gets taged. Dig? And if an auto loader aint in the picture they will most likely come up with one to save their "Profiling" asses. What do you think? Am I gettin' warm? (Or Hot!?) P.S. I bet Emmet could figure it out. Later, Steve

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Thanks for the follow up on this. So, WAS he out of Petrolia? That's not really considered the Mattole area. Darrell C. (you know?) is a friend. Think I'll see if I can track him down and see if he can fill me in. I'm just afraid this may be one of our kids. What a frightful story. Everyone must be pretty upset. Has the Us and Them fringer pointing escaluated behind this?
Don't worry about it. If it hadn't been so close to home I doubt I would have picked up on it either. But it's the second young man we have lost fighting for the trees. Rough way to die. But there are worse aren't there..with far less purpose. I really think of the kids that go out there and what these losses do to them.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Hers my twisted take on the Maryland "Terrorist". I know a alot about murder and even more about fire arms. Somethin's fishy about this whole fuckin' thing. Remember the medicine that was poisoned some years ago? It turned out that one Victim was the target? Innocent Folks died before and after the intended victom got it? A sick cover up to hide the real crime?. Think about it. Killing people? Fuck...Just wounding them would spread just as much terror if not more... and winging folks would highlight a shooter's skill alot more effectively tha a "One shot kill", if its an Ego thing. Which brings me to the "One Shot Thing"...Isnt it plain?...Its staring them right in the face. IT IS WHAT IT IS!. A SINGLE SHOT FIRE ARM. Get the picture? (A single shot 223 Rem.) Look, as a life actor, I worked for Thompson Center Arms in N.H. I was a top notch Barrel Man. I hand fed and rough honed as well as smooth honed the round barrels. (the octagons were machine sanded). These tack-driving little bastards are among America's finnest. The sweet standard single shot pistols in 223 Rem. as well as the carbines had 9" to 15" barrels (which were interchangable) and also came in custom lengths up to 24". Add a scope and its bad news, and concealable. Now this "Single shot" theory can be easily disproved if the scratch marks on the empty shell case show that it was box magazine fed and ejeted (from an auto loader) BUT, are they the actual shell casings? or are they fresh spent cases from an actual auto-loader that this fuck is firing off in the basement for that Purpose?. Heres what Im getting at: Shoot a man six times with a 45. Cal. Revolver. Reload and shoot him one more time. Follow me? OK, now pull out the old zip lock bag and dump seven spent shells from a fresh fired .45 ACP Auto loader, and BINGO. The heat is searching for a standard Govt. .45 Automatic. Come on! You kill people and leave a A spent fuckin' shell on the ground? Get off it! Fuck!..You dont even have to buy a brass saver bag to hook over the fuching ejector port; you can make one. This is a one shot hit Im' tellin' ya. The whole thing stinks. It's a sick, twisted cover up. Think about it. ONE SHOT....What Power Tripping whacko could resist not squeezing off at least a few rounds...or even cheesing the whole fuckin block! Im' tellin' ya' that a relative or rival of one of the victims is at the heart of it, and it aint no Auto Loader...But what the Fuck do I know. Ya, a spent shell casing...just layin' on the ground...Oh thats rich! They will never find that...will they??? NO..fat chance.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Eileen, I just checked and the tree sitter called himself "Naya" and some think his real first name may be Robin. The Santa Clara County coroner, where he was airlifted to, has him listed as a John Doe. They think his 22nd birthday was Thursday. If anyone in Petrolia has some idea who he was I think trying to contact the Coroner's office in Santa Clara County would be the best thing to do.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Sprog Ol' Chap, George Bush's Zodiak sign is Cancer...what do ya' expect?. Shifting?...ya. Moody...Uh hu. Changable? be sure. Let go, once he grabs on?...never! I strongly urge Sadam to take the gas pipe and save his people from a blood bath. If history tells us anything..It's this: Christians hold a flaming sword. God help those people. Its comming down in front of our very eyes. Where's the Lee Harvey Oswalds when ya need em. I wouldnt put it past the CIA to be offing those folks in Maryland; just to push the terrorist "Threat". Fuck it! What am I doin' FREE? Take me out Mother Fuckers! Cleanse the whole Fuckin' State of New York!. Freedom? ...Im free to watch what amounts to ruthless fuckin' political cold-blooded murder. I wanna' jab my American Eyes out their sockets. I CHARGE GEORGE BUSH WITH WAR CRIMES.'s not a war?? How silly of me...I forgot. That's a cute one. FUCK YOU GEORGE. EAT MY SHIT! Steven Robert Boyd. 133 West 4th Street New York City, New York 10012. P.S. Bring an Army Mother Fucker.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Oct 2002
The sad part is that his identity is unknown at this point. According to the local Earth First! people he just came into town on Monday and started sitting on Tuesday I think. Everyone at Earth First! uses assumed names and he was apparently homeless. Very difficult set of circumstances. According to the Santa Cruz Sentinel he fell and was found by loggers still alive and conscious with a broken arm and leg. While being airlifted his heart stopped and he couldn't be revived.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Hey Eileen, I was just thinkin'...there is a three hour time difference. Im' up three hours later than you! HA!, What a media hype! Folks have been buyin' it for years! "My" now is "your" now. It's "OUR" NOW. (Thats somthin' that they can never take away from us.) Damn, I dont mean to make light of what came down; as I just realized that In putting in my last two "Union" entries...I totally dis-reguarded a man's passing. What is happening?. One minute I say shit like: "I am my Emotions"..and the next minute I seem to be "Emotionless". (P.S. that wasnt' the Prez. ...that was me)...see; there I go again. Well, its been a long day. I cleaned the parlor, and threw a small beggers banquet for my pal Nancy. She's an aspiring (any other kind?) song writter, and I gave her access to my up right piano and some blank sheet music. She's a zanny Aquarius, and such a doll. Well, again, I feel bad about comming off like an ass-hole and shinning on a man's death like that. Im' fucked. There, I said it...but dont feel any better. Damn it.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Hey Eileen, what cha' doin' up so late?? Do great minds think alike? Damn it. Death sucks. At least he may have seen the sky at the end. That was always my fear...taking the last gasp while staring at the ceiling of a smokey factory. I dont mean to be morbid. It just riles me that another life has been layed on the line. He died for what he beleived in. More blood on the tracks. Damn it.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Oct 2002
Who fell? There's family out Mattole way.

Name: President George Bush
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Oct 2002
OPEN LETTER TO STEVEN ROBERT BOYD: Is that any way to behave at a Digger Web Site? P.S. Fuck the Unions and the American People that they rode in on! Love, King George II

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Oct 2002
Hey, I cant find it now...but I have a site address for a NYC based Union Workers for Peace Outfit. Im' tellin' ya, these folks built and retrofitted this country. They want nothing more than to ply their trades and feed their families and take it from me; as a former United Auto Worker...They aint about to take no shit from no outsiders...which is where George is standing right now...on the outside..(His Choice). How fuckin' detached can a President get? I think we are about to find out. Think about it...we set a presidance (spelling?) when we kidnapped Noriaga because he had some white powder on his hands...Well, are George's hands clean? he last time I looked; they were dripping with blood. I say: "they" (not us!)..should jump his ass and sew him in up in a sheet...opps! someone's at the door...ah...Im' wondering???......Hey..I gotta' run!....

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Oct 2002
Uhhh...make that Ex-"AIR" Traffic controler...(but you knew that). Hey, that Stevador was the one and only Steve Sakavics. A rough (any other kind) Bethleham Penn. Polach. We were roomis at the old SUN HOTEL at 606 8th Ave. Right across from the Port of Authority Bus Station. The old Sun Bldg. is now marked as an Historical Tenament. (We had another name for it.) Those were the days that the P.O.A. looked like a giant Ocean liner, remember? The Ben Franklin Bank was still on the corner, and the Horn and Hardarts was in the middle of the block. Damn...makes me long for the smell of fully leaded gasoline emissions.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Oct 2002
I was over on the Big Island twice in 70 and again in 71. There was the same shit comming down. As far as the shortage of goods goes, It wasnt untill the "Howlies" had to resort to wipen' their asses with corn husks that they started to howl about it. I was shown the ropes by one tough Stevador in NYC back in early 69. My money is with those fuckers. They got fucked over bad by automation. But, anyway...Fuck Bush. Hey, I also worked the Ass end of a Garbage Truck with an EX Traffic Controler. Hear where Im' Commin' from?. This cat had actually stepped over a dead (Heart attach) fellow employee in order to take up the slack of landin' those birds. Hey,... Fuck Reagan too. (He wont remember it any way). UNITE!!! "PROUD TO BE UNION"

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Oct 2002
I think you have nailed down Bush and the state he is in. The fact that he is aware of this precarious position he is in is another thing to ponder, hoping he and his dumbfucks have some inkling of the danger that is simmmering. The longshoreman issue could easily break out to an international level and create havoc. I am hoping that coming events like Michael Moore's movie, upcoming anti-war demonstrations this month, and more trouble with the economy will get Bush teetering. I just have a intuitional feeling that Bush and his crew are to stupid to get through all of this without some disaster. Maybe I am foolish in my old age.
On a sad note, Earth First! has be doing a tree sitting in a stand of redwoods near my home in Aptos, Ca for a month, protesting the tree rape specialists Redwood Empire out of San Jose. Wednesday a 20 year old man who came down from the Matole River and volunteered to do some sitting at the site fell 85 feet to his death. It is a sad day here.

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Oct 2002
How is your friend, the mid-wife doing? I hope they've gotten good support for her case, and that she's holding up well.
Best, friend

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Oct 2002
GEORGE BUSH has the military power to smash Iraq easily. But for all his attempts to pose as an all-powerful president, he is a very nervous man. One week he talks about regime change, the next he is doing deals to get UN backing for war, and now he talks of building a coalition.
He is prepared to go it alone to attack Iraq but he is also desperate to win support from other regimes around the world if he can. Bush has good reason to be worried. He is terrified of the upheavals a war on Iraq could spark across the Middle East.
And he knows how quickly he can lose support at home. Revelations about more corporate scandals and the faltering economy can rapidly undermine domestic support for Bush. US companies have announced more than one million job cuts so far this year. The number of people losing their home because they can't pay the mortgage has reached record levels.
Nearly half of all Americans think they or someone in their family will be out of a job within a year, according to a New York Times/CBS poll. Most people polled say Bush spends too much time talking about Iraq while neglecting problems at home.
And some people are fighting back. Around 10,500 US dockers have been locked out of ports along the US West Coast for resisting the bosses' attacks. The Financial Times admitted, "The ports strike turns conventional wisdom about globalisation on its head. Far from being an unstoppable chain reaction, globalisation turns out to be not stronger than its weakest link."
Bush is being driven to move so quickly to war abroad because he fears rising unpopularity at home. But the speed of this drive creates its own risks, pushing him to ignore the wishes of his allies and go it alone.
Bush's loyal ally in his war drive is also under pressure at home. Tony Blair has not quelled the deep anger in his own party, the unions and in the general public against war or PFI privatisation. He faces strikes by firefighters and others over low pay. The anti-war movement gave a powerful show of strength two weeks ago when 400,000 marched through London.
If the anti-war movement links up with other issues, we will see more of the power to beat Bush and Blair

Name: Rena
E-mail Address: Morningstar
Date: 11 Oct 2002
"Bowling For Columbine," Michael Moore's radical movie, opens this Friday, Oct. 11, in NY and LA. Moore wrote Stupid White Men and is my personal hero for exposing so much bullshit and corruption. His movie got a 20 minute standing ovation at Cannes and a special award. In a letter from Michael Moore, he urges all to see the movie on its opening week-end if you live in the LA or NY area. Apparently it will only make it to mainstream theaters if there is sufficent attendance. I'm waiting for it to come to Maui. Please support this movie.
from Michael Moore's letter about Bowling for Columbine:
It is, I promise, the last thing the Bushies want projected on the movie screens across America this week. The film is, first and foremost, a devastating indictment of the violence that is done in our name for profit and power -- and no one, in all the advance screenings I have attended, has left the theatre with anything short of rage. I truly believe this film has the potential to rock the nation and get people energized to do something.
This is not good news for Junior and Company. Not when they are trying to drag us into another war. Not when a crazed sniper is exercising his constitutional right to own a high-powered rifle. Not when John Ashcroft is still prohibiting the FBI from looking through the gun background check files to see if any of the 19 hijackers or their associates purchased any weapons prior to 9/11 -- because THAT, we are told, would "violate" these terrorists' sacred Second Amendment rights!
Yes, I believe this movie can create a lot of havoc -- but I will need ALL of you to help me do this. Are you game?
Last February 5th, I wrote to tell you about a book I had written and how the publisher had decided to dump it because they were afraid to publish anything critical of Bush after 9/11. I appealed to you to save "Stupid White Men" from the shredder and to go out and buy it. I promised you would not regret it, and that the book would not only be a great read but a important organizing tool in gumming up the plans of George W. Bush.
Within 24 hours, the book went to #1 on the Amazon best seller list. By the fifth day, the book was already into its 9th printing. The publisher was torn between its desire to kill the book or make a wad of money. Greed won out, and this Sunday the book enters its 31st week on the New York Times best seller list -- and its 32nd printing. This is all because of you, my crazy and loyal friends. You made this happen, against all the odds.
Now I would like to ask you again to help me with my latest work, "Bowling for Columbine." It's a movie that many critics have already called my best film to date. They may be right. It is certainly the most provocative thing I have ever done. I have spent three years on it and, I have to say, it cuts deeper, harder and funnier that anything I have given you so far.
The movie opens this Friday in New York and Los Angeles, and then in 8 more cities next week. How it does in these first ten cities will determine whether or not the rest of the country gets to see it. That is the nutty way our films are released. If it doesn't have a big opening weekend, you can kiss the film good-bye. Therefore, this weekend, this film must be seen by millions of Americans. Can you help me make that happen?
"Bowling for Columbine" is not a film simply about guns or school shootings. That is only the starting point for my 2-hour journey into the dark soul of a country that is both victim and master of an enormous amount of violence, both at home and around the world. With this movie I have broadened my canvas to paint a portrait of our nation at the beginning of the 21st century, a nation that seems hell-bent on killing first and asking questions later. It is a movie about the state sponsored acts of violence and terrorism against our own poor, and how we have created a culture of fear that is based on the racial dilemma we continue to ignore. And it's a devastating comedy.
This film is going to upset some pretty big apple carts. No film has EVER said the things I am saying in "Bowling for Columbine." I expect to be attacked. I expect certain theatres will not show it for fear of retribution. I expect that this movie will be a bitter pill for many to swallow.
This is why I need your help. Movies live or die based on what happens at the box office the first weekend of its release. I need you, if you live in the New York or L.A. area, to go see "Bowling for Columbine" this Friday and Saturday -- and take as many family members and friends with you as possible. I guarantee you will not be disappointed -- and you may just see one of the best films of the year.
Monday night in Times Square, "Bowling for Columbine" had its premiere. The crowd was amazing, as it was this past Saturday night at the Chicago Film Festival. The audience kept laughing or hooting or applauding so loud throughout the film that it was hard to hear the next line.
The hate mail, the threats, the promises of retribution have already started to roll in to the distributor of this movie, United Artists. They are not backing down. But how long will this last? I need all of you in the New York tri-state and southern California areas to go see "Bowling for Columbine" THIS weekend -- the rest of you can see it in a couple of weeks when it comes to your town. A strong opening not only means that the rest of America will see this film, it means that a good number of people who see it are going to leave the film angry enough to get active and get involved. If it does poorly, I will have a difficult time finding the funding for the movie I want to make next -- a film about 9/11 and how Bush is using that tragic day as a cover for his right-wing agenda.
Don't let that happen. Don't let the NRA have one more success by stopping the wider distribution of this movie. And, together, let us not remain silent in our opposition to Bush's phony war against Iraq.
If you live in New York, you can see it at the Lincoln Plaza, the Sunshine and the Loews 19th St. In L.A., you can catch it at the Sunset 5, the Westwood Regent, Laemmle Sunset, Laemmle Towncenter (Encino), Landmark Rialto (Pasadena), and Regal University (Irvine). Also, please forward this to your other friends and tell them to go see "Bowling for Columbine" this weekend.
And finally, don't miss our new website
Thank you for your help with this. I feel so honored and privileged to have so many people interested in my work. Last January I was getting 70,000 hits a month on my website. Last month, I got 17 million hits. This alone speaks
volumes about the vast majority all of us belong to who are sick and tired of what is going on and are longing for an alternative source of information.
I hope that you enjoy "Bowling for Columbine."
Thank you again...
Michael Moore

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 10 Oct 2002
Hey Nicole, heres the specs on YOUR bed: JEAN PROUVE / JULES LELEU, Cira 1935 Daybed in laquered steel. Manufactured by Les Ateliers Jean Prouve. MEASUREMENTS Overall height: 36" Height of bed: 17" Length: 79" Width of bed: 37" Overall width: 52-1/2" DOCUMENTATION Jean Prouve, Constructer 1901-1984, Exhibition Catalog, Musee des Beaux-Arts, Nancy, ADAGP, Paris 2001, page 62. PROVENANCE Martel deJanville Sanitorium in Pleateau d' Assy (Haute Savoy, France. Designed by Pol Abraham and Henry Le Meme, the Martel de Janville Sanatorium. Featured interiors by Jules Leleu in collabaration with Jean Prouve, whose firm manufactured the bed. The rooms for Officer in the French Air Force comprised a bed, a wall-mounted desk with an accompanying chair, and an armchair for guest. P.S. Hey Nik, you might look into trying to collect the whole set. It would most likely up the anti as far as value is concerned. Lulla-Bye. Steve.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 10 Oct 2002
Hey Curious, give Eileen a hoot & a holler. She's undisputed truth in my book. Hey Nicole, I didnt know that you needed bed... Just one of those things. Its the same Burgundy color as those two tone Burg. and Siver grey 1957 Chevys that were produced by a small firm up untill 1966 or 67. Thats another little known car fact. Anyway, I will shine it up a bit. It was delivered in one piece and is as solid as a brick shit house. Well, I got a 35 Dollar three piece suit (Minus the vest) It fit me to a "T" whatever that means. But, I just couldnt do it. I mean, I couldnt go. Its not the Mute thing. Its ...I dont know...I thought about it and I can Drink all the booze I want to at my place. This Culture Vulture thing just dont gel..I mean the reason they call it a suit is because ya' gotta wear it to "Suit" those snobs. Fuck I forgot who and what I was all about. Looking back, I may be getting soft...I passed on an invite to an artsy fartsy opening hosted by Keith Richard's son Marlon a few months ago; just for the same reason, No reflection on him or his boy, but it was the other end of the social spectrum, dig? Hell, I want middle ground. "My Ground". Im the tee shirt; moonshine in a paper cup type. What has NYC done to me? How do you stay Original Nicole? What does it take? And these Buddists, I wont get into it unless prompted. Those kicked dogs crawl back for more...Respect? Fuck. My own Brother is into it, but the most current photo that I have of him shows him holding a Remington pump action 30-06 carbine and a 357 Mag. Revolver. "Boydism?" Christ, the spiritual thing. "I Am My Emotions" and Im good with that. I feel that I have been looked after here, and will be looked after in the here-after. Hey, so be it. Oh..P.S. Happy Birthday Coyote. As far as the suit thing goes, wear it well. All of my best to you and yours. Hey, Coyote, I had my hands on your book only long enough to skim it (I gave it away, Aint it the way?) but anyway, I mostly concentrated on the Olema section of it but will try to grab another copy. I do remember the continuing adventures of the Leather Nun. I think that she even made the Funny Papers. I remember being invited to attended a priemier of a Hooker film, (not good), and was given a pass to attend a private cocktail party at a local S.F. whore house which included pigs in a blanket. A famous local Madam had been unwisely busted by the heat and it turned out that her gals had been doin' half of City Hall..Big Mistake. I gave my pass to a Cab Driver who almost shit. Oh, Frisco. Its odd, I never actually used the ol' trucker turm "Frisco" much, ecept when refering to the local chapter, etc. She was San Francisco to boy. What a lady. Im rambling again. Well, many thanks again to Eric and his web site. "ITS" making my future seems so much brighter than my past ever was. Hey Nik, you will love the bed. The firm Fo-ton type matteress is brand new and was never christened or broken in, (damn it) I have used an endless supply of clean starched sheets from the Dept. Of Homeless Services. Its primo. Smile will ya?. Hope to see you over the week end. Steve

Name: nik
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Oct 2002
Steve, I will try and come by after work...I definately can use that bed...did I mention that to you? I don't recall posting that fact...amazing...well, I know we're very connected...but it sounds perfect and I will try to get a truck to transport it...speak to you later...Nicole

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Oct 2002
Praises for Coyote birth!

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: lost in the ozone, again...
Date: 10 Oct 2002
Steve, I'm not failing to answer--I'm having server problems (among other things) and as you well know fucking ATT off means two tin cans and a shit load of string. Furthermore, my reaction to Eileens openness has been very great, unexpectedly so; whereas I remembered her fondly, she has grown remarkably in both eloquence and execution. That Peter is engaged in commercial activities concerns me very little (from the point of view of being critical of him,) After all, does not of lifetime of concerns for the development of alternative communities, and an overriding focus on greater ecological awareness not merit our basic trust in him and acknowledgement of his right to play the hands as dealt to the best of his ability. I am prepared to accept his authenticity, in-short, as I believe he long ago realized the inherent right of each person to do the same. I will try to more fully compose my concerns about the trend the country seems bound to follow, as soon as I can. I have a great deal to say. More later....regards....T.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Oct 2002
Happy Birthday Coyote.

Name: Steve the Ripper
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 10 Oct 2002
Hey Eric, you Ol' Sod. Sorry to here of your friends loss. Hey, Ive actually gotten as far as getting some posters and things into a mailing tube. The tube keeps getting closer to the door, which is a good sign. Im cleaning the front Parlor to Impress the folks. I havent even mailed in my Jury selection notice yet. I have this much in common with Chelsea Clinton: She has an "Assistant" and no fuckin' Job. Aint it the way? Hey Im' hyped up about the Whiskie Slug fest. Its 16 Hours away and Counting. Will report back. Any juicers out their? My 3rd Wife saved my life..(or rather lengthened it some). She was an Ex-Model; 14 years older than me, (but looked 14 years younger), and She didnt put up with any horse shit. I didnt drink or smoke dope, or any of that stuff for years, because I respected her wishes. Well, Im not exactly making up for lost time, But...The Royal Salute that Ive been sippin' is as sweet as honey. I had originally honed my taste for Lagaluven, a single malt Scotch. Earthy..Real Peaty, Dig. I may go back to it. Only after five naturaly. Well, speaking of assistants; here on the home front, Ol' Buckely got busted. I was hiding him out like a Jew in the back parlor. I told him: Drop in late/leave early. As a teen, I did that at a friends house. No one knew that I lived there. But Buckley, Noooo...he had to lay around chain smoking and listening to old Jack Scott love Ballads. Bang! back on the street. We met two years ago at the Old Paradise, above CBGB's which was the base for the Bowery Residence Committee. (You will find Boyd and Buckley on the Bowery Social Register I will have you know), anyway, I knew that he had class the minute that I heard him refer to the old nasty pillow case that he held his worldly belongings in as his "Attache". Hey, a whole gang of Monks from the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery dropped in last night. They werent marked on the Calender, but I did what I could to help out with the show. Man, Ive about had it with their brand of pussyfacation. I mean, I keep backsliding to my roots. My Dad told me and Stan: "If the big boys hurt you, go out and pick up a God Damned club.", and like wise he instructed my sisters to "Kick em' in the Balls". Ive got a Buddist knife story for ya but wont get into it now. Well, its 3:30 AM. Will sign off now. Later. P.S. "Kick em' in the Balls". Steve

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Oct 2002
Nicole, your Oylemen cartoon brought a chuckle to a friend who's been blue after his mom passed away two weeks ago. Thanks for brightening our outlook.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Oct 2002
Hey Nichole,...Cheer Up! Hey, how are you set for a Day Bed? Im just not the bed type, I had to escape the Ol' Hospital bed; as I can now lift my head Etc. and I fugured that my own personal Bed would ground me...well thats the problem...Its like an anchore on my ass. I lost the Gypsy feel with this thing in tow. Its like I want to leave it a note when I go places...What the hell am I gonna do with a bed? Hell I always bought my wive's fine beds, but I only shared them. It dont make sence..Me with a bed? What was I thinking? Boy, they'd get a laugh out of that...The Original "Low-Rent Kato Kaylin" with is own bed..PLEEEASE...Hey, If you arrange for delivery its yours. I will dig up the spec sheet and post it tommarow. No strings. Its Burgandy Laquered Metal from the 1930's. It was designed by a Famous Frenchman, and does NOT look Deco. Dig. It has a built in marble top side stand with two drawers. It makes my place look like a bed room and puts these Methodist Girls on Full I making any sence? Anyway, I may go the Mexican Honeymoon Hammock route again. Roll out, roll in, roll out, and roll up again. (just my style). Any way, I will post a full description in the A/M. And you can drop in to look under the hood and kick the tire. In the mean time: "Sleep on It" Hope Thurs. is better than Wed. Good Night Nik. Yer' Pal, Steve

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Oct 2002
Hey Dejecter; sorry, I skimmed the input real fast and jumped the gun. I thought that you were freaking out about the rummor of a new DRAFT. Sorry. Hey,.. Rave On Junior. I was never one to stand in the way of anyone's head-butting.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Oct 2002
Open Letter to the Unconscious Dejecter; Hey man...Just Two Words..."DONT GO"...get it?

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@
Date: 09 Oct 2002
AAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank you I feel better now...just that kind of a day, still with warm regards, Nicole

Name: Conscientious Objector
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Oct 2002
Where can we obtain more information about the Rave Act? Can't support an action or relay info to others if I don't know what it's about.

Name: Human Be IN
E-mail Address: Rainbow Festival
Date: 09 Oct 2002
from NORML
***Stop the House RAVE Act***
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) has introduced a House version of the RAVE Act. It is almost exactly the same as the Senate version. The House Judiciary Committee will most likely be voting on the bill NEXT WEEK (the week of the 7th). If it passes out of Committee as is, the RAVE Act could become law THIS YEAR, which means federal prosecutors will have the power they need to shut down raves, hemp festivals, hip hop concerts, and other events they don't like.
We are asking voters to call their Representative on Monday, October 7th, as part of a national call-in day to stop the RAVE Act.
What to Do:
1) Please forward this e-mail to your friends, family, and co-workers.
2) Find out if your Representative is on the House Judiciary Committee by
going to:
<>. Not sure who your Representative is? Find out at: <>.
3) If your Representative is on the House Judiciary Committee call them on
Monday, October 7th and tell them to VOTE AGAINST THE RAVE ACT. THE RAVE
OWNERS. You can contact your Representative by calling the Capitol
Switchboard at 202-224-3121.
4) If you haven't faxed your Senators about the RAVE Act, please do so by
going to:

E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Oct 2002
get u fucked up bannaannnaaa!!!1

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 08 Oct 2002
Ya, I managed to get a can of instant mashed potatoes ripped open at Needles. Man, want dry mouth? Do they still make that stuff? and why a can? one dollar container for 50 cents wourth of flackey freeze dried potatoes? Oh..the 70's. Hey Creativity, check out Roger and me. I was among a first generation of Northerners. (new breed?) Our folks sold out to the Yankees after the war. The neighborhood was called Little Mosouri; (you can tell a displaced southerner..(they cant spell Mosouri) any way, "Your from Mosouri; show me?" ..."Im' from Michigan; Blow Me!"..."Keep Michigan clean: dump yer' trash in Ohio" Etc. Etc. My folks came up from Arkansas to get in bed with General Motors and Bell Telephone. The Public School System was a baby sitting factory shop worker pool for the most part. I was fresh from Olema and had cut my hair for the GMC interview and physical. The nurse told me to drop my pants and then screamed. (no underwear). Well, being a prime specimen, my indescresion was over looked and I was told if I could borrow a pair of underwear I was a shoe in. An adult delinquent pal stole a pair from his dad and I jumped into them in the lot. When asked if I used drugs, I put on my serious face and after giving it some long thought, I said....Ahh.....Nnnnooo. The man smiled, and I was on the line that Monday wrenchin' together the new 1970 model Chevy Trucks. (even as slow as the line was moving, I was still seeing tracers). But hey, check out Roger and Me. That Moore is a hot shit. PS. Hey Imam, Ive only witnessed people float. Ive' held on to people by the legs as they hung suspended in the air and actually moved them over while they were at least 2 feet off the ground, just to get past them and head down the hallway. But then again Im talkin' about the Fella Hotel. School Bus?, I dont know?....sure...its possible. Hey Hammond, its a wis man who knows the value of a small card. Eric; Manson??? Dont dirty this site with the name.

Name: Creativity
E-mail Address: no tv
Date: 08 Oct 2002
Deaer Steve, yes, Michael Moore also wrote and produced Roger and Me. I haven't seen it though it can be found at some video stores.
I'm really looking forward to seeing Bowling for Columbine. Hope it comes to my area.

E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Oct 2002
Steve - Yummy sounding whiskey treats mate! Wish I could sit and sip with you - awaiting a full report on the pallett - IMAM

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Oct 2002
Eric - Have you read "The Family" by Ed Sanders of the Fugs? He writes at length about Charlie's supposed "levitation of the school bus" over the dried river beds to this locale in the Panamint Range. and just FYI - Charlie's real name - the one on his birth certificate reads: "No Name Madox" - His mother was a down and out end of the line pro and his father was an unknown 'john'. May he stay incarcerated forever.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Oct 2002
Barstow is just six-tenths of a mile from the middle of nowhere - it's where tumbleweeds go to die. The one and only time I was stuck there I was picked up by an accomodating Angel who fixed my head and predicament with record breaking speed. Sometimes you just never know what lies around the corner.....

Name: Eric
E-mail Address: eric @ diggers org
Date: 08 Oct 2002
I never got stuck outside Barstow but once I spent 24 hours trying to hitch on the outskirts of Needles in 102 degree heat (in the shade). I finally got picked up by a geologist driving a Jeep west to Death Valley. It wasn't where I wanted to go but what can you do? After driving through the desert for hours, he pulls off the main road and ends up on the eastward side of the Panamint mountain range in full four-wheel drive climbing to the ridge and over through dry flash flood beds. Finally we get to this oasis with springs and palm trees and some sort of ranch house in the middle of this rough mountain terrain and lo! what a sight, there standing in the clearing as if waiting for some hippy clan to paint it with mandalas and peace symbols was a bright yellow school bus. How it got there is still a mystery to me. We struggled for hours in that Jeep to get up the mountain. The only way I could imagine a school bus could get there was if it was dropped from a Sikorsky helicopter. Well, this guy who picked me up said, "This is the home where that group that was just arrested for those murders down in LA was living until a week ago." He was talking about the Manson Family.

Name: Joshua Bris
E-mail Address: ant@[his commercial web site]
Date: 08 Oct 2002
Thank you for the resources.
Keep up the good work!
Best website templates online - [link deleted by editor]
[There is no buying or selling on the Digger web site. If you want to give
your web templates away Free please come back and post another message. --ed.]

Name: Steve the Flintoid (Fer' Pets er' fer Food?)
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 08 Oct 2002
Hey RNA; is M. Moore the Cat who pulled off the film "Roger and Me??" (the inside scoop on Flint Michigan?) If so, you can tell him that he missed the scene where Kieth Moon (of THE WHO) drove a car into the swimming pool of the Flint Holiday Inn. What a town! I saw Alvin Lee (of T.Y.A.) in Flint. A Fuckin' D.J. threw a shit load of free LP record albums into the first few rows, and by the end of the night Flintiods were throwing them like frisbees. Talk about decapitation material! He also missed out on the fact that the 60's Black Girl Group "The Velveteens" were from Flint. I met Terry Knight and the Pack at a Flint Battle of the Bands (before they morphed into Grand Funk Rail Road) which was a take-off on the Grand Trunk Line that ran through Flint. Me and my Mom stood about 15 Ft. from John & Jackie Kennedy when they visited Flint in the eary 60's. Once I was stranded outside of Barstow at night (who wasnt?) and a dude walkes out of the night wearin' a pair of Fuckin' Beatle Boots with Surfer Crosses wired onto them. (in the mid 70's no less) and I says: where ya from?...He says Flint Michigan! Aint it the way? Two dumb fucks in the the middle of nowhere both from Flint. ODDS??? Will close fer' now. Any Flintoids out there? (any who will admitt it?) Get in touch. Steve

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: in SF on Oct. 11
Date: 07 Oct 2002
** Michael Moore in San Francisco **
Michael Moore is doing two benefit screenings of his new film "Bowling for Columbine" on Friday, Oct. 11, 7 and 8pm at the Embarcadero Theaters, with a Q & A to follow. Tickets are $25. Proceeds benefit organizations working to combat urban poverty and gun violence. For tickets, call
(415) 928-8191, ext. 307.
Try to see it. Bowling for Columbine won an award at Cannes. and got a huge standing ovation. Michael Moore is the research journalist who brought us Stupid White Men. thanks Michael!!!

Name: The Tongueless Taster Rides Again
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 07 Oct 2002
Hey IMAM, this web site is sure payin' off. I just got a formal Invitation from The Kentucky Bourbon Circle to attend "A private, ultra-premium bourbon tasting with Fredrick Booker Noe III, great-grandson of Jim Beam." (he's the son of Booker Noe, creator of Booker's Bourbon.) Its at the Hilton, so Ive' got to get a Salvation Army Three Piece Suit by Thursday. Christ, I love this City. Hey, the last moonshine I had was from Eldorado Arkansas. It would eat the skin off yer' lips, but boy did it smell sweet. Open up the jar and you could smell it all over the house. My acute taste of chocolate and sugar are nill, but the ol' buds are still up to snuff in the Spoady-Oady Dept. I will report back with my evaluation of this guy's hooch. Cheers!

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Oct 2002
Flack back to LA - 65 at the Bizzare Bazzar Coffehouse where Mellow Yellow was available at every table in big bowls - everyone got so high we came down before we knew what happened. Saffron works - sort of - but hey, it's more expensive than pot - and if you try nutmeg - be prepared for everything to taste just like nutmeg for about a month.

Name: Mothers Little Helper
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 07 Oct 2002
Dear Mom, I was under the distinct Impression that Country Joe McDonald (of the Fish) started that rummor in 66. Donovan's Jazzy Song; Mellow Yellow hit about a month later and and went straight to No. 1 on the charts. BINGO!!! Of course "MY" Mellow Yellow was a cap that resemble a Nembutol, (Yellow). It was the "In" Drug handed out free by the Frisco Hells Angels to them and theirs. It was the first "Designer" "Cocktail" Dope that I ever ate. Hey, Jerk offs were smokin' anything that would burn, and truth is, you cant get high from smokin' Banananananananananananananas.

Name: hippy mother
E-mail Address: trying to keep up with what's new
Date: 07 Oct 2002
Smoking banana skins gets you hi. Remember this digger jooke> It was around '67 or maybe '66. Diggers circulated the news on the streets and to the press that if you bake banana peels and scraped out thesoft stuff and smoked it it would get you high. the purposes was to see if the government would make bananas illega.
I lived in the haight in those days and I remember people saying they had tried it and that it worked. Actually, there are no psychoactive properties to banana peels; we were just trying to see if bananas would become illegal.
Flash Forward 35 years. My 16 year old daughter tells me she knows people who smoke banana peels per the old recipe! And, these people insist it gets them high.
Does anyone have any documentation of this wonderful Digger Myth. I would love to take my daughter back to its roots. In the meantime, deep breathing will get you higher than smoking banana peels.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Oct 2002
Hey Curious, as far as "VFW's" go,..Im' talkin' outa' my ass. I have no Idea what kind of sweet deal that the Govnt. has worked out with our troops. As a kid, everyone's Dad had benifited from the GI Bill of WWII, or the Korean "Conflict". I really dont know whats up in this fast paced era. But you can bet yer' ass if the general concensus was: "Peace will bag you the second term", then Our George would weep like Jim Bakker and glue a stuffed dove onto his shoulder. In short; Im' afraid that the "People"..(not in as: We The...) are for war. Its the mind-fuck of the century. If I havent pointed in this direction before..(I may have)..Please check out Nuff Said?.. So hows Texas? I always found it hard to get phone connections down there, and it seemed like ya had to go 5 miles south and 5 miles north, just to get to the other side of the road. I dug the Pennies Cafeteria. Texas was the first place that I ever saw folks carry six guns on their hips. No shit. In a cafe I remember that a fella who had big-iron said that the only complaint could be desturbing the peace. But, hey, who's complainin'??. Hey, any progress on gettin' back to your free family roots? I just had a very rewarding chat with Eileen over on the Free Frame of Reference page. Im' beguining to think that the Cool World consisted..(consists) of nothing but Libras. Think about it; Coyote, Burg, Eileen, Nicole...all Libras. My first wife was even a Libra. Are they that diplomatic? ..and if so...Is that what it takes? They were all into the multi-cultural mix years ahead of their time. Thats what its down to today...Multi-culturalism. If you cant/wont/ or dont understand "Peoples" differences; then there will be war. Thats why A Protostant like me can drink with the real thick Micks. It's Understanding, Dig? The first time I was baptised Episcicalian was in 1967. Mom gave me $20. to do it. I was dripped on for real two years ago here at the Peace Church, but wish to be buried with Episciple Rites. When asked the other day if I was a Christian; I wrote: No..Im' a Methodist. They said,; Oh..a United Methodist?..I wrote: No,..they are United..but Im' not. But Im' proud to say that the U.M.C. is formaly petitioning Bush to end his brand of madness. But, hey, what do we know?? ...after all, we are just people...ah...make that "We the People" Talk back at me will ya'? Steve

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Oct 2002
Hey Rara...a billion wrongs dont make a right.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Oct 2002
Hay WHO WA...thats why Jesus was not born in America. (They couldnt find three wise men or a virgin).

Name: Hallie
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Oct 2002
My name is Hallie, by the way. Sorry, I forgot to put that in my question about the poetry reading.

E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Oct 2002
Hello all! I wrote to this discussion board over the summer about my senior thesis. I'm still at work on my project, and I was wondering if anyone recalled an event that happened in January of 1967. It was a poetry reading held two days before the Human Be-In at Deno and Carlo's bar in SF. It was a "thank you" to the Diggers put on by Beat poets. I'm wondering if anyone was there or knows of any poems that were performed at this reading. Your response would be included in my thesis. Please help if you know anything about this event!

Name: Who Wa?
E-mail Address: ahh
Date: 06 Oct 2002
Last month, a survey was conducted by the U.N. worldwide.
The only question asked was, "Would you please give your honest opinion
about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world"
The survey was a HUGE failure.
In Africa they did not know what "food" meant. In Western Europe they
did not know what "shortage" meant. In Eastern Europe they did not know
what "opinion" meant. In the Middle East they did not know what
"solution" meant. In South America they did not know what "please"
meant. In Asia they did not know what "honest" meant.
And in the USA they did not know what "the rest of the world" meant.

Name: Rara
E-mail Address: luscious swimming
Date: 06 Oct 2002
Billions Served
April 21 (Newsweek)
A billion hours ago, human life appeared on earth.
A billion minutes ago, Christianity emerged.
A billion seconds ago, the Beatles changed music forever.
A billion Coca-Colas ago, it was yesterday morning.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Oct 2002
Hey Hammond, thanks for the envite, but I will be showing the folks the town for a few weeks from 10-15 on. Even if I was free; other than day trippin' back and forth to Canada, via the ol' boot-leg cigarette truck, I must FIGHT for a passport. See, I called a person in a high place out for a duel, and hummilliated him publicly. Bad press, etc. It had repercussions. (Sadam, took the lead from me, I think.) Anyway, my bright fuckin' Idea only fucked me out of any possabilities of holding any form of certification, gaming licences, drivers licence etc. They even denied me a passport. The fact that I have a clean criminal record apparently swayed a judge to deem that I did not knowingly empoverish myself in order to escape debt. But, empoverished I became, and their actions led to a downward spiral which totally eclipsed my straight family life. Its damn lucky that I had some Nor.Cal. survival tactics under my belt. In the end, the the Amerikan system starved me out and I ended up in a woodshed. Then the Fuckin' Prez. (ya that one), zipped his pants up long enough to declare it a felony for ol' "Dead-Beat Steve" to leave the State of New Hampshire. (How do you like me now Bill?) Well, as a retalitory action, to being held CAPTIVE in a STATE. I distanced myself from the IRS boys and dared em' to feed, shelter, and edjucate me with the other FELONS, but as I sit her in exile, I am rethinking my Tax Rebel status. If I do get a passport..(the last one I had, a girl grabbed as a souvenier..(I had my 20 minutes of fame, ya know.) Anyway, If I do get a blue book, I want to really gleam the cube. Hey, I wasnt bull-shitten when I said that I had "Sanctuary", Dig? Im' surprised that Im' actually pullin' down SSI. Im a walkin' fuckin' leagal miracle. Speaking of legal; Amerika has one hell of a legal system, but lacks any form of fuckin' JUSTICE system, dig? Hey, I suggest that you hit the Sloan House, in Sloan Square. Very tidy. Chers Ol' boy. Thanks again. REVOLUTION

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Oct 2002
That's just fine Sprog - I will leave you to your own devices - thank goodness you could at least enjoy Amsterdam - Maybe you will never come down.

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address: back@home
Date: 05 Oct 2002
Wow just returned from Amsterdam and well it was unbelievably great . What a civilised city and such a variety of drugs openly available . Just read through the geust book. IMAM a top tit for your neo-western poetry reading in Havana. The world has moved on a bit from Mother Goose so dont wory about making the words rhyme .have you been out in the sun without your hat on - I think so.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Oct 2002
Im' back. Well, the folks canceled out untill the 15th. I strayed uptown and was lured in from the chill by a neon shamrock. I had one hell of a time with a gang of IRA folk who asked me why I chose a Mid-Town joint, after hearing that I was a Villager. I told them that I prefer to drink between Police Precincts these days. Although I was dressed as a Frenchman. (Baggy Linnen trousers, long sleeve piped pull over and Baske Berret; they pegged me for a Protestant right off the bat. (I was drinking a "Republican" drink..Black and Tan.) I leveled with them and told them that my branch of the family is as multi-colored as the Irish Flag. When asked about it, I said..Im' "Orange"; my Ex-wife is "Green"...and our kids are "White". They got off on my style and I showed a sincere consern for their cause. I was writting on cocktail napkins, and one gal said "The drunker you get, the larger you write!. I had a grand time. There was even a Drunken Englishman in the mix. He was two days out of London and totally Snot-lockered. It was a young crowd of locals, (mostly couples) and as such they seemed to cancle one another out...but I may go back, just the same. Well, Ive been Violence, (and weapon) free for some time now and am seriousely thinking about going the Vegan Route. Killin' Mammels for grub just rubs me wrong these days. Im really making the change. Wow, these New York Irish are a purer strain, and look at my Boston kindred (the Charlestown code-of silence types) and the Winter Hill folk as "Diluted". Christ, I spent my entire married carrer (three Irish Catholic ladys) trying to figure out the "Them and Us" thing, but I just dont get it. Did they marry me for revenge? Hey, the Students for a Free Tibet are taking it rather hard. My suggestion to raise funds to finance two man Budist Sniper Units didnt set well. I tried to sweeten the deal by adding that they could always go the Zen archer route..(and not aim)..get it? I strongly suggested that they must fight off their oppressors or they will continue to be the cause of oppression. Its a Ghandi thing, dig? Live free or Die kids; Cause not livin' free just aint livin'. Will sign off for now. Hey Nik, Im' fine thanks. P.S. Mark, you got a Windsor engine in that 500? I really dug my Galaxie. It was low in the belt. Somethin' about those ford trannies though..seems they would hang up at full throttle and not drop into higher gear until prompted by de-excelleration. Seems by pullin' yer foot off the pedel would kick it to dump. Read me? Cheap ass wiring harnesses also. Hey, try the Thunder Bolt method of punching out both inside headlamps and routing flexible round duct to cut outs in your air filter cover. Beef up the suspension also. Hey, heres an inside slant on the old "Matching Numbers" horse shit. All (most of) the General Motors Big shots would custom order their personal "Company" cars right off the line, and as such would order a wild array of cross over options that were for the most part one of a kind for any given make or model. (Blue printed Engines, competition rear ends Etc.) Buik grabded the Idea of "No Chrome" from some of those early "In house customs". The style was called "Detroit", but it was pure "Flint". The give-away to these beasts were the lack of any dealership stickers or logos. (and they usually ran dual pipes and no anti smog junk.) So if anyone says "Well, thats not an "Original" engine etc. Screw the blue book. You may have a "Factory Jem" on your hands. Dig? P.S.S. Hey Curious, its only a War if it is declared as such. Got that? Ya see, a "Police action" type of program really fucks the G.I.'s out of alot of benifits. Such a deal! P.S.S.S. Hey Rena, I planted the seed. Those Canadians liked my Idea for the trade. Pair-a-Dice???

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Oct 2002
uhh....Steve? It is a little quiet here. I have become a bit dependent on your observations and explanations. If you need a reason for a road trip I could use some help putting the new frame under my 65 Galaxie. Just an idea. A month is a long time.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Oct 2002
Let it circle the globe! - IMAM
Subject: UN survey
Last month, a survey was conducted by the U.N. worldwide.
The only question asked was, "Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world"
The survey was a HUGE failure.
In Africa they did not know what "food" meant.
In Western Europe they did not know what "shortage" meant.
In Eastern Europe they did not know what "opinion" meant.
In the Middle East they did not know what "solution" meant.
In South America they did not know what "please" meant.
In Asia they did not know what "honest" meant.
And in the USA they did not know what "the rest of the world" meant.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Oct 2002
Steve, why are you going to be "out of the picture" Are you major health problems we there any thing I can do for you if you're going away? Any duties I could perform in your absence? anything need to be checked on? Please let me can be out of the picture just not out of the frame...I got worried because you didn't reply to Curious and that's unusual...if you are able...let us know...if we don't hear back soon...I'm coming over there in less than 2 seconds...i hope I'm not being nosy...just concerned. yr pal, Nicole

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: the Paris commune
Date: 03 Oct 2002
Steve, are you up tonight (04:15), and do you wish to discuss the war-here.........T....?

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: out there
Date: 02 Oct 2002
the memories flood.
1967. Busted at Morningstar for taking a shit in a hole I dug in the woods at 5:00 a.m. the cops used to cruise up to M* freqquently and occasionally bust us for breaking an injunction that prohibited us from being there, building there, living dancing making love or shitting... I had actually walked past the "code" toilets the county made Lou Gottlieb build at a cost of $16,000. the code shit house emptied the well in a few days as 5 gallons for every flush is super wasteful.
when the cops came to M* Lou taught us to be hgospitable. After all, M* was OPEN LAND and ALL were welcome. It reduced the stress level for all around. Bill Wheeler, of Wheeler Ranch, had once rudely greeted the cops and he ended up getting smacked in the head with hand cuffs, so politeness served a purpose. On the day the cops busted me one cop actually said, "God Bless You, Rena; You're under Arrest." I was naked and squating over the hole I had dug, making my offfering to mother earth. It was Lou's birthday (we were soul mates and later conceived and birthed Vishnu at M*). At first I refused to put on clothes. they appealed to Lou who convinced me to don some apparel.
Spent the night in jail doing yoga and fasting. Lou bailed me out the next day when the bail was reduced.
went to court. "How do you plead?" "I make no plea because I do not recognize the validity of this court!" I responded. "Who is your lawyer?" asked the judge. those were by bible thumping days and I responded, "Luke 11:52: Woe unto ye lawyers becasue you have taken away the key of knowledge. I have no lawyer."
"Psychiatric Eavaluation!" declared the judge.
Psychiatric Evaluation consisted of a creepy psychiatrist asking me if i fucked Lou Gottlieb. I refused to answer him.
Someone gave me a word to the wise... if I split the county and got a job I would 1: prove I was sane, and, 2: get the charges dropped.
I adventured into San Francisco and walked into the Phoenix Head Shop. Bob Stubbs like the story and gave me a job right away. Crowbar ... that's where I met him.
the charges were dropped when the court was told I had moved and had a job. I proved I was sane by getting a job selling hash pipes, coke spoons, and Zap comics.
The day my charges were dropped (breaking an injunction) I "took a leave of absence" from my job.
Years Later I saw Crowbar wherever the happening music was on Maui.

Name: Mick
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Oct 2002
I'm really miss'n the scene,like Haight-Ashbury,all the groovy people,the way of life in that time. Your web page here is truely an inspiration to me,and to the beautiful scenes of that time. Wish time could have stood still,but know in all reality it doesn't. I'm an old hippie,but in my heart,the feelings I had then,I have now. Peace be with each and every-one!!!...........................Mick

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Oct 2002
Rena - Your "Aloha!" transmission has been sent. The great wheel is such a lovely mystery all the way around the globe. Namasté - Hammond

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Oct 2002
Someone tell Crowbar that Rena Morningstar says ALOHA!!! the island isn't the same without you.

Name: Michael Moore
E-mail Address: stop the Bush attack on Iraq
Date: 02 Oct 2002
In the meantime, we must stop the Bush attack on Iraq. We must find out now, as W says, "who is wid us and who is agin us." I am asking each of you to please sign the petition I have posted here and on my website ( informing the Democrats that whoever amongst them votes for this war, we pledge NEVER to vote for them again. I will personally see that your on-line signatures are delivered to every member of Congress. I guarantee your voice will be heard loud and clear.
Go to and sign the petition to the Democrats: "You're Either With Us Or You're Fired." Then let's figure out together what we can do to turn things around by 2004.
Thanks for taking the time to do this. We have no other choice.
Michael Moore
(The complete message is posted at Free City News:

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 01 Oct 2002
I will be out of the picture for at least a month. Upon my return, I will start at day one, no more looking back...which leads me to suggest that maybe "WE" should "ALL" stop looking at one another, and turn and face the same direction. Zoning out and Thumbin' through the ol' year book while listening to old Rollin' Stone hits can only create a vaccum. Speaking of vaccums and stones, I just busted out of my glass house...right after I swept the glass minagery off of the mantle. Out of the past darkly?...It all seems to tie in. Well...Untill then, I leave you with these words to ponder. And, oh ya,..good luck with yer' break-out. "The Circumstances of life are only the bases or instruments of life: the fruition of life is not in retrospect, not in description of the instruments, but in the spirit itself, to which those instruments may prove useful; as music is not criticism of violins, but a playing upon them." -Santayana.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 01 Oct 2002
Digger Philosophy in this day and age?...Its a tight rope/teeter-tooter which keeps me spinnin' like a top... It boils down to this: On one hand; the overwhelming desire to have a good time...and on the other; a certain inability to cope. Spell that "Pure Madness". Hell, in this neon jungle, the keys to the kingdom consist of four basic words..."Ready Cash In Hand". It bridges all social and ethnic gaps. Speaking of Birthdays; my best wishes go out to the Original "Hell Spawn of the Baby Buggy Curse"...Devon Claire Boyd. Happy Birthday my Darling. Love, Dad. P.S. October means: The Eighth Month.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Oct 2002
YeeeeeHaww!!! Happy Birthday Pard! Mark

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Oct 2002
Hi all - check this out when you have a minute. The star role in this SF production is portrayed by the daughter of "Crowbar" - co-owner - operator of the Phoenix on Haight Street. - If anyone sees the show - please let me know - thanks! Hammond
"Rocket Girl"

Name: Euphoria
E-mail Address: asatral projection
Date: 01 Oct 2002
If I die in a Combat Zone, Box me up and send me home.
i just heard that on NPR, Garrison Keeler's Daily Almanac...

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Oct 2002
In absentia - Happiest of Birthdays to Peter!

Name: onebonedigger
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Oct 2002
When asked by his nephew if there was money in philosophy,Max Grogan was heard to reply,"If you got the right one"

Name: max grogan
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Oct 2002
emmett grogan lives among us his strength is to work under the table in mysterious ways
love & respect to the diggers family
max grogan

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Oct 2002
Today is Peter Bergs birthday...I met him in October 1969 at the Red House...when I arrived that evening, the men, Kent Minault, Ron Thelin, David Simpson, Freemon House, Vinny Rinaldi, Coyote and Berg were all sitting around the big wooden table reading aloud from Njal's Saga...a book of 11th century Iceland...with characters like Skarp-Hedin who I imagined looked just like Peter Berg himself...the next time I saw him was at Freemans in Trinidad where he showed me how to pick muscles off the rocks...and then on the caravan through the southwest I rode with he and Judy in their truck the night we came upon the flock of sheep that had been hit by an eighteen wheeler and left writhing on the highway...and i know that for the past 30 some years I always call on two dates that same number they have had for ever...on July 2nd I call Judy and on October 1st, today, I will call Peter and tell him Happy may still be in equador, but I will call just the same...Happy Birthday to you Peter, love Nicole

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.